

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | H.O.P.E Academy (OPEN)
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Hello children, welcome to Hostile Occupations Preventing Evil Academy, or HOPE Academy for the short and sweet version. You have been graced by the justice system to be in our care. Here you will be taught to be brilliant soldiers protecting the innocent. The staff here are in the utmost educated and experienced in their fields. They will teach you how to take care of yourself and your team on the battlefield.We will take the best care for you, and remember children, stay HOPEful!

Bio Format
Age: [ Between 10-25]
Looks: [Can use image and doesn't have to be human]
Power: Max of 3

Age: [ 27-99]
Looks: [Can use image and doesn't have to be human]
Power: [Max of 3]
Weapon of choice: [One]

General Rules
  1. No godmodding please.
  2. Respect
  3. LGBT is allowed.
  4. Can have romance ¯\_(.-.)_/¯
  5. Be unique with your bio. BE PASSIONATE
  6. Have decent grammar.
  7. Do not spam with pings.
  8. Try to be active. If you are unable to continue contact me personally.
  9. Have fun

Link to the OOC:
Hello children, welcome to Hostile Occupations Preventing Evil Academy, or HOPE Academy for the short and sweet version. You have been graced by the justice system to be in our care. Here you will be taught to be brilliant soldiers protecting the innocent. The staff here are in the utmost educated and experienced in their fields. They will teach you how to take care of yourself and your team on the battlefield.We will take the best care for you, and remember children, stay HOPEful!

Bio Format
Age: [ Between 10-25]
Looks: [Can use image and doesn't have to be human]
Power: Max of 3

Age: [ 27-99]
Looks: [Can use image and doesn't have to be human]
Power: [Max of 3]
Weapon of choice: [One]

General Rules
  1. No godmodding please.
  2. Respect
  3. LGBT is allowed.
  4. Can have romance ¯\_(.-.)_/¯
  5. Be unique with your bio. BE PASSIONATE
  6. Have decent grammar.
  7. Do not spam with pings.
  8. Try to be active. If you are unable to continue contact me personally.
  9. Have fun

Link to the OOC:
You say,"Potato". I say,"Feed me the souls of the unborn and then the pact is set."
Name: Alex [Last name unknown]
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Sexuality: Straight
Crime: Attempted Murder
Looks: 1192u4z.jpg
Personality:He's the exact opposite of his brother Max, being pretty dull and let's face it, he's a jerk. He rarely compliments anyone, makes snarky replies, and is pretty cold-hearted. The only time he ever lets loose and has fun- he's still a cocky jerk. It takes a lot to smile, and when he does it's usually a smirk. While he does have a soft side, it’s hard to bring out.
~Intangibility: In the right circumstances, Alex can phase through solid objects. For this to happen though he must be at full health and can focus while passing through an object do he doesn't become stuck. While getting stuck in a wall may not be a problem, as this power seems to cause materials to stretch away from where he happens to be stuck, it will drain his energy the longer he struggles to become unstuck. If he attempts this under unhealthy conditions he will either pass out, or flicker between tangibility and not causing his energy to deplete quickly.
~Shifting: Alex’s feral form is a large, dark gray wolf. It is almost the size of a werewolf, just about a few inches smaller. In this form, his blood will turn black should it be spilled.
~He’ll be gaining another power by a stupid experiment later. AKA- I can’t decide between his original and shadows. Oh well xD
Other: Hes got quite a lot of secrets, and there’s few people he actually likes. His brother is always his main priority, which is part of the reason he’s even in HOPE in the first place.
Backstory: Alex grew up in another dimension, where his race isn’t uncommon. He was born and raised in a village near one of the main cities. When he was 15, a disease killed his mother. Just a year later, his father died in the war that took raged through their home. He raised his twelve year old brother by himself, and when he was 19 he started training his brother and their best friend to be able to defend themselves. Later, they ended up in the dimension as HOPE where Max was framed for theft and Alex attempted murder on the man who framed Max.

Name: Max [Last Name Unknown]
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Sexuality: Straight -Even tho he don’t act like it lol-
Crime: Framed for theft- Though he did once steal an elephant. He surprisingly never got caught, however.
Looks: dbnl0j.jpg
Personality: Max is a fun loving, compassionate person. He always seems to find the bright side in things, even if it seems impossible. He’s one of the most trustworthy people you’d ever meet- Even if you hurt him, Max always has your back.
~Shifting: Max’s feral form is a grizzly bear. It’s his favorite thing to stay in, even if he can’t use his other powers due to a gene passed from his father. In this form, he is much stronger than his humanoid.
~Food: While it may sound odd or useless, Max’s ability to turn almost any item into food is quite useful. So far, he can only turn everyday objects into food- meaning, he has to had been around them multiple times for his body to get used to their build. He cannot turn pure titanium, gold, or diamond into food. This also includes liquids- so if you need a quick coffee or a soup when you’re sick- Max is the guy to hit up. Bring him something cute.
~Super Speed: He also has the power of speed, but he rarely ever uses it to run far distances. While he can control it well, Max often ends up running into walls or other large objects attempting to stop. he doesn’t know how fast he is able to run, though he has broken the sound barrier a few times.
He has a creature bond, something his species is able to form between themselves and a creature of their choosing. Both parties must be in agreement. This cannot be broken nor dampened. He has chosen his best friend as his bond, after she was mysteriously turned permanently into her feral form.
Name: Elli [Last Name was Black]
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Sexuality: Asexual
Crime: None, she’s Max’s creature bond. Where he goes, she goes.
Looks: 28bcm0x.jpg
Personality: She’s usually pretty bubbly and happy, though there’s a cold interior to her from her past. She doesn’t like to talk about it, and would rather just sit in your lap getting pet.
~Electricity: Elli can absorb the electricity around her, or create her own and use her body as the container for it. Upon will, she can release however much she needs, at the voltage she wants. She doesn’t use this for much anything other than a tickle or a charge for someone’s phone. There’s a reason for it, but she’ll never tell. Well, not usually. Maybe she likes you well enough, who knows?
~Ice: The element from her mother, Elli has the ability to create her own ice and snow. While her feral form has weakened it, she’s still able to do a few cool tricks. Ha, get it? Anyways- She can still make a room snow if that’s what you’re into.
Other: Elli is completely stuck in this feral form, and can’t speak to anyone unable to communicate with animals or cats. She’s able to understand some wolf- but isn’t fluent in Speaking it. She is Max’s creature bond, meaning she can hear his thoughts, feel his emotions, and speak through their minds. Elli is also terrible at reading in English. If she needs to write, she’ll do it in the language of her home world.
Extra Note: Elli is in stage 4 of reverting. If her race is in their feral form for too long, they’ll become one. She’ll eventually become just a regular cat, her mind having an eerie silence compared to what it usually is.
Name: Asha Serene
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Race: Imp/Elf hybrid
Sexuality: Straight. Probably?
Looks: k03alk.jpg
Personality: Asha is a bit immature for his age, but that’s normal given his imp origins. While he’s mischievous, he’s also one of the more kind hearted people you’d meet. He’s overprotective of his creations, and quick to anger depending on the subject.
~Creation: Asha could have chosen any power he wanted to when he was 13. The animal enthusiast decided to choose the creation of young animals and creatures. He had to have come in contact with them to create them. Most of his animals are completely harmless, unless in nature they’re born with poisons or whatnot to protect themselves. For the most part, they listen to him but as normal babies, they don’t always listen. They never grow older, and don’t die unless murder/disease, things like that.
~Teleportation: Like most imps where he’s from, Asha can teleport wherever he has been. If he hasn’t been there, he teleports randomly within a mile. He needs focus to do this. If he fails to concentrate, he’ll randomly teleport and immediately pass out. He can only teleport one person with him (not counting one or two of his animals) without draining his energy. Any additions will make it harder. He must be touching them the entire time to move them with him.
~Body temperature sucks: Being half Imp and half elf, Asha’s body is a little odd. His skin is very hot to the touch unless it’s cold outside. Due to this, half the time he never wears a shirt. He always wears sweatpants, but that’s probably because there’s ladies around.
Weapon of choice: usually he uses his sharp teeth, claws, or sharp plated tail- but Asha will never say no to a good ol’ fashioned mace!
Other: Theres a setback to being a hybrid. Asha’s brain is split between his Imp and his elf tendencies. His elf side is more peaceful and kind while his Imp side just screams torture. His state of mind is shown by the color in his eyes. If they’re both green, everything is good. If one is green and the other yellow, you’re on thin ice buddy so watch your words. If they’re both yellow? RUN LIKE HECC!

He also wears a watch on his right wrist. It keeps track of where he is so the other staff members can contact him when he’s not in the building. He also sets specific times for it to teleport him specific places because he sucks at keeping track of time.
Name: Alex [Last name unknown]
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Sexuality: Straight
Crime: Attempted Murder
Looks: 1192u4z.jpg
Personality:He's the exact opposite of his brother Max, being pretty dull and let's face it, he's a jerk. He rarely compliments anyone, makes snarky replies, and is pretty cold-hearted. The only time he ever lets loose and has fun- he's still a cocky jerk. It takes a lot to smile, and when he does it's usually a smirk. While he does have a soft side, it’s hard to bring out.
~Intangibility: In the right circumstances, Alex can phase through solid objects. For this to happen though he must be at full health and can focus while passing through an object do he doesn't become stuck. While getting stuck in a wall may not be a problem, as this power seems to cause materials to stretch away from where he happens to be stuck, it will drain his energy the longer he struggles to become unstuck. If he attempts this under unhealthy conditions he will either pass out, or flicker between tangibility and not causing his energy to deplete quickly.
~Shifting: Alex’s feral form is a large, dark gray wolf. It is almost the size of a werewolf, just about a few inches smaller. In this form, his blood will turn black should it be spilled.
~He’ll be gaining another power by a stupid experiment later. AKA- I can’t decide between his original and shadows. Oh well xD
Other: Hes got quite a lot of secrets, and there’s few people he actually likes. His brother is always his main priority, which is part of the reason he’s even in HOPE in the first place.
Backstory: Alex grew up in another dimension, where his race isn’t uncommon. He was born and raised in a village near one of the main cities. When he was 15, a disease killed his mother. Just a year later, his father died in the war that took raged through their home. He raised his twelve year old brother by himself, and when he was 19 he started training his brother and their best friend to be able to defend themselves. Later, they ended up in the dimension as HOPE where Max was framed for theft and Alex attempted murder on the man who framed Max.

Name: Max [Last Name Unknown]
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Sexuality: Straight -Even tho he don’t act like it lol-
Crime: Framed for theft- Though he did once steal an elephant. He surprisingly never got caught, however.
Looks: dbnl0j.jpg
Personality: Max is a fun loving, compassionate person. He always seems to find the bright side in things, even if it seems impossible. He’s one of the most trustworthy people you’d ever meet- Even if you hurt him, Max always has your back.
~Shifting: Max’s feral form is a grizzly bear. It’s his favorite thing to stay in, even if he can’t use his other powers due to a gene passed from his father. In this form, he is much stronger than his humanoid.
~Food: While it may sound odd or useless, Max’s ability to turn almost any item into food is quite useful. So far, he can only turn everyday objects into food- meaning, he has to had been around them multiple times for his body to get used to their build. He cannot turn pure titanium, gold, or diamond into food. This also includes liquids- so if you need a quick coffee or a soup when you’re sick- Max is the guy to hit up. Bring him something cute.
~Super Speed: He also has the power of speed, but he rarely ever uses it to run far distances. While he can control it well, Max often ends up running into walls or other large objects attempting to stop. he doesn’t know how fast he is able to run, though he has broken the sound barrier a few times.
He has a creature bond, something his species is able to form between themselves and a creature of their choosing. Both parties must be in agreement. This cannot be broken nor dampened. He has chosen his best friend as his bond, after she was mysteriously turned permanently into her feral form.
Name: Elli [Last Name was Black]
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Sexuality: Asexual
Crime: None, she’s Max’s creature bond. Where he goes, she goes.
Looks: 28bcm0x.jpg
Personality: She’s usually pretty bubbly and happy, though there’s a cold interior to her from her past. She doesn’t like to talk about it, and would rather just sit in your lap getting pet.
~Electricity: Elli can absorb the electricity around her, or create her own and use her body as the container for it. Upon will, she can release however much she needs, at the voltage she wants. She doesn’t use this for much anything other than a tickle or a charge for someone’s phone. There’s a reason for it, but she’ll never tell. Well, not usually. Maybe she likes you well enough, who knows?
~Ice: The element from her mother, Elli has the ability to create her own ice and snow. While her feral form has weakened it, she’s still able to do a few cool tricks. Ha, get it? Anyways- She can still make a room snow if that’s what you’re into.
Other: Elli is completely stuck in this feral form, and can’t speak to anyone unable to communicate with animals or cats. She’s able to understand some wolf- but isn’t fluent in Speaking it. She is Max’s creature bond, meaning she can hear his thoughts, feel his emotions, and speak through their minds. Elli is also terrible at reading in English. If she needs to write, she’ll do it in the language of her home world.
Extra Note: Elli is in stage 4 of reverting. If her race is in their feral form for too long, they’ll become one. She’ll eventually become just a regular cat, her mind having an eerie silence compared to what it usually is.
Name: Asha Serene
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Race: Imp/Elf hybrid
Sexuality: Straight. Probably?
Looks: k03alk.jpg
Personality: Asha is a bit immature for his age, but that’s normal given his imp origins. While he’s mischievous, he’s also one of the more kind hearted people you’d meet. He’s overprotective of his creations, and quick to anger depending on the subject.
~Creation: Asha could have chosen any power he wanted to when he was 13. The animal enthusiast decided to choose the creation of young animals and creatures. He had to have come in contact with them to create them. Most of his animals are completely harmless, unless in nature they’re born with poisons or whatnot to protect themselves. For the most part, they listen to him but as normal babies, they don’t always listen. They never grow older, and don’t die unless murder/disease, things like that.
~Teleportation: Like most imps where he’s from, Asha can teleport wherever he has been. If he hasn’t been there, he teleports randomly within a mile. He needs focus to do this. If he fails to concentrate, he’ll randomly teleport and immediately pass out. He can only teleport one person with him (not counting one or two of his animals) without draining his energy. Any additions will make it harder. He must be touching them the entire time to move them with him.
~Body temperature sucks: Being half Imp and half elf, Asha’s body is a little odd. His skin is very hot to the touch unless it’s cold outside. Due to this, half the time he never wears a shirt. He always wears sweatpants, but that’s probably because there’s ladies around.
Weapon of choice: usually he uses his sharp teeth, claws, or sharp plated tail- but Asha will never say no to a good ol’ fashioned mace!
Other: Theres a setback to being a hybrid. Asha’s brain is split between his Imp and his elf tendencies. His elf side is more peaceful and kind while his Imp side just screams torture. His state of mind is shown by the color in his eyes. If they’re both green, everything is good. If one is green and the other yellow, you’re on thin ice buddy so watch your words. If they’re both yellow? RUN LIKE HECC!

He also wears a watch on his right wrist. It keeps track of where he is so the other staff members can contact him when he’s not in the building. He also sets specific times for it to teleport him specific places because he sucks at keeping track of time.
WIP art wise. BEHOLD MY NEW BABIES! ~~~~~~~~ [Size=4][b][u]"Student's"[/u][/b][/size] [b]Name:[/b] Lucas “Luke” Rylan [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Asexual/Biromantic [b]Crime:[/b] Killed a few guys here and there and attacked the cops trying to take Wesley away. [b]Looks:[/b] (Working on art) [b]Personality:[/b] Very sarcastic, witty, and not very serious. He's rather smart but he doesn't seem like it with all the stupid/reckless stuff he tends to do. He has an odd sense of humor and when he gets in combat he tends to appear as though he can harm without a care. More often than not he seems to have lost his humanity (no feeling) but that just how he copes with all that has happened to him that led him down the dark road he's on now. Wesley is the only person he’s close too and he would do anything to protect him. [b]Power:[/b] [list][*][u]Aura Manipulation:[/u] He can make things out of aura’s to use in fights (as well as fire aura projectiles). However, larger weapons/projectiles can drain him. He can also draw on other’s aura’s for minor healing/regain strength. He can also see peoples auras. [*][u]Animation:[/u] He can bring inanimate objects to life and control them. Bigger objects require more focus to maintain in an animated state. He can animate his tattoos or drawings to become “living” things for as long as he needs them too (as long as he’s conscious).[/list] [b]Other:[/b] [list][*]He keeps a small sketchbook and pens, pencils, charcoal, etc. on him at all times. [*]He has tattoos on his [url=]arms[/url] and [url=,77,500,500&q=98&fm=jpg&fit=max]back[/url] that he can use his animation abilities on.[/list] [b]Name:[/b] Wesley “Wes” (no last name) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Sexuality:[/b] He’s 13 so he still isn’t sure of his sexuality [b]Crime:[/b] He may be a runaway, been charged with theft multiple times since it was his only way to get by for a while, and he may have accidentally almost killed a man... long story... [b]Looks:[/b] (Art in progress) [b]Personality:[/b] He is a pure and innocent child who has sadly faced/seen some dark things that has messed my poor boy up and given him trust issues. Regardless, he wants to help everybody even if he is skeptical of them at first or they try to push him away. He’s loyal to the end and would do anything for those he cares about. Yet, he is very fragile and he must be protected! [b]Power:[/b] [list][*][u]Wolf Shift:[/u] He can turn into a giant red/brown wolf. He’s bigger than a normal wolf in this form but not quite as big as a werewolf. [*][u]Astral Manipulation:[/u] Basically he can create, shape, and manipulate astral energy. He can project his astral form on physical plane and to the astral plane and interact there, see spirits. He can manipulate his “soul-self” so he can also harness its energy when he needs it. [*]He may get another one... we’ll see.[/list] [b]Other:[/b] [list][*]He considers Lucas to be his guardian. [*]He’s Lucas’s protector even though the older boy spends more time looking out for the innocent child.[/list] ~~~~ [size=4][b][u]“Staff”[/u][/b][/size] [b]Name:[/b] Dante Noire [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Sexuality:[/b] No clue. He’s not very open about it. If the right person comes along then maybe... [b]Looks:[/b] (art/ref. in progress.) [b]Personality:[/b] Generally introverted and sarcastic. He tends to avoid conversations and social events. Dante prefers to stay in his own little world and just be left alone. When annoyed he will usually just send them a glare or roll his eyes and mumble something under his breath. He doesn't like stirring up drama and stuff alike for no reason. A calm and quiet person who can actually be sort of fun once you get past his hard and kind of scary exterior. Then again, he’s just a strange brooding child (he’s my baby!). [b]Powers:[/b] [list][*][u]Crow:[/u] pretty self explanatory. He can turn into a crow. [*][u]Shadow Manipulation:[/u] So, basically he can bend/shape shadows to his will. Sometimes into projectiles or other weapons for combat, sometimes to hide in or move through, and sometimes to show up randomly behind students to scare the hell out of them. He needs to find some fun in his work.[/list] [b]Weapon of choice:[/b] A druid like staff with two black feathers hanging from the top of it by a leather string. It can expand/lengthen for combat but it’s usually as long as a walking stick. It also enhances/channels his shadow powers. [b]Other:[/b] [list][*]Nothing at the moment.[/list] [b]Name:[/b] Julian Cross [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual but leans a little more towards men. [b]Looks:[/b] (art/ref. finding in progress.) [b]Personality:[/b] He’s a very bright, happy, smiley, man that has this ability to light up a room (pun intended). He’s very friendly and likes making people smile. He hates violence and if he catches anyone fighting he will either play couples therapist or get very angry. He’s just a ray of sunshine. He can be very mushy and cheesy at times but when you know him it just seems very endearing and not as annoying. [b]Power:[/b] [list][*][u]Light Manipulation:[/u] He can bend and shape light. He mostly uses it as a shield though. [*][u]Healing:[/u] He has minor healing abilities, he can’t help others regrow limbs or anything, mostly cuts, bruises, and broken bones. But here's the catch, with major healing, he must take half the wound onto himself. You have a shattered bone, he gets a really broken one. So, he takes the wound he heals but to a less intense extent. [*][u]Wind Manipulation:[/u] He can harness and control wind. He pretty much just uses this to fly. He will use it to throw projectiles off target/slow them down a bit if necessary.[/list] [b]Weapon of choice:[/b] A collapsible golden bow with light arrows. Yes they can actually hurt you if he wants them to. [b]Other:[/b] [list][*]Nothing that I can think of.[/list]



Name: Lucas “Luke” Rylan
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Sexuality: Asexual/Biromantic
Crime: Killed a few guys here and there and attacked the cops trying to take Wesley away.
Looks: (Working on art)
Personality: Very sarcastic, witty, and not very serious. He's rather smart but he doesn't seem like it with all the stupid/reckless stuff he tends to do. He has an odd sense of humor and when he gets in combat he tends to appear as though he can harm without a care. More often than not he seems to have lost his humanity (no feeling) but that just how he copes with all that has happened to him that led him down the dark road he's on now. Wesley is the only person he’s close too and he would do anything to protect him.
  • Aura Manipulation: He can make things out of aura’s to use in fights (as well as fire aura projectiles). However, larger weapons/projectiles can drain him. He can also draw on other’s aura’s for minor healing/regain strength. He can also see peoples auras.
  • Animation: He can bring inanimate objects to life and control them. Bigger objects require more focus to maintain in an animated state. He can animate his tattoos or drawings to become “living” things for as long as he needs them too (as long as he’s conscious).
  • He keeps a small sketchbook and pens, pencils, charcoal, etc. on him at all times.
  • He has tattoos on his arms and back that he can use his animation abilities on.

Name: Wesley “Wes” (no last name)
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Sexuality: He’s 13 so he still isn’t sure of his sexuality
Crime: He may be a runaway, been charged with theft multiple times since it was his only way to get by for a while, and he may have accidentally almost killed a man... long story...
Looks: (Art in progress)
Personality: He is a pure and innocent child who has sadly faced/seen some dark things that has messed my poor boy up and given him trust issues. Regardless, he wants to help everybody even if he is skeptical of them at first or they try to push him away. He’s loyal to the end and would do anything for those he cares about. Yet, he is very fragile and he must be protected!
  • Wolf Shift: He can turn into a giant red/brown wolf. He’s bigger than a normal wolf in this form but not quite as big as a werewolf.
  • Astral Manipulation: Basically he can create, shape, and manipulate astral energy. He can project his astral form on physical plane and to the astral plane and interact there, see spirits. He can manipulate his “soul-self” so he can also harness its energy when he needs it.
  • He may get another one... we’ll see.
  • He considers Lucas to be his guardian.
  • He’s Lucas’s protector even though the older boy spends more time looking out for the innocent child.



Name: Dante Noire
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Sexuality: No clue. He’s not very open about it. If the right person comes along then maybe...
Looks: (art/ref. in progress.)
Personality: Generally introverted and sarcastic. He tends to avoid conversations and social events. Dante prefers to stay in his own little world and just be left alone. When annoyed he will usually just send them a glare or roll his eyes and mumble something under his breath. He doesn't like stirring up drama and stuff alike for no reason. A calm and quiet person who can actually be sort of fun once you get past his hard and kind of scary exterior. Then again, he’s just a strange brooding child (he’s my baby!).
  • Crow: pretty self explanatory. He can turn into a crow.
  • Shadow Manipulation: So, basically he can bend/shape shadows to his will. Sometimes into projectiles or other weapons for combat, sometimes to hide in or move through, and sometimes to show up randomly behind students to scare the hell out of them. He needs to find some fun in his work.
Weapon of choice: A druid like staff with two black feathers hanging from the top of it by a leather string. It can expand/lengthen for combat but it’s usually as long as a walking stick. It also enhances/channels his shadow powers.
  • Nothing at the moment.
Name: Julian Cross
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Sexuality: Bisexual but leans a little more towards men.
Looks: (art/ref. finding in progress.)
Personality: He’s a very bright, happy, smiley, man that has this ability to light up a room (pun intended). He’s very friendly and likes making people smile. He hates violence and if he catches anyone fighting he will either play couples therapist or get very angry. He’s just a ray of sunshine. He can be very mushy and cheesy at times but when you know him it just seems very endearing and not as annoying.
  • Light Manipulation: He can bend and shape light. He mostly uses it as a shield though.
  • Healing: He has minor healing abilities, he can’t help others regrow limbs or anything, mostly cuts, bruises, and broken bones. But here's the catch, with major healing, he must take half the wound onto himself. You have a shattered bone, he gets a really broken one. So, he takes the wound he heals but to a less intense extent.
  • Wind Manipulation: He can harness and control wind. He pretty much just uses this to fly. He will use it to throw projectiles off target/slow them down a bit if necessary.
Weapon of choice: A collapsible golden bow with light arrows. Yes they can actually hurt you if he wants them to.
  • Nothing that I can think of.
"Student" Name: Lillith Graham (Lillie) Gender: female Age: 17 Sexuality: Bisexual Crime: Hacking the government Looks: [img][/img] Something like this. She is around 5'3. She has long curly brown hair and bright blue eyes. Her face is an explosion of freckles with big glasses that make her eyes look really big. Most would describe her as average. Her style includes t shirts with shorts and tights underneath. She usually wears her hair up in scrunchies. Personality: Sometimes she doesn't really get why people get upset. She is extremely smart but lacks the skill to understand others. She has a witty and sarcastic personality. She is very sweet to her friends, but is not afraid to speak her mind. If someone makes her mad, she'll probably stick her tongue out and walk away. (Maybe hack their phone) Power: Techno-path Other: She has a huge family. She has 7 siblings. Only one is older than her. She really wants to design weapons and equipment for the military. She doesn't laugh at normal jokes, only dad jokes or ones that really make you think.

Name: Lillith Graham (Lillie)

Gender: female

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crime: Hacking the government

Looks: DAH63rwW0AA61WS.jpg Something like this. She is around 5'3. She has long curly brown hair and bright blue eyes. Her face is an explosion of freckles with big glasses that make her eyes look really big. Most would describe her as average. Her style includes t shirts with shorts and tights underneath. She usually wears her hair up in scrunchies.
Personality: Sometimes she doesn't really get why people get upset. She is extremely smart but lacks the skill to understand others. She has a witty and sarcastic personality. She is very sweet to her friends, but is not afraid to speak her mind. If someone makes her mad, she'll probably stick her tongue out and walk away. (Maybe hack their phone)

Power: Techno-path

Other: She has a huge family. She has 7 siblings. Only one is older than her. She really wants to design weapons and equipment for the military. She doesn't laugh at normal jokes, only dad jokes or ones that really make you think.
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[center][size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Name:[/b] [/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812]Kaya Dias [/size] [size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Gender:[/b] [/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812]Female [/size] [size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Age:[/b] [/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812]17[/size] [size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Sexuality:[/b] [/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812]Unkown at the moment. Not interested in relationships. [/size] [size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Crime:[/b] [/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812] Thievery/Assassination She is basically a hired assassin, and will often steal things from the people she kills, or to create a diversion. [/size] [size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Looks:[/b] [/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812] Kaya has long dirty blond hair, which is almost always pulled back into either a tight braid, or a braided bun. She has long bangs, the tips near her chin, and usually clipped to the side with a black clip. She has bright emerald green eyes, that almost seem to glow when it gets dark. She keeps the emerald color in all her forms. Kaya will always wear knee-high or over the knee black boots. Usually with a dagger tucked into them. Her clothes vary more then her shoes, but not by much. She wears a black pair of jeans, and a plain black t-shirt. Or a long black dress, her clothes will vary a bit more then this, but she always wears a black leather jacket over whatever she wears. [/size] [size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Personality:[/b] [/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812] Acts shy, but when you get to know her, you will see that she is actually quite cunning. Speaks quietly, and doesnt like to draw attention to herself. [/size] [size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Power:[/b] [/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812] Shapeshifting: Able to shapeshift into a red tailed hawk, a mouse, and a panther. Healing: Funny, based on her occupation. Kaya is able to heal minor wounds, not broken bones and the like.[/size] [size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Other:[/b] [/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812]Nothing I can think of at the moment. [/size] [img][/img] [size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Name: [/b][/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812] Violet Dias/Sophia Lane[/size] [size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Gender: [/b][/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812] Female [/size] [size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Age: [/b][/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812]10 [/size] [size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Sexuality:[/b] [/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812]Straight [/size] [size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Crime:[/b] [/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812] Hacking/Stealing Identities. Violet loved to make fake identities for people, or, more like stealing them from someone, and selling it to someone else. Also killed one of her “customers” using her powers when she made him mad. [/size] [size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Looks: [/b] [/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812] Black hair with electric blue highlights, the left side of her head is shaved off, and around her ear she has a tattoo, that looks like dream catcher. It wraps around her ear, and down with the feathers on her neck. Short, standing at about 4’7”. Her eyes are a pale yellow color, and she has a very pale face, which looks like it never got to see the sun.[/size] [size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Personality:[/b] [/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812] Often looks scared, learned to hide all her feelings, and is an excellent liar. If you have something she wants, beware. [/size] [size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Power: [/b] [/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812] Can make faint electric pulses, enough to shock someone, but not much more then that, and she has trouble controlling it when she has really strong emotions. If she is touching something electronic, she can make it short circit, and it amplifies her powers for a short time afterward. She has only once been able to make it powerful enough to kill someone, but when that happened, it was bad. [/size] [size=4][color=#6b4812][b]Other:[/b] [/size] [size=3][color=#6b4812]Thought to be killed in the attack that wiped out most of their neighborhood, but in fact, wasn’t. Violet had been taken to the hospital, and while she was there, she vanished. She fell in with the wrong crowd, and just kept getting herself into trouble. [/size][/center]
Kaya Dias



Unkown at the moment. Not interested in relationships.

She is basically a hired assassin, and will often steal things from the people she kills, or to create a diversion.

Kaya has long dirty blond hair, which is almost always pulled back into either a tight braid, or a braided bun. She has long bangs, the tips near her chin, and usually clipped to the side with a black clip. She has bright emerald green eyes, that almost seem to glow when it gets dark. She keeps the emerald color in all her forms. Kaya will always wear knee-high or over the knee black boots. Usually with a dagger tucked into them. Her clothes vary more then her shoes, but not by much. She wears a black pair of jeans, and a plain black t-shirt. Or a long black dress, her clothes will vary a bit more then this, but she always wears a black leather jacket over whatever she wears.

Acts shy, but when you get to know her, you will see that she is actually quite cunning. Speaks quietly, and doesnt like to draw attention to herself.

Shapeshifting: Able to shapeshift into a red tailed hawk, a mouse, and a panther.
Healing: Funny, based on her occupation. Kaya is able to heal minor wounds, not broken bones and the like.

Nothing I can think of at the moment.


Violet Dias/Sophia Lane
Hacking/Stealing Identities.
Violet loved to make fake identities for people, or, more like stealing them from someone, and selling it to someone else.
Also killed one of her “customers” using her powers when she made him mad.

Black hair with electric blue highlights, the left side of her head is shaved off, and around her ear she has a tattoo, that looks like dream catcher. It wraps around her ear, and down with the feathers on her neck. Short, standing at about 4’7”. Her eyes are a pale yellow color, and she has a very pale face, which looks like it never got to see the sun.
Often looks scared, learned to hide all her feelings, and is an excellent liar. If you have something she wants, beware.
Can make faint electric pulses, enough to shock someone, but not much more then that, and she has trouble controlling it when she has really strong emotions. If she is touching something electronic, she can make it short circit, and it amplifies her powers for a short time afterward. She has only once been able to make it powerful enough to kill someone, but when that happened, it was bad.
Thought to be killed in the attack that wiped out most of their neighborhood, but in fact, wasn’t. Violet had been taken to the hospital, and while she was there, she vanished. She fell in with the wrong crowd, and just kept getting herself into trouble.
Everyone just calls her by her AISHIC name: Blood Moon (It's easy to spell.)
Gender: Female
The tender age of 12. Good Bye Childhood. (She looks innocent, but looks can be deceiving.)
That means she has snake fangs. She is venomous and can spit the venom. Her venom is not good for your health. Her eyes turn to slits if she wants them too. If she gets hurt her body will make more venom quicker. The worse she gets hurt the more venom her body will make. It stays in her teeth though. The venom is sort of healing while she has a lot of it. She is stronger and faster than a human. The species are also called Revenge's Fang" because they will stay alive when you hurt them they strike. Even broken bones or even mortal wounds don't matter as long as there is a lot of venom coursing through her body. No one knows she is a Lofram however. She knows this because a Lofram csaid to her "Stay away human. You don't know my capabilities. She is also a hacker so she kinda checked... Yeah she hacked a the goverment and Royal Lofram technology. Loframs speak snake because they're like an evolved version of a snake.

If you use magic on a Lofram it multiplies the effect of the magic. Good or bad magic.
Part of AISHIC: Assassinate, Intelligence, Sabotage, Hacking, Infiltrate, Corruption. (She does all of the above.)
She has cold, calculating, and emotionless eyes that are as black as a night without any stars. Her hair is the same color as the starless night sky. She has a pale complexion. She likes to dress in colors such as black that help her blend in with the shadows. She is 5'4". She has a slim, lean build.
She is cold, calculating, smart, and sarcastic. She doesn't really care about others. She also likes manipulating people. She is a sweet talker and she is good at lying. Her heart is cold. She usually doesn't complement others, but she has good manners. She is not easy to manipulate as she is a manipulator. She doesn't have an over inflated ego. She is calm and she thinks things through. She's polite even though she is an assassin.
Shadow'sCommander: She commands the shadows. She can currently have them make the area around her darker so she can hide.

TimeThief: Can make time slow down for her. Can currently grab 3 non-living book sized or smaller objects while maintaining the time stream.

Dimension Shifter: She can go to any dimension she has created or create her another one. She can also "delete" them. The dimensions feed off of her energy used for running, walking, ect. She can be hurt by illusions, mirages, ect. because of this power.

She can play the piano as well as read, write, and draw. She enjoys learning new things. She is fluent in many different languages. She can fight pretty well though you already know that because she is an assassin. When she was a free assassin she was a sharp shot with a gun, and she still is. She just doesn't have her gun right now. She also used an old fashioned sword, and some throwing knives. She can be hurt by illusions or things that are visual.

As she is a Lofram she can bond with a reptile. She chose Moonlit. They can talk telepathically. She has heat vision because of the snake.

Age: 7 (This isn't old for a Relis.)
This means she is winged snake. They are all venomous and they can see heat. None are constrictors. They have abilities similar to a Loframs, so most Loframs are bonded with Relises.
Crime: (She's a snake, so it doesn't really matter.)
She helps Blood Moon on her AISHIC missions. Assassinate, Intelligence, Sabotage, Hacking, Infiltrate, Corruption. (She does all of the above with Blood Moon.)
She looks like a winged black mamba. She can see heat even though she doesn't have the special pit organs. Her eyes are special is my explanation. Her wings are like a dragon's. She the scales covering her body are midnight black. She has pearly white fangs. Her eyes are exactly like Blood Moon's.
She is calm, calculating, smart, and sarcastic just like her bonded. If she has something witty to say she tells Blood Moon. Blood Moon and Moonlit get along very well. She is also polite like Blood Moon. If someone is using their powers on Blood Moon she can tell. They share a bond where they see each others current state, sort of mentally talk, stuff like that.
She and Blood Moon share powers. They use their magic together. Basically they share their magic. Their bond and telepathy aren't magic though.
She can speak in reptilianic and understand it as well. She can also speak snake, dragon, and sea serpent.
Everyone just calls her by her AISHIC name: Blood Moon (It's easy to spell.)
Gender: Female
The tender age of 12. Good Bye Childhood. (She looks innocent, but looks can be deceiving.)
That means she has snake fangs. She is venomous and can spit the venom. Her venom is not good for your health. Her eyes turn to slits if she wants them too. If she gets hurt her body will make more venom quicker. The worse she gets hurt the more venom her body will make. It stays in her teeth though. The venom is sort of healing while she has a lot of it. She is stronger and faster than a human. The species are also called Revenge's Fang" because they will stay alive when you hurt them they strike. Even broken bones or even mortal wounds don't matter as long as there is a lot of venom coursing through her body. No one knows she is a Lofram however. She knows this because a Lofram csaid to her "Stay away human. You don't know my capabilities. She is also a hacker so she kinda checked... Yeah she hacked a the goverment and Royal Lofram technology. Loframs speak snake because they're like an evolved version of a snake.

If you use magic on a Lofram it multiplies the effect of the magic. Good or bad magic.
Part of AISHIC: Assassinate, Intelligence, Sabotage, Hacking, Infiltrate, Corruption. (She does all of the above.)
She has cold, calculating, and emotionless eyes that are as black as a night without any stars. Her hair is the same color as the starless night sky. She has a pale complexion. She likes to dress in colors such as black that help her blend in with the shadows. She is 5'4". She has a slim, lean build.
She is cold, calculating, smart, and sarcastic. She doesn't really care about others. She also likes manipulating people. She is a sweet talker and she is good at lying. Her heart is cold. She usually doesn't complement others, but she has good manners. She is not easy to manipulate as she is a manipulator. She doesn't have an over inflated ego. She is calm and she thinks things through. She's polite even though she is an assassin.
Shadow'sCommander: She commands the shadows. She can currently have them make the area around her darker so she can hide.

TimeThief: Can make time slow down for her. Can currently grab 3 non-living book sized or smaller objects while maintaining the time stream.

Dimension Shifter: She can go to any dimension she has created or create her another one. She can also "delete" them. The dimensions feed off of her energy used for running, walking, ect. She can be hurt by illusions, mirages, ect. because of this power.

She can play the piano as well as read, write, and draw. She enjoys learning new things. She is fluent in many different languages. She can fight pretty well though you already know that because she is an assassin. When she was a free assassin she was a sharp shot with a gun, and she still is. She just doesn't have her gun right now. She also used an old fashioned sword, and some throwing knives. She can be hurt by illusions or things that are visual.

As she is a Lofram she can bond with a reptile. She chose Moonlit. They can talk telepathically. She has heat vision because of the snake.

Age: 7 (This isn't old for a Relis.)
This means she is winged snake. They are all venomous and they can see heat. None are constrictors. They have abilities similar to a Loframs, so most Loframs are bonded with Relises.
Crime: (She's a snake, so it doesn't really matter.)
She helps Blood Moon on her AISHIC missions. Assassinate, Intelligence, Sabotage, Hacking, Infiltrate, Corruption. (She does all of the above with Blood Moon.)
She looks like a winged black mamba. She can see heat even though she doesn't have the special pit organs. Her eyes are special is my explanation. Her wings are like a dragon's. She the scales covering her body are midnight black. She has pearly white fangs. Her eyes are exactly like Blood Moon's.
She is calm, calculating, smart, and sarcastic just like her bonded. If she has something witty to say she tells Blood Moon. Blood Moon and Moonlit get along very well. She is also polite like Blood Moon. If someone is using their powers on Blood Moon she can tell. They share a bond where they see each others current state, sort of mentally talk, stuff like that.
She and Blood Moon share powers. They use their magic together. Basically they share their magic. Their bond and telepathy aren't magic though.
She can speak in reptilianic and understand it as well. She can also speak snake, dragon, and sea serpent.
[b]Name:[/b] Lilith Alexander [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 11 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Smol baby no please [b]Crime:[/b] Killing her foster parents accidently. [b]Looks:[/b] [img][/img]She is 4’2’ and cubby. [b]Personality:[/b] A kind quiet heart who takes cares of anyone around her. However, she is a bit of a crybaby. She only talks in small sentences and certain words she has trouble speaking which makes her stutter. [b]Power:[/b] [img][/img]Her only power is to turn into the creature above when in dim light or complete darkness. Though she isn't completely unprotected as she has sharp nails and teeth. [b]Other:[/b] Scared of the dark. [b]Name:[/b]Rochelle Smith [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Sexuality:[/b]Demisexual [b]Crime:[/b] Pandering and homicide [b]Looks:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Personality:[/b] A sly lass that does not take no for an answer. She will do anything in her power to get her request. Either with her cunning wits or brute force. She is a person you don't wanna mess with. [b]Power:[/b] Hive Mind with spiders, able to shoot webs, and bite can be venomous. [b]Other:[/b] The necklace she wears is very dear to her and if anyone else touches it, they are toast. [b]Name:[/b] Nox Calash [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 52 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight as an arrow [b]Looks[/b]: [img][/img]She stands at 5'6' if you dont count the extra inches she normally floats at. She keeps her young appearance from an awful ability she uses on only animals. [b]Personality[/b]: She is nice...I am using the term loosely. She has here days of being all nice and letting people off the hook, but then she turns only to backstab the person. Might have PTSD from her past which is a touchy subject for her, so it might make her react with a swift punch to the face. Also don't call her a word that rhymes with witch. She will show you how huge of a witch she can be. She has a tendency to be very or late; no inbetween. [b]Power:[/b] Telekinesis,life drain, and hovering off the ground a couple feet. [b]Weapon of choice:[/b] None [b]Other:[/b] She is the headmaster, and the only one. Also when she is tired of hovering is goes back into her wheelchair. [b]Name: [/b]Yumir Calash [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual [b]Looks:[/b][img][/img] [b]Personality:[/b] To put this shortly, he is the opposite of his mother, and dislikes her attitude towards people. You can say he is pretty chill. Nuff said. [b]Weapon:[/b] Usually stuff he crafts on the spot, but loves a good spear. [b]Power:[/b] Midas touch, but with ice instead, and cryomancer. [b]Other:[/b] Nox’s son and only got the job because of her. He doesn’t wanna show his real appearance.
Name: Lilith Alexander
Gender: Female
Age: 11
Sexuality: Smol baby no please
Crime: Killing her foster parents accidently.
Looks: 9ada297a09233d249567b00c150b684c.jpgShe is 4’2’ and cubby.
Personality: A kind quiet heart who takes cares of anyone around her. However, she is a bit of a crybaby. She only talks in small sentences and certain words she has trouble speaking which makes her stutter.
Power: aba99ca417309f43fd3ad5fa6d46b49b.jpgHer only power is to turn into the creature above when in dim light or complete darkness. Though she isn't completely unprotected as she has sharp nails and teeth.
Other: Scared of the dark.

Name:Rochelle Smith
Age: 23
Crime: Pandering and homicide
Looks: 30e837494d31ed281ffa4304588de98d.jpg
Personality: A sly lass that does not take no for an answer. She will do anything in her power to get her request. Either with her cunning wits or brute force. She is a person you don't wanna mess with.
Power: Hive Mind with spiders, able to shoot webs, and bite can be venomous.
Other: The necklace she wears is very dear to her and if anyone else touches it, they are toast.

Name: Nox Calash
Gender: Female
Age: 52
Sexuality: Straight as an arrow
Looks: ffa96b22b47b87abf2b1c14e57ac9918--female-character-inspiration-character-ideas.jpgShe stands at 5'6' if you dont count the extra inches she normally floats at. She keeps her young appearance from an awful ability she uses on only animals.
Personality: She is nice...I am using the term loosely. She has here days of being all nice and letting people off the hook, but then she turns only to backstab the person. Might have PTSD from her past which is a touchy subject for her, so it might make her react with a swift punch to the face. Also don't call her a word that rhymes with witch. She will show you how huge of a witch she can be. She has a tendency to be very or late; no inbetween.
Power: Telekinesis,life drain, and hovering off the ground a couple feet.
Weapon of choice: None
Other: She is the headmaster, and the only one. Also when she is tired of hovering is goes back into her wheelchair.

Name: Yumir Calash
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: To put this shortly, he is the opposite of his mother, and dislikes her attitude towards people. You can say he is pretty chill. Nuff said.
Weapon: Usually stuff he crafts on the spot, but loves a good spear.
Power: Midas touch, but with ice instead, and cryomancer.
Other: Nox’s son and only got the job because of her. He doesn’t wanna show his real appearance.
You say,"Potato". I say,"Feed me the souls of the unborn and then the pact is set."
[center]"Student" [img][/img] Gender: Female Age: 18 yrs old Sexuality: Up in the air Crime: Mass-murder [img][/img] Because of past experiments done on her body, she is stuck in a between state with her body. She has horns of a ram on her head, a lions tail, cats fangs, and wolf's claws for finger nails. Personality: She does not like people or anything humanoid because of repeated abuse in her childhood and that's how she was trained to feel about them. Although she might become friendly to those who give her sweets. Her common sense is anything but common, although she herself doesn't realize this. Curious about the world, she finds pleasure in exploring it but stays away from the populated zones. When she does talk to others, she is very blunt about what she wants to say and is curious about. Quick to rage, and slow to apologize if she even does it. Power: Can shapeshift into any beast. In theory, she should be able to shift into mythical beast also, but never tried it Other: After shifting she will enter a cool-down state when she reverts back to being human. The cool-down state is reverting back into her 12yr old body. Her twin sister Alicia is currently missing. Ethel doesn't like to talk about that at all. [/center] [center]Staff [img][/img] Gender: Male? Age: 69 Sexuality: Pansexual [img][/img] Personality: At first he comes off very kind and proper, but the longer you talk to him the more you realize he is rather perverted. Sadistic, he loves to tease and bully the ones he likes. He calls it gentle loving, others call it attempted murder. He's one of those types that never show an angry attitude even when they really want to smash your face in. Instead, he will just find a way to silently torment you until your about to break. Power: Minor Predictions: Shake his head and wait for an answer. Whatever you get can affect the future of the question you asked. Spatial Distortion: Can twist and bend space, causing any physical matter within to bend according to the distortion. Ex: Flipping a room upside down, or the legendary never-ending hallway. Martini materialization: Somehow always has a martini at hand.... Weapon of choice: Magicians Wand - Can extend into a staff or longer, vice versa for being smaller. Smallest he made it was about a toothpick for some olives need in his martini. Other: No one knows how he eats, it's an ongoing mystery.[/center] [center]"Student" [img][/img] Gender: Female Age: 16 Sexuality: Bisexual Crime: Man-eating [img][/img] Personality: She is surprisingly chippy and preppy for being sent off to H.O.P.E. Her natural disposition is to always look for the best in a situation no matter what. That being said, she will sometimes spit out some dark and disturbing lines while still talking in a rather merry voice. It can only make one wonder how she was raised and by what. Power: Burning Ash: Her wings produce a fine powder when rubbed together rapidly. When in contact with skin it will cause painful blistering, if inhaled it causes the lungs to burn until they are charred and resulting in death. Silver Rain: If freaked out or startled, her body will release fine body hairs in the air that cause tempory blindness and coughing. A Lullaby: When she sings a lullaby passed down for generations in her family. Humans usually pass out a few minutes into the strange melody. Other: She loves name brand clothing[/center]



18 yrs old

Up in the air


Because of past experiments done on her body, she is stuck in a between state with her body. She has horns of a ram on her head, a lions tail, cats fangs, and wolf's claws for finger nails.

She does not like people or anything humanoid because of repeated abuse in her childhood and that's how she was trained to feel about them. Although she might become friendly to those who give her sweets. Her common sense is anything but common, although she herself doesn't realize this. Curious about the world, she finds pleasure in exploring it but stays away from the populated zones. When she does talk to others, she is very blunt about what she wants to say and is curious about. Quick to rage, and slow to apologize if she even does it.

Can shapeshift into any beast. In theory, she should be able to shift into mythical beast also, but never tried it

After shifting she will enter a cool-down state when she reverts back to being human.

The cool-down state is reverting back into her 12yr old body.

Her twin sister Alicia is currently missing. Ethel doesn't like to talk about that at all.







Personality: At first he comes off very kind and proper, but the longer you talk to him the more you realize he is rather perverted. Sadistic, he loves to tease and bully the ones he likes. He calls it gentle loving, others call it attempted murder. He's one of those types that never show an angry attitude even when they really want to smash your face in. Instead, he will just find a way to silently torment you until your about to break.

Minor Predictions:
Shake his head and wait for an answer. Whatever you get can affect the future of the question you asked.

Spatial Distortion:
Can twist and bend space, causing any physical matter within to bend according to the distortion. Ex: Flipping a room upside down, or the legendary never-ending hallway.

Martini materialization:
Somehow always has a martini at hand....

Weapon of choice:
Magicians Wand - Can extend into a staff or longer, vice versa for being smaller. Smallest he made it was about a toothpick for some olives need in his martini.

No one knows how he eats, it's an ongoing mystery.








She is surprisingly chippy and preppy for being sent off to H.O.P.E. Her natural disposition is to always look for the best in a situation no matter what. That being said, she will sometimes spit out some dark and disturbing lines while still talking in a rather merry voice. It can only make one wonder how she was raised and by what.

Burning Ash:
Her wings produce a fine powder when rubbed together rapidly. When in contact with skin it will cause painful blistering, if inhaled it causes the lungs to burn until they are charred and resulting in death.

Silver Rain:
If freaked out or startled, her body will release fine body hairs in the air that cause tempory blindness and coughing.

A Lullaby:
When she sings a lullaby passed down for generations in her family. Humans usually pass out a few minutes into the strange melody.

She loves name brand clothing
Yeah boiii, let's get this show on the road! A familiar face... [quote]Status: Teacher [b]Name:[/b] Jong Yen [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 97 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight [b]Looks:[/b] Kinda like the older guy from [img][/img], only his eyes are white because he is blind. [b]Personality:[/b] Jong is a serious man with little tolerance for insubordination and general messing around. He generally doesn't fight physically, but mentally he can beat most people. Jong is blind, so when he walks it is often fairly slow, and on very rare occasions he may trip and/or run into things. [b]Power:[/b] Even though he is blind, Jong can see any creature's "aura" and be able to tell what kind of creature they are, what their power is for those who possess any, and sometimes he can even see their emotions, though that is harder to do with well guarded people. Also, if he is mortal danger, Jong can see the future up to a minute before the time he would die, allowing him to move in a way that he will not be killed. [b]Weapon of choice:[/b] An ornate metal staff that was modified by Jong's old technomancer friend. [b]Other:[/b] Jong lived in China for a good part of his life, and Mandarin Chinese is his first language, so he has a strong accent when speaking English.[/quote] And a new face that's been a long time coming! (Warning, description is long) [quote][quote]Okay, so before I describe my much loved OC, I should probably tell about her species, so as her description will make more sense. [b]Origins:[/b] The Aulktaul species is an ancient race that originated from Siren/Leviathan hybrids. [b]Description:[/b] (Feral Form) Aulktauls all have a feral and humanoid form. Their feral form looks fairly similar to Leviathans, but are more serpentine, with long powerful tails, and thick but flexible necks, like a dragon's but a little more stretched out. *Their skin has the same feel to it as a manta ray or dolphin, but is actually quite thick and tough. The color of their skin ranges from a swampy green-grey to murky blue-grey to black. *Their front arms are not super bulky, but are very strong, and have large fins that connect from the wrist to halfway between the elbow and shoulder. These fins are long, reaching about to the beginning of their tails, but each Aulktaul's fins look different in shape and type. In addition to their arm-fins, Aulktauls also can have fins that are on their head, on their sides, and along their back and tail, though like people, each one is different. *Aulktauls do not possess back legs/feet in their feral form, and their hands consist of two fingers and a thumb. *They have fairly lengthy and somewhat pointed faces, with four eyes, and a bony crest the protrudes above their eyes. *They also 'diodes' that run all along their body forming different shapes. These diodes can glow at differing brightness depending on an Aulktaul's mood, of if an Aulktaul is consciously changing the brightness. The color of the diodes differs from Aulktaul to Aulktaul. *Aulktauls also have "hair" along their head and part of their necks. This hair is similar in thickness and texture to jellyfish tentacles, and causes a tingling sensation when touched. In addition, they also have long pointed ears. [b]Description:[/b] (Humanoid Form) An Aulktaul's humanoid form is clearly sexless, and closely reflects their feral form. Their skin is the same, and they posses the same diodes, 'hair', four eyes, and pointed ears. *Their hands still have only the three fingers, but they do have legs in this form. *Their faces aren't exactly human, though they do not look totally animal either. Kinda like the Na'vis from Avatar. *Aulktauls still have their tails in their humanoid form, but the fins on their arms are gone. [b]Size:[/b] Aulktauls in the feral form never stop growing, but in general they get to about 60-150ft long, including their tail. In their humanoid form, they stand about 7-9ft tall. [b]Important Facts:[/b] *Aulktauls so not have a sex, nor do they reproduce with each other. Once they reach about 2 years old, they already grow 1-2 eggs inside them, which only hatch once the parent dies. *Aulktauls are physically incapable of feeling emotions like love, friendship, or empathy. Instead they have more primal emotions like fear, anger, and to some extent joy. *It takes roughly 2 years before Aulktaul are "adults", and during that time they will grow from roughly 10 inches long to about 50ft long. After this, their growth rate becomes increasingly slowing as they get bigger. *Aulktauls are known to live well into their 500s, and on incredibly rare occasions can even live to their 1000s. *They have the ability to imitate any voice or language. [/quote] Alrighty, not that that's over I can get to one of my favorite OCs! "Student" [b]Name:[/b] Elyam (pronounced ee-LEE-um) [b]Species:[/b] Aulktaul (pronounced ah-lk-tall) [b]Gender:[/b] Has no physical sex but is in general associates a female [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Asexual [b]Crime:[/b] Has eaten the crews of many ships that have been wrecked/lost at sea [b]Looks:[/b] Elyam in their feral form is about 34ft long (including tail), and is 7.4 ft tall in their humanoid form. Their skin is a very dark bluish-grey, and their diodes are lagoon blue. Their eyes are a darker stormy color, and they keep their jet black hair in tight long braids that reaches down past the small of their back when in their humanoid form. They have various fish-like fins on the sides/top/end of their tail, as well as on their back. Their tail itself resembles something like a torpedo ray, tattered eel, and a shark tail all mixed together. Elyam doesn't wear any clothes in their human form, but being sexless they aren't really revealing anything. [b]Personality:[/b] Elyam has a neutral personality and is difficult to read. They are also very blunt, and makes no attempt to sugar-coat things, or please anyone. Despite this, they tend to be very seductive to people of just about any gender. You can just about always take them at their word, but you may not always want to hear what they say. [b]Power:[/b] Can understand/speak any language they hear, and also imitate any voice/speech pattern with perfect accuracy. Also glows in the dark. [b]Other:[/b] Elyam has a bad drinking habit, and absolutely adores rum. They got into the stuff when a ship wrecked in the waters they lived in, and they decided to taste the spicy liquid that was on the numerous bottles floating around. They sometimes will become terribly drunk with rum, which they nearly always has a supply of, but they never are subjected to hangover afterwards. They also has a taste for humans, and will not hesitate to eat them when they are stranded in the ocean. Elyam was at some point caught by scientists after they found them in the middle of a shipwreck with all of the crew having been eaten, and they being so drunk that they didn't even resist capture. Later they were taken away by H.O.P.E., and are currently under Jong's charge. [/quote]
Yeah boiii, let's get this show on the road!

A familiar face...
Status: Teacher
Name: Jong Yen
Gender: Male
Age: 97
Sexuality: Straight
Looks: Kinda like the older guy from [img][/img], only his eyes are white because he is blind.
Personality: Jong is a serious man with little tolerance for insubordination and general messing around. He generally doesn't fight physically, but mentally he can beat most people. Jong is blind, so when he walks it is often fairly slow, and on very rare occasions he may trip and/or run into things.
Power: Even though he is blind, Jong can see any creature's "aura" and be able to tell what kind of creature they are, what their power is for those who possess any, and sometimes he can even see their emotions, though that is harder to do with well guarded people. Also, if he is mortal danger, Jong can see the future up to a minute before the time he would die, allowing him to move in a way that he will not be killed.
Weapon of choice: An ornate metal staff that was modified by Jong's old technomancer friend.
Other: Jong lived in China for a good part of his life, and Mandarin Chinese is his first language, so he has a strong accent when speaking English.

And a new face that's been a long time coming! (Warning, description is long)
Okay, so before I describe my much loved OC, I should probably tell about her species, so as her description will make more sense.

Origins: The Aulktaul species is an ancient race that originated from Siren/Leviathan hybrids.
Description: (Feral Form) Aulktauls all have a feral and humanoid form. Their feral form looks fairly similar to Leviathans, but are more serpentine, with long powerful tails, and thick but flexible necks, like a dragon's but a little more stretched out.
*Their skin has the same feel to it as a manta ray or dolphin, but is actually quite thick and tough. The color of their skin ranges from a swampy green-grey to murky blue-grey to black.
*Their front arms are not super bulky, but are very strong, and have large fins that connect from the wrist to halfway between the elbow and shoulder. These fins are long, reaching about to the beginning of their tails, but each Aulktaul's fins look different in shape and type. In addition to their arm-fins, Aulktauls also can have fins that are on their head, on their sides, and along their back and tail, though like people, each one is different.
*Aulktauls do not possess back legs/feet in their feral form, and their hands consist of two fingers and a thumb.
*They have fairly lengthy and somewhat pointed faces, with four eyes, and a bony crest the protrudes above their eyes.
*They also 'diodes' that run all along their body forming different shapes. These diodes can glow at differing brightness depending on an Aulktaul's mood, of if an Aulktaul is consciously changing the brightness. The color of the diodes differs from Aulktaul to Aulktaul.
*Aulktauls also have "hair" along their head and part of their necks. This hair is similar in thickness and texture to jellyfish tentacles, and causes a tingling sensation when touched. In addition, they also have long pointed ears.

Description: (Humanoid Form) An Aulktaul's humanoid form is clearly sexless, and closely reflects their feral form. Their skin is the same, and they posses the same diodes, 'hair', four eyes, and pointed ears.
*Their hands still have only the three fingers, but they do have legs in this form.
*Their faces aren't exactly human, though they do not look totally animal either. Kinda like the Na'vis from Avatar.
*Aulktauls still have their tails in their humanoid form, but the fins on their arms are gone.

Size: Aulktauls in the feral form never stop growing, but in general they get to about 60-150ft long, including their tail. In their humanoid form, they stand about 7-9ft tall.

Important Facts:
*Aulktauls so not have a sex, nor do they reproduce with each other. Once they reach about 2 years old, they already grow 1-2 eggs inside them, which only hatch once the parent dies.
*Aulktauls are physically incapable of feeling emotions like love, friendship, or empathy. Instead they have more primal emotions like fear, anger, and to some extent joy.
*It takes roughly 2 years before Aulktaul are "adults", and during that time they will grow from roughly 10 inches long to about 50ft long. After this, their growth rate becomes increasingly slowing as they get bigger.
*Aulktauls are known to live well into their 500s, and on incredibly rare occasions can even live to their 1000s.
*They have the ability to imitate any voice or language.
Alrighty, not that that's over I can get to one of my favorite OCs!

Name: Elyam (pronounced ee-LEE-um)
Species: Aulktaul (pronounced ah-lk-tall)
Gender: Has no physical sex but is in general associates a female
Age: 23
Sexuality: Asexual
Crime: Has eaten the crews of many ships that have been wrecked/lost at sea
Looks: Elyam in their feral form is about 34ft long (including tail), and is 7.4 ft tall in their humanoid form. Their skin is a very dark bluish-grey, and their diodes are lagoon blue. Their eyes are a darker stormy color, and they keep their jet black hair in tight long braids that reaches down past the small of their back when in their humanoid form. They have various fish-like fins on the sides/top/end of their tail, as well as on their back. Their tail itself resembles something like a torpedo ray, tattered eel, and a shark tail all mixed together. Elyam doesn't wear any clothes in their human form, but being sexless they aren't really revealing anything.
Personality: Elyam has a neutral personality and is difficult to read. They are also very blunt, and makes no attempt to sugar-coat things, or please anyone. Despite this, they tend to be very seductive to people of just about any gender. You can just about always take them at their word, but you may not always want to hear what they say.
Power: Can understand/speak any language they hear, and also imitate any voice/speech pattern with perfect accuracy. Also glows in the dark.
Other: Elyam has a bad drinking habit, and absolutely adores rum. They got into the stuff when a ship wrecked in the waters they lived in, and they decided to taste the spicy liquid that was on the numerous bottles floating around. They sometimes will become terribly drunk with rum, which they nearly always has a supply of, but they never are subjected to hangover afterwards. They also has a taste for humans, and will not hesitate to eat them when they are stranded in the ocean.

Elyam was at some point caught by scientists after they found them in the middle of a shipwreck with all of the crew having been eaten, and they being so drunk that they didn't even resist capture. Later they were taken away by H.O.P.E., and are currently under Jong's charge.

Hello, can I join? If so, here's my character. :)


Name: Willow

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Sexuality: Asexual, panromantic

Crime: Runaway, theft, attempted suicide (which is technically a crime where she's from), several suspicions of indirect murder.

Looks: Long dark hair that mostly covers her face, oversized hoodie to finish the job. Tall, but slouches all the time. Completely black eyes. Pale and very thin. Usually wears tank tops or tees with a hoodie over it and skinny jeans. Hides behind her hair and hoodie. Scars all over her arms, legs, neck, hands, face, stomach, and back.

Personality: Quiet, shy, very depressed. Always feels bad for some of the things she's done. Doesn't like to talk much, but likes to read. Doesn't like to look at people. Seems antisocial, but actually doesn't know how to deal with people. She's been badly abused and bullied and done some pretty terrible things to escape it, and thinks she doesn't deserve to have people care about her. When she does talk, she tends to make good observations and be interested in what other people have to say, but mostly she sits in the corner listening to music and reading.

Power: Can drive someone insane by looking at them for a few minutes. Needs eye contact for this, but can put most victims into a sort of trance so they'll keep staring at her.

Other: Always has her phone, journal, a book, and a knife with her. Scared of tall people. Shady about her past. Has PTSD from way more things than most people could even imagine. Therefore, scared of everything. No, really. Everything.
Hello, can I join? If so, here's my character. :)


Name: Willow

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Sexuality: Asexual, panromantic

Crime: Runaway, theft, attempted suicide (which is technically a crime where she's from), several suspicions of indirect murder.

Looks: Long dark hair that mostly covers her face, oversized hoodie to finish the job. Tall, but slouches all the time. Completely black eyes. Pale and very thin. Usually wears tank tops or tees with a hoodie over it and skinny jeans. Hides behind her hair and hoodie. Scars all over her arms, legs, neck, hands, face, stomach, and back.

Personality: Quiet, shy, very depressed. Always feels bad for some of the things she's done. Doesn't like to talk much, but likes to read. Doesn't like to look at people. Seems antisocial, but actually doesn't know how to deal with people. She's been badly abused and bullied and done some pretty terrible things to escape it, and thinks she doesn't deserve to have people care about her. When she does talk, she tends to make good observations and be interested in what other people have to say, but mostly she sits in the corner listening to music and reading.

Power: Can drive someone insane by looking at them for a few minutes. Needs eye contact for this, but can put most victims into a sort of trance so they'll keep staring at her.

Other: Always has her phone, journal, a book, and a knife with her. Scared of tall people. Shady about her past. Has PTSD from way more things than most people could even imagine. Therefore, scared of everything. No, really. Everything.
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