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All my dreams are really boring? Which is odd because I have a, pretty wild imagination. Most of my dreams are just my everyday life plus one or two odd twists
I used to have far more interesting dreams, ones that better matched the whole crazy imagination thing, but for years now they've been predominantly bland (besides the occasional lucid dream, but those are a different story)

That being said, the craziest dream I've had recently involved owning a beautiful green snake who I loved very much
I was pretty sad to wake up and realise she wasn't real ;^;
All my dreams are really boring? Which is odd because I have a, pretty wild imagination. Most of my dreams are just my everyday life plus one or two odd twists
I used to have far more interesting dreams, ones that better matched the whole crazy imagination thing, but for years now they've been predominantly bland (besides the occasional lucid dream, but those are a different story)

That being said, the craziest dream I've had recently involved owning a beautiful green snake who I loved very much
I was pretty sad to wake up and realise she wasn't real ;^;
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So I was Noodle from Gorillaz. (phase 2) Me and 2-D were going to get some ice cream when it started raining. The rain flattened my hair so I just followed 2-D. We walked into what 2-D thought was Kong Studios. Turns out it was not Kong Studios.
Here comes the weirdness watch out.
So we walked in and we found out that there were 3 groups. The rebels, who just hate literally everyone else, The Pride, who are literally lion furries, and The Loners, who are... weaviles. Not even weavile furries, just... weaviles. The rebels dragged me off and The Pride dragged 2-D off. I don't remember what happened with the rebels accept that I hated it. I saw 2-D talking with his new friends (all of which were girls for some reason) talking about random stuff in irl me and my sister's bathroom of all places. The girls (who were around 16-18) thought I was absolutely adorable. 2-D said that I should join The Pride and me and the girls agreed. So I joined and the leader told me to give me my best roar. Mine sounded like a dragon instead of a lion though, so I was put in the apprentice section. Me and the other apprentices then played the most epic game of chess ever. Then, the leader said that I had potential and told me to read some history books. I told him I didn't know where the books are. He told me they were in the library and out of nowhere a library appeared in the middle of the room. Then I woke up.

Pretty sure that would make and epic story if I replaced Noodle and 2-D with my own characters.
So I was Noodle from Gorillaz. (phase 2) Me and 2-D were going to get some ice cream when it started raining. The rain flattened my hair so I just followed 2-D. We walked into what 2-D thought was Kong Studios. Turns out it was not Kong Studios.
Here comes the weirdness watch out.
So we walked in and we found out that there were 3 groups. The rebels, who just hate literally everyone else, The Pride, who are literally lion furries, and The Loners, who are... weaviles. Not even weavile furries, just... weaviles. The rebels dragged me off and The Pride dragged 2-D off. I don't remember what happened with the rebels accept that I hated it. I saw 2-D talking with his new friends (all of which were girls for some reason) talking about random stuff in irl me and my sister's bathroom of all places. The girls (who were around 16-18) thought I was absolutely adorable. 2-D said that I should join The Pride and me and the girls agreed. So I joined and the leader told me to give me my best roar. Mine sounded like a dragon instead of a lion though, so I was put in the apprentice section. Me and the other apprentices then played the most epic game of chess ever. Then, the leader said that I had potential and told me to read some history books. I told him I didn't know where the books are. He told me they were in the library and out of nowhere a library appeared in the middle of the room. Then I woke up.

Pretty sure that would make and epic story if I replaced Noodle and 2-D with my own characters.
+3 FR time
[emetophobia cw]

I dreamt my cat was a basset hound, but very fat (like fall over fat, no rolls), instead of puking a hairball, she puked a burrito, I was rubbing her neck and belly like I do IRL when she has a hairball, I think I also insulted her for growling at me?
[emetophobia cw]

I dreamt my cat was a basset hound, but very fat (like fall over fat, no rolls), instead of puking a hairball, she puked a burrito, I was rubbing her neck and belly like I do IRL when she has a hairball, I think I also insulted her for growling at me?
Basically I was in Italy and MatPat from Game Theory put a gun to my back and threatened to shoot me unless I tried this ice cream that was "to die for" and so he led me along but I pushed him in the river
Basically I was in Italy and MatPat from Game Theory put a gun to my back and threatened to shoot me unless I tried this ice cream that was "to die for" and so he led me along but I pushed him in the river
Waiting 24/7 for death's sweet release (of their next hot mixtape of course)
I was on some sort of game show with my brother, and it involved this waterslide. We kept going down it, and each time we answered a question, a door would open, preventing the water from rising any higher. I think one of the questions was about soda commercials. I immediately remember blurting out "Wanna Sprite Cranberry" just as the water was at my neck. Then the water turned into a Sprite Cranberry slushie, and LeBron James appeared behind me. "It's the Thirstiest Time of the Year" started playing in the background, and I think I won.
I was on some sort of game show with my brother, and it involved this waterslide. We kept going down it, and each time we answered a question, a door would open, preventing the water from rising any higher. I think one of the questions was about soda commercials. I immediately remember blurting out "Wanna Sprite Cranberry" just as the water was at my neck. Then the water turned into a Sprite Cranberry slushie, and LeBron James appeared behind me. "It's the Thirstiest Time of the Year" started playing in the background, and I think I won.
ok here's a super surreal one i had recently
i write these down as soon as i wake up so they're very rambly and not to the point
so this one i have no idea where it came from

JULY 20, 2019
part one: watched sentient animals in an urban setting (this was normal in this world apparently)
the big otter was a policewoman
friends wanted to steal from this old man for some reason, she said no and tried to convince them otherwise, but most of them went anyway
and she watched from afar as they wandered onto the property, set off alarms, and were mildly electroshocked and caged (oof)
animals included: elephant, giraffe, cow, camel, some smaller ones i cant remember
the bigger animals escaped bcause cages were too small?
i was helping catch them
at some point i had a realisation that we didnt need to use force bcause the animals didnt mean any harm and were just confuse
convinced the giraffe to come with me and that everything was good
part two: dream shifted around here
i befriended this giraffe
but he was like, only half giraffe (like a centaur? or satyr?)
curly-haired kid my age with giraffe lower body who could sit in a wheelchair and be normal-looking (hm percy jackson reference?)
also had tiny horns
nobody questioned this
we went to school together
i think there was a subplot about my friend shaving all his hair to donate as a cure for cancer or smth because giraffe or what not i cannot remember

... no i did not watch zootopia recently
i was extremely confused upon waking
ok here's a super surreal one i had recently
i write these down as soon as i wake up so they're very rambly and not to the point
so this one i have no idea where it came from

JULY 20, 2019
part one: watched sentient animals in an urban setting (this was normal in this world apparently)
the big otter was a policewoman
friends wanted to steal from this old man for some reason, she said no and tried to convince them otherwise, but most of them went anyway
and she watched from afar as they wandered onto the property, set off alarms, and were mildly electroshocked and caged (oof)
animals included: elephant, giraffe, cow, camel, some smaller ones i cant remember
the bigger animals escaped bcause cages were too small?
i was helping catch them
at some point i had a realisation that we didnt need to use force bcause the animals didnt mean any harm and were just confuse
convinced the giraffe to come with me and that everything was good
part two: dream shifted around here
i befriended this giraffe
but he was like, only half giraffe (like a centaur? or satyr?)
curly-haired kid my age with giraffe lower body who could sit in a wheelchair and be normal-looking (hm percy jackson reference?)
also had tiny horns
nobody questioned this
we went to school together
i think there was a subplot about my friend shaving all his hair to donate as a cure for cancer or smth because giraffe or what not i cannot remember

... no i did not watch zootopia recently
i was extremely confused upon waking

__snek, snek, let down your necc
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I was a young girl who seemed to have been raised by wolves. I met a man I had never seen before and quickly became friends with him, having a sort of father and daughter bond. Some time later my wolf family started to attack him because he was apparently our prey??? I think I bit him on his arm before realising who he was. I quickly got my wolf family to stop attacking him and when I told him I could understand them, he didn't believe me. I'm pretty sure we were on a beach the whole time when suddenly a ufo came flying past in the night sky. It dropped something that honestly looked like a massive loot box with a green A on it into the sea before zooming away. The man and a few others went to see if they could get the loot box thingy out of the sea to try to figure out what it was. I wandered off, holding something. I can't remember what I was holding but I'm pretty sure it was dark gray and curved. I suddenly fell into some deep water and dropped what I was holding. I yelled for help but nobody came, not even the man. after a while, I gave up waiting for someone to help me and done what could only be described as one of those glitches that fling you up. I went back to the beach and saw the man lying down on something. I can remember what he was lying on but it wasn't something that was supposed to be on a beach. I went up to him and he told me how nobody could reach the loot box thingy. I started crying and told him how I fell into the deep water and even though I yelled for help (honestly I wasn't yelling that loud) nobody came. he let me lie down beside him and hugged me while letting me cry into his shoulder

Now that I think about it, this dream got a bit depressing quickly
I was a young girl who seemed to have been raised by wolves. I met a man I had never seen before and quickly became friends with him, having a sort of father and daughter bond. Some time later my wolf family started to attack him because he was apparently our prey??? I think I bit him on his arm before realising who he was. I quickly got my wolf family to stop attacking him and when I told him I could understand them, he didn't believe me. I'm pretty sure we were on a beach the whole time when suddenly a ufo came flying past in the night sky. It dropped something that honestly looked like a massive loot box with a green A on it into the sea before zooming away. The man and a few others went to see if they could get the loot box thingy out of the sea to try to figure out what it was. I wandered off, holding something. I can't remember what I was holding but I'm pretty sure it was dark gray and curved. I suddenly fell into some deep water and dropped what I was holding. I yelled for help but nobody came, not even the man. after a while, I gave up waiting for someone to help me and done what could only be described as one of those glitches that fling you up. I went back to the beach and saw the man lying down on something. I can remember what he was lying on but it wasn't something that was supposed to be on a beach. I went up to him and he told me how nobody could reach the loot box thingy. I started crying and told him how I fell into the deep water and even though I yelled for help (honestly I wasn't yelling that loud) nobody came. he let me lie down beside him and hugged me while letting me cry into his shoulder

Now that I think about it, this dream got a bit depressing quickly
Amidst the mists and fiercest frosts
With barest wrists, and stoutest boasts
He thrusts his fists against the posts
And still insists he sees the ghosts
I was asleep in my bedroom when the fire alarm went off. I launched myself off of the bed, crawled out of the room and downstairs at a hilariously inhuman speed, all while screaming, "UH OH, SISTERS!!!". I couldn't make this up if I tried.
I was asleep in my bedroom when the fire alarm went off. I launched myself off of the bed, crawled out of the room and downstairs at a hilariously inhuman speed, all while screaming, "UH OH, SISTERS!!!". I couldn't make this up if I tried.
my best friend was really mad at me for some reason so I pulled out a severed head of Shaquille O'Neal to cheer him up and he didn't laugh.
my best friend was really mad at me for some reason so I pulled out a severed head of Shaquille O'Neal to cheer him up and he didn't laugh.
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Last night I dreamt about moxi rollerskates again (I recently ordered a pair and I can’t stop thinking about it) but they were like checkered and the plate was like wayyyy to big and I thought it was strange. So in the dream me and my friend were going to the skatepark BUT like to be able to get to the skatepark you had to like ice skate to the skatepark (??) so like suddenly my skates turned into ice skates?? And like I was doing all the like tricks and stuff I usually do on my rookie rollerskates even tho irl I suck *** at ice skating. A weird dream but honesly every dream about moxies is a good dream!!
Last night I dreamt about moxi rollerskates again (I recently ordered a pair and I can’t stop thinking about it) but they were like checkered and the plate was like wayyyy to big and I thought it was strange. So in the dream me and my friend were going to the skatepark BUT like to be able to get to the skatepark you had to like ice skate to the skatepark (??) so like suddenly my skates turned into ice skates?? And like I was doing all the like tricks and stuff I usually do on my rookie rollerskates even tho irl I suck *** at ice skating. A weird dream but honesly every dream about moxies is a good dream!!
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