[WaterDom] Shipwreck Showdown Raffle

RigilKentauris' Clan
yub nub
Clan Info
still checking pings

June 22 - June 23 - June 24 - June 25 - June 26 - June 28
Taking pride in the diversity of it's members, this clan of Acolights is fond of finding unique dragons who will add their own spin to the community. As long as these dragons are okay with becoming proud Acolights (Light Flight wutwut!), they are welcome here!
The clan is headed by the guardian Crysis. Looking to join? New dragons can send a message via RigilKentauris, and Crysis will be sure to respond. They love their mail! On that note, if you have a Clutter hatchling, the parents would love to hear how they are settling in!
If you are looking for a dragon you sent to Clan Clutter, a dragon you want from Clan Clutter, or anything else involving dragon transfers, you'll want send a message via RigilKentauris to the Newly Arrived Dragon Ambassador. Right now, Loks is handling that.
For forum posting, you'll want to talk to the Clan Clutter Spokesdragon. Right now, we're still deciding on that! Ask Crysis, and he'll point you to the dragon you spoke with.
For anything else, ask Temp. He's the bright blue crystalline Tundra. Can't miss him. He knows everything about us. Also, side-note if I may, he is brilliant and humble. Come talk to m--him
(Bios for all dragons are in progress! All permanent members and most long-term members will get bios. If I buy your dragon, I will probably edit and extend it :D
Also, if yah like a dragon, lemme know. Most my of clan are permdergs, but some aren't!)

Current Clan Projects:
Project Codename: Sunbeam Sentinel
Recording Member Stories [Writing Bios]
Start an Adoption Hub
Always working with the Agency for Re-homing Lore Dragons!

Science Alliance•Thanksglittering•Glittergeist•LvP2 016

Maize-Goldenrod-Goldenrod Imperial M.
XXX White Cryfac Glim Ice Flight Skydancer F.

June 22 - June 23 - June 24 - June 25 - June 26 - June 28
-Clan Clutter-
Legacies Hatchery
The Agency for Re-homing Lore Dragons
The Mistwatch Weekly
Legacies Hatchery
The Agency for Re-homing Lore Dragons
The Mistwatch Weekly
Taking pride in the diversity of it's members, this clan of Acolights is fond of finding unique dragons who will add their own spin to the community. As long as these dragons are okay with becoming proud Acolights (Light Flight wutwut!), they are welcome here!
The clan is headed by the guardian Crysis. Looking to join? New dragons can send a message via RigilKentauris, and Crysis will be sure to respond. They love their mail! On that note, if you have a Clutter hatchling, the parents would love to hear how they are settling in!
If you are looking for a dragon you sent to Clan Clutter, a dragon you want from Clan Clutter, or anything else involving dragon transfers, you'll want send a message via RigilKentauris to the Newly Arrived Dragon Ambassador. Right now, Loks is handling that.
For forum posting, you'll want to talk to the Clan Clutter Spokesdragon. Right now, we're still deciding on that! Ask Crysis, and he'll point you to the dragon you spoke with.
For anything else, ask Temp. He's the bright blue crystalline Tundra. Can't miss him. He knows everything about us. Also, side-note if I may, he is brilliant and humble. Come talk to m--him
(Bios for all dragons are in progress! All permanent members and most long-term members will get bios. If I buy your dragon, I will probably edit and extend it :D
Also, if yah like a dragon, lemme know. Most my of clan are permdergs, but some aren't!)

Current Clan Projects:
Project Codename: Sunbeam Sentinel
Recording Member Stories [Writing Bios]
Start an Adoption Hub
Always working with the Agency for Re-homing Lore Dragons!

Science Alliance•Thanksglittering•Glittergeist•LvP2 016


Maize-Goldenrod-Goldenrod Imperial M.
XXX White Cryfac Glim Ice Flight Skydancer F.
Recent Comments

Hi there! I'm not sure if you're around still or not, but I was wondering if you'll be nesting your mirrorlight legacies for brightshine? I'd be interested in a ping if you get them on a nest asap :)

I sent a cr to you because I have a SD that's been causin a heap of trouble for our clan. Just please take her in and work with her. I don't want to exhault her because she is a lore derg, but we're at our wits end. ;_;

I sent CRs just for my own reference, but no rush! Let me know what you think of my posts!

Congratulations!!!!!!! And don't forget to ping at Dragoness to get your new Dryland Drifter Boy Registered once you have given him a name .... I may check up on him from time to time I hope you don't mind XD

Hes also got a female Ridgeback thats a Midnight Crystal/Obsidian Facet/Teal Gembond for 15K

Got a Ridgeback in need of rescue or hell be mercilessly exhaulted. @SparingSangs has him and his name is Bloodstone. Hes a White Ripple/Ice Shimmer/Crimson Crackle and hes going for 10K.

It's no problem at all! I like helping out when I can. =>

Was originally gonna ask about maybe buying back Jordan from you, but he seems happy with you. ^u^

Hi! I really love the rehoming lore dragons thing, can I send a friend request just to find it easier? Please and thank you!

Hi! I can still take your dragons! It was my fault for not mentioning that we weren't open until tomorrow! >_

Crysis would make such a lovely wildclaw or skydancer
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