[Open] Chibi Dragons! (All Breeds)

Kalahira's Clan
So many dragons~~~
Clan Info

I swear I had a whole bio on here and everything, but then I came back from hiatus and accidentally deleted everything...
But it will be filled! Eventually...
I'm currently going through a skin/accent purge and no longer have a clue how much they're worth. So, if you see one on the AH, please feel free to give me a head's up/ negotiate with me on them c:
Pixel created by DogiCrimson
Recent Comments

Quentin was on the front page! They're lovely!

Hello there! I’m very interested in your blood/aqua/rose male imperial in your sale tab. He’d go amazing with my female of the same coloration. How much are you selling him for? :D

Poseidon was on the front page this morning!

Pan was on the front page!

I'm in absolute love with your dragons, I adore the theme you've got so much <33

Your lair is really pretty! :Oc I especially like Penelope and Endymion

ty 4 buying Balterossa, love ur den too!

Amphitrite was on the front page!

Thank you for homing Chakra and Dreamscape! You have such a pretty lair! :3

I've recently purchased Sileo, the kid of your iri/shim/circ pair! He's an absolute beaute! I've drawn him some art, drafted up some basic lore! Thank's for putting the babe up for AH! He will be well loved!

Hehe thanks pal!

i hatched a dragon with primal eyes!
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