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TOPIC | Together... ~a Pinkerlocke~
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@Deathwolf555 I love it! The way you posted the day this time is fine for me! :)
@Deathwolf555 I love it! The way you posted the day this time is fine for me! :)
oie_Xj_B1a3gk_Y0hg.png dd10gp3-d6cdf0fa-96e4-470f-9bc4-70fee79f755e.png SKsJX7z.png
@Deathwolf555 I love it! The way you posted the day this time is fine for me! :)
@Deathwolf555 I love it! The way you posted the day this time is fine for me! :)
oie_Xj_B1a3gk_Y0hg.png dd10gp3-d6cdf0fa-96e4-470f-9bc4-70fee79f755e.png SKsJX7z.png

I'm fine with whatever way you want to do it! If I miss days, I usually just jump ahead and do a quick "review" of what happened in the days between, or if I have time (which I usually don't) and remember what I got from Pinkerton on those missing days, I write a few extra updates to account for them (if there's nothing from Pinkerton, then I just go with the first option and make stuff up).

I'm fine with whatever way you want to do it! If I miss days, I usually just jump ahead and do a quick "review" of what happened in the days between, or if I have time (which I usually don't) and remember what I got from Pinkerton on those missing days, I write a few extra updates to account for them (if there's nothing from Pinkerton, then I just go with the first option and make stuff up).
[center][b]Days 13-14 (Post 6) - The Carriage Wheel[/b] [item=Flecked Bushrunner][item=Frostbite Hummingbird] Sentence : 40 Coli battles, New Dragon[/center] _______________________________________________________________________________________ "You're doing what?" A concerned tone lingered on the hissed words that emerged from Vice's throat. "I'm simply using today's provided time for a walk. You both have been all over the place while I've just stayed here. I think I should get to know the surrounding areas." The Snapper smiled lightly. Be stood to their side, confused but not wanting to confront either dragon. "B-but...Shouldn't we go with you? What if you get attacked, or somethin'...." His words fumbled out. Buttercup found herself nodding along. "If I may add Wissi, Those bird things were very dangerous! A-and angry....." Be collapsed her fins in fear of that memory. The Snapper nuzzled the Guardian in a comforting manner, before shaking her head. "No. Vice is too injured to walk" "Am not! I can walk fine! And if I start to hurt, Be could carry me!" The Guardian's eyes lit up in surprise, and she glanced away to hide the blush that was beginning to form on her face. "Look at you, Vice. For shame, volunteering a lady to carry you without asking her first if she would be okay with it..." Wisteria tsked lightly and shook her head at the Spiral. "Oh..." The Spiral glanced down, his ears falling slightly. They picked back up again when he glanced at the Guardian. "Sorry Be..." "I mean, I wouldn't mind carrying you. Not at all..." Her tail wagged slightly, causing a pleasant 'hmm' to come from Wisteria. She feigned innocence when Be looked her way. "Vice, you can stay here and work on flying. Out of all of us, You're the only one who can. Buttercup will watch you and make sure you don't kill yourself..." "And who are you to make decisions for us?" Vice snarled in light protest. She could tell it was only a weak attempt to get her to stay. Still, it sparked a pang of guilt in her chest. "You're right....Who am I to do so? I should say, I am merely making a suggestion. You should stay for the sake of your healing body...And Buttercup is so strong....She would protect you if you were attacked, or could help you.". A lightning round of questions and answers were held between the two, although Buttercup only recalled a few: "But what if you get att-" "My scales are durable, as apart of my breed." "What if you get los-" "I never get lost. As by my breed, I can remember everywhere I go. You know, some Snappers can follow routes told to them by their ancestors, and uphold patterns for hundreds or even thousands of years." And that was that. With that, Wisteria gave a little 'ta-ta' to them as she turned and headed past their burrow, ignoring the established hunting route. Buttercup glanced away from the Snapper to the Spiral, grinning upon seeing his ears raise in confusion. She lurched forward, nuzzling him in an affectionate manner, and ultimately catching him off guard. Wisteria sighed as she went deeper into the forest. It was pretty, despite the grey sky that no doubt held rain. It would be good to have rain, although it might effect some of the mud that held together parts of their den. Still, the land needed the rain. It washed away some of the poisons and ailments in the air and foliage, and refreshed the whole area. Being away from the others gave Wisteria time to think. Even when at the den, she still thought of her friends. Could she call them that? Wisteria knew she was rather useless with hunting, and was rather....useless at everything that packs do together. She did build their den, but all they did there was sleep. Or patch up Vice. Needless to say, Wisteria was having a momentary depression, is how she put it to herself. Hearing the soft clopping of her feet against the dirt reminded her of the centaurs that lived near her old clan. They helped protect the area from rogue dragons who could try to harm the friendly sanctuary. Losing herself for a moment, she closed her eyes and began to run, imagining if she were running next to them once more. The Forest melted away and from the earth birthed a much darker foliage as she ran with her centaurs. She found her body melted away as well, no longer being that of the clumsy snapper she was born to be. What was left behind was still mighty, but still lean and able to finally stay with the pack. The stars spread out before her and Wisteria could just spread her wings and take flight. But she chose the ground, the bigger of two evils. For abandoning the ground meant abandoning ideals she valued deep in her heart. Now that the option was open, though, she felt fuller. More complete. Wisteria, if she could keep that name in this new body, was content just running among the centaur, away from worry. Her purple eyes were once again revealed to the light of the greyer forest around her. Wisteria found herself at a standstill. No longer were the centaurs around her, nor the possibility of flying. She was back in her clumsy, fat body, chained to the ground. But what had broken her from her fantasy? Her head slowly glanced down, barely noticing the sprinkle of water starting to fall. She picked up her foot to see a small wooden horse on a pole. It must've been apart of a carriage decoration or something, and snapped off. But a carriage around here? The second thing she noticed was the heavy smell of sulfur in the air. Her nostrils trapped the oxygen in her lungs, as if that could make her lighter. Her toes barely touched the ground for fear of angering it as she crept around the few remaining trees. A torn array of colors and broken structures no longer able to serve their purpose was laid out before her, like a large feast where she was the most important guest. In some areas, the smoke still barely wisped up from the charred wood. Whatever happened here left an ugly scar in the earth. Something told her there wouldn't be survivors. She just wouldn't listen. Each thread woven into each torn or shredded flag held the memories of something happier. The largest cart had small pictures of various beasts carved into its sides, and along the remaining wheels; only one of which was still attached to it. Wisteria sighed sadly, and closed her eyes, listening to the deafening silence surrounding the sorrowful area. She could almost hear whimpering o-.....The whimpering of a child? Wisteria's eyes shot open, as she glanced around. She could still hear it. Once more, she found herself looking down, where a tiny tail was hitting her forefoot. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] In shock, she gently brushed off some of the debris covering a small hatchling. She prayed to the Shadowbinder as she picked the child up that it was not hurt. The baby shook their head, dust flying off their feathers at the motion. Bright green eyes popped out from the grey, then a smile and a little coo. "Well...hehe....Hello there, little one!" Wisteria couldn't help but smile at this bright little babe. She blew gently on her head, before using her tongue to try and get rid of some of the ash on her. Her face scrunched up at the taste of it, causing the young hatchling to laugh. "Oh, is that funny? Huh, Baby?" She nuzzled the hatchling, smiling as it gently tried to bite her nose. "We should go back to the others, Okay? I promise...I'll take good care of you....". She glanced around, keeping the child to her chest with one foot. She raised herself onto her back legs, glancing around. She winced immediately, wrapping her other forefoot around the child to protect her from the sight. There weren't any other survivors.... Setting herself back down, Wisteria hobbled on three feet to bring the little survivor back to Vice and Buttercup. Along the way, she grabbed a mostly purple blanket that some dragon took a lot of care in making, and the little wooden horse carving that she had stepped on. [center][i] "Tell her to gather three lilies of white. Yesterday holds mem'ries in time."[/i][/center] "Is that Wisteria?" "It sounds like her" Buttercup looked up from her position on the pond. [center] [i]"To put at my headstone beneath the moon's light~ Then she'll be a true love of mine..."[/i][/center] "Wisteria?" Vice hopped off the boulders to meet the Snapper, both dragons stopping upon seeing the little dusty Coatl on her foot. "Wissi...What is that?" "I think I'm calling her Cecelia." The Snapper smiled at her friends. "Why is it in your-.....Where did you get a baby?!" Vice felt his jaw drop in shock. "Put her back! We can't just keep a baby! It has[b] rabies[/b] or something!" "Oh hush, Vice! A baby does not have rabies! Especially not this sweet little girl.....And we can't exactly....give her back." Wisteria looked down at the child, smiling and trying to prevent her from noticing the saddened look in her eyes. Buttercup furrowed her brows, reading the Snapper's expression. "Her parents....aren't around anymore, are they?" "There was a caravan or something. They were attacked. There were no other survivors..." She softly nuzzled the little Coatl. This got Vice's attention, and his ears slumped as he felt regret pile on his tongue. "Oh...Well....I'm not sure how to raise a baby....But we can't exactly leave her to die...What did you name her?" Vice looked up hopefully to Wisteria. "Oh. Her name is Cecelia." Wisteria smiled at her friend, glad to see he came around. "I'll probably do most of the taking care of her, but we should all try our best to teach her. I can teach her some things about plants....A-and Be can teach her about literature and William Shakespearl, and Vice, you can teach her how to fly! We'll all be like her older siblings!" "Pfft. Fat chance of that! I think in breaking my tail, you took away all hope of me flying!" "Oh hush Vice, even if one set of wings were broken, you have two other sets. You'll fly eventually, even with your crooked tail. And I apologized for that! I thought you were over it by now" Wisteria 'hmphed' with a certain attitude, before turning to their Guardian friend. "Well Be? What do you think about this?" The Guardian furrowed her brows once more in thought. Then, a wide, toothy grin came to her face. "Wissi and Sissy....I like it" ____________________________________________________________________________________ @Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Aliceclockwork @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @ccdefoe2000 @lackingsanity @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid New addition in the house! [s]or den.[/s] Also, Leopardmask, IT'S A COATL! Hopefully I'll have better luck with my coatls.....? [s]Kind of nervous about that.[/s] But she's kind of pretty, isn't she? I think I'm going with the days being 14-whatever and Post whatever. It makes me feel better..... ^^' The Dragons page will now change to ad Cecelia, and I'll be giving the original three mini descriptions and titles now, so look out for those in the coming day or so. Song that Wisteria is singing is Nox Arcana's version of Scarborough Fair, which is really great and you all should listen to it sometime. If you'd like.
Days 13-14 (Post 6) - The Carriage Wheel
Flecked Bushrunner Frostbite Hummingbird
Sentence : 40 Coli battles, New Dragon

"You're doing what?" A concerned tone lingered on the hissed words that emerged from Vice's throat.

"I'm simply using today's provided time for a walk. You both have been all over the place while I've just stayed here. I think I should get to know the surrounding areas." The Snapper smiled lightly. Be stood to their side, confused but not wanting to confront either dragon.

"B-but...Shouldn't we go with you? What if you get attacked, or somethin'...." His words fumbled out. Buttercup found herself nodding along.

"If I may add Wissi, Those bird things were very dangerous! A-and angry....." Be collapsed her fins in fear of that memory. The Snapper nuzzled the Guardian in a comforting manner, before shaking her head.

"No. Vice is too injured to walk"

"Am not! I can walk fine! And if I start to hurt, Be could carry me!" The Guardian's eyes lit up in surprise, and she glanced away to hide the blush that was beginning to form on her face.

"Look at you, Vice. For shame, volunteering a lady to carry you without asking her first if she would be okay with it..." Wisteria tsked lightly and shook her head at the Spiral.

"Oh..." The Spiral glanced down, his ears falling slightly. They picked back up again when he glanced at the Guardian. "Sorry Be..."

"I mean, I wouldn't mind carrying you. Not at all..." Her tail wagged slightly, causing a pleasant 'hmm' to come from Wisteria. She feigned innocence when Be looked her way.

"Vice, you can stay here and work on flying. Out of all of us, You're the only one who can. Buttercup will watch you and make sure you don't kill yourself..."

"And who are you to make decisions for us?" Vice snarled in light protest. She could tell it was only a weak attempt to get her to stay. Still, it sparked a pang of guilt in her chest.

"You're right....Who am I to do so? I should say, I am merely making a suggestion. You should stay for the sake of your healing body...And Buttercup is so strong....She would protect you if you were attacked, or could help you.".
A lightning round of questions and answers were held between the two, although Buttercup only recalled a few:

"But what if you get att-"

"My scales are durable, as apart of my breed."

"What if you get los-"

"I never get lost. As by my breed, I can remember everywhere I go. You know, some Snappers can follow routes told to them by their ancestors, and uphold patterns for hundreds or even thousands of years." And that was that.

With that, Wisteria gave a little 'ta-ta' to them as she turned and headed past their burrow, ignoring the established hunting route. Buttercup glanced away from the Snapper to the Spiral, grinning upon seeing his ears raise in confusion. She lurched forward, nuzzling him in an affectionate manner, and ultimately catching him off guard.

Wisteria sighed as she went deeper into the forest. It was pretty, despite the grey sky that no doubt held rain. It would be good to have rain, although it might effect some of the mud that held together parts of their den. Still, the land needed the rain. It washed away some of the poisons and ailments in the air and foliage, and refreshed the whole area.

Being away from the others gave Wisteria time to think. Even when at the den, she still thought of her friends. Could she call them that? Wisteria knew she was rather useless with hunting, and was rather....useless at everything that packs do together. She did build their den, but all they did there was sleep. Or patch up Vice. Needless to say, Wisteria was having a momentary depression, is how she put it to herself.

Hearing the soft clopping of her feet against the dirt reminded her of the centaurs that lived near her old clan. They helped protect the area from rogue dragons who could try to harm the friendly sanctuary. Losing herself for a moment, she closed her eyes and began to run, imagining if she were running next to them once more.

The Forest melted away and from the earth birthed a much darker foliage as she ran with her centaurs. She found her body melted away as well, no longer being that of the clumsy snapper she was born to be. What was left behind was still mighty, but still lean and able to finally stay with the pack. The stars spread out before her and Wisteria could just spread her wings and take flight. But she chose the ground, the bigger of two evils. For abandoning the ground meant abandoning ideals she valued deep in her heart.

Now that the option was open, though, she felt fuller. More complete. Wisteria, if she could keep that name in this new body, was content just running among the centaur, away from worry.

Her purple eyes were once again revealed to the light of the greyer forest around her. Wisteria found herself at a standstill. No longer were the centaurs around her, nor the possibility of flying. She was back in her clumsy, fat body, chained to the ground. But what had broken her from her fantasy?

Her head slowly glanced down, barely noticing the sprinkle of water starting to fall. She picked up her foot to see a small wooden horse on a pole. It must've been apart of a carriage decoration or something, and snapped off. But a carriage around here?

The second thing she noticed was the heavy smell of sulfur in the air. Her nostrils trapped the oxygen in her lungs, as if that could make her lighter. Her toes barely touched the ground for fear of angering it as she crept around the few remaining trees.

A torn array of colors and broken structures no longer able to serve their purpose was laid out before her, like a large feast where she was the most important guest. In some areas, the smoke still barely wisped up from the charred wood. Whatever happened here left an ugly scar in the earth.

Something told her there wouldn't be survivors. She just wouldn't listen.

Each thread woven into each torn or shredded flag held the memories of something happier. The largest cart had small pictures of various beasts carved into its sides, and along the remaining wheels; only one of which was still attached to it.

Wisteria sighed sadly, and closed her eyes, listening to the deafening silence surrounding the sorrowful area. She could almost hear whimpering o-.....The whimpering of a child?
Wisteria's eyes shot open, as she glanced around. She could still hear it. Once more, she found herself looking down, where a tiny tail was hitting her forefoot.


In shock, she gently brushed off some of the debris covering a small hatchling. She prayed to the Shadowbinder as she picked the child up that it was not hurt. The baby shook their head, dust flying off their feathers at the motion. Bright green eyes popped out from the grey, then a smile and a little coo.

"Well...hehe....Hello there, little one!" Wisteria couldn't help but smile at this bright little babe. She blew gently on her head, before using her tongue to try and get rid of some of the ash on her. Her face scrunched up at the taste of it, causing the young hatchling to laugh.

"Oh, is that funny? Huh, Baby?" She nuzzled the hatchling, smiling as it gently tried to bite her nose. "We should go back to the others, Okay? I promise...I'll take good care of you....". She glanced around, keeping the child to her chest with one foot. She raised herself onto her back legs, glancing around. She winced immediately, wrapping her other forefoot around the child to protect her from the sight. There weren't any other survivors....

Setting herself back down, Wisteria hobbled on three feet to bring the little survivor back to Vice and Buttercup. Along the way, she grabbed a mostly purple blanket that some dragon took a lot of care in making, and the little wooden horse carving that she had stepped on.

"Tell her to gather three lilies of white.
Yesterday holds mem'ries in time."

"Is that Wisteria?"

"It sounds like her" Buttercup looked up from her position on the pond.

"To put at my headstone beneath the moon's light~
Then she'll be a true love of mine..."

"Wisteria?" Vice hopped off the boulders to meet the Snapper, both dragons stopping upon seeing the little dusty Coatl on her foot.

"Wissi...What is that?"

"I think I'm calling her Cecelia." The Snapper smiled at her friends.

"Why is it in your-.....Where did you get a baby?!" Vice felt his jaw drop in shock. "Put her back! We can't just keep a baby! It has rabies or something!"

"Oh hush, Vice! A baby does not have rabies! Especially not this sweet little girl.....And we can't exactly....give her back." Wisteria looked down at the child, smiling and trying to prevent her from noticing the saddened look in her eyes.

Buttercup furrowed her brows, reading the Snapper's expression. "Her parents....aren't around anymore, are they?"

"There was a caravan or something. They were attacked. There were no other survivors..." She softly nuzzled the little Coatl. This got Vice's attention, and his ears slumped as he felt regret pile on his tongue.

"Oh...Well....I'm not sure how to raise a baby....But we can't exactly leave her to die...What did you name her?" Vice looked up hopefully to Wisteria.

"Oh. Her name is Cecelia." Wisteria smiled at her friend, glad to see he came around. "I'll probably do most of the taking care of her, but we should all try our best to teach her. I can teach her some things about plants....A-and Be can teach her about literature and William Shakespearl, and Vice, you can teach her how to fly! We'll all be like her older siblings!"

"Pfft. Fat chance of that! I think in breaking my tail, you took away all hope of me flying!"

"Oh hush Vice, even if one set of wings were broken, you have two other sets. You'll fly eventually, even with your crooked tail. And I apologized for that! I thought you were over it by now" Wisteria 'hmphed' with a certain attitude, before turning to their Guardian friend. "Well Be? What do you think about this?"

The Guardian furrowed her brows once more in thought. Then, a wide, toothy grin came to her face.
"Wissi and Sissy....I like it"

@Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Aliceclockwork @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @ccdefoe2000 @lackingsanity @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid

New addition in the house! or den.

Also, Leopardmask, IT'S A COATL! Hopefully I'll have better luck with my coatls.....? Kind of nervous about that. But she's kind of pretty, isn't she? I think I'm going with the days being 14-whatever and Post whatever. It makes me feel better..... ^^'
The Dragons page will now change to ad Cecelia, and I'll be giving the original three mini descriptions and titles now, so look out for those in the coming day or so.

Song that Wisteria is singing is Nox Arcana's version of Scarborough Fair, which is really great and you all should listen to it sometime. If you'd like.
@Deathwolf555 At least Cecelia wasn't doing the mosquito-noise that is Coatl crying :P Calm little bab!
@Deathwolf555 At least Cecelia wasn't doing the mosquito-noise that is Coatl crying :P Calm little bab!
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Oh dear, I'm sure vice would just LOVE to hear that. why must you give me these ideas?. :3

Oh dear, I'm sure vice would just LOVE to hear that. why must you give me these ideas?. :3
Babysitting Cecelia
In which we get some cute moments with Cece and her older siblings

Wisteria - ABCs

"Come on, try again!" The Snapper smiles, encouraging the hatchling in their lesson.
"Whh....Woooahh" The Coatl's small face contorts with the vowels she was trying to pronounce. After a moment, she makes a tiny popping sound with her mouth and begins to hum, looking at Wisteria with her feathers raised in expectancy.

"Hehe, You're almost there, Cecelia," Wisteria nuzzles the hatchling, before attempting to continue their lesson, "Wis-tier-ee-ah. Sound it out with me. Wis"



"Tiiiii" The hatchling decided that after that, she had done enough. Her feathers puffed up in pride, as if she had pronounced Wisteria correctly. With a waggle of her tail, she ran around Wisteria's massive forefoot, before placing her paw on her. The Snapper sighed.

"I suppose we can take a break and try again later....Alright. What do you want to do, Cece?" She followed the hatchling to the shallow end of the pond, where the coatl happily began to splash around. Wisteria stood, ready to save her if something went wrong.

'Perhaps I am trying too hard, or pushing her too hard...Still, I would never expect it be this hard to teach a dragon to speak. Perhaps it is harder because she is coatl...' Wisteria thought a moment, before her eyes lit up. "Cecelia, Can you say 'Pond?'"

Vice - Whining

"Where. Is. The. Off. Button?!" The Spiral was at his wits end. Wisteria and Buttercup had left to do....something or other, Vice hadn't been paying attention necessarily. But that meant that he was in charge of Cecelia, who for the past HOUR had been emitting this annoyingly terrible squealing or screaming or something that was making him want to tear his ears off.

He had tried feeding her(rather, placing a few berries in front of her and seeing if she'd take them), putting her to bed(placing a portion of the blanket over her so she would think it was night; apparently it worked with birds.), tried singing(Or just talking, with a slightly longer vowel pronunciation and raised tone) and then he was out of ideas.

And she was still screeching. What could he possibly do to appease her without him destroying his pride?

Her whining turned into terrified screaming as a net was thrown onto her. Five Raptorik warriors had burst forth from the shadows, one taking the hatchling, the others separating them with spears.

"H-Hey!" He snarled, his teeth latching onto a wing, whipping one warrior into the other. He never noticed how his feet no longer touched the ground, all that mattered was finding his Coatl. His heart beat and thrashed against the walls of his chest, which now felt hollow. His feet lashed out, shoving the air underneath him; He had created a path out of nothing to run on.

Their flight took them higher above the trees, their dark appendages reaching out to grab hold and restrain them. Vice finally spotted Cecelia in the basket attached to the back of the Raptorik leader. Her paw outstretched to him; the action alone blinding him with rage for the beast. His body spun and shot through the air like an arrow, his maw gripping onto the beast's leg.

The Raptorik thrust his spear into Vice's shoulder; its last ditch attempt at shaking him off. Vice growled, and swung the beast around, latching onto his neck. He didn't stop applying pressure until he felt something snap in his mouth, and a gurgle come from the bird's throat.

Vice tore the basket from the beast and kicked his body down, ignoring it as it began its descent back to Sornieth. His claws made patchwork of the basket, and he only smiled as Cecelia cooed happily to see him, little tears welling in both of their eyes.

"You alright Cece?" He blinked away the tears and turned to head back down the path he came, only to find the land was a lot farther away than he realized.
"AAAHHHH!" He froze, clutching the Coatl to him as they too, began to fall to Sornieth.

"Vice! Cecelia! We're Back!" Wisteria called, galloping into their home with Buttercup close behind. They froze immediately, watching in shock at the Spiral looping and flying over their pond, Cecelia outstretched in his claws. Her wings were spread as well; the Hatchling flapping them and giggling with glee.

"Vice...You're flying..." Be stated, nearly dumbfounded.

"Oh, you guys are back," Vice grinned, "Be, I hope you like bird, cause I caught a lot of it. We also have enough feathers for....Something. Wissi can figure out what to use them for - Hey, nice armor Be. Where'd you get it?"

"We found it on our travels...."

Buttercup - Beautiful

Be couldn't sleep. Ever since she was found by her friends, she wasn't alone much anymore. That was very good...But it was also painfully bad. Her claws scratched roughly against her scales, the Guardian ignoring the fact they were already raw and or bleeding.

They were just ugly.

They repulsed her every time she saw her reflection; this was the only way she could become beautiful, by getting rid of the ugly shell. Blood from her jaw trickled down and dropped into the pond, merging with the moonlit water. She didn't notice the coatl until her paw reached up to touch her side.

Buttercup whipped around, eyes widened in fear. She expected the Coatl to scream. Instead, she frowned, her feathers drooping.

"...Wwwhhhy?" She barely spoke out. Her draconian had gotten better. Be almost could feel pride, hidden down by shame.

"...I don't know why, Sissy...I just can't stand it." Her voice barely a whisper. She felt helpless in front of the child who found her. "I hate them. There's something better underneath, I know it. But I have to remove the blemishes first. I just have to." Buttercup stared sadly into the eyes of her reflection. "I heard that, if you practiced telling your reflection that you loved them, then you'd feel better about yourself...I've tried so many times using this pond....But I can't.....I'm just so u-"

"Beeeeu-ti-fa" Cecelia spoke confidently.

"What...?" The Guardian glanced at her, quizzically. Cecelia only smiled, staring at her.

"Beeutifa" Her feathers puffed up proudly. The word, no matter how mispronounced, still had its effect on the Guardian. She sniffled, trying to scrunch up her snout and prevent tears from coming out her eyes.

"Sss'okay." The Coatl curled next to her. "Sss'okay. No more claws...". The Coatl cupped her small hands to gather a bit of water, before letting it fall on the blood on Buttercup's claws.

"...Thanks Sissy.....N-no more....claws.....I'll try." Be lowered her jaw to the water, allowing it to flow into the wound on it. The blood in the pond would disperse by morning's light. Thinking about it, the Guardian was reminded of a time spent under the moon with a different red dragon. How their roles were reversed...

"I can't sleep, Sissy....Can you?" The Coatl shook her head, causing the Guardian to smile. "How would you like to stay up a bit, and I-I'll read to you....something from a book of mine." Seeing the Coatl nod, she reached into her bag and pulled out her copy of William Shakespearl's Romeo and Juliet.
@Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Aliceclockwork @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @ccdefoe2000 @lackingsanity @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid

I'm sorry for the delay, guys ^^ My Winter Concert was this week so I was preparing for that. It went well, I think.
This is not today's post, but seeing as Cecelia is grown now, I wanted to give you guys an apology something cute to read with baby Cece. There will be another post today, so look forward to that. I also am behind on coli-ing so I'll work on that as well. I need to make sure Cece gets leveled up as well ^^
Babysitting Cecelia
In which we get some cute moments with Cece and her older siblings

Wisteria - ABCs

"Come on, try again!" The Snapper smiles, encouraging the hatchling in their lesson.
"Whh....Woooahh" The Coatl's small face contorts with the vowels she was trying to pronounce. After a moment, she makes a tiny popping sound with her mouth and begins to hum, looking at Wisteria with her feathers raised in expectancy.

"Hehe, You're almost there, Cecelia," Wisteria nuzzles the hatchling, before attempting to continue their lesson, "Wis-tier-ee-ah. Sound it out with me. Wis"



"Tiiiii" The hatchling decided that after that, she had done enough. Her feathers puffed up in pride, as if she had pronounced Wisteria correctly. With a waggle of her tail, she ran around Wisteria's massive forefoot, before placing her paw on her. The Snapper sighed.

"I suppose we can take a break and try again later....Alright. What do you want to do, Cece?" She followed the hatchling to the shallow end of the pond, where the coatl happily began to splash around. Wisteria stood, ready to save her if something went wrong.

'Perhaps I am trying too hard, or pushing her too hard...Still, I would never expect it be this hard to teach a dragon to speak. Perhaps it is harder because she is coatl...' Wisteria thought a moment, before her eyes lit up. "Cecelia, Can you say 'Pond?'"

Vice - Whining

"Where. Is. The. Off. Button?!" The Spiral was at his wits end. Wisteria and Buttercup had left to do....something or other, Vice hadn't been paying attention necessarily. But that meant that he was in charge of Cecelia, who for the past HOUR had been emitting this annoyingly terrible squealing or screaming or something that was making him want to tear his ears off.

He had tried feeding her(rather, placing a few berries in front of her and seeing if she'd take them), putting her to bed(placing a portion of the blanket over her so she would think it was night; apparently it worked with birds.), tried singing(Or just talking, with a slightly longer vowel pronunciation and raised tone) and then he was out of ideas.

And she was still screeching. What could he possibly do to appease her without him destroying his pride?

Her whining turned into terrified screaming as a net was thrown onto her. Five Raptorik warriors had burst forth from the shadows, one taking the hatchling, the others separating them with spears.

"H-Hey!" He snarled, his teeth latching onto a wing, whipping one warrior into the other. He never noticed how his feet no longer touched the ground, all that mattered was finding his Coatl. His heart beat and thrashed against the walls of his chest, which now felt hollow. His feet lashed out, shoving the air underneath him; He had created a path out of nothing to run on.

Their flight took them higher above the trees, their dark appendages reaching out to grab hold and restrain them. Vice finally spotted Cecelia in the basket attached to the back of the Raptorik leader. Her paw outstretched to him; the action alone blinding him with rage for the beast. His body spun and shot through the air like an arrow, his maw gripping onto the beast's leg.

The Raptorik thrust his spear into Vice's shoulder; its last ditch attempt at shaking him off. Vice growled, and swung the beast around, latching onto his neck. He didn't stop applying pressure until he felt something snap in his mouth, and a gurgle come from the bird's throat.

Vice tore the basket from the beast and kicked his body down, ignoring it as it began its descent back to Sornieth. His claws made patchwork of the basket, and he only smiled as Cecelia cooed happily to see him, little tears welling in both of their eyes.

"You alright Cece?" He blinked away the tears and turned to head back down the path he came, only to find the land was a lot farther away than he realized.
"AAAHHHH!" He froze, clutching the Coatl to him as they too, began to fall to Sornieth.

"Vice! Cecelia! We're Back!" Wisteria called, galloping into their home with Buttercup close behind. They froze immediately, watching in shock at the Spiral looping and flying over their pond, Cecelia outstretched in his claws. Her wings were spread as well; the Hatchling flapping them and giggling with glee.

"Vice...You're flying..." Be stated, nearly dumbfounded.

"Oh, you guys are back," Vice grinned, "Be, I hope you like bird, cause I caught a lot of it. We also have enough feathers for....Something. Wissi can figure out what to use them for - Hey, nice armor Be. Where'd you get it?"

"We found it on our travels...."

Buttercup - Beautiful

Be couldn't sleep. Ever since she was found by her friends, she wasn't alone much anymore. That was very good...But it was also painfully bad. Her claws scratched roughly against her scales, the Guardian ignoring the fact they were already raw and or bleeding.

They were just ugly.

They repulsed her every time she saw her reflection; this was the only way she could become beautiful, by getting rid of the ugly shell. Blood from her jaw trickled down and dropped into the pond, merging with the moonlit water. She didn't notice the coatl until her paw reached up to touch her side.

Buttercup whipped around, eyes widened in fear. She expected the Coatl to scream. Instead, she frowned, her feathers drooping.

"...Wwwhhhy?" She barely spoke out. Her draconian had gotten better. Be almost could feel pride, hidden down by shame.

"...I don't know why, Sissy...I just can't stand it." Her voice barely a whisper. She felt helpless in front of the child who found her. "I hate them. There's something better underneath, I know it. But I have to remove the blemishes first. I just have to." Buttercup stared sadly into the eyes of her reflection. "I heard that, if you practiced telling your reflection that you loved them, then you'd feel better about yourself...I've tried so many times using this pond....But I can't.....I'm just so u-"

"Beeeeu-ti-fa" Cecelia spoke confidently.

"What...?" The Guardian glanced at her, quizzically. Cecelia only smiled, staring at her.

"Beeutifa" Her feathers puffed up proudly. The word, no matter how mispronounced, still had its effect on the Guardian. She sniffled, trying to scrunch up her snout and prevent tears from coming out her eyes.

"Sss'okay." The Coatl curled next to her. "Sss'okay. No more claws...". The Coatl cupped her small hands to gather a bit of water, before letting it fall on the blood on Buttercup's claws.

"...Thanks Sissy.....N-no more....claws.....I'll try." Be lowered her jaw to the water, allowing it to flow into the wound on it. The blood in the pond would disperse by morning's light. Thinking about it, the Guardian was reminded of a time spent under the moon with a different red dragon. How their roles were reversed...

"I can't sleep, Sissy....Can you?" The Coatl shook her head, causing the Guardian to smile. "How would you like to stay up a bit, and I-I'll read to you....something from a book of mine." Seeing the Coatl nod, she reached into her bag and pulled out her copy of William Shakespearl's Romeo and Juliet.
@Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Aliceclockwork @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @ccdefoe2000 @lackingsanity @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid

I'm sorry for the delay, guys ^^ My Winter Concert was this week so I was preparing for that. It went well, I think.
This is not today's post, but seeing as Cecelia is grown now, I wanted to give you guys an apology something cute to read with baby Cece. There will be another post today, so look forward to that. I also am behind on coli-ing so I'll work on that as well. I need to make sure Cece gets leveled up as well ^^
[center][b]Days 15-20 (Post 7) - Conium Maculatum[/b] [item=Discipline][item=Ancient Fungus] Sentence : Death Streak[/center] _______________________________________________________________________________________ "Sssweet!" Cecelia pumped her fist into the air, marveling over their spoils. As she had gotten older now, Wisteria reluctantly agreed to allow Vice and Buttercup to show her the ropes and bring her along on their hunt. Buttercup had tracked down the remnants of the Raptorik that had attacked Vice when Cecelia was a hatchling, and although they thought the Coatl didn't remember it, thought it was better to get rid of them than let them stay and potentially attack once more. They were just a small band, but their stocks were huge. Already, Cecelia was eyeing the stocks of dried fish that they had taken from their racks on the cave walls. There were also salted meats and a variety of fruits. Granted, it had taken a fair amount of fighting and Vice was pretty sure Wisteria wouldn't like that bandage on Cece, buuuuut Hopefully...she may not notice it. The food was wrapped up and securely fastened to Buttercup's back when Vice noticed something sparkle deeper in the cavern. The light must've hit it just right. Cautiously, he entered the cave once more, treading carefully to what appeared to be a bronze piece sticking out of the ashen ground. He was pleasantly surprised to find a....bracelet? It was pretty nonetheless. Vice glanced over to Buttercup and smiled to himself, wrapping the piece up and tying it to himself. "Alright gang, let's go!" "Wait! You're theives!" A voice called out from the bushes. The trio looked around, confused. The little Pearlcatcher patted the top of his Mushroom familiar for strength, before revealing himself from out of the bushes. "That food is mine!" [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Did they take this from you?" Vice was vaguely annoyed at the small Pearlcatcher. Yet, if the birds had somehow taken this large stocks from this tiny dragon, then it wouldn't be right to take it. "N-no.." The dragon admitted truthfully, "But I've been eyeing it for a while now! So you [i]have[/i] to give it to me!" He attempted to puff up and look fierce. Vice only laughed at him. "Great, that means it isn't yours! Go run home to mommy, and have her find you something to eat!" His ears twitched in anger. Buttercup, however, softened her eyes. The Pearlcatcher seemed defeated. "Why don' come with us? And you can eat dinner with us tonight and we can help you, somehow..." The Guardian attempted to sound motherly like their Snapper friend. The Pearlcatcher thought over her offer. It wasn't like he could go home. "Fine, I'll accept your offer, But you have to take both of us!" "Both of you...?" "Ggrrraahh!" The trio of dragons jumped upon seeing the mushroom next to the Pearlcatcher. Vice could've sworn it wasn't there a moment ago. "Both of us!" The Pearcatcher said proudly, "This is Armillwald." The Fungi was no bigger than the dragon. It still had the audacity to glare at the Spiral. "It's very nice to meet....Armill...wald...?" Be cocked her head, confused. Nonetheless, she began to lead the herd home. The Pearlcatcher 'hmphed' at Vice before turning and following Buttercup. The Mushroom growled before following his master. Vice could only drop his jaw at the fact the mushroom was....moving? Gliding? Somehow following that pompous dragon.... "Sss'okay." Cecelia smiled at her older brother, patting his shoulder, before following the other two. Vice growled, before taking the rear. "...My name is Hemlock" The Pearlcatcher stated as they ate the simmered soup Wisteria had made from part of their spoils. The rest was put away with their stock. "Oh great, more plants..." Vice hissed under his teeth. Wisteria frowned, but smiled as she stepped on Vice's tail, causing a panicked whimper to come from him. "So, Hemlock," She asked over the tiny chorus of 'get off get off get off!', "May I ask, where are your parents? Your eyes state that you are from here, yet Buttercup says you were just found alone with Armillwald." The Mushroom grinned happily at the mention of his name. "I don't know, Ma'am." He frowned, staring into his soup. "One moment they were there and the next they wasn't...". That was what Be sensed earlier, when Vice had taunted him. Insecurity and Loneliness. "Well then, Hemlock," Wisteria raised her foot off of Vice's tail, causing a massive intake of air from the Spiral, "Perhaps...." 'Don't say it, Don't say it, Don't say it Wissi!' Vice was attempting to burn his thoughts into her mind through the power of glaring at her. "Maybe you'd like to stay with us for a while, and we can look for your parents together...? Surely they can't be that far away." "I haven't seen them in days...maybe even weeks." The Pearlcatcher muttered softly. "Well, they must notice you're missing. They may come back this way, and we can return you then.." Wisteria smiled at the child, whose spirits were instantly raised. "Really? T-thank you Ma'am!" "Ohoho...It's my pleasure, little one" Inwardly, Vice was seething. Dinner carried on without much conversation after that. Wisteria wouldn't listen to the Spiral talking about how he was a pompous dragon("You're sounding like an Imperial with this talk, Vice"), or that he would bring the end of the world if he stayed("Dear lord, that's ridiculous!"). Cecelia, meanwhile, went to talk to the newcomer. "Hi!" She sat down next to him at the edge of the pond, a hint of sweetness in her voice. "I'm Ceccceelia. It'sss nice to meet you!" She smiled, only to get harshly rebuked in return. "Whatever." The Pearlcatcher turned from her, idly doodling in the dirt. "Can I sssee?" "No. Don't you have someone else to bother?" Cecelia flinched. Her snout twitched in a burst of emotion, but she wouldn't let herself break just yet. She would not be deterred from talking to him. "You know, it'sss alright to be ssscared, or nervousss. Truthfully.....I'm glad you're here." The Pearlcatcher winced. Cecelia continued. "I like having a dragon my age here. Ssssure the othersss are great, but maybe we can be friendsss?" "Go away." The Pearlcatcher affirmed. He bit his lower lip, regretting his harsh words. But the Coatl finally gave up. "Oh...Okay.....Sssure, you mussst want to have sssome time to think. I'll come and talk to you tomorrow....okay?" She frowned, her feathers drooping as she halfheartedly skipped away. Armillwald growled in sharp annoyance. "I know....I messed up, didn't I?" Cecelia curled up by Buttercup at the edge of their claimed territory. "I don't know why....but the newcomer isss sssort....sssort of mean..." She allowed her childish tears to cup her face. "Maybe he's just s-scared, Sissy. He seems like he's trying to be brave, but is at the end of his limits. Maybe he thinks he has to be strong....I don't know what the odds of us finding his parents, are, but I think if we give him time, he'll warm up to us..." Be nuzzled the Coatl comfortingly, kissing the top of her head. Cecelia sniffled and smiled, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Yeah...I want him to be my friend....Ssshould I jussst give him time?" "Yes, Sissy. He'll come around. And maybe you two can become great friends." The Coatl took solace in the friendly smile on her sister's face. She shook her head, allowing her feathers to rise once more, before pouncing onto the Guardian's snout, causing a squeal to come from her. Cecelia woke later that night by rustled movements. She barely made out Hemlock returning to the corner he shared with Armillwald. Next to her was a nice scrawled on a tiny sheet of paper. Squinting her eyes, she was able to make out: [center][i] "Hello. My name is Hemlock."[/i][/center] ____________________________________________________________________________________ @Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang Woo! Two new dragons only a few short days apart. And our first familiar! I am very proud of Armillwald's name. I had trouble originally([s]And the only help I got from Shadow Flight was SuperShroom, Thanks Patches[/s]), but I think I gave him a suitable name that still relates to Mushrooms. The real question is, how do they move? I was thinking like Diglet/Dugtrio in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky...Only still above ground. Something like that? Idk. Does anyone find it weird that we have 3 plant named dragons? If only Vice wasn't named beforehand, then I could've named both Cece and him plant names and they'd all be plants. Ah well. Another thing I learned: Cecelia is a variant of Cecilia. I did not know that it was originally spelled with an I. Interesting. I hope you'll forgive me for my lack of updates and hopefully this makes up for it. No one died! Woo! And Cecelia is now to level 3. That's great. [s]Does anyone notice the clever thing I did with the post's name today? No? Okay....[/s]. Also, that bracelet Vice picked up....Hm. Wonder what's gonna happen with that >>
Days 15-20 (Post 7) - Conium Maculatum
Discipline Ancient Fungus
Sentence : Death Streak

"Sssweet!" Cecelia pumped her fist into the air, marveling over their spoils. As she had gotten older now, Wisteria reluctantly agreed to allow Vice and Buttercup to show her the ropes and bring her along on their hunt.

Buttercup had tracked down the remnants of the Raptorik that had attacked Vice when Cecelia was a hatchling, and although they thought the Coatl didn't remember it, thought it was better to get rid of them than let them stay and potentially attack once more.

They were just a small band, but their stocks were huge. Already, Cecelia was eyeing the stocks of dried fish that they had taken from their racks on the cave walls. There were also salted meats and a variety of fruits. Granted, it had taken a fair amount of fighting and Vice was pretty sure Wisteria wouldn't like that bandage on Cece, buuuuut Hopefully...she may not notice it.

The food was wrapped up and securely fastened to Buttercup's back when Vice noticed something sparkle deeper in the cavern. The light must've hit it just right. Cautiously, he entered the cave once more, treading carefully to what appeared to be a bronze piece sticking out of the ashen ground. He was pleasantly surprised to find a....bracelet? It was pretty nonetheless.

Vice glanced over to Buttercup and smiled to himself, wrapping the piece up and tying it to himself.
"Alright gang, let's go!"

"Wait! You're theives!" A voice called out from the bushes. The trio looked around, confused.

The little Pearlcatcher patted the top of his Mushroom familiar for strength, before revealing himself from out of the bushes.
"That food is mine!"


"Did they take this from you?" Vice was vaguely annoyed at the small Pearlcatcher. Yet, if the birds had somehow taken this large stocks from this tiny dragon, then it wouldn't be right to take it.

"N-no.." The dragon admitted truthfully, "But I've been eyeing it for a while now! So you have to give it to me!" He attempted to puff up and look fierce. Vice only laughed at him.

"Great, that means it isn't yours! Go run home to mommy, and have her find you something to eat!" His ears twitched in anger. Buttercup, however, softened her eyes. The Pearlcatcher seemed defeated.

"Why don' come with us? And you can eat dinner with us tonight and we can help you, somehow..." The Guardian attempted to sound motherly like their Snapper friend. The Pearlcatcher thought over her offer. It wasn't like he could go home.

"Fine, I'll accept your offer, But you have to take both of us!"

"Both of you...?"

"Ggrrraahh!" The trio of dragons jumped upon seeing the mushroom next to the Pearlcatcher. Vice could've sworn it wasn't there a moment ago.

"Both of us!" The Pearcatcher said proudly, "This is Armillwald." The Fungi was no bigger than the dragon. It still had the audacity to glare at the Spiral.

"It's very nice to meet....Armill...wald...?" Be cocked her head, confused. Nonetheless, she began to lead the herd home. The Pearlcatcher 'hmphed' at Vice before turning and following Buttercup. The Mushroom growled before following his master. Vice could only drop his jaw at the fact the mushroom was....moving? Gliding? Somehow following that pompous dragon....

"Sss'okay." Cecelia smiled at her older brother, patting his shoulder, before following the other two. Vice growled, before taking the rear.

"...My name is Hemlock" The Pearlcatcher stated as they ate the simmered soup Wisteria had made from part of their spoils. The rest was put away with their stock.

"Oh great, more plants..." Vice hissed under his teeth. Wisteria frowned, but smiled as she stepped on Vice's tail, causing a panicked whimper to come from him.

"So, Hemlock," She asked over the tiny chorus of 'get off get off get off!', "May I ask, where are your parents? Your eyes state that you are from here, yet Buttercup says you were just found alone with Armillwald." The Mushroom grinned happily at the mention of his name.

"I don't know, Ma'am." He frowned, staring into his soup. "One moment they were there and the next they wasn't...". That was what Be sensed earlier, when Vice had taunted him. Insecurity and Loneliness.

"Well then, Hemlock," Wisteria raised her foot off of Vice's tail, causing a massive intake of air from the Spiral, "Perhaps...."

'Don't say it, Don't say it, Don't say it Wissi!' Vice was attempting to burn his thoughts into her mind through the power of glaring at her.

"Maybe you'd like to stay with us for a while, and we can look for your parents together...? Surely they can't be that far away."

"I haven't seen them in days...maybe even weeks." The Pearlcatcher muttered softly.

"Well, they must notice you're missing. They may come back this way, and we can return you then.." Wisteria smiled at the child, whose spirits were instantly raised.

"Really? T-thank you Ma'am!"

"Ohoho...It's my pleasure, little one" Inwardly, Vice was seething. Dinner carried on without much conversation after that. Wisteria wouldn't listen to the Spiral talking about how he was a pompous dragon("You're sounding like an Imperial with this talk, Vice"), or that he would bring the end of the world if he stayed("Dear lord, that's ridiculous!").

Cecelia, meanwhile, went to talk to the newcomer.
"Hi!" She sat down next to him at the edge of the pond, a hint of sweetness in her voice. "I'm Ceccceelia. It'sss nice to meet you!" She smiled, only to get harshly rebuked in return.

"Whatever." The Pearlcatcher turned from her, idly doodling in the dirt.

"Can I sssee?"

"No. Don't you have someone else to bother?" Cecelia flinched. Her snout twitched in a burst of emotion, but she wouldn't let herself break just yet. She would not be deterred from talking to him.

"You know, it'sss alright to be ssscared, or nervousss. Truthfully.....I'm glad you're here." The Pearlcatcher winced. Cecelia continued. "I like having a dragon my age here. Ssssure the othersss are great, but maybe we can be friendsss?"

"Go away." The Pearlcatcher affirmed. He bit his lower lip, regretting his harsh words. But the Coatl finally gave up.

"Oh...Okay.....Sssure, you mussst want to have sssome time to think. I'll come and talk to you tomorrow....okay?" She frowned, her feathers drooping as she halfheartedly skipped away.

Armillwald growled in sharp annoyance. "I know....I messed up, didn't I?"

Cecelia curled up by Buttercup at the edge of their claimed territory. "I don't know why....but the newcomer isss sssort....sssort of mean..." She allowed her childish tears to cup her face.

"Maybe he's just s-scared, Sissy. He seems like he's trying to be brave, but is at the end of his limits. Maybe he thinks he has to be strong....I don't know what the odds of us finding his parents, are, but I think if we give him time, he'll warm up to us..." Be nuzzled the Coatl comfortingly, kissing the top of her head.

Cecelia sniffled and smiled, wiping the tears from her eyes.
"Yeah...I want him to be my friend....Ssshould I jussst give him time?"

"Yes, Sissy. He'll come around. And maybe you two can become great friends." The Coatl took solace in the friendly smile on her sister's face. She shook her head, allowing her feathers to rise once more, before pouncing onto the Guardian's snout, causing a squeal to come from her.

Cecelia woke later that night by rustled movements. She barely made out Hemlock returning to the corner he shared with Armillwald. Next to her was a nice scrawled on a tiny sheet of paper. Squinting her eyes, she was able to make out:

"Hello. My name is Hemlock."
@Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang

Woo! Two new dragons only a few short days apart. And our first familiar! I am very proud of Armillwald's name. I had trouble originally(And the only help I got from Shadow Flight was SuperShroom, Thanks Patches), but I think I gave him a suitable name that still relates to Mushrooms. The real question is, how do they move?

I was thinking like Diglet/Dugtrio in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky...Only still above ground. Something like that? Idk.
Does anyone find it weird that we have 3 plant named dragons? If only Vice wasn't named beforehand, then I could've named both Cece and him plant names and they'd all be plants. Ah well.
Another thing I learned: Cecelia is a variant of Cecilia. I did not know that it was originally spelled with an I. Interesting.

I hope you'll forgive me for my lack of updates and hopefully this makes up for it. No one died! Woo! And Cecelia is now to level 3. That's great. Does anyone notice the clever thing I did with the post's name today? No? Okay..... Also, that bracelet Vice picked up....Hm. Wonder what's gonna happen with that >>
I had to google the name of the post. Clever. What does Armillwald mean though? Something forest?
I had to google the name of the post. Clever. What does Armillwald mean though? Something forest?
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@DeathWolf555 I love the posts! I must ask, however, are we going to get any more mysterious fragments of text (like those on page 2)?
@DeathWolf555 I love the posts! I must ask, however, are we going to get any more mysterious fragments of text (like those on page 2)?
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