Nest Network 3.4
Kiseikune's Clan
on that FR grind
Clan Info
Any friend requests from me are accidental!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed placerat nulla semper euismod tempus. Nullam justo risus, mattis nec ultrices mollis, pretium a sem. Quisque sit amet vulputate ex. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus mollis et nulla a molestie. Phasellus non tellus cursus, fringilla risus quis, pretium ante. Cras at venenatis dui. Morbi quis cursus erat. Ut venenatis felis arcu, non scelerisque mi elementum in. |
Recent Comments
Five eggs!
2 eggs!
Phantasos was on the front page, I love his colours!
2 eggs!
2 eggs!
2 eggs!
Zodiac (#83064410) was on the front page!! He's gorgeous, and his colors as a G1 are really impressive!!
Avalyn was on the front page, how stunning!!!
love the use of the gold shild for your Kaladin!
ty for the dragons! i'm lair-locked rn, so i'll pick the other 2 up when boarders pick up
3 eggs from both pairs!!
3 eggs from the abes!
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