sushiPasta's Clan

Get a map of Europe and some darts please!
Mighty Lair
of the

Clan Info


Heyo! I'm Pasta. I love Coliseum battles. I also love spare change if you have any :). See you around!

WATCHING: The Zookeeper/ Nazi Super Weapons, the Atlantic Wall /Lost /Bones /Hetalia.
READING: Unbroken/ fanfiction
WRITING: Some WW2 fic about Germany being caught and interrogated... it's on hiatus. Inspiration is everywhere.
MAKING: A deeper hole for myself to fall into.
TRAVELING TO: Anywhere between my bedroom and the couch.
ETC: I think I'm getting better?...



I absoloutly adore reading, writing, anime and being alone in my room on a computer with a bowl full of junk food. I need friends. d:
I want to travel the world. (Like that will ever happen...)
I'm way too emotional
I know I am an otaku, but I'm a total weaboo when it comes to other fandoms.
I like photography and have a photography Instagram at six_second_snapshot
I grew up in the South, but for some reason I'm never used to the smell of swamp... and gators.
i wiash I courd Speell

My dream skin:

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *is walking down the street*

Becca (Vampire): *hanging upside down in bat form, looking for someone to bite*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *is really tired from a long day of work* *is coming home from bar, slightly buzzed*

Becca (Vampire): *ears twitch and looks towards the sound, hearing someone*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary, as it is dark*

Becca (Vampire): *sees the human easily despite how dark it is, drops down from hanging place and reverts back to human form*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he notices the movement, looking over and pausing* H-hey. What're you doing over there?

Becca (Vampire): *gives a sweet smile and walks over* just enjoying the night

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he nods slowly* Okay... its awfully chilly.

Becca (Vampire): *shrugs gently* I don't mind, *smiles again* so why are you out here and so lonesome?

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): Ahh...well, Lucas refused to come home with me. He's an ***.

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): What about you? A nice lady like you shouldn't be out like this, especially on her own. Do you want me to walk you home? *he seems genuinely concerned*

Becca (Vampire): Why don't we go to your place, its probably closer? *says in a sweet innocent voice, smiling lightly*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he blinks, a bit surprised* Well, alright. If you want. *he waves her over*

Becca (Vampire): *wraps arms around his giving an innocent smile* thanks, I feel safer already

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he seems taken off guard slightly, but smiles back* No problem! It's a man's duty.

Becca (Vampire): *sticks close to him, offering friendly affection to get his guard down and to get him to relax* You're quite the gentleman

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he scratches the back of his head* Well, I try. Hehe. *he smiles a bit*

Becca (Vampire): *smiling while continuing with the friendly affection holding his arm still*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he looks down, turning a corner* So, what's your name?

Becca (Vampire): My name is Becca, what's your name? *asks sweetly*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he smiles a bit* I'm Matthias.

Becca (Vampire): It's nice to meet you Matthias.

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): So, uh... whadya do for work?

Becca (Vampire): Hmm? Why'd you ask? *avoids the question*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): Well, I was just wondering. I fish. *he chuckles* I probably smell like crap right now, huh? Sorry about that.

Becca (Vampire): *chuckles softly* oh no no you don't, it sounds like quite an interesting job, tell me about it.

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): Well, its just me. Me and my dingy. And I go out, and I stick my net in and wait. It's actually pretty nice.

Becca (Vampire): Must be rather relaxing too. *smiles*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he shrugs* Well, at least until the net starts flopping. *he leads her a little ways more before making it to his house* Uh, here. *he unlocks the door* Welcome home...

Becca (Vampire): *walks inside and looks around* nice place, *looks at him and smiles*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he shrugs again, tossing his coat onto a chair* Yeah, I guess. It's better than nothing!

Becca (Vampire): *hums gently in agreement*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): So... it's late. I'm guessing you're staying? I mean you don't have to... it's just... *he chuckles awkwardly*

Becca (Vampire): If you don't mind me staying, it is pretty late and I don't know what type of people will be out there at this time.

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he grins happily* Well it's lucky you ran into me, huh! You can sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the couch... I don't want to make it awkward...

Becca (Vampire): Yes it was very lucky I ran into such a gentleman, *smiles*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he seems a bit embarrassed, but shows her to the bedroom* Here. There's a bathroom just down the hall if you need it. I'll... I guess I'll just be out there. *he gestures back to the couch*

Becca (Vampire): Thank you, *smiles gently, pulls lightly on the collar of his shirt to pull him closer and gives him a quick peck on the cheek before disappearing into the bedroom*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he pauses for a moment, turning red in the face, before smiling and turning back to the couch*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he collapses on the couch, pulling a blanket over himself before falling asleep*

Becca (Vampire): *waits inside the bedroom for a good hour, waiting for him to enter a deep sleep before silently slipping out of the room and stalking up to the couch, quickly making no sound*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he's fast a sleep and even snoring a little bit, hugging a pillow rather childishly*

Becca (Vampire): *shakes head sighing gently, moves to get a perfect view and aim at his neck*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he doesn't move, still asleep*

Becca (Vampire): *covers his mouth slightly with one hand so if he shouts I can muffle him quickly, leans down and bites into his neck, piercing the skin with my fangs to draw blood*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he startles awake, instantly feeling something shark digging into his neck. He attempts to fight her, off, but is caught by surprise* *he lets out a muffled shout*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *sharp

Becca (Vampire): *tightens grip to muffle him completely being surprisingly strong, quickly climbs onto his body to hold him down, licking at the bleeding marks in his neck*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he attempts to bite at her hand, his heart thumping like a rabbit's*

Becca (Vampire): *ignores his attempts having rather tough skin to damage, keeps licking and sucking on his bleeding neck*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he tries to roll over and away, aware of the blood pooling in the crook of his neck. He is panicking, trying to kick at her and push her off of him frantically*

Becca (Vampire): *keeps him pinned down and still, licks repeatedly over the two bleeding punctures in his skin getting all the blood she needs as they slowly stop bleeding*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he's quickly growing weak, and suddenly aware that there are tears pricking the corners of his eyes threateningly as he tries to look at her, making muffled attempts to scream*

Becca (Vampire): *keeps gently licking, sucking and even kissing at his neck despite the fact its stopped bleeding and her saliva had made the marks heal*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he's not quite sure what's going on, but he's still terrified. His heart is still pounding rapidly, but the pain in his neck is fading*

Becca (Vampire): *pulls back from his neck, making sure theres no blood on my lips as I look at you, brings my other hand up that isn't muffling you and gently uses thumb to wipe at the tears that are starting to ***** out the corner of your eyes.*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he pulls away, shaking his head and squeezing his eyes shut, breathing heavily*

Becca (Vampire): *gently holds the side of his face* shhh, just relax, *speaks gently*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he shakes his eyes, once again attempting to push her away*

Becca (Vampire): Do you really think that's going to work? *sighs* just calm down, *still sat on his chest to hold him down*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he lets out a shaky sigh, going limp and apparently giving up*

Becca (Vampire): Good, *keeps hand on his mouth*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he watches, and doesn't try to say anything; ready to pull away again if need be*

Becca (Vampire): *leans close* just relax and trust me, okay? *gently kisses his nose in a playful way before moving and gently placing kisses all on his neck, knowing how sensitive the neck can be*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he narrows his eyes in confusion, this time attempting to sit up*

Becca (Vampire): *still holding him down, slowly moves hand off of his mouth still giving his neck more positive attention*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he works his jaw, trying to pull his head and shoulder away from her* Wh-what are you doing!? What are you!?

Becca (Vampire): *huffs gently against his skin* would you just relax, I swear I'm not going to bite you, too much *gently nibbles at his skin to make a point, not breaking it and making him bleed this time though*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he turns red, unsure of what to do* B-but what are you?...

Becca (Vampire): I would've thought you'd know by now, *pauses* have you been drinking by the way?

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he nods* Yeah...

Becca (Vampire): I can taste it in your blood, no wonder you blood was so thin...*goes back to kissing at his neck*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he winces, still not sure what to do, because nothing like this has ever happened to him before* You're a vampire... you're a vampire? *he mutters it halfheartedly, still feeling weak*

Becca (Vampire): You got it, *begins to shift and sits further down to allow him more movement in his upper body*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he almost instantly tries to prop himself up on the arm of the couch, attempting to pull away* I-I-I never... *he mumbles, flustered and confused*

Becca (Vampire): *keeps a small amount of force on him with one hand* easy, you've just lost some blood, slowly does it.

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he appears confused and betrayed, staring at her sadly* B-but... I... *he ends up just not speaking*

Becca (Vampire): *moves and wraps arms around his neck and hugs him gently like that* i'm sorry

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he appears taken off guard* I would say its fine... but its not... *he tried to push her off again, though slowly this time, as not to startle her*

Becca (Vampire): *unwraps arms from around him and moves back, still sat on him however*

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he pushes himself up* I... I need to go...

Becca (Vampire): You shouldn't be moving, just stay put

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he shakes his head* I-I need to get to Lucas... *he mumbles, attempting to sit up again*

Becca (Vampire): *keeps him down* if you do that you could get hurt, you need to rest until the amount of blood in your body goes back to normal

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he finally gives up, curling up on the couch in a ball, refusing to look at her. He's trembling*

Becca (Vampire): *notices he's trembling and frowns* are you cold?

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he shakes his head* No... no, I'm fine.

Becca (Vampire): You're not fine. I understand that I probably scare you now and that I hurt you, not just physically but just let me help you get better, okay?

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): *he warily looks at her, before nodding softly* Fine...

Becca (Vampire): Now, do you need anything?

Mathias Køhler (ref, a young fisherman, any rp): Water... *he croaks, still hugging himself like tramatized child*

Becca (Vampire): *nods and goes to get him a glass of water

Recent Comments

1 2
August 02, 2018 19:15:11
April 17, 2018 03:26:02
Love your lair theme! Searched some dragons with country names and majority were yours!
January 15, 2017 10:02:43
All of your Hetalia-claws are amazing!! I also need a dragonthat looks like Hellenes...
January 10, 2017 09:02:29
Oh my goodness, thank you! :D
October 28, 2016 23:12:16
Romano was on the homepage!
October 25, 2016 21:08:06
And it's Hetalia Day?? Time to CELEBRATE!!!!
October 25, 2016 21:07:49
Thanks, I actually bought him because I saw who his parents were. Plus he makes a perfect match for one of my WCs. The bio, well, I couldn't help meself. I want to dress him in a navy avi coat, but they're really expensive right now.
October 21, 2016 13:26:06
You are welcome hon! I'm sure they'll be very happy
October 20, 2016 15:30:05
Omigosh thank you! Ooh, and I know someone who's looking for a new home for their Wildclaw. Talk to Aluna. The Wildclaw they have to offer is cool lookin' :D
October 19, 2016 17:25:53
Hello, I just wanted to let you know that Russia was shown as the Random Dragon on the main page. Also from the looks of your lair, I'd say you're a fan of Wildclaws yes? :p Lol and sorry for randomly sending a comment ^_^'
October 15, 2016 18:57:49
greetings* oops got too excited
October 15, 2016 18:57:23
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