Banescale Gene Expansion

glittertornado's Clan
The prettier the flower the farther from the path.
Clan Info
The prettier the flower the farther from the path.
Recent Comments

Ambrosia was on the front page! She's so pretty!

Thank you for purchasing Lemuria from the Auction House! (the way you customized her is beautiful! <3)

Horus lookin’ grand on the front page (so fabulous I had to add)

Horus (#5861108) was on the front page!

Horus was on the front page!

I see you turned Wahoo into an Abberation! Very cool.

Algernon is rly amazing :) he's exactly what i needed. he's surely worth it, im happy you sold him

Oh no prob! Thanks for selling :)

Thank you for giving Enyalius a home!


Thank you! wow i didnt expect to have any of my dragons on the front page

Of course!! She's the closest I can find to a project I need her for! - about the dergy
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