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davidlee's Clan

ice ice baby
Ancient Lair
locked within the
Fortress of Ends icon

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my names david, im from aussie and im dragon trash. feel free to send friend requests!!

tumblr_inline_nr3js3Y2lo1s7z3me_75sq.png Clan Lore tumblr_inline_nr3js3Y2lo1s7z3me_75sq.png

Today is a bad day, Zanna thought to herself, eyes glaring into the lava rivers around the Lair. Solace always says this is okay, that bad days are as big a part of life as good days, and that Zanna should not lose control just because today wasn’t doing so well. Always think of tomorrow, he’d say; tomorrow will be better.

Well, Solace wasn’t here now to fix what was wrong, Zanna thought, smoke drifting from her nostrils. Which meant that, unless Ancora got up from her little feathered butt and did something about it, everything would go wrong and fail, and it would be up to Zanna to fix it.

She knew she was being unfair. The young Coatl did the best she could to lead the Clan, never turning her back onto anyone, always welcoming those who were cast out so they could be Reborn. She was wise in her decisions, and prided herself onto doing what’s best for all of them. The perfect leader, in Zanna’s eyes. And yet, the Guardian watched from the sidelines, always keeping an eye in case Ancora failed her duties, ready to help when needed, despite such need not arising often. Truth to be told, Zanna knew she was doing the right things, always doing the best she could, but the Guardian could not help it. She was just so angry, all the time!

Earlier that day, Renatus had brought in a hatchling he’d claimed to find lost near the lava pools to the west of the Lair. It was a small little thing, a blue Guardian with fiery red eyes just like her own, still too young to talk. Not two hours later, when Ancora had to leave to settle an issue with a rival Clan, the hatchling’s parents had appeared, accusing the Clan from stealing their hatchling.

If it weren’t for Solace there to calm them down, war would’ve most certainly broken out. The parents were clearly uncomfortable, surrounded by dragons so different from what their closed minds considered normal, scared with the possibility of their child being kidnapped. Likewise, the Clan couldn’t simply let the baby go, when there were no guarantees that these were indeed his parents; he was still too young to claim otherwise. Which meant that dealing with such a delicate situation should only be done by the Clan leader.
Who was, to Zanna’s great discomfort, absent.

She growled, low in her throat, so angry that smoke trailed from her mouth and onto the skies. There was virtually nothing she could do to solve the issue, but she still felt like she could do something. That she had to do something. She’d been leader before Ancora showed around, certainly she could do it again!

Just as she started convincing herself to go down to the parents to fix it, she felt Solace’s much smaller claws be place over hers. She looked at him, and his gaze was deep, just as piercing as ever, and yet, just by looking at it she could feel herself calm down.

“It is solved.” he said, with that soothing voice of his. “Ancora has returned and talked to the parents. A team of ours will follow them into the Clan and talk to the leaders to make sure the little one belongs there. It will be fine.”

She sighed, letting out all of the steam her anxiousness had provoked. It was all solved. Ancora was back and dealt with the problem, just as hoped. Solace was here now. Everything was fine.”

“It’s just been a bad day.” she mumbled, looking back onto the lava.
He hummed, thoughtfully. “Yes, we all have those, sometimes. But we should not fall into despair because of this. After all...” she looked back at him, and he was smiling. “Compared to all the other good days, a single bad day is not very scary, is it?”

“No.” she smiled back. “No it isn’t.”

Past the bubbling pools of lava and the gentle exhaling of heat, a clan resides in its humble domain. It was here that the first leader, Zanna, began the restless journey of creating a clan under her own guidance and it is also here that is continues on its path of possible power.

A Guardian female going by the name of Zanna appeared one day in this domain, and her natural instincts caused her to take her humble clan as her Charge; and alongside her to calm her frequent bouts of rage was her mate, Solace. A few dragons, whom are frequently going by the name of the Originals, were the first to join, such as Ethereal and Wednesday.

As her rage grew, it was only a matter of time that leadership was thus passed down to a Coatl going by the name of Ancora. The crystal dragon was kept under Zanna's careful eye, making sure the new leader did not stumble; and when they did, the Guardian would carefully nudge her back in the correct direction.

The clan has always been, and always would be, built on the foundation of acceptance; a dragon approaching them, alone and afraid of what the future may hold for them in the dark future, would not be turned away. Kin would never be pushed off, and their lives would not feel meaningless.

The tolerance of acceptance is greatly high, as whomever comes to their doorstep will usually be accepted without much of a second thought; the only thing that may make the clan waiver of their choices of taking one into their group is if their seer advises greatly against it. They rely frequently on the seer's judgement over a lot else, which is one of the only things that may make them seem wary.

In the end, this small clan that is proudly lingering in the heated realm of the Flamecaller, welcoming those who arrive at their doorstep with open claws.. and boldly repelling any who come with hostile intentions with bared fangs.

Though, it was not long before the clan had to uproot and move, due to less than favourable circumstances, and thus, ended up in Ice's territory.

lore by ifawn and ninaosp

Note to mods - I normally play from my mobile device, but occasionally play from my laptop and desktop! I also live in the same house as beckstar!

Meraki Conglomeratiom




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GuidanceOfficer's avatar
June 07, 2022 14:20:09
Aisho was on the front page, I love a good circuit dragon!
Ziema's avatar
July 24, 2019 02:28:27
Tigris was featured on the home page! :)
shanncrafter's avatar
June 09, 2018 04:33:56
Hey there! Thanks for buying Ysra :) (ah also I'm really sorry about the typos in her bio, I forgot to correct it before I went to sleep :p)
Blackiebelle's avatar
May 22, 2017 09:10:06
Zanna was the random dragon! I love her lore and art! c:
Manarion's avatar
November 04, 2016 14:41:42
Saw Murdoc on the front page. Gorgeous! :D
EpikBri's avatar
July 27, 2016 17:37:44
Jesse was a random dragon!
karlobears' avatar
April 09, 2016 03:21:14
Welcome to ice. :D
Emordnilap's avatar
April 06, 2016 20:25:02
Sunset was on the front page! :D
ObsidianPunk's avatar
April 03, 2016 18:41:09
Just wanted to let you know that Murdoc was the featured dragon. She's beautiful btw! ;o;
Ithianna's avatar
April 01, 2016 11:02:08
Aww thanks for the friend request :D
Luckysquid's avatar
March 14, 2016 19:52:19
Ah! I love what you've done with Lyani's lore~! Such a beautiful addition to his parent's lore, and his bio looks absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for taking such good care of him.
Majavera's avatar
March 13, 2016 04:18:03
Your Dragons are absolutely gorgeous!
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Aug 13, 2015

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Let's play make-believe; pretend it's just you and me.
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i'm defrosting mince!
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I'm not very social here but thank you for visiting.
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skydancer hell
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CTLightner (#89183)
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Katalist (#165667)

You betwitched me, you evil magpie! You're not a dragon!
Whimzica's avatar
Whimzica (#97924)

Reality is a lovely place, but i wouldnt wanna live there..
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pearII (#145490)
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kyrgyz (#155829)

Recent Activity

Oct 19
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Coatl Male, 1 Coatl Female
Oct 19
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Coatl Female
Oct 13
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Guardian Male, 1 Guardian Female

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