@After omg, how have I not seen this before. Could I be added to the reminder pinglist please? Thank you!
It's a bit late and I'm full of pizza but I did get a bio started for Thorn here yesterday so that counts, I think. Maybe. >.>
After omg, how have I not seen this before. Could I be added to the reminder pinglist please? Thank you!
It's a bit late and I'm full of pizza but I did get a bio started for Thorn here yesterday so that counts, I think. Maybe. >.>

I'm not sure I'll get to any bios (I had to stay late after school today, argh), but I
am writing the story of my dragons in the
Labyrinthine Levitos Adventure. It's nice to explore the personalities of some of my lesser-seen dragons. I actually may have enough material to write a bio for Courageous by the time WaveSat is through.
I'm not sure I'll get to any bios (I had to stay late after school today, argh), but I
am writing the story of my dragons in the
Labyrinthine Levitos Adventure. It's nice to explore the personalities of some of my lesser-seen dragons. I actually may have enough material to write a bio for Courageous by the time WaveSat is through.
I'm writing the bios for my dragons, and for my cousin's dragons because they don't really much care about it, and omg so many dragons.
But I have an idea and I'm slowly working on it.
I'm writing the bios for my dragons, and for my cousin's dragons because they don't really much care about it, and omg so many dragons.
But I have an idea and I'm slowly working on it.
Would you believe me if I said I made up Medusa's lore on the spot? For some reason that's when lore strikes me but anyways, I'm satisfied that I got my Oracle's lore done today!

Would you believe me if I said I made up Medusa's lore on the spot? For some reason that's when lore strikes me but anyways, I'm satisfied that I got my Oracle's lore done today!
I feel like i cheated because I had ideas for lore and had to buy dragons for that express purpose...
But here are the cuties I wrote lore for today!
My Maren ambassadors finally! I've got history, now i just need to write about their lives in the clan.
I feel like i cheated because I had ideas for lore and had to buy dragons for that express purpose...
But here are the cuties I wrote lore for today!

My Maren ambassadors finally! I've got history, now i just need to write about their lives in the clan.
It appears that I have embarked on a legacy challenge. With this challenge of course, comes lore. it's only little snippets, but I've gotten down some good baselines for my two pairs of founders.
They'll probably be exalted after this challenge, but it's nice to have lore behind my great plans :D
Greetings, all! Amidst project panic and a finals frenzy, I bring you your reminder ping: tomorrow, May the 4th, is a Lore Whining Day! (Also a Star Wars day apparently.)
SUPER short update tonight - and early at that -
because of all those finals and projects. By the time next LWD rolls around though, my classes will be over and done for a good while, so proper updates shall resume then!
I wish you all much inspiration and will to write while I am out tomorrow, as I actually most definitely 100% will not have time to check the thread during LWD itself, I'm afraid. |D Though I expect some of you may also be busy with real life around this time as well, so I shall also wish everyone good luck tomorrow in all ventures, be it writing or non, and I hope everyone has a good day!
Even if I myself am likely going to punch tomorrow in the face.
As usual, quick reminders: resources and suggestions, linked in the mini-header at the top of this post. Take a look if you need some inspiration or some help working through the day!
Good luck, everyone! ovo)b
And may the force be with you!
@Quis @Valoria @muxh @Rimfaxe @Dhay @Villainous @KitKatJo @AristosAchaion34 @TheFeatherMage @Tiarana @Charbee @ixris @NightBreeze @Mathilda @Hinumi @Eaglefairy @Leopardmask @Orbitz @sh33pskin @LuckyTheSylveon @Charias @CptnCatastrophic @Blackiebelle @ShiraCheshire @NightVale @Mythie @NicoleEirin @Deramadus @Evermagical @RainyJackalope @JollyRoger @seraphemme @Firefeather @lightningtyto @TangeloJack @elfmoss @Delamire @Parda @Pard @luckgandor @Incalyscent @CrazyCheetahGirl @clarax @Nishiboys @Elaendorlien @toxipraline @Marmite @CrowsFlight @velvetpaws @Dessoestma @Emordnilap @thatjubi @Actaeon @Pretzii @Iriexiris @Liberosis @TimelordSnowy @Alvis @Lluvia @SylphofPens @BraveLittleFish @Nazmiye @SariStar @Virtualhel @BookTravels @Pandacow @8by0 @Adriel @Crobbin @Aarca @StormBerserker @Vanquished @QuetzalQueen @demoliceros @Basilius @Sinfony @CatsAndMaths @Cashe @Scatterspark @Averis @agateflame @Shadeyrain @Frysa @Seamancer @Hydria @annadandelion @Kalistys @Nemora @remuslupn @Mypilot @SocialBookWorm @Karika @RingsofSaturn @RisingFlames @cherryj016 @evosoul @Zizikiel @gardenvoir @IronPen @slp0001 @canisVirus @Starrlight @Frenkle @elsendor @SullenPrince @minty @Faedora @MaraLaray @myrese @Firedawn @Miasmajesty @Shikoire @Jetfeather @hazy @Kitiara @casuallySleepy @TheHeroicOne @EmberEyes @ObsidianSpike @BarbaraFett @Xemriss @Alderwitch @BelladonnaBloom @TwoJay @Peachycupcake525 @LonelyBird @Kaitorubel @ThystLodagi @waywardCarousel @luckgandor @Redlington @SilverFoxDemon @MaryahStevens @anandapanda @ScarletTheDragon @SparkyLurkdragon @RedlaSunShowers @NightTerr0rs @Melova @glitterdusted @Quinineer @PlusOneBiceps @Sirena @Twistedstripe @Ciinna @Lya @heartcrusher1 @Hanelli @Calciferr @MissGoldenPixel @AbyssalKing @Windshear @Nerada @Cirrina @WelcomeToKell @ArtemisDreamer @grapefruity @Amut @Poiichy @HBDinovaldo @Archaeoraptor @KurtCobain @Demesne @Kerriganne @avianmalware @Nightshades @Rocwylde @Sky93 @Killunia @OverTheWolf @Generation @GhostFlowers
Greetings, all! Amidst project panic and a finals frenzy, I bring you your reminder ping: tomorrow, May the 4th, is a Lore Whining Day! (Also a Star Wars day apparently.)
SUPER short update tonight - and early at that -
because of all those finals and projects. By the time next LWD rolls around though, my classes will be over and done for a good while, so proper updates shall resume then!
I wish you all much inspiration and will to write while I am out tomorrow, as I actually most definitely 100% will not have time to check the thread during LWD itself, I'm afraid. |D Though I expect some of you may also be busy with real life around this time as well, so I shall also wish everyone good luck tomorrow in all ventures, be it writing or non, and I hope everyone has a good day!
Even if I myself am likely going to punch tomorrow in the face.
As usual, quick reminders: resources and suggestions, linked in the mini-header at the top of this post. Take a look if you need some inspiration or some help working through the day!
Good luck, everyone! ovo)b
And may the force be with you!
@Quis @Valoria @muxh @Rimfaxe @Dhay @Villainous @KitKatJo @AristosAchaion34 @TheFeatherMage @Tiarana @Charbee @ixris @NightBreeze @Mathilda @Hinumi @Eaglefairy @Leopardmask @Orbitz @sh33pskin @LuckyTheSylveon @Charias @CptnCatastrophic @Blackiebelle @ShiraCheshire @NightVale @Mythie @NicoleEirin @Deramadus @Evermagical @RainyJackalope @JollyRoger @seraphemme @Firefeather @lightningtyto @TangeloJack @elfmoss @Delamire @Parda @Pard @luckgandor @Incalyscent @CrazyCheetahGirl @clarax @Nishiboys @Elaendorlien @toxipraline @Marmite @CrowsFlight @velvetpaws @Dessoestma @Emordnilap @thatjubi @Actaeon @Pretzii @Iriexiris @Liberosis @TimelordSnowy @Alvis @Lluvia @SylphofPens @BraveLittleFish @Nazmiye @SariStar @Virtualhel @BookTravels @Pandacow @8by0 @Adriel @Crobbin @Aarca @StormBerserker @Vanquished @QuetzalQueen @demoliceros @Basilius @Sinfony @CatsAndMaths @Cashe @Scatterspark @Averis @agateflame @Shadeyrain @Frysa @Seamancer @Hydria @annadandelion @Kalistys @Nemora @remuslupn @Mypilot @SocialBookWorm @Karika @RingsofSaturn @RisingFlames @cherryj016 @evosoul @Zizikiel @gardenvoir @IronPen @slp0001 @canisVirus @Starrlight @Frenkle @elsendor @SullenPrince @minty @Faedora @MaraLaray @myrese @Firedawn @Miasmajesty @Shikoire @Jetfeather @hazy @Kitiara @casuallySleepy @TheHeroicOne @EmberEyes @ObsidianSpike @BarbaraFett @Xemriss @Alderwitch @BelladonnaBloom @TwoJay @Peachycupcake525 @LonelyBird @Kaitorubel @ThystLodagi @waywardCarousel @luckgandor @Redlington @SilverFoxDemon @MaryahStevens @anandapanda @ScarletTheDragon @SparkyLurkdragon @RedlaSunShowers @NightTerr0rs @Melova @glitterdusted @Quinineer @PlusOneBiceps @Sirena @Twistedstripe @Ciinna @Lya @heartcrusher1 @Hanelli @Calciferr @MissGoldenPixel @AbyssalKing @Windshear @Nerada @Cirrina @WelcomeToKell @ArtemisDreamer @grapefruity @Amut @Poiichy @HBDinovaldo @Archaeoraptor @KurtCobain @Demesne @Kerriganne @avianmalware @Nightshades @Rocwylde @Sky93 @Killunia @OverTheWolf @Generation @GhostFlowers

Lair Directory:


I won't be able to do any lore writing tomorrow(going to a coding competition and I won't be back till late) but I have been working on some of my dragons general lore I guess? (I'm figuring out what jobs they will have) and getting them apparel. I'll probably write or do a bit more Friday since I have a test that day and don't have to go to school before or after it so I have free time then.
I won't be able to do any lore writing tomorrow(going to a coding competition and I won't be back till late) but I have been working on some of my dragons general lore I guess? (I'm figuring out what jobs they will have) and getting them apparel. I'll probably write or do a bit more Friday since I have a test that day and don't have to go to school before or after it so I have free time then.
The absolute last thing I need to be doing right now (or any day for the next week or so) is writing lore. Therefore, I have all the inspiration in the world! 8,D Look, I just whipped up a thing this loser, who's a gosh darn fodder breeder with no relevance to my actual main storyline, and his partner's up next.
At some point I came up with the idea of using my avatar dragon as a "narrator" of sorts, which has been ridiculously fun. In my head. But knowing me, these next few days are when I'll actually get around to typing up the developments festering in my imagination. Wish me luck...? Or not. Again, better [s]by which I mean way, [i]way[/i] more important and time-pressing[/s] things to do.
Ah well, in any case, best of luck to everyone with whatever you've got planned for tomorrow! [insert [i]Star Wars[/i] reference here]~
The absolute last thing I need to be doing right now (or any day for the next week or so) is writing lore. Therefore, I have all the inspiration in the world! 8,D Look, I just whipped up a thing this loser, who's a gosh darn fodder breeder with no relevance to my actual main storyline, and his partner's up next.

At some point I came up with the idea of using my avatar dragon as a "narrator" of sorts, which has been ridiculously fun. In my head. But knowing me, these next few days are when I'll actually get around to typing up the developments festering in my imagination. Wish me luck...? Or not. Again, better
by which I mean way, way more important and time-pressing things to do.
Ah well, in any case, best of luck to everyone with whatever you've got planned for tomorrow! [insert
Star Wars reference here]~
I'm determined to finish Neapolia's bio, which has been sat as a placeholder for faaaar too long. Wish me luck, friends.
I'm determined to finish Neapolia's bio, which has been sat as a placeholder for faaaar too long. Wish me luck, friends.