

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | H.O.P.E Academy (OPEN)
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@ABookWyrm @draconequis
Hey you guys, we're reviving HOPE if you guys wanna join.
@ABookWyrm @draconequis
Hey you guys, we're reviving HOPE if you guys wanna join.
Name: Chloe Bruce
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Sexuality: Bisexual
Crime: Battery and assault, Heisting, Suspected involvement in homicide
Looks: White blonde hair, freckles, hooded marine blue eyes, rosebud lips, and a button nose, everything about her screams beauty and innocence. She has a slim stature, with all the correct curves a woman should have. She flaunts these aspects of her, even though in the back of her mind Chloe hates it.
Personality: Chloe commonly has her hand in people's pockets. No, not like that. it's meant as in she'll cut your purse, break your heart, and gallavant away with her T.B.B (tall, blonde, brooding- some changes had to be made as they were very much not dark haired people) brother. She's flirty, quite an intense spark, and quite often losing herself to her own scams.
Power: Shapeshifter - she can change her face, and although she hasn't quite explored it all the way, she thinks she may be able to change her gender. But she is able to change aspects of her body. Long fingers? She can make them go five feet long. Every. Aspect.
Other: When she and her brother do their scams, she's always the front liner.

Name: Caleb Bruce
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Sexuality: Homosexual
Crime: Battery and assault, Heisting, Suspected involvement in homicide
Looks: Alot like his sister, with white blonde hair, freckles, marine eyes, and full lips. Caleb has a more striking jawline though, and high cheekbones. He's almost always glaring. Where his sister is short, he's tall, standing at around 6'4''. Of course, this doesn't compare to mythical beings. But it's tall for a human.
Personality: He would never call himself a T.B.B, even though his sister insists it's an actual thing. He's more serious than his sister, and has an eye for picking out potential marks. Occasionally he'll take the lead for a heist. However, just because he stays in the backrow doesn't mean he has a lack of self-confidence. Just a will to hide.
Power: Light manipulation, invisibility.
Other: In their scams he is commonly in the back, changing the lights for his sister and occasionally making her go invisible. He hides his face when he can though.
Name: Chloe Bruce
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Sexuality: Bisexual
Crime: Battery and assault, Heisting, Suspected involvement in homicide
Looks: White blonde hair, freckles, hooded marine blue eyes, rosebud lips, and a button nose, everything about her screams beauty and innocence. She has a slim stature, with all the correct curves a woman should have. She flaunts these aspects of her, even though in the back of her mind Chloe hates it.
Personality: Chloe commonly has her hand in people's pockets. No, not like that. it's meant as in she'll cut your purse, break your heart, and gallavant away with her T.B.B (tall, blonde, brooding- some changes had to be made as they were very much not dark haired people) brother. She's flirty, quite an intense spark, and quite often losing herself to her own scams.
Power: Shapeshifter - she can change her face, and although she hasn't quite explored it all the way, she thinks she may be able to change her gender. But she is able to change aspects of her body. Long fingers? She can make them go five feet long. Every. Aspect.
Other: When she and her brother do their scams, she's always the front liner.

Name: Caleb Bruce
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Sexuality: Homosexual
Crime: Battery and assault, Heisting, Suspected involvement in homicide
Looks: Alot like his sister, with white blonde hair, freckles, marine eyes, and full lips. Caleb has a more striking jawline though, and high cheekbones. He's almost always glaring. Where his sister is short, he's tall, standing at around 6'4''. Of course, this doesn't compare to mythical beings. But it's tall for a human.
Personality: He would never call himself a T.B.B, even though his sister insists it's an actual thing. He's more serious than his sister, and has an eye for picking out potential marks. Occasionally he'll take the lead for a heist. However, just because he stays in the backrow doesn't mean he has a lack of self-confidence. Just a will to hide.
Power: Light manipulation, invisibility.
Other: In their scams he is commonly in the back, changing the lights for his sister and occasionally making her go invisible. He hides his face when he can though.
You say,"Potato". I say,"Feed me the souls of the unborn and then the pact is set."
((Hell yeah I'm excited~~)) ((WIP's for the looks but you get the basic gist of them. May add some stuff as we go along)) "Student" [b]Name:[/b] Rosario "Rosie" Ortiz [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Sexuality:[/b] CHAOS GAY [b]Crime:[/b] Many, many minor infractions (disturbing the peace, jaywalking, etc.) and a good number of major ones (evading arrest, vandalism, theft, simple assault & battery) [b]Looks:[/b] {Working on a drawing for her but for now have this} Rosie is around 5'4", curvy, has dark brown curvy hair shaved in a long undercut, and typically dresses in a grunge-esque fashion. [b]Personality:[/b] Rosie is loud, boisterous, and doesn't quite know when to hold her tongue. She enjoys taking risks and will act on just about every impulse she has, regardless of the consequences. When she starts something, she always intends to finish it and hates leaving things incomplete. Rosie lives carefree and tries not to hold onto any lingering regrets, for better or for worse, and often tackles situations head-on. [b]Power:[/b] [i]Force/Kinetic Energy Redirection[/i] Rosie's power essentially allows her to absorb kinetic energy and redirect it as she pleases. Upon absorption, Rosie can either store away the energy or release it back out through one singular point in her body (preferably through a punch). She can regulate how much she releases at a time though she can only keep the energy in her body for a total of 24 hours before she must release it, voluntarily or not. Rosie can absorb up to the force equivalent of a car going around 65 mph. In theory, Rosie should be able to apply her powers to heat and the like but her lack of patience and love of punching tend to thwart any attempt she makes at learning to use it in that way If it makes it easier, just think of her power like the Black Panther Suit. [b]Other:[/b] TBH chaotic neutral "Student" [b]Name:[/b] Konrad Koizumi [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Demiromantic, pansexual [b]Crime:[/b] Being an accessory to every single one of Rosie's crimes (intentional or not), theft [b]Looks:[/b] {whipping up a drawing of him too) WIP [img][/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Konrad is incredibly hostile to just about everyone he meets for the first time, holding deep mistrust for anything he hasn't had prior experience with in the past. He can come off as jittery and overly cautious and will often let Rosie take the lead in most situations they confront. He tends to keep quiet and tries to draw as little attention to himself as possible, though it's quite difficult with someone like Rosie as a companion. He hates showing weakness and would rather run into traffic before letting anyone gain the upper hand on him. Despite all this, Konrad is quick to latch on to people, much quicker than he'd prefer, and sticks close to those he finds trustworthy. [b]Power:[/b] [i]Aqua Flow[/i] Konrad is able to manipulate the flow of any body of water he touches, though his influence stops the moment his skin leaves contact with the water. He can use this to create swift-moving currents to propel himself or others through water, whirlpools, or to create geyser-like pillars of water with enough upward force to stand on. While the possibilities of what he can do are vast, manipulating a large amount of water at once or speeding up a current to the point where it would actually have viable combat capabilities on its own are extremely taxing on him and sap away his vitality. [i]Barnacle Boy[/i] Konrad possesses many features similar to a fish (including gills) that allow him to breathe underwater. His body is pretty much designed for a life in water. Being on land causes him discomfort that increases the longer he's out of the water but, as long as he stays hydrated, the consequences aren't severe. [b]Other:[/b] a lawful neutral boy Konrad and Rosie met each other since childhood and traveled around for a few months committing various deeds of questionable morality before being apprehended and sent to HOPE. [size=1]peep that fish pun last name[/size]
((Hell yeah I'm excited~~))

((WIP's for the looks but you get the basic gist of them. May add some stuff as we go along))

Name: Rosario "Rosie" Ortiz
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Sexuality: CHAOS GAY
Crime: Many, many minor infractions (disturbing the peace, jaywalking, etc.) and a good number of major ones (evading arrest, vandalism, theft, simple assault & battery)
Looks: {Working on a drawing for her but for now have this}
Rosie is around 5'4", curvy, has dark brown curvy hair shaved in a long undercut, and typically dresses in a grunge-esque fashion.

Personality: Rosie is loud, boisterous, and doesn't quite know when to hold her tongue. She enjoys taking risks and will act on just about every impulse she has, regardless of the consequences. When she starts something, she always intends to finish it and hates leaving things incomplete. Rosie lives carefree and tries not to hold onto any lingering regrets, for better or for worse, and often tackles situations head-on.
Power: Force/Kinetic Energy Redirection
Rosie's power essentially allows her to absorb kinetic energy and redirect it as she pleases. Upon absorption, Rosie can either store away the energy or release it back out through one singular point in her body (preferably through a punch). She can regulate how much she releases at a time though she can only keep the energy in her body for a total of 24 hours before she must release it, voluntarily or not. Rosie can absorb up to the force equivalent of a car going around 65 mph.
In theory, Rosie should be able to apply her powers to heat and the like but her lack of patience and love of punching tend to thwart any attempt she makes at learning to use it in that way
If it makes it easier, just think of her power like the Black Panther Suit.
Other: TBH chaotic neutral

Name: Konrad Koizumi
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Sexuality: Demiromantic, pansexual
Crime: Being an accessory to every single one of Rosie's crimes (intentional or not), theft
Looks: {whipping up a drawing of him too)
Personality: Konrad is incredibly hostile to just about everyone he meets for the first time, holding deep mistrust for anything he hasn't had prior experience with in the past. He can come off as jittery and overly cautious and will often let Rosie take the lead in most situations they confront. He tends to keep quiet and tries to draw as little attention to himself as possible, though it's quite difficult with someone like Rosie as a companion. He hates showing weakness and would rather run into traffic before letting anyone gain the upper hand on him. Despite all this, Konrad is quick to latch on to people, much quicker than he'd prefer, and sticks close to those he finds trustworthy.
Power: Aqua Flow
Konrad is able to manipulate the flow of any body of water he touches, though his influence stops the moment his skin leaves contact with the water. He can use this to create swift-moving currents to propel himself or others through water, whirlpools, or to create geyser-like pillars of water with enough upward force to stand on. While the possibilities of what he can do are vast, manipulating a large amount of water at once or speeding up a current to the point where it would actually have viable combat capabilities on its own are extremely taxing on him and sap away his vitality.
Barnacle Boy
Konrad possesses many features similar to a fish (including gills) that allow him to breathe underwater. His body is pretty much designed for a life in water. Being on land causes him discomfort that increases the longer he's out of the water but, as long as he stays hydrated, the consequences aren't severe.
Other: a lawful neutral boy
Konrad and Rosie met each other since childhood and traveled around for a few months committing various deeds of questionable morality before being apprehended and sent to HOPE.
peep that fish pun last name
Name: Lawrence “Ren” Soronet
Gender: bigender
Age: 11
Sexuality: demiromantic (only attracted under certain circumstances and a strong emotional bond, but can be a girl, boy, or bi)
When Ren was 10 she discovered she had magic. It began slowly taking over her. If she had a small emotion it completely overruled her. When she became a grey of being bullied she burnt the city to the ground. Which, yeah killed pretty much everyone.
Looks: Still being drawn
Ren’s most common emotions that are actually shown are anger, anger, anger, and neutral. She really doesn’t have true emotions or personality anymore since she is stuck in her power. If Ren realized what she had done, she would stop. Of course she doesn’t know.
Ren use to be shy yet normally fine with being on her own. She was bullied a lot which upset her. So one day on her bed when she clenched her palm than opened it, to reveal a swirl of silver-blue, she knew what she could do. The next day when she was bullied worse than ever she let it control her and burned the city down.
When recruited for HOPE she was forced to her human form, and was found to have a weakness: platinum. If she had a bracket of it she would stay human and couldn’t use her magic. She currently wears one earring of platinum that she can’t take off because the staff has the key (is that okay?)
Overwhelming emotions cause her to be taken over by her power that can destroy or heal. She can also levatate if her magic lets her.
Weakness: Platinum
Other: may want to restrain in platinum if the locked earring isn’t enough.
Name: Lawrence “Ren” Soronet
Gender: bigender
Age: 11
Sexuality: demiromantic (only attracted under certain circumstances and a strong emotional bond, but can be a girl, boy, or bi)
When Ren was 10 she discovered she had magic. It began slowly taking over her. If she had a small emotion it completely overruled her. When she became a grey of being bullied she burnt the city to the ground. Which, yeah killed pretty much everyone.
Looks: Still being drawn
Ren’s most common emotions that are actually shown are anger, anger, anger, and neutral. She really doesn’t have true emotions or personality anymore since she is stuck in her power. If Ren realized what she had done, she would stop. Of course she doesn’t know.
Ren use to be shy yet normally fine with being on her own. She was bullied a lot which upset her. So one day on her bed when she clenched her palm than opened it, to reveal a swirl of silver-blue, she knew what she could do. The next day when she was bullied worse than ever she let it control her and burned the city down.
When recruited for HOPE she was forced to her human form, and was found to have a weakness: platinum. If she had a bracket of it she would stay human and couldn’t use her magic. She currently wears one earring of platinum that she can’t take off because the staff has the key (is that okay?)
Overwhelming emotions cause her to be taken over by her power that can destroy or heal. She can also levatate if her magic lets her.
Weakness: Platinum
Other: may want to restrain in platinum if the locked earring isn’t enough.
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If y'all are ready say, Aye.
If y'all are ready say, Aye.
You say,"Potato". I say,"Feed me the souls of the unborn and then the pact is set."
Aye. Also, I wanted to mention. Violet will be coming in a bit later. Not immediately.
Aye. Also, I wanted to mention. Violet will be coming in a bit later. Not immediately.
Aye! Let's get this show on the road!
Aye! Let's get this show on the road!
Aye! To adventure!
Aye! To adventure!
2bbMm1c.pngOne for sorrow, two for joy...936TVGr.png
Aye aye captain!
Aye aye captain!
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