[Open] Chibi Dragons! (All Breeds)

Kalahira's Clan
So many dragons~~~
Clan Info

I swear I had a whole bio on here and everything, but then I came back from hiatus and accidentally deleted everything...
But it will be filled! Eventually...
I'm currently going through a skin/accent purge and no longer have a clue how much they're worth. So, if you see one on the AH, please feel free to give me a head's up/ negotiate with me on them c:
Pixel created by DogiCrimson
Recent Comments

Yeah! It’s the only way I’ve been able to make space for dragons xD

Yeah same ;c I’m trying to get a female pearl wasp/ pearl butterfly / pearl glimmer wildclaw

Also I noticed ur not using ur hibernation den yet! It’s been helping save me a lot of space with dragons that I don’t plan on breeding lol and opening up spaces for them is fairly easy by the trading items for slots method

I literally have like 6 pairs breeding just to make specific dragon xD lmao there’s only 2 dragons on site with the dragon breed/gene/color combo I want D;

ive got a lot of new hatchlings if ur interested in any

yeah :c

I honestly think there is no way to make good money selling dragons anymore unless they are leveled up or old (less than 7 digits)

what the heck! D: whats the point of all these rare eyes if they cost the same as basic dragons?!

i think multigaze dragons sell for a lot! idk about faceted eyes tho

dang good job!

Okie dokie I’ll send u a pic some time tomorrow! And sorry pal :c
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