Weekly Hunger Games

KittyMarspian's Clan
A glimmer of light shining through the eternal night...
Clan Info

I'm 9 hours ahead of FR time.
Female pronouns, please :3

Naturalist adornments
Any familiar I don't have yet
Birdskull apparel, all of it >D
Crimson Silk apparel
Sakura Flower Apparel
Treasure for lair expansion T-T
To do list:
Get Opal ×2
Get Spinner
Get Jupiter
Get Butterfly
Get Falcon
Get Smoke
making a total of
3600 Gems
685000 Treasure
Win a Mantarune in a coli game
Expand lair T-T
Elemental Fae collection:
Fire -saffron
Wind -seafoam
Lightning -robin
Nature -jade
Plague -red
Requirements for elemental fae:
Eye color matches perfectly with the color of the fae
All three colors are to be the same
Fae must be the opposite gender of it's flight god/goddess
It must have iridescent and shimmer genes.
Recent Comments

Zephaniel was on the front page! He is absolutely stunning! Your entire lair is filled to the brim with gorgeous dragons!

Ue was on the front page!

even if you don't really like him aha

i just wanted to say that i love your anders fandragon!! i saw him on the dragon share thread and fell in love because i, too, have an anders in my clan ;a;

yes, is through him, my dear friend

Hello, well, I'm a girl who is looking for friends. Found you through the list :)

Hey, we both have progens named Erised! Guess I wasn't the only to think of that pun.

Hello, lovely!! I spotted you on the FR thread on Magistream!! Your imp collection is both lovely and impressive. I figured it'd be cool to keep in touch. The pair in your nest right now look like they'll make a beautiful hatchling, by the way!!

No I don't usually go off of guides, just what seems best. But I'm curious what's it say?

My Coli team is a work in progress lol, my highest level dragons are at 17

Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl and Steven!

we'll always find a way!
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