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TOPIC | [S] ColiServices - [OPEN] -
[center][size=6][b]Venue Grinding, 1-25 & Fodder Leveling Services and Boss Battles[/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]We are {[color=green]Open[/color][b] |[/b][s][b][color=red]Closed[/color][/b][/s]}[/size] [size=4] To Enter the Coliseum For You![/size][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img][/url][/center] [columns][center][quote][size=4][b]OUR GEM TO TREASURE RATIO IS:[color=red] 1:1000[/size][/color][/quote][/columns][/center] [center][size=5][color=purple]Welcome, Wanderers[/color][/size] You have found the Coliservices home thread! [/center] [quote][size=4][b][color=red]UPDATE: 30th May 2021 -[/size] [size=5][color=red][b][GRINDING AND LEVELLING PRICE INCREASE][/b][/color][/size] [center]click >>[url=] [b]UPDATE THREAD LINK HERE[/b] [/url] <<click[/center] This is an announcement to inform customers that our Team has had a review of our services and to accommodate our effort with the current T/G Ratio, We have decided to increase the Price(s) of the following: [LIST] [*]ALL Grinding Services [regular, standing order and festival] [*]1-25 levelling - Regular [*]1-25 levelling - Expedited [*]1-25 levelling - Reduced. [*] [/LIST] The NEW Prices have been added to the related Sections in this thread and will take immediate effect with any new orders made from this date. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ping or DM @Zarathusa. Thank you ColiServices Team[/quote] ----- [quote][size=4][b][color=red]UPDATE: 18th DECEMBER 2020 -[/size] [color=red][b]REGARDING NIGHT OF THE NOCTURNE [And Micro-Holidays][/b][/color] [b]Our [REGULAR VENUE GRINDING] Is still [color=green][OPEN][/color] alongside our other Services. However, please see below for the in's and out's for our services over the Festive Period.[/b] [/center] [LIST] [*]Grinders [b][u]May[/u][/b] still pick up Unclaimed Orders over the Christmas Period[b] but are Not Obliged to do so[/b] since it is the Holidays and even we need to rest sometimes as well. [*]During Micro Holidays [u]AND[/u] Night of the Nocturne, [b]Grinders Are [u]NOT[/u] Obliged to Hand over any Holiday Loot.[/b] [*][b][u]ANY[/u] [/b]Micro Holiday or NotN Loot that is given to the Customer [b][u]will be handed over for Free and at the Individual Grinders Discretion only![/u][/b] [*][b]Regular Grinding Prices will Still Apply regardless of outcome.[/b] [/LIST] ----------- [size=4][b][color=red]UPDATE: 21st JUNE 2020 -[/size] [color=red][b]FESTIVAL GRINDING UPDATE[/b][/color] For the [b]FORESEEABLE FUTURE[/b] of Festivals, Our Slots are [b]"First Come, First Serve"[/b] due to real life commitments being very heavy for myself at the moment and lack of time to keep up. This also means we will only ping the "Update List" every once in a while. [b]We will also only be taking orders up to: TUESDAY ([i]Possibly Wednesday[/i]) on our Spreadsheet. [/b] This is due to IRL commitments and a reduced Team. [size=4][b][color=red]UPDATE: 1st June 2018 -[/size] We are now offering a Pinglist for any/all Service Updates. This will include Price Changes, Limit Changes, Closures, Festival Pre-Order openings etc... [LIST] [*]This will be classed as a General Pinglist. (Meaning you will be pinged for all updates regardless of their topic) [*]Our pinglist will be Kept on our Spreadsheet (in its own Section). [*]Customers can view said sheet in the [url=][u][b][color=purple]Customer Spreadsheet[/b][/u][/color][/url]. (this is View Only) [/LIST] Any customers wishing to be added to this Update Pinglist ~(or removed in future)~ please ping: @Zarathusa[/quote] ----- [center][size=4]All Services team members have been vetted for their ability to perform any service under which their name is listed. All Services team members have agreed to abide by all rules in sections where they have volunteered their services. If, after reading the rules in any given section, you find you still have questions, please feel free to PM or ping @Zarathusa [quote]We have a [url=][size=4][u][b][color=purple]Customer Spreadsheet[/color][/b][/u][/size][/url] for our orders. Customers can view their order Status in the sheet linked above. [/quote] Please bear in mind that we are human and have real lives and need sleep sometimes, so although we update and perform jobs quickly, it is not instant and this is not a rush service. If your order is not on the sheet within 48 hours, please ping @Zarathusa, as we may have missed it. [LIST] [*][color=red]*NEW[/color] - You may now leave service reviews by [url=]clicking here[/url]! [*][color=red]*NEW:[/color] - Fancy joining our Team? Then why not head on over to our [color=red]NEW![/color] Hiring Thread [url=]Here[/url]! [/center] [/LIST] -------------- [columns][quote][size=5][b]Thread Navigation[/b][/size][/quote][/columns] [LIST] [*][size=4][url=][u][b][color=purple]Customer Spreadsheet[/b][/u][/color][/url]. [/size][size=2](this is View Only) [/size] [/LIST] [LIST=1] [*][url=] Coliseum Venue Grinding[/url] - [color=GREEN][b]OPEN[/b][/color] [*][url=] Festival Grinding [/url] - [color=red][b]CLOSED[/b][/color] [*][url=] 1-25 Battle Dragon Leveling[/url] - [color=green][b]OPEN[/b][/color] [*][url=] Fodder Training & Boss Battles[/url]- [color=green][b]OPEN[/b][/color] [*] [url=] Reserved Post[/url] - [*][url=][color=red][b]*NEW - Join The Team[/color][/url] - Our New Hiring Thread - [color=green][b]OPEN[/b][/color] [/LIST] [br] [quote] [center][size=1]I have Full Permission from Kedreeva to use the following layout and wording for our Temporary Services while Kedreeva takes an Indeterminate Hiatus[/center][/quote]
Venue Grinding, 1-25 & Fodder Leveling Services and Boss Battles
We are {Open |Closed}
To Enter the Coliseum For You!

Welcome, Wanderers
You have found the Coliservices home thread!
UPDATE: 30th May 2021 -

click >> UPDATE THREAD LINK HERE <<click

This is an announcement to inform customers that our Team has had a review of our services and to accommodate our effort with the current T/G Ratio, We have decided to increase the Price(s) of the following:
  • ALL Grinding Services [regular, standing order and festival]
  • 1-25 levelling - Regular
  • 1-25 levelling - Expedited
  • 1-25 levelling - Reduced.
The NEW Prices have been added to the related Sections in this thread and will take immediate effect with any new orders made from this date.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ping or DM @Zarathusa.
Thank you

ColiServices Team

UPDATE: 18th DECEMBER 2020 -
[And Micro-Holidays]

Our [REGULAR VENUE GRINDING] Is still [OPEN] alongside our other Services.
However, please see below for the in's and out's for our services over the Festive Period.
  • Grinders May still pick up Unclaimed Orders over the Christmas Period but are Not Obliged to do so since it is the Holidays and even we need to rest sometimes as well.
  • During Micro Holidays AND Night of the Nocturne, Grinders Are NOT Obliged to Hand over any Holiday Loot.
  • ANY Micro Holiday or NotN Loot that is given to the Customer will be handed over for Free and at the Individual Grinders Discretion only!
  • Regular Grinding Prices will Still Apply regardless of outcome.

UPDATE: 21st JUNE 2020 -

For the FORESEEABLE FUTURE of Festivals, Our Slots are "First Come, First Serve" due to real life commitments being very heavy for myself at the moment and lack of time to keep up. This also means we will only ping the "Update List" every once in a while.

We will also only be taking orders up to: TUESDAY (Possibly Wednesday) on our Spreadsheet.
This is due to IRL commitments and a reduced Team.

UPDATE: 1st June 2018 -
We are now offering a Pinglist for any/all Service Updates.
This will include Price Changes, Limit Changes, Closures, Festival Pre-Order openings etc...
  • This will be classed as a General Pinglist. (Meaning you will be pinged for all updates regardless of their topic)
  • Our pinglist will be Kept on our Spreadsheet (in its own Section).
  • Customers can view said sheet in the Customer Spreadsheet. (this is View Only)

Any customers wishing to be added to this Update Pinglist ~(or removed in future)~ please ping: @Zarathusa

All Services team members have been vetted
for their ability to perform any service under which
their name is listed. All Services team members
have agreed to abide by all rules in sections where
they have volunteered their services.

If, after reading the rules in any given section,
you find you still have questions, please feel free
to PM or ping @Zarathusa

We have a Customer Spreadsheet for our orders.
Customers can view their order Status in the sheet linked above.

Please bear in mind that we are human and
have real lives and need sleep sometimes, so
although we update and perform jobs quickly,
it is not instant and this is not a rush service. If
your order is not on the sheet within 48 hours, please
ping @Zarathusa, as we may have missed it.
  • *NEW - You may now leave service reviews by clicking here!
  • *NEW: - Fancy joining our Team? Then why not head on over to our NEW! Hiring Thread Here!

Thread Navigation
  1. Coliseum Venue Grinding - OPEN
  2. Festival Grinding - CLOSED
  3. 1-25 Battle Dragon Leveling - OPEN
  4. Fodder Training & Boss Battles- OPEN
  5. Reserved Post -
  6. *NEW - Join The Team - Our New Hiring Thread - OPEN

I have Full Permission from Kedreeva to use the following layout and wording for our Temporary Services while Kedreeva takes an Indeterminate Hiatus
  • D.A Portfolio
  • FR Shop
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center][size=5]Enter, Emptors[/size] [b][size=4]We are { [Color=green]AVAILABLE[/color]/[s][color=red]UNAVAILABLE[/color][/s] } to enter the Coliseum for you.[/center] [columns][center][quote][size=4][b]OUR GEM TO TREASURE RATIO IS:[color=red] 1:1000[/size][/color][/quote][/columns][/center] ----- [center][b][size=7]Regular Venue Grinding[/size] - [size=6]Is [color=GREEN][b]OPEN[/b][/color] [/size] Until we clear current orders on our Spreadsheet ----- [color=red][size=5]For FESTIVAL Grinding, Please click: [url=]HERE[/url][/size][/color][/b][/center] [quote] [center][size=4][b]We cover [b][u]ALL[/u][/b] Coliseum Venues [/b][/size][/center] [/quote] [u][b][size=6]How Our Venue Grinding Works[/size][/b][/u] [LIST=1] [*]Choose any coliseum venue and the amount of time you would like to pay for, in a multiple of 30 minutes, up to 2 hours at a time. This does not apply to "until you get X item" or standing grind orders (see below). [*]Orders are limited to the slots available on our [size=3][u][b][color=purple]Customer Spreadsheet[/color][/b][/u][/size]. [*][b][u]Please wait until your order(s) are completed before Re-Ordering![u][/b][indent]We also ask that you be courteous and refrain from ordering repeatedly after every previous order is completed.[/indent] [*]Ping the [b]venue grinders[/b] pinglist and fill out the Added Form with your choices. [*]Whoever fills your order will then spend your chosen amount of time grinding for loot in your chosen coliseum venue. [*]After they finish, they will add all of the collected loot from your allotted time - including food, junk, eggs, apparel, battle stones, boss familiars, chests, or anything else that happens to drop - to a 2-way CR. It's all yours! [*]Please have payment ready when ordering since payment is required as promptly as possible once your CR's have been sent. [*][b]We will only leave a CR Active for 48 hours. (24 hours during Festivals). You will be Pinged when the CR is on its way. [/b] [*][color=red]Please allow 24hours for every 1 hour order placed![/color] ([i]this means that for every 1 hour you order, please allow us 24 hours to complete it![/i]) [/LIST] ----- [quote] [center][img][/img][/center] [/quote] ----- [b][size=5]Regular Venue Grinder Pinglist / Order Form[/size][/b] [LIST] [*][b]Please copy and paste the Coded pinglist and Grinding Form and add Your Information the Form when Creating your Order. [/b] [/LIST] If you just have questions, you may ping @Zarathusa [quote=REGULAR GRINDERS PINGLIST] @Zarathusa @ShadowedWolf @blackcat886 @Sharanay @Holocene10 @Seraph822 @Juxtapose @Hyleoroi @SparkyFlames @Zith [b]I would like to Order:[/b] (enter duration. Maximum 2 hours) [b]Of:[/b] Normal [b]Grinding[/b] [b]In Venue:[/b] (enter venue(s) here) [/quote] [b][u]CODED FORM (With Pinglist)[/u][/b] Just Copy and Paste the Code to your Post. [code][quote][b][u]Grinding Order:[/u][/b] @Zarathusa @ShadowedWolf @blackcat886 @Sharanay @Holocene10 @Seraph822 @Juxtapose @Hyleoroi @SparkyFlames @Zith [b]I would like to Order:[/b] (enter duration. Maximum 2 hours) [b]Of:[/b] Normal [b]Grinding[/b] [b]In Venue:[/b] (enter venue(s) here) [/quote][/code] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][size=6]Standing Grind Orders[/size][/b] Standing venue grind orders are open, endless requests for our team to grind in particular venues whenever we have spare time. [size=5]The Rules[/size] [LIST] [*]You may request to be added or removed from this list at any time. [*]Standing orders may be worked on by any of our grinders. [*]Standing order will be picked up as grinders have time, after normal orders are complete. [b]This means they are not picked up some weeks[/b]. [*]Standing orders will be charged non-festival time and receive only non-festival loot during festivals unless requested otherwise up front. [*]You must to set a time limit per week up to 5 hours, or an item limit to attain. If you set an item number to attain, we will grind not more than 5 hours per week until we have gotten your item(s). [*]Payment is expected within 24 hours of being sent the CR. Anyone not able to pay on a regular basis for standing orders will be removed from this list. [*]These rules are subject to change as we test this service. [/LIST] [size=5]Standing Orders List (Limit 5 slots)[/size] [LIST=1] [*]Plaguemaw (2) [*]Emmie (5) [*]Zarathusa (4) [*]Starstream (3) [*]Kedreeva (5) [/LIST] [center]__________________________________________________________
Enter, Emptors
to enter the Coliseum for you.

Regular Venue Grinding -
Until we clear current orders on our Spreadsheet

For FESTIVAL Grinding, Please click: HERE

We cover ALL Coliseum Venues

How Our Venue Grinding Works
  1. Choose any coliseum venue and the amount of time you would like to pay for, in a multiple of 30 minutes, up to 2 hours at a time. This does not apply to "until you get X item" or standing grind orders (see below).
  2. Orders are limited to the slots available on our Customer Spreadsheet.
  3. Please wait until your order(s) are completed before Re-Ordering!
    We also ask that you be courteous and refrain from ordering repeatedly after every previous order is completed.
  4. Ping the venue grinders pinglist and fill out the Added Form with your choices.
  5. Whoever fills your order will then spend your chosen amount of time grinding for loot in your chosen coliseum venue.
  6. After they finish, they will add all of the collected loot from your allotted time - including food, junk, eggs, apparel, battle stones, boss familiars, chests, or anything else that happens to drop - to a 2-way CR. It's all yours!
  7. Please have payment ready when ordering since payment is required as promptly as possible once your CR's have been sent.
  8. We will only leave a CR Active for 48 hours. (24 hours during Festivals). You will be Pinged when the CR is on its way.
  9. Please allow 24hours for every 1 hour order placed! (this means that for every 1 hour you order, please allow us 24 hours to complete it!)


Regular Venue Grinder Pinglist / Order Form
  • Please copy and paste the Coded pinglist and Grinding Form and add Your Information the Form when Creating your Order.
If you just have questions, you may ping @Zarathusa
@Zarathusa @ShadowedWolf @blackcat886 @Sharanay @Holocene10 @Seraph822 @Juxtapose @Hyleoroi @SparkyFlames @Zith

I would like to Order: (enter duration. Maximum 2 hours)
Of: Normal Grinding
In Venue: (enter venue(s) here)

CODED FORM (With Pinglist)
Just Copy and Paste the Code to your Post.
[quote][b][u]Grinding Order:[/u][/b] @Zarathusa @ShadowedWolf @blackcat886 @Sharanay @Holocene10 @Seraph822 @Juxtapose @Hyleoroi @SparkyFlames @Zith [b]I would like to Order:[/b] (enter duration. Maximum 2 hours) [b]Of:[/b] Normal [b]Grinding[/b] [b]In Venue:[/b] (enter venue(s) here) [/quote]

Standing Grind Orders

Standing venue grind orders are open, endless requests for our team to grind in particular venues whenever we have spare time.

The Rules
  • You may request to be added or removed from this list at any time.
  • Standing orders may be worked on by any of our grinders.
  • Standing order will be picked up as grinders have time, after normal orders are complete. This means they are not picked up some weeks.
  • Standing orders will be charged non-festival time and receive only non-festival loot during festivals unless requested otherwise up front.
  • You must to set a time limit per week up to 5 hours, or an item limit to attain. If you set an item number to attain, we will grind not more than 5 hours per week until we have gotten your item(s).
  • Payment is expected within 24 hours of being sent the CR. Anyone not able to pay on a regular basis for standing orders will be removed from this list.
  • These rules are subject to change as we test this service.

Standing Orders List (Limit 5 slots)
  1. Plaguemaw (2)
  2. Emmie (5)
  3. Zarathusa (4)
  4. Starstream (3)
  5. Kedreeva (5)
  • D.A Portfolio
  • FR Shop
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center][b][size=5]Roll up! Roll Up! The Festival is in Town![/size] [size=4]We are: {[s] [color=green]AVAILABLE[/color][/s] /[color=red]UNAVAILABLE[/color] To enter the Coliseum for you.[/size][/b][/center] [columns][center][quote][size=4][b]OUR GEM TO TREASURE RATIO IS:[color=red] 1:1000[/size][/color][/quote][/columns][/center] ----- [center][size=6][b]Up Next:[/b][/size] [img][/img] [url=][b]Click! -->> [size=5]FESTIVAL SPREADSHEET[/size] <<-- Click![/b][/url] ----- [quote][left][LIST] [*][size=4][b]Festival Grinding: [color=red][b]CLOSED[/b][/color] [*][size=4][b]Festival Pre-Orders:[color=red][b]CLOSED[/b][/color] [u][b][url=]TOP 5 VENUES - [color=cyan]Thundercrack Carnival[/color][/url][/b][/u] [i][size=2]at time of this writing as we wait for the FCG to update- subject to change. [/size][/i] [b]_(1)[/b] Scorched Forest [size=2][i]*recommended*[/i][/size] [b]_(2)[/b] Thunderhead Savanna [size=2][i]*recommended*[/i][/size] [b]_(3)[/b] Harpy's Roost [size=2][i]*recommended*[/i][/size] [b]_(4)[/b] Crystal Pools [b]_(5)[/b] Forgotten Cave [/LIST] [b][color=red]CUSTOMER NOTICE: If your Order is not Sent to you by Weekly Rollover[/color] (00:00 FR Time on Sundays) Please contact @Zarathusa [color=red]at your earliest convenience.[/color][/b] [i]Please also provide a CR Screenshot ( both Pending and Accepted) as proof[/i] [/left][/quote] ----- [u][size=6][b]FESTIVAL TERMS[/size][/b][/u][/center] [LIST] [*][quote]Customers Agree to check our "FESTIVAL" tab of our [b][url=][size=4][u][b][color=purple]Customer Spreadsheet[/color][/b][/u][/size][/url] Before Ordering[/b] to ensure we have slots available! [*]Upon ordering Customers must have Funds at the ready to issue prompt payment and delivery. [*][b]Please Note: We Do Not accept Items as a form of Payment for Festival Grinding[/b] -[i]This is only for Regular Grinding and at the Grinders Discretion[/i] [*]By ordering, Customers agree to pick up their Completed orders within 24 hours. [*] You will be notified/reminded of your completed order by [u]ANY[/u] of the Following: [List][*] Ping on our main thread & CR Message when the Order(s) are Picked Up, Completed and sent. [*]up to 3 Reminders via thread and CR message [*] Once the 24 hours has been reached you will be sent a Private Message to let you know your order will be or has been cancelled.[/list] [*][b]Customers who cancel orders [i](Completed or otherwise)[/i] OR do not pick up their CRs within the 24 hours, will not be allowed to place an order for the next festival.[/b] (but may place orders for further festivals. [quote] EXAMPLE: If you did not collect your order during Rockbreakers Cermeony, Then we will not accept your orders until Trickmurk Circus. Meaning you have to "skip" Crystaline Gala[/quote] [/LIST] During rockbreakers alone some of our grinders lost 6 days (collectively) waiting for customers to pick up their crs but had to cancel after 24 hours as per our rules, and left us behind. ----- [u][b][size=6]How Our FESTIVAL Venue Grinding Works[/size][/b][/u] [br] [LIST] [*][b]Festivals run from Sundays to Saturdays on Flight Rising. [*][color=red]Our Festival Grinding is [u]OPEN[/u] for Orders from Sunday to the Friday. [/color][/b] [/LIST] This ensures our Team is able to complete all Grinding Orders that come through in time and still have Grinding Time for themselves before the Festival is Due To End. [br] [LIST=1] [*]You still order your chosen venue and the amount of time (up to 2 hours at a time). [*]Orders are limited to the slots listed on the festival page of [url=]our spreadsheet[/url]. Once those slots are full, we will not be accepting additional orders. [*] We have [b]Six[/b] 1 hour Slots and [b]Four[/b] 30 minute slots Per Day. [*]Orders for festival grinding will be taken at any time during the festival week. [b]Festival orders may be taken in advance the week before a festival.[/b] [indent][LIST] [*]Advance orders may be for [b]up to 2 hours[/b] for the week ahead. (additional time may be scheduled during the festival week). [*]This allows you to have your orders completed first! [*]Either way, time is still limited to the available slots. [*][b]Please wait until your first order has been completed fully before Re-Ordering!![/b] [/LIST][/indent] [*][b]Since Festivals can be very busy for us we ask that Customers be able to Accept their Crossroads within 24 Hours after their grind is Completed.[/b] This way we can be more efficient and get through more orders. [/LIST] ----- [quote] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Option Breakdown[/b] [LIST] [*][b]Fest Currency & Chests Only:[/b] You, the customer, will get all Festival Currency and any festival Chests. Grinder keeps everything else. [indent][LIST][*][b]Please note that we DO NOT guarantee Festival Chests will drop 100% of the time.[/b][/LIST][/indent] [*][b]Full Fest Loot:[/b] The customer still gets all loot like normal. (Both standard venue and any/all Festival Loot) [/LIST][/quote] ----- [b][size=5]Festival Grinder Pinglist / Order Form[/size][/b] [LIST] [*][b]Please copy and paste the Coded pinglist and Grinding Form and add Your Information the Form when Creating your Order. [/b] [/LIST] If you just have questions, you may ping @Zarathusa [quote=FESTIVAL GRINDERS PINGLIST] [b]Festival Grinding Order[/b] @Zarathusa @ShadowedWolf @blackcat886 @Sharanay @Holocene10 @Seraph822 @Juxtapose @Hyleoroi @SparkyFlames @Zith [b]I would like to Order:[/b] (enter duration. Maximum 2 hours) [b]Of:[/b] FESTIVAL [b]Grinding[/b] [b]In Venue:[/b] (enter venue(s) here) [b]Full Loot or Currency/Chests only?:[/b] (Enter here) [/quote] [b][u]CODED FORM (With Pinglist)[/u][/b] Just Copy and Paste the Code to your Post. [code] [quote][b][u]Festival Grinding Order:[/u][/b] @Zarathusa @ShadowedWolf @blackcat886 @Sharanay @Holocene10 @Seraph822 @Juxtapose @Hyleoroi @SparkyFlames @Zith [b]I would like to Order:[/b] (enter duration. Maximum 2 hours) [b]Of:[/b] FESTIVAL [b]Grinding[/b] [b]In Venue:[/b] (enter venue(s) here) [b]Full Loot or Currency/Chests only?:[/b] (Enter here) [/quote][/code]
Roll up! Roll Up! The Festival is in Town!

To enter the Coliseum for you.

Up Next:

Click! -->> FESTIVAL SPREADSHEET <<-- Click!

  • Festival Grinding: CLOSED

  • Festival Pre-Orders:CLOSED

    TOP 5 VENUES - Thundercrack Carnival
    at time of this writing as we wait for the FCG to update- subject to change.

    _(1) Scorched Forest *recommended*
    _(2) Thunderhead Savanna *recommended*
    _(3) Harpy's Roost *recommended*
    _(4) Crystal Pools
    _(5) Forgotten Cave

If your Order is not Sent to you by Weekly Rollover
(00:00 FR Time on Sundays) Please contact @Zarathusa at your earliest convenience.

Please also provide a CR Screenshot ( both Pending and Accepted) as proof

  • Quote:
    Customers Agree to check our "FESTIVAL" tab of our Customer Spreadsheet Before Ordering to ensure we have slots available!
  • Upon ordering Customers must have Funds at the ready to issue prompt payment and delivery.
  • Please Note: We Do Not accept Items as a form of Payment for Festival Grinding -This is only for Regular Grinding and at the Grinders Discretion
  • By ordering, Customers agree to pick up their Completed orders within 24 hours.
  • You will be notified/reminded of your completed order by ANY of the Following:
    • Ping on our main thread & CR Message when the Order(s) are Picked Up, Completed and sent.
    • up to 3 Reminders via thread and CR message
    • Once the 24 hours has been reached you will be sent a Private Message to let you know your order will be or has been cancelled.
  • Customers who cancel orders (Completed or otherwise) OR do not pick up their CRs within the 24 hours, will not be allowed to place an order for the next festival. (but may place orders for further festivals.
    EXAMPLE: If you did not collect your order during Rockbreakers Cermeony, Then we will not accept your orders until Trickmurk Circus.
    Meaning you have to "skip" Crystaline Gala

During rockbreakers alone some of our grinders lost 6 days (collectively) waiting for customers to pick up their crs but had to cancel after 24 hours as per our rules, and left us behind.

How Our FESTIVAL Venue Grinding Works

  • Festivals run from Sundays to Saturdays on Flight Rising.
  • Our Festival Grinding is OPEN for Orders from Sunday to the Friday.
This ensures our Team is able to complete all Grinding Orders that come through in time and still have Grinding Time for themselves before the Festival is Due To End.

  1. You still order your chosen venue and the amount of time (up to 2 hours at a time).
  2. Orders are limited to the slots listed on the festival page of our spreadsheet. Once those slots are full, we will not be accepting additional orders.
  3. We have Six 1 hour Slots and Four 30 minute slots Per Day.
  4. Orders for festival grinding will be taken at any time during the festival week. Festival orders may be taken in advance the week before a festival.
    • Advance orders may be for up to 2 hours for the week ahead. (additional time may be scheduled during the festival week).
    • This allows you to have your orders completed first!
    • Either way, time is still limited to the available slots.
    • Please wait until your first order has been completed fully before Re-Ordering!!
  5. Since Festivals can be very busy for us we ask that Customers be able to Accept their Crossroads within 24 Hours after their grind is Completed.
    This way we can be more efficient and get through more orders.


Option Breakdown
  • Fest Currency & Chests Only: You, the customer, will get all Festival Currency and any festival Chests. Grinder keeps everything else.
    • Please note that we DO NOT guarantee Festival Chests will drop 100% of the time.
  • Full Fest Loot: The customer still gets all loot like normal. (Both standard venue and any/all Festival Loot)

Festival Grinder Pinglist / Order Form
  • Please copy and paste the Coded pinglist and Grinding Form and add Your Information the Form when Creating your Order.
If you just have questions, you may ping @Zarathusa
Festival Grinding Order

@Zarathusa @ShadowedWolf @blackcat886 @Sharanay @Holocene10 @Seraph822 @Juxtapose @Hyleoroi @SparkyFlames @Zith

I would like to Order: (enter duration. Maximum 2 hours)
Of: FESTIVAL Grinding
In Venue: (enter venue(s) here)
Full Loot or Currency/Chests only?: (Enter here)

CODED FORM (With Pinglist)
Just Copy and Paste the Code to your Post.
[quote][b][u]Festival Grinding Order:[/u][/b] @Zarathusa @ShadowedWolf @blackcat886 @Sharanay @Holocene10 @Seraph822 @Juxtapose @Hyleoroi @SparkyFlames @Zith [b]I would like to Order:[/b] (enter duration. Maximum 2 hours) [b]Of:[/b] FESTIVAL [b]Grinding[/b] [b]In Venue:[/b] (enter venue(s) here) [b]Full Loot or Currency/Chests only?:[/b] (Enter here) [/quote]
  • D.A Portfolio
  • FR Shop
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center] [b][size=5]Step forward, Stranger.[/size] [b][size=4]I am {[Color=green]AVAILABLE[/color] / [s][color=red]UNAVAILABLE[/color][/s] } to train your dragons.[/size] [size=6]Levelling is Currently [color=green][b]OPEN[/b][/color] [/size][/b] ------- [center][size=6][b]1-25 & By-Level Training Services[/b][/size] For fodder leveling services please see the [url=]next post[/url][/center] [quote][color=red][size=3][b][u]NOTE: [/u] Progress Updates will not be given on Leveling orders unless Asked for.[/b][/size][/color][indent] [LIST] [*]Please state how Often you would like us to provide Updates to you in your initial Order. [*]This does not Apply to Expedite Leveling. No updates will be sent out for this service due to the short duration we would have your dragon. [*][b] Many of our Battle Levelers will apply either Apparel or a Familiar [i](Or both)[/i] to a Customers Dragon(s) to ensure their Security while leveling.[/b] This also makes sure we do not mix them up with any possible Fodder Dragons etc. [/LIST] [/indent] ----- [LIST] [*]Customers are Free to Send Unattached stones with their Dragons Providing you also Add the Stats (or link) of Coliseum Build you would like us to apply. [b]Unless:[/b] the Stones are already Applied to the Dragon(s) then We ask that you do not send any stones with the Dragon(s) to be levelled since this can actually slow us down. [*] [b]We also ask customers to Refrain from asking for ineligible dragons to be leveled until they are Ready. [u]This includes Babies and Nesting Dragons[/u][/b].[/LIST][/quote] [b][size=6]THE RULES[/size][/b] [LIST] [*]Copy the Application form to your post and Fill out with your desired information to Claim a Slot [*]Our levelers may take up to two dragons each (exceptions may apply for item payment). Our service has 10 normal leveling slots. Once those are full, we ping for openings. [*]Prices for training are listed in the chart below. Services members may choose to accept items for payment at their discretion. [*]We accept treasure or gems. [*][columns][quote][size=4][b]OUR GEM TO TREASURE RATIO IS:[color=red] 1:1000[/size][/color][/quote][/columns] [*]Please have your payment ready upon ordering, as payment is due promptly when your dragon is returned. Post-training, dragons will only be held a maximum of [u][b]5 days[/b][/u] (unless arrangements have been made ahead of time with the trainer). During that time, [b][u]three attempts[/u][/b] will be made to contact you (the 2-way return CR, A ping here, and a PM if you fail to respond to the first two). [*][b]If you do not communicate or pick up your dragon [u]within those 5 days,[/u] we will assume you wish to forfeit ownership of the dragon to us.[/b] [*]Our levelers reserve the right to reject any leveling service request for any reason. [/LIST] [center][b]LEVELING SERVICE PRICES BY LEVEL[/b] To find the cost for a partially leveled dragon, subtract the middle column number next to your current level from the middle column number next to your desired level. [img][/img][/center] [Size=5]Our Guarantees:[/size] [LIST] [*]No stats, battle stones, or tinctures, will be applied to your dragon except by request. [*]Your dragon WILL be fed and WILL NOT be bred while in our lairs. [*]All leveling shall take [u]not longer than 2 weeks[/u] unless otherwise noted up front (or you grant permission during). [*]You may ask for your dragon back at any time and need only pay for the levels so far earned. [/LIST] ---------- [size=5][b]Reduced Price Leveling[/b][/size] Our Services offer reduced price leveling with the following parameters: [LIST] [*][color=red][size=4][b]The price is fixed at:[/b][/size][/color] [img][/img] No additional discounts may apply. [*]Reduced leveling must be claimed upon your initial order. [*]Our standard 2-week guarantee will no longer apply. [*]If you would Like Leveling / Progress updates, Please request this when ordering. [*]We promise to have your Dragon(s) returned within 5 weeks. (In most cases this is a lot sooner!) [*]Only dragons at or below L10 being taken to L25 are eligible. [*]Our levelers are limited to 2 dragons at a time. Our service has 15 reduced price leveling slots. [*]No stats, battle stones, or tinctures, will be applied to your dragon except by request. [*]You may ask for your dragon back at any time and need only pay for the levels so far earned- however, you will pay for the levels by the standard pricing chart above. [*][b]Please wait for your First order to be completed before Re-Ordering. Thank you[/b] [/LIST] To claim a reduced price leveling slot, please ping our standard Trainer's Pinglist, located Below. [quote][size=4][u][b]STANDARD & REDUCED TRAINER'S PINGLIST[/b][/u][/size][/quote] [quote] [b]1-25 Levelling Form[/b] @Zarathusa @blackcat886 @ShadowedWolf @Sharanay @EmeraldHalftail @Holocene10 @Meniph @FallingStar275 @Mitski @exquisite @ScarletSultan [b]I would Like:[/b](insert dragon amount here) [b]Dragons Leveled[/b] [b]My dragon is currently Level:[/b] (insert your dragons level here) [b]I would like them Leveled to:[/b] (Insert the Desired level here) [b]I wish to use the:[/b] (Regular/Reduced Price Service - please Choose) [b]Do you require leveling/progress updates?:[/b] (Yes/No) - [i]if yes please state duration of updates[/i] [/quote] [b]PLEASE COPY THE CODED FORM AND FILL OUT THE INFORMATION:[/b] [code][quote] [b]1-25 Levelling Form[/b] @Zarathusa @blackcat886 @ShadowedWolf @Sharanay @EmeraldHalftail @Holocene10 @Meniph @FallingStar275 @Mitski @exquisite @ScarletSultan [b]I would Like:[/b](insert dragon amount here) [b]Dragons Leveled[/b] [b]My dragon is currently Level:[/b] (insert your dragons level here) [b]I would like them Leveled to:[/b] (Insert the Desired level here) [b]I wish to use the:[/b] (Regular/Reduced Price Service - please Choose) [b]Do you require leveling/progress updates?:[/b] (Yes/No) - [i]if yes please state duration of updates[/i] [/quote][/code] ------------- [size=5][b]Expedited Leveling[/b][/size] Our Service offers expedited leveling with the following parameters: [LIST] [*][color=red][size=4][b]The price is fixed at:[/b][/size][/color] [img][/img] No discounts may apply. [*][color=red]This is NOT a rush service![/color] Your order will be slotted into our normal rotation. Only the leveling time itself is expedited. [*]Our expedited levelers are limited to 1 expedited dragon at a time. Our service has 3 expedited slots. Once those are full, we ping for openings. [*]Expedited leveling must be claimed upon your initial order. [*]Leveling will be completed within 6 days of the day the leveler picks up the dragon. [*][b]Only dragons at or below L10 being taken to L25 are eligible.[/b] [*]Expedited levelers will most likely assign stats to your dragon as they see fit. If you provide a tincture, we will assign stats to your specifications after leveling is complete. [*]You may ask for your dragon back at any time and need only pay for the levels so far earned. You will pay for the levels by the standard pricing chart above. [/LIST] [quote][size=4][b][u]EXPEDITE PINGLIST ONLY!:[/u][/b][/size] @Zarathusa @blackcat886 @ShadowedWolf @EmeraldHalftail @Holocene10 @Meniph @FallingStar275 @Mitski @exquisite @ScarletSultan [b]I would Like:[/b](insert dragon amount here) [b]Dragons Leveled[/b] [b]My dragon is currently Level:[/b] (must be L10 or below) [b]I wish to use the: Expedite Service[/b][/quote] [b]PLEASE COPY THE CODED FORM AND FILL IN THE INFORMATION:[/b] [code][quote][size=4][b][u]EXPEDITE PINGLIST ONLY!:[/u][/b][/size] @Zarathusa @blackcat886 @ShadowedWolf @EmeraldHalftail @Holocene10 @Meniph @FallingStar275 @Mitski @exquisite @ScarletSultan [b]I would Like:[/b](insert dragon amount here) [b]Dragons Leveled[/b] [b]My dragon is currently Level:[/b] (must be L10 or below) [b]I wish to use the: Expedite Service[/b][/quote][/code]
Step forward, Stranger.
to train your dragons.

Levelling is Currently OPEN

1-25 & By-Level Training Services
For fodder leveling services please see the next post

Progress Updates will not be given on Leveling orders unless Asked for.
  • Please state how Often you would like us to provide Updates to you in your initial Order.
  • This does not Apply to Expedite Leveling. No updates will be sent out for this service due to the short duration we would have your dragon.
  • Many of our Battle Levelers will apply either Apparel or a Familiar (Or both) to a Customers Dragon(s) to ensure their Security while leveling.
    This also makes sure we do not mix them up with any possible Fodder Dragons etc.

  • Customers are Free to Send Unattached stones with their Dragons Providing you also Add the Stats (or link) of Coliseum Build you would like us to apply.
    Unless: the Stones are already Applied to the Dragon(s) then We ask that you do not send any stones with the Dragon(s) to be levelled since this can actually slow us down.
  • We also ask customers to Refrain from asking for ineligible dragons to be leveled until they are Ready.
    This includes Babies and Nesting Dragons

  • Copy the Application form to your post and Fill out with your desired information to Claim a Slot
  • Our levelers may take up to two dragons each (exceptions may apply for item payment). Our service has 10 normal leveling slots. Once those are full, we ping for openings.
  • Prices for training are listed in the chart below. Services members may choose to accept items for payment at their discretion.
  • We accept treasure or gems.
  • Quote:
  • Please have your payment ready upon ordering, as payment is due promptly when your dragon is returned. Post-training, dragons will only be held a maximum of 5 days
    (unless arrangements have been made ahead of time with the trainer).

    During that time, three attempts will be made to contact you (the 2-way return CR, A ping here, and a PM if you fail to respond to the first two).
  • If you do not communicate or pick up your dragon within those 5 days, we will assume you wish to forfeit ownership of the dragon to us.
  • Our levelers reserve the right to reject any leveling service request for any reason.
To find the cost for a partially leveled dragon,
subtract the middle column number next to your current level
from the middle column number next to your desired level.


Our Guarantees:
  • No stats, battle stones, or tinctures, will be applied to your dragon except by request.
  • Your dragon WILL be fed and WILL NOT be bred while in our lairs.
  • All leveling shall take not longer than 2 weeks unless otherwise noted up front (or you grant permission during).
  • You may ask for your dragon back at any time and need only pay for the levels so far earned.

Reduced Price Leveling
Our Services offer reduced price leveling with the following parameters:
  • The price is fixed at:
    No additional discounts may apply.
  • Reduced leveling must be claimed upon your initial order.
  • Our standard 2-week guarantee will no longer apply.
  • If you would Like Leveling / Progress updates, Please request this when ordering.
  • We promise to have your Dragon(s) returned within 5 weeks. (In most cases this is a lot sooner!)
  • Only dragons at or below L10 being taken to L25 are eligible.
  • Our levelers are limited to 2 dragons at a time. Our service has 15 reduced price leveling slots.
  • No stats, battle stones, or tinctures, will be applied to your dragon except by request.
  • You may ask for your dragon back at any time and need only pay for the levels so far earned- however, you will pay for the levels by the standard pricing chart above.
  • Please wait for your First order to be completed before Re-Ordering. Thank you

To claim a reduced price leveling slot, please ping our standard Trainer's Pinglist, located Below.
1-25 Levelling Form

@Zarathusa @blackcat886 @ShadowedWolf @Sharanay @EmeraldHalftail @Holocene10 @Meniph @FallingStar275 @Mitski @exquisite @ScarletSultan

I would Like:(insert dragon amount here) Dragons Leveled
My dragon is currently Level: (insert your dragons level here)
I would like them Leveled to: (Insert the Desired level here)
I wish to use the: (Regular/Reduced Price Service - please Choose)
Do you require leveling/progress updates?: (Yes/No) - if yes please state duration of updates

[quote] [b]1-25 Levelling Form[/b] @Zarathusa @blackcat886 @ShadowedWolf @Sharanay @EmeraldHalftail @Holocene10 @Meniph @FallingStar275 @Mitski @exquisite @ScarletSultan [b]I would Like:[/b](insert dragon amount here) [b]Dragons Leveled[/b] [b]My dragon is currently Level:[/b] (insert your dragons level here) [b]I would like them Leveled to:[/b] (Insert the Desired level here) [b]I wish to use the:[/b] (Regular/Reduced Price Service - please Choose) [b]Do you require leveling/progress updates?:[/b] (Yes/No) - [i]if yes please state duration of updates[/i] [/quote]

Expedited Leveling
Our Service offers expedited leveling with the following parameters:
  • The price is fixed at:
    No discounts may apply.
  • This is NOT a rush service! Your order will be slotted into our normal rotation. Only the leveling time itself is expedited.
  • Our expedited levelers are limited to 1 expedited dragon at a time. Our service has 3 expedited slots. Once those are full, we ping for openings.
  • Expedited leveling must be claimed upon your initial order.
  • Leveling will be completed within 6 days of the day the leveler picks up the dragon.
  • Only dragons at or below L10 being taken to L25 are eligible.
  • Expedited levelers will most likely assign stats to your dragon as they see fit. If you provide a tincture, we will assign stats to your specifications after leveling is complete.
  • You may ask for your dragon back at any time and need only pay for the levels so far earned. You will pay for the levels by the standard pricing chart above.

@Zarathusa @blackcat886 @ShadowedWolf @EmeraldHalftail @Holocene10 @Meniph @FallingStar275 @Mitski @exquisite @ScarletSultan

I would Like:(insert dragon amount here) Dragons Leveled
My dragon is currently Level: (must be L10 or below)
I wish to use the: Expedite Service

[quote][size=4][b][u]EXPEDITE PINGLIST ONLY!:[/u][/b][/size] @Zarathusa @blackcat886 @ShadowedWolf @EmeraldHalftail @Holocene10 @Meniph @FallingStar275 @Mitski @exquisite @ScarletSultan [b]I would Like:[/b](insert dragon amount here) [b]Dragons Leveled[/b] [b]My dragon is currently Level:[/b] (must be L10 or below) [b]I wish to use the: Expedite Service[/b][/quote]
  • D.A Portfolio
  • FR Shop
[u][/u][center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center] [b][size=5]Fall in, Fodder.[/size] [b][size=4]I am {[Color=green]AVAILABLE[/color]/ [s][color=red]UNAVAILABLE[/color][/s] } to train your dragons.[/size][/b] [size=6]Exalt Fodder Training Services[/size][/center] ----------------------- [size=5]The Rules[/size] [columns][quote][size=5][color=red][b]Please make sure all fodder sent is eligible for Levelling. THIS INCLUDES FEEDING / HEALTH[/size] - [LIST] [*][size=4][b]Please ensure they have enough health to be put into the Coliseum[/b][/size][/color] [*][size=4][b]If a Trainer has to Feed your Dragons in order for them to be eligible for levelling, There will be a [color=red][u]1000t / 1g Fee added Per Dragon fed[/u][/color] to the final price.[/b] [/size] [/LIST][/quote][/columns] [br] [LIST][*] [b]We ask customers to Refrain from asking for ineligible dragons to be leveled until they are Ready. [u]This includes Babies and Nesting Dragons[/u][/b]. [*]Our Service has 15 slots of 2 dragons available. You may order up to: [LIST] [*]16 fodder to level 7 or below, [*]or up to 13 fodder to level 8 or 9, [*]or up to 10 fodder to level 10. [/LIST] [*][b]Time Frame:[/b] Per 10 Fodder you can Expect your Order returned within 48 hours. [*]Please ping the whole trainer pinglist to claim a slot. Your order will be picked up by the first available team member. [*]Please note any deadlines (dom pushes especially) necessary up front. [*]Please send the fodder through 1-way CR. [LIST] [*]If you send payment with the fodder, they will be sent back 1-way. [*]If you send only fodder, they will either be sent back 2-way or through private auction. [/LIST] [*]Fodder Dragons May be returned via Crossroad Trade [b]OR[/b] Auction House depending on the preference of the Leveler. [*] They will usually be sent back via Crossroads Trade if Payment has been Paid Upfront. [*]If you have not made the Payment upfront then we may send back via Auction House for the Total Leveling Price [b]Per Individual Dragon[/b] [*] We ask you to collect your Fodder Dragons promptly! As we will also only hold Fodder Dragons in CRs or AH trades for 48 hours. After this point, we will Cancel the Trade(s) and do what we see fit with the Dragons. [*]We will be ready to accept additional orders from you when your previous Order has been completed and CRs sent. [*]Prices are listed below. Levelers may accept gems at their discretion. [*]NOTE: Since these dragons are fodder for exaltation, our trainers may assign stats, and will not waste food feeding them before return. If you require differently, please see our [url=]normal battler leveling team[/url]. [/LIST] [center][img][/img][/center] [Size=5][b][u] Fodder Trainer Pinglist [/u][/b][/size] Please copy and paste the Coded pinglist and Form into your fodder leveling request post. [u][b]If you just have questions, you may ping @Zarathusa only.[/b][/u] [b]PREVIEW:[/b] [quote][b][u]Standard Fodder Order:[/u][/b] @Zarathusa @shadowedwolf @blackcat886 @Sharanay @EmeraldHalftail @Meniph @FallingStar275 [b]I would Like:[/b] (Insert Fodder amount here - see Fodder section for Restrictions) [/b][b]Dragons Leveled[/b] [b]I would like them Leveled to:[/b] (Insert Level required [b]Do you need them Rushed for DOM Push?[/b] (Yes / No)[/quote] [b][u]CODED PINGLIST AND ORDER FORM (Fodder)[/u][/b] Copy and Paste the Code below and add your information: [code][quote][b][u]Standard Fodder Order:[/u][/b] @Zarathusa @shadowedwolf @blackcat886 @Sharanay @EmeraldHalftail @Meniph @FallingStar275 [b]I would Like:[/b] (Insert Fodder amount here - see Fodder section for Restrictions) [/b][b]Dragons Leveled[/b] [b]I would like them Leveled to:[/b] (Insert Level required [b]Do you need them Rushed for DOM Push?[/b] (Yes / No)[/quote][/code] [br] [br] __________________________________________________________________________________ [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [size=6][b]Boss Familiar Grinding[/b][/size] [size=4][b]We Are [/b] {[Color=green][b]AVAILABLE[/b][/color]/ [s][color=red][b]UNAVAILABLE[/b][/color] [/s]} [b]To Enter the Coliseum For You. [br] [size=4][u][b]How Boss Familiar Grinding Works[/b][/u][/size] [/center] You pick the boss familiar you want us to grind for, and whether you want us to grind: [LIST] [*]Option 1: until the familiar drops [*]Option 2: for X number of boss battles [*]Option 3: X fights or first drop. [/LIST] [quote][u][b]NOTE:[/b][/u] Battle loot will be sent to you after every 25 battles by default unless you have stated a specific number of battles for us to check in. This included any/all boss Familiars.[/quote] [br] [center][b]Ping the boss grinders pinglist below with your choices. [color=red]Please remember to state which option you would like.[/color][/b][/center] [br] [LIST] [*][b]If you choose Option 1[/b], our grinders will grind boss fights until your familiar drops (grinders may vary per 25 fights), checking in every 25 boss fights to ensure you want them to keep going. [*][b]If you choose Option 2[/b], they will grind until they hit your fight limit, regardless of whether the familiar drops. [*][b]If you choose Option 3[/b] they will grind until the familiar drops or until they hit your fight limit, whichever comes first. [/LIST] [br] [LIST] [*]Once your order is complete, the grinder will send a CR with any loot which dropped from the bosses, and let you know the amount owed. [*]Each individual grinder will agree to only 1 active order at a time, but a single player may request multiple familiars per order. [*]Multiple grinders may work on the same order, as long as they are not actively grinding at the same time, so there are no overlaps in drops. [*][b]IF you order boss battles on a Wednesday or after then your order will be picked up on the following Sunday at the Earliest. [/b]-[i]this allows our grinder a Full week to fulfil your order.[/i]- [columns][quote][size=4][u][b]NOTE:[/b] [/u] Boss Familiars are not guaranteed to drop in every order. However you are still required to pay for the battles and any boss loot even if there is no familiar! Boss drops are always the Luck of RNG[/size][/quote][/columns] [size=4][b][u]PAYMENTS:[/b][/u][/size] [*][b] Payment is Requested upon delivery. Please ensure you can abide by this. Trades will only remain active for 48 hours. If you fail to pay by that time we will cancel your trade and your order will be removed from our list.[/b] [*] If for any reason your order is removed you are welcome to come back and re-order from us. We cannot however, have unpaid orders taking up slots. [/LIST] [br] [center][img][/img][/center] [br] [size=5][u][b]Boss Grinder Pinglist[/b][/u][/size] Please copy and paste this pinglist and Form into your boss familiar grind request post. If you just have questions, you may ping: @Zarathusa only. [b]PREVIEW[/b] [quote][b][u]Boss Battle Order:[/u][/b] @Zarathusa @blackcat886 @Zith [b]I would Like you to Battle In:[/b] (Insert Venue(s) here) [b]I Am Looking For:[/b] (Insert Boss/bosses Here) [b]I would Like Option:[/b] (Please insert your chosen Option or let us know how many battles you would like us to do before every check in - See Above options for details)[/quote] [b][u]CODED PINGLIST AND ORDER FORM: (Boss Battles)[/u][/b] Copy and paste the Code Below and Fill in your Information. [code][quote][b][u]Boss Battle Order:[/u][/b] @Zarathusa @blackcat886 @Zith [b]I would Like you to Battle In:[/b] (Insert Venue(s) here) [b]I Am Looking For:[/b] (Insert Boss/bosses Here) [b]I would Like Option:[/b] (Please insert your chosen Option or let us know how many battles you would like us to do before every check in - See Above options for details)[/quote][/code] [br] [br]
Fall in, Fodder.
to train your dragons.

Exalt Fodder Training Services

The Rules
Please make sure all fodder sent is eligible for Levelling. THIS INCLUDES FEEDING / HEALTH -
  • Please ensure they have enough health to be put into the Coliseum
  • If a Trainer has to Feed your Dragons in order for them to be eligible for levelling, There will be a 1000t / 1g Fee added Per Dragon fed to the final price.

  • We ask customers to Refrain from asking for ineligible dragons to be leveled until they are Ready.
    This includes Babies and Nesting Dragons
  • Our Service has 15 slots of 2 dragons available.
    You may order up to:
    • 16 fodder to level 7 or below,
    • or up to 13 fodder to level 8 or 9,
    • or up to 10 fodder to level 10.
  • Time Frame: Per 10 Fodder you can Expect your Order returned within 48 hours.
  • Please ping the whole trainer pinglist to claim a slot. Your order will be picked up by the first available team member.
  • Please note any deadlines (dom pushes especially) necessary up front.
  • Please send the fodder through 1-way CR.
    • If you send payment with the fodder, they will be sent back 1-way.
    • If you send only fodder, they will either be sent back 2-way or through private auction.
  • Fodder Dragons May be returned via Crossroad Trade OR Auction House depending on the preference of the Leveler.
  • They will usually be sent back via Crossroads Trade if Payment has been Paid Upfront.
  • If you have not made the Payment upfront then we may send back via Auction House for the Total Leveling Price Per Individual Dragon
  • We ask you to collect your Fodder Dragons promptly! As we will also only hold Fodder Dragons in CRs or AH trades for 48 hours. After this point, we will Cancel the Trade(s) and do what we see fit with the Dragons.
  • We will be ready to accept additional orders from you when your previous Order has been completed and CRs sent.
  • Prices are listed below. Levelers may accept gems at their discretion.
  • NOTE: Since these dragons are fodder for exaltation, our trainers may assign stats, and will not waste food feeding them before return. If you require differently, please see our normal battler leveling team.


Fodder Trainer Pinglist
Please copy and paste the Coded pinglist and Form into your fodder leveling request post. If you just have questions, you may ping @Zarathusa only.

Standard Fodder Order:

@Zarathusa @shadowedwolf @blackcat886 @Sharanay @EmeraldHalftail @Meniph @FallingStar275

I would Like: (Insert Fodder amount here - see Fodder section for Restrictions) Dragons Leveled
I would like them Leveled to: (Insert Level required
Do you need them Rushed for DOM Push? (Yes / No)

Copy and Paste the Code below and add your information:
[quote][b][u]Standard Fodder Order:[/u][/b] @Zarathusa @shadowedwolf @blackcat886 @Sharanay @EmeraldHalftail @Meniph @FallingStar275 [b]I would Like:[/b] (Insert Fodder amount here - see Fodder section for Restrictions) [/b][b]Dragons Leveled[/b] [b]I would like them Leveled to:[/b] (Insert Level required [b]Do you need them Rushed for DOM Push?[/b] (Yes / No)[/quote]



Boss Familiar Grinding
To Enter the Coliseum For You.

How Boss Familiar Grinding Works

You pick the boss familiar you want us to grind for, and whether you want us to grind:
  • Option 1: until the familiar drops
  • Option 2: for X number of boss battles
  • Option 3: X fights or first drop.

NOTE: Battle loot will be sent to you after every 25 battles by default unless you have stated a specific number of battles for us to check in.
This included any/all boss Familiars.

Ping the boss grinders pinglist below with your choices.
Please remember to state which option you would like.

  • If you choose Option 1, our grinders will grind boss fights until your familiar drops (grinders may vary per 25 fights), checking in every 25 boss fights to ensure you want them to keep going.
  • If you choose Option 2, they will grind until they hit your fight limit, regardless of whether the familiar drops.
  • If you choose Option 3 they will grind until the familiar drops or until they hit your fight limit, whichever comes first.

  • Once your order is complete, the grinder will send a CR with any loot which dropped from the bosses, and let you know the amount owed.
  • Each individual grinder will agree to only 1 active order at a time, but a single player may request multiple familiars per order.
  • Multiple grinders may work on the same order, as long as they are not actively grinding at the same time, so there are no overlaps in drops.
  • IF you order boss battles on a Wednesday or after then your order will be picked up on the following Sunday at the Earliest. -this allows our grinder a Full week to fulfil your order.-

    Boss Familiars are not guaranteed to drop in every order. However you are still required to pay for the battles and any boss loot even if there is no familiar!
    Boss drops are always the Luck of RNG

  • Payment is Requested upon delivery. Please ensure you can abide by this.
    Trades will only remain active for 48 hours. If you fail to pay by that time we will cancel your trade and your order will be removed from our list.
  • If for any reason your order is removed you are welcome to come back and re-order from us. We cannot however, have unpaid orders taking up slots.


Boss Grinder Pinglist
Please copy and paste this pinglist and Form into your boss familiar grind request post.
If you just have questions, you may ping: @Zarathusa only.

Boss Battle Order:

@Zarathusa @blackcat886 @Zith

I would Like you to Battle In: (Insert Venue(s) here)
I Am Looking For: (Insert Boss/bosses Here)
I would Like Option: (Please insert your chosen Option or let us know how many battles you would like us to do before every check in - See Above options for details)

Copy and paste the Code Below and Fill in your Information.
[quote][b][u]Boss Battle Order:[/u][/b] @Zarathusa @blackcat886 @Zith [b]I would Like you to Battle In:[/b] (Insert Venue(s) here) [b]I Am Looking For:[/b] (Insert Boss/bosses Here) [b]I would Like Option:[/b] (Please insert your chosen Option or let us know how many battles you would like us to do before every check in - See Above options for details)[/quote]

  • D.A Portfolio
  • FR Shop
  • D.A Portfolio
  • FR Shop

Hello! Would you like some battles for the overcharged silverbeast this week as well? If so, I can get started on your order now!

Hello! Would you like some battles for the overcharged silverbeast this week as well? If so, I can get started on your order now!
Snivy on Dappervolk! Offering 500/1000g for Hatching Slots :D Wishlist and Personal Quest
Offering Expedited Leveling
Trading Strange Chests for Eggs!

cheshire just messaged me on the discord; you can start now if you want, my dude.

cheshire just messaged me on the discord; you can start now if you want, my dude.
@CheshireCatUk1 @joan @Sash @Willowdawn @Hideki @literatim @Snivy88 @Nerdygamer

I would very much like to purchase 25 battles in Golem's Workshop. Fool that I am, I seek the elusive and explitive deleted Stone Borer.
@CheshireCatUk1 @joan @Sash @Willowdawn @Hideki @literatim @Snivy88 @Nerdygamer

I would very much like to purchase 25 battles in Golem's Workshop. Fool that I am, I seek the elusive and explitive deleted Stone Borer.
Yes, my name is strangely spelled.

I am not a hoarder. I am, in fact, the caretaker of an exquisitely curated collection of Level 25 Dragons. Yes, there is so a difference.

I can do it for you! I'm gonna be a bit busy tonight since I'm going out but hopefully by tomorrow I can check in and send you the drops I've gotten for the 25 battles.

I can do it for you! I'm gonna be a bit busy tonight since I'm going out but hopefully by tomorrow I can check in and send you the drops I've gotten for the 25 battles.
a picture of a geometric orb with a divider to the right. it is zhongli's orb from his splash art from genshin impact pixel art of the earth flight icon Zhonglis #68095
aid | she/her | FR +3

• Accent Shop
• Art Shop / Pixel Imps
• Hatchery
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa chibi head of zhongli from genshin impact