Emoji & Merch

HollyShort's Clan
Clan Info

Welcome to the Amrûn Clan.

WingBound and I are sisters, so we use the same IP.
9 hours ahead of FR time.
24 year old female.
Artemis Fowl/Harry Potter/The Mortal Instruments/Once Upon A Time/
The Hunger Games/The Chemical Garden Trilogy
Requests for friendship will be accepted :)

Recent Comments

Wisteria was on the front page! The outfit looks SO DAMN COOL!

Hugh was on the front page! He looks just like the Harvest Finery banner dragon.

Lynn was on the front page, she's so beautiful! ^^

Your lair is beautiful!

Hugh was on the front page! ^^

Tolien was on the front page! He's so cute!

Hey! I happened to see your name in the AH and was wondering if your name comes from the Artemis Fowl series?

Hi! Thank you for all your pleasant comments about my dergs. Lol guess I should have warned about the large lair xD
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