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TOPIC | Together... ~a Pinkerlocke~
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This is a really cool story so far! Could I be added to the ping list for this?

This is a really cool story so far! Could I be added to the ping list for this?
TPoSyOQ.png 51xsGFL.png 10x10.png 10x10.png 10x10.png
They / Them
FR +2

Sure thing! I'm glad you enjoy it ^^ You'll be notified for the next update to the story Which should hopefully happen soon...

Sure thing! I'm glad you enjoy it ^^ You'll be notified for the next update to the story Which should hopefully happen soon...
[center][b]Day 29(post 13; One Month Anniversary!) - Decision[/b] [item=Everglade Lasher] Sentence : New Dragon(Skydancer) [/center] _______________________________________________________________________________________ A band of dragons crept through Hewn City, hardly making a sound as they headed towards their target. Their minds were focused as they made their way through the ruined buildings and desolate land. "Hey, Chrys....I'd be honored if you'd accompany to the Falls after this..." A soldier of the group spoke to a female skydancer. She smiled, not having to look or tune into his magic to know who it was; Her Brother* Landon. "Of course, my dear....After this..." Her head found its way underneath his, nuzzling him for a momentary comfort as she felt their energies sync. "Heyo! Lovebirds, save it fer the honeymoon!" Burner grinned; a Large Bogsneak piebald with burn scars. He playfully shoved the two skydancers, chuckling as they were forced to continue moving. [i]'We're in position. Tell Landon to give the command.'[/i] Came the reply from Javis. Chrys turned to her Brother, nodding. Her attention turned to their target at the bottom of the depression. All the Pearlcatcher did was walk idly underneath the streets. Would that have been sewers once? They probably didn't know their death was right above them. Still, something about the casual walk, no, the casual everything this dragon did...It unnerved her to no end. Why walk through this place alone? [i]'With this, It'll be over. Don't bear such a worried expression of your face, love'[/i] She heard Landon's voice echo in her mind. [i]'Right....After this, we can settle down....Raise warriors of our own...'[/i] Her expression grew determined. She did not notice her body launch itself forward at his beckon. The smirk grew on her face; twenty of the best warriors Sornieth had to offer. What was she afraid of? Their target merely smirked as he watched the dragons rush him from above. He had been saving his magical energy for this moment. His armor turned itself inside out, revealing large mirrored panels underneath. Just one look at the mirrors sealed their doom. The magic bursting forth from them was enough to sever limbs and burn them to a crisp.... Chrys' eyes slowly opened, the little light from the last fire pained her. Her body spazzed and blood rushed forth through her windpipe. All she could do was spit it out, feeling the warm liquid soak into her feathers and armor. She tried signalling out to her squad; Their signals, their energy, it could not be read. Chrys mentally tried to prepare herself before slowly pushing herself onto her feet. Pain shot up every one of her nerves; she couldn't do anything but vomit once more, nearly collapsing as eventual dry heaving took over. The warrior lifted her head, fear striking her being. Her friends, her squad lay...everywhere. They were no more than masses of metal and burnt meat. Her mind immediantly went to Landon. The Skydancer inspected each body, each time praying the next was not him. She almost got to a full circle before she found his. What should have been his face was nothing more than a bloody skull. What should have been his eyes were just gravy now resting on his skull. The Skydancer fell to the ground, and for the first time since she was a child, screamed until her voice went harsh. The sound of pure grief even reached The Lightweaver's ears. "Alright everyone! I think I've made a decision...." Wisteria had spoken to the dragons she summoned. The other four(plus mushroom) looked at her anxiously. "It is in...our best interest, that I think we should leave our Humble Beginnings, and find a place further inward, away from the Plague territory. Of course, we can always leave Shadow. Now that we're not little hatchlings anymore...We can survive longer trips. And as we grow, our little pond won't support us for water anymore. If you want...You could stay....." The Snapper fiddled her toes, looking down between the five, before looking up at the dragons again. "I'm with you Wissi....I-I mean...You still owe me for breaking my tail...don't think you can get off so easily!" Vice attempted to look tough, spitting to his side. Unfortunately for him, it only landed a foot away instead of the thirty feet he imagined. He shook his head as Cecelia stuck her tongue out at him. "I'm in with you two...." Buttercup softly spoke after the Spiral. Cecelia nodded enthusiastically. "Me too! I have no where elssse to go." Hemlock sighed. "Alright....Not like I anything else to do...." He rolled his eyes. Wisteria smiled broadly at her friends. "Right then.....We'll get ready to say....three days time? We'll have to gather food, and water, and distill that water, and....and....A lot of other things to prepare!" The group dispersed, as Wisteria began to formulate a list for their departure. ____________________________________________________________________________________ @Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @ScarletTheDragon Well, we have two "Go's" and two "Whatever keeps them alive" So the dragons are leaving~ Who is the mysterious new dragon? [s]If you can't wait, she's in my lair, but try and hold on until they meet up and you officially meet her. Her outfit isn't done. [/s] Happy anniversary everyone! Hemlock is now level 3, Cece is still level 3, Vice and Be and level 5 and Wissi is level 4. Anyways, It's been a month since I've started this....I feel accomplished. I'm glad you've all stuck with me thus far ^^ Uh, remember to comment and talk to me. What are your thoughts on the story? Fave character? Things I can improve? Things you thought I did really well? Something else? I may update tomorrow or Wenesday. One of the two. And with that, I'll see you when I see you ^^
Day 29(post 13; One Month Anniversary!) - Decision
Everglade Lasher
Sentence : New Dragon(Skydancer)

A band of dragons crept through Hewn City, hardly making a sound as they headed towards their target. Their minds were focused as they made their way through the ruined buildings and desolate land.

"Hey, Chrys....I'd be honored if you'd accompany to the Falls after this..." A soldier of the group spoke to a female skydancer. She smiled, not having to look or tune into his magic to know who it was; Her Brother* Landon.

"Of course, my dear....After this..." Her head found its way underneath his, nuzzling him for a momentary comfort as she felt their energies sync.

"Heyo! Lovebirds, save it fer the honeymoon!" Burner grinned; a Large Bogsneak piebald with burn scars. He playfully shoved the two skydancers, chuckling as they were forced to continue moving.

'We're in position. Tell Landon to give the command.' Came the reply from Javis. Chrys turned to her Brother, nodding. Her attention turned to their target at the bottom of the depression. All the Pearlcatcher did was walk idly underneath the streets. Would that have been sewers once?

They probably didn't know their death was right above them. Still, something about the casual walk, no, the casual everything this dragon did...It unnerved her to no end. Why walk through this place alone?
'With this, It'll be over. Don't bear such a worried expression of your face, love' She heard Landon's voice echo in her mind.

'Right....After this, we can settle down....Raise warriors of our own...' Her expression grew determined. She did not notice her body launch itself forward at his beckon. The smirk grew on her face; twenty of the best warriors Sornieth had to offer. What was she afraid of?

Their target merely smirked as he watched the dragons rush him from above. He had been saving his magical energy for this moment. His armor turned itself inside out, revealing large mirrored panels underneath. Just one look at the mirrors sealed their doom. The magic bursting forth from them was enough to sever limbs and burn them to a crisp....

Chrys' eyes slowly opened, the little light from the last fire pained her. Her body spazzed and blood rushed forth through her windpipe. All she could do was spit it out, feeling the warm liquid soak into her feathers and armor.

She tried signalling out to her squad; Their signals, their energy, it could not be read. Chrys mentally tried to prepare herself before slowly pushing herself onto her feet. Pain shot up every one of her nerves; she couldn't do anything but vomit once more, nearly collapsing as eventual dry heaving took over.

The warrior lifted her head, fear striking her being. Her friends, her squad lay...everywhere. They were no more than masses of metal and burnt meat. Her mind immediantly went to Landon. The Skydancer inspected each body, each time praying the next was not him. She almost got to a full circle before she found his.

What should have been his face was nothing more than a bloody skull. What should have been his eyes were just gravy now resting on his skull. The Skydancer fell to the ground, and for the first time since she was a child, screamed until her voice went harsh. The sound of pure grief even reached The Lightweaver's ears.

"Alright everyone! I think I've made a decision...." Wisteria had spoken to the dragons she summoned. The other four(plus mushroom) looked at her anxiously. "It is in...our best interest, that I think we should leave our Humble Beginnings, and find a place further inward, away from the Plague territory. Of course, we can always leave Shadow. Now that we're not little hatchlings anymore...We can survive longer trips. And as we grow, our little pond won't support us for water anymore. If you want...You could stay....."

The Snapper fiddled her toes, looking down between the five, before looking up at the dragons again.

"I'm with you Wissi....I-I mean...You still owe me for breaking my tail...don't think you can get off so easily!" Vice attempted to look tough, spitting to his side. Unfortunately for him, it only landed a foot away instead of the thirty feet he imagined. He shook his head as Cecelia stuck her tongue out at him.

"I'm in with you two...." Buttercup softly spoke after the Spiral. Cecelia nodded enthusiastically.

"Me too! I have no where elssse to go." Hemlock sighed.

"Alright....Not like I anything else to do...." He rolled his eyes. Wisteria smiled broadly at her friends.

"Right then.....We'll get ready to say....three days time? We'll have to gather food, and water, and distill that water, and....and....A lot of other things to prepare!" The group dispersed, as Wisteria began to formulate a list for their departure.

@Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @ScarletTheDragon

Well, we have two "Go's" and two "Whatever keeps them alive" So the dragons are leaving~
Who is the mysterious new dragon? If you can't wait, she's in my lair, but try and hold on until they meet up and you officially meet her. Her outfit isn't done.

Happy anniversary everyone! Hemlock is now level 3, Cece is still level 3, Vice and Be and level 5 and Wissi is level 4. Anyways, It's been a month since I've started this....I feel accomplished.

I'm glad you've all stuck with me thus far ^^ Uh, remember to comment and talk to me. What are your thoughts on the story? Fave character? Things I can improve? Things you thought I did really well? Something else?
I may update tomorrow or Wenesday. One of the two. And with that, I'll see you when I see you ^^
[center][b]Days 30-33(post 14) - Moving[/b] [item=Mycena Mushroom][item=Marsh Choker] Sentence : 20 coli battles[/center] _______________________________________________________________________________________ Each dragon felt dread the night before they were set to leave. Wisteria spent the night watching the sliver of the moon play hide and seek within the clouds. Vice found himself twisting and attempting to tie himself up into a knot; Buttercup pulled him over and curled herself around him, soothing him as the two spoke in hushed whispers, giving up on sleeping. Hemlock restlessly rolled in his nest, sighing and curling up with Armillwald. He counted the mushrooms growing on his familiar. There were now three on the trunk of Armillwald, quite impressive. The Pearlcatcher looked around; Not even Cecelia was having a pleasant sleep. Morning took forever in coming for the band of dragons, although none were too excited for it. Wisteria shook her head slightly. Everyone was acting as if they were leaving to die, or that they were at a funeral. She understood their plight though, she felt it too. "Hey, Be....I've been meaning to...ah....Just hold up your wrist..." The Spiral spoke out of the blue as they were getting ready for their trip. "Oh...Which one?" The Guardian cocked her head. "Just....Just pick one. I don't think it matters..." Buttercup held up her left paw for him, confused at his antics. She waited patiently for his move. His scales got redder and his ears flattened in embarrassment as he took the "necklace" from his neck and slid it onto her wrist. Her fins fanned out in shock as she looked over the bracelet. "I found this once...a-and thought it would look good on you....cause it's like your skin. Err, I mean, it looks good with skin, your skin, specifically. And I figured I'd give it to you because your skin is great....Well, you're great. And it was pretty much meant for you and fits your armor...and I remember you talking once about wanting to be a princess once when we were t-talkin' one night when reading and....well, I'm no prince, but hopefully this helps put you in your goal......It's probably not reachable because you have to be of royal blood-" The Spiral gritted his teeth at his words, "I'm sorry, that was stupid. You're not stupid, I am....I just.....Do you like it?" Vice looked up at her, almost hopefully. The Guardian processed the weight of his words and of the gift he bore. She slowly grinned, before nearly tackling the smaller dragon. Her head found its way under his in an affectionate nuzzle that only made him redder. "It's beautiful, Vice!" The Guardian beamed, feeling herself moved to tears. Hemlock glanced at them and huffed, shaking his head. "They should just breed and get it over with..." He sighed to Wissi. The Snapper lightly kicked the Pearlcatcher next to her. "Oh hush. Let them have their fun. Shouldn't you be checking on Cece?" Her eyes glinted at him, suspisciously. He couldn't help but nervously swallow, and he slowly moved away. "Yeah, s-sure...." He turned to retrieve her, only to find the Coatl had stepped out of their Den already for the last time....draped in her purple blanket. "Here!" She produced a black fedora from her new cloak, placing it on his head at an angle. It didn't fit properly due to his horns, instead covering his left eye. Not to mention, it also flattened his fur, giving him the appearance of bangs that [i]desperately needed to be cut.[/i] "You needed a travel hat" She smiled at the Pearlcatcher, crumbling his resolve to reject the gift. ".......I'm all black and blue now...." He smoothed the wrinkles from his shirt. He could've sworn that growl from Armillwald was a chuckle in disguise, but he wouldn't argue about it right now. "Well, if you two pairs are ready...we may as well be on our way." The Snapper broke the silence. Hesitantly, the other four nodded and Vice gestured to her. "Lead the way, Wissi. We look to you." Vice kept clinging to Buttercup at every shrill chirp or noise that reverberated through out the forest. "What the hel-...Helk was that?" He finally muttered after being startled for the unkempt time. "They must be Nocturnes..." Wisteria smiled, looking up at the large trees surrounding them, as if the aforementioned dragons would be there, above the group. "And...what are nocturnes?" Vice glanced up, concerned about what they could be. "They're mostly harmless. They're dragons, like us. It must be the Nights of the Nocturne..." "And that is....?" The Spiral asked in confusion. "It's almost like a holiday within the shadow flight." Hemlock spoke up, mostly because Cece looked at him curiously. "Nocturnes come out, find new clans, breed, bring weird things and cause mischief for about two weeks before hibernating once more. Well, that's what it is supposedly. It's just legends passed down from parent to hatchling." He gave pause to his words, noticing Cecelia's feathers shifting. He had no idea what the positioning meant, but he tried to save himself. "Well, Nowadays.....Nocturnes just use these two do the same things their ancestors did or something. They're interesting dragons." Hemlock mentally scolded himself. That was terrible. Why did he even say- "I want to meet one!" Cecelia wagged her tail. Buttercup hummed in happy response. "Well, we should say hi if we do meet one." Wisteria merely mused. Vice sighed and landed on Buttercup's back, lying down on the Guardian. She did not protest, walking along at the rear of the group, ready to defend at any moment. Vice turned to his snack bag, opening it to find two bright pink eyes staring at him. "Aiiieee!" He flung himself around Buttercup's head, obscuring her vision and drawing the attention of the other dragons. There, sitting in the bag and contently munching away, was a green hatchling. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "What is that thing?!" The Spiral snorted. Be tried to see, albeit in vain; the Spiral still wrapped around her eyes. " a Nocturne." Wisteria smiled. Cecelia began to jump up excitedly, before rushing over and flying up to the bag. "She's so cute!" "She...?" Vice was lost, choosing to unfurl from the Guardian and slide off her. "Oh great, she got eggshell in my bag!" He sighed, exasperated. "She seems to like you..." Hemlock observed, as the Noc tried to move past Cecelia and go for Vice, arms outstretched for him. "I'm not taking care of a hatchling!" He looked to Buttercup for help. "I don't think it's too bad, Vice......It's like...." The Guardian fumbled with her thoughts for a moment, "I can be the mama and you can be the papa" She smiled with her innocent statement. Wisteria could only laugh at Vice's response of "[i]OhmygodButtercupdontsaythat![/i]" Wisteria peered into the bag. "She must've hatched in your snacks.....and just began eating. During the Nights of the Nocturne....You can find their eggs in strange places this time of year." "Well great, we're stuck with her?" Vice murmured, ears deflating. The Snapper chuckled. "It appears that you are!" She picked up the hatchling and placed it in his arms. The Noc immediately smiled, cooing and hugging the spiral, much to the pleasure of the others and the chagrin of himself. The Skydancer Warrior dragged herself from Hewn City. Her mind had gone numb hours ago. All she could do now was try to make it back to her clan, tell them everything, and pick up the pieces. Her chest was the only thing still bleeding; She had stopped caring about that long ago. All she could do was walk back into the Shadowlands, leaving the charred remains of her friends and lover behind her. ____________________________________________________________________________________ @Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @ScarletTheDragon I realized I forgot to mention: When she called the other dragon her "brother", it was used more as a term of endearment before they were to be married. Some cultures use those terms like that. I find that interesting. Sorry it took forever for this to come up. I'm officially on break! There is something to note though: I may be gone from the 26th to possibly the new year. And I won't be able to write during that time. So I'm going to try and have short updates every day until then. Lets see how we hold up. Thanks to CrimsonSakura for the Nocturne egg! Because NotN has been a major jerk to me thus year....Meet Mimic! And I hope to introduce Chrysanthemum next time. If Mimic dies later on, Crim has first claim for her. [s]I want to get poison for Mimic sooo bad...[/s]
Days 30-33(post 14) - Moving
Mycena Mushroom Marsh Choker
Sentence : 20 coli battles

Each dragon felt dread the night before they were set to leave. Wisteria spent the night watching the sliver of the moon play hide and seek within the clouds. Vice found himself twisting and attempting to tie himself up into a knot; Buttercup pulled him over and curled herself around him, soothing him as the two spoke in hushed whispers, giving up on sleeping.

Hemlock restlessly rolled in his nest, sighing and curling up with Armillwald. He counted the mushrooms growing on his familiar. There were now three on the trunk of Armillwald, quite impressive. The Pearlcatcher looked around; Not even Cecelia was having a pleasant sleep.

Morning took forever in coming for the band of dragons, although none were too excited for it. Wisteria shook her head slightly. Everyone was acting as if they were leaving to die, or that they were at a funeral. She understood their plight though, she felt it too.

"Hey, Be....I've been meaning to...ah....Just hold up your wrist..." The Spiral spoke out of the blue as they were getting ready for their trip.

"Oh...Which one?" The Guardian cocked her head.

"Just....Just pick one. I don't think it matters..." Buttercup held up her left paw for him, confused at his antics. She waited patiently for his move. His scales got redder and his ears flattened in embarrassment as he took the "necklace" from his neck and slid it onto her wrist. Her fins fanned out in shock as she looked over the bracelet.

"I found this once...a-and thought it would look good on you....cause it's like your skin. Err, I mean, it looks good with skin, your skin, specifically. And I figured I'd give it to you because your skin is great....Well, you're great. And it was pretty much meant for you and fits your armor...and I remember you talking once about wanting to be a princess once when we were t-talkin' one night when reading and....well, I'm no prince, but hopefully this helps put you in your goal......It's probably not reachable because you have to be of royal blood-" The Spiral gritted his teeth at his words, "I'm sorry, that was stupid. You're not stupid, I am....I just.....Do you like it?" Vice looked up at her, almost hopefully.

The Guardian processed the weight of his words and of the gift he bore. She slowly grinned, before nearly tackling the smaller dragon. Her head found its way under his in an affectionate nuzzle that only made him redder.

"It's beautiful, Vice!" The Guardian beamed, feeling herself moved to tears.

Hemlock glanced at them and huffed, shaking his head. "They should just breed and get it over with..." He sighed to Wissi. The Snapper lightly kicked the Pearlcatcher next to her.

"Oh hush. Let them have their fun. Shouldn't you be checking on Cece?" Her eyes glinted at him, suspisciously. He couldn't help but nervously swallow, and he slowly moved away.

"Yeah, s-sure...." He turned to retrieve her, only to find the Coatl had stepped out of their Den already for the last time....draped in her purple blanket.

"Here!" She produced a black fedora from her new cloak, placing it on his head at an angle. It didn't fit properly due to his horns, instead covering his left eye. Not to mention, it also flattened his fur, giving him the appearance of bangs that desperately needed to be cut.

"You needed a travel hat" She smiled at the Pearlcatcher, crumbling his resolve to reject the gift.

".......I'm all black and blue now...." He smoothed the wrinkles from his shirt. He could've sworn that growl from Armillwald was a chuckle in disguise, but he wouldn't argue about it right now.

"Well, if you two pairs are ready...we may as well be on our way." The Snapper broke the silence. Hesitantly, the other four nodded and Vice gestured to her.

"Lead the way, Wissi. We look to you."

Vice kept clinging to Buttercup at every shrill chirp or noise that reverberated through out the forest.
"What the hel-...Helk was that?" He finally muttered after being startled for the unkempt time.

"They must be Nocturnes..." Wisteria smiled, looking up at the large trees surrounding them, as if the aforementioned dragons would be there, above the group.

"And...what are nocturnes?" Vice glanced up, concerned about what they could be.

"They're mostly harmless. They're dragons, like us. It must be the Nights of the Nocturne..."

"And that is....?" The Spiral asked in confusion.

"It's almost like a holiday within the shadow flight." Hemlock spoke up, mostly because Cece looked at him curiously. "Nocturnes come out, find new clans, breed, bring weird things and cause mischief for about two weeks before hibernating once more. Well, that's what it is supposedly. It's just legends passed down from parent to hatchling." He gave pause to his words, noticing Cecelia's feathers shifting. He had no idea what the positioning meant, but he tried to save himself.

"Well, Nowadays.....Nocturnes just use these two do the same things their ancestors did or something. They're interesting dragons." Hemlock mentally scolded himself. That was terrible. Why did he even say-

"I want to meet one!" Cecelia wagged her tail. Buttercup hummed in happy response.

"Well, we should say hi if we do meet one." Wisteria merely mused. Vice sighed and landed on Buttercup's back, lying down on the Guardian. She did not protest, walking along at the rear of the group, ready to defend at any moment. Vice turned to his snack bag, opening it to find two bright pink eyes staring at him.

"Aiiieee!" He flung himself around Buttercup's head, obscuring her vision and drawing the attention of the other dragons. There, sitting in the bag and contently munching away, was a green hatchling.


"What is that thing?!" The Spiral snorted. Be tried to see, albeit in vain; the Spiral still wrapped around her eyes.

" a Nocturne." Wisteria smiled. Cecelia began to jump up excitedly, before rushing over and flying up to the bag.

"She's so cute!"

"She...?" Vice was lost, choosing to unfurl from the Guardian and slide off her. "Oh great, she got eggshell in my bag!" He sighed, exasperated.

"She seems to like you..." Hemlock observed, as the Noc tried to move past Cecelia and go for Vice, arms outstretched for him.

"I'm not taking care of a hatchling!" He looked to Buttercup for help.

"I don't think it's too bad, Vice......It's like...." The Guardian fumbled with her thoughts for a moment, "I can be the mama and you can be the papa" She smiled with her innocent statement. Wisteria could only laugh at Vice's response of "OhmygodButtercupdontsaythat!"

Wisteria peered into the bag. "She must've hatched in your snacks.....and just began eating. During the Nights of the Nocturne....You can find their eggs in strange places this time of year."

"Well great, we're stuck with her?" Vice murmured, ears deflating.

The Snapper chuckled. "It appears that you are!" She picked up the hatchling and placed it in his arms. The Noc immediately smiled, cooing and hugging the spiral, much to the pleasure of the others and the chagrin of himself.

The Skydancer Warrior dragged herself from Hewn City. Her mind had gone numb hours ago. All she could do now was try to make it back to her clan, tell them everything, and pick up the pieces.

Her chest was the only thing still bleeding; She had stopped caring about that long ago. All she could do was walk back into the Shadowlands, leaving the charred remains of her friends and lover behind her.
@Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @ScarletTheDragon

I realized I forgot to mention: When she called the other dragon her "brother", it was used more as a term of endearment before they were to be married. Some cultures use those terms like that. I find that interesting.

Sorry it took forever for this to come up. I'm officially on break! There is something to note though: I may be gone from the 26th to possibly the new year. And I won't be able to write during that time. So I'm going to try and have short updates every day until then. Lets see how we hold up.

Thanks to CrimsonSakura for the Nocturne egg! Because NotN has been a major jerk to me thus year....Meet Mimic! And I hope to introduce Chrysanthemum next time. If Mimic dies later on, Crim has first claim for her. I want to get poison for Mimic sooo bad...
Haha, oh deities, papa Vice. This will be so much fun to watch. snickers
Haha, oh deities, papa Vice. This will be so much fun to watch. snickers
Oh that's a cute way to introduce a nocturne to the story! I love it!
Oh that's a cute way to introduce a nocturne to the story! I love it!



He'll be a great papa~ Probably not but still... At least Buttercup's willing to help him!

He'll be a great papa~ Probably not but still... At least Buttercup's willing to help him!

You've said that about every child/Dragon! XD

Thank you ^^ I'm glad you like it. I already enjoy Mimic immensely

You've said that about every child/Dragon! XD

Thank you ^^ I'm glad you like it. I already enjoy Mimic immensely

Cause they all need to be saved XD

Cause they all need to be saved XD
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