"Hey, Mom, do we have copper coins in the clan stash?"
Kaci nodded distractedly. "I'm sure we do, Miles. You're welcome to look through and find them. Why?"
"Oh, um..." Miles hesitated. "Just a... project I'm working on. Thanks!"
Kaci frowned. What was he up to?
Later that day, Kaci passed Miles just outside camp, back turned.
Oh, he's pearling, I'll leave him alone. But then Kaci noticed a pile of copper coins sitting next to him. As she watched, Miles reached over to grab one. What he did with it, Kaci couldn't see.
As quietly as she could, Kaci snuck around to a point where she could see what Miles was doing. It was rude to watch another Pearlcatcher while they were pearling, but Kaci couldn't help her curiosity.
Instead of just letting a layer of
Lirna flow onto his pearl, Miles let a tiny drop land, then quickly stuck the coin to it. He'd already apparently done the same thing multiple times; coins were fairly evenly spaced across almost the whole surface of his pearl. He repeated the same action with another coin, and another, until the last coin had been placed. Then he poured the rest of his
Lirna over the top and started rolling his pearl around to smooth it. When he saw that he hadn't completely covered the coins, he said a rude word and sighed.
"I know you're there, Mama," he said without looking up.
Both Pearlcatchers looked equally guilty as Kaci stepped out of hiding and came over to Miles. The first thing that Kaci thought to say, oddly, was:
"...Where'd you learn that word?"
"I think I heard Devoni say it once," Miles muttered, running a paw over a bit of exposed copper.
Kaci frowned. She'd have to have a talk with the Guardian about that. But more importantly...
"Why were you sticking copper coins to your pearl?"
Miles replied cryptically: "So I don't lose it again."
"I don't follow." Kaci frowned. "Were you expecting them to reflect light like a beacon or something?"
"Actually, I was hoping to cover them up," Miles mumbled. "So no one would know they're there except me."
"Then why did you put them there if you were planning to cover them over?" Kaci pressed.
"Here's why." Miles placed his pearl in front of Kaci, then trotted about a body-length away and furrowed his brow, as if concentrating on something.
Kaci brought her face closer to inspect Miles' pearl, then yelped and jumped back as the pearl suddenly jerked away. She watched in amazement and confusion as the pearl half-rolled, half-slid across the ground and into Miles' waiting paws. He transferred it to his tail and trotted back to Kaci, watching her dumbfounded expression.
"How long have you been able to do this?" Kaci asked. "And
why did you need the coins?"
Miles shook his head. "About as long as I can remember, I think. But I can only affect metal things, so I had to use the coins to keep my pearl safe."
Kaci thought about the recent events in the clan. The poltergeist that had been pulling on dragons hadn't bothered Marla or Morning. Kaci, on the other hand... She looked down at her vest, with its decorative rivets and metal rims.
"Why did you keep it a secret?"
Miles looked down. "I figured out pretty quickly that other dragons can't do what I can. I didn't want anyone to know that I was weird and different. Plus, I wasn't even sure what was going on. I wanted to know myself before I told anyone else."
"Well, we know now, don't we?" Kaci put her arm around her son. "Come on. Let's at least tell your father. He'll understand."
I have so many art pulls to catch up on
- Copper coins being 1T coins. Which, considering most things in Sornieth are worth several thousand T, are even more worthless than our pennies. Perfect for when you just need a bit of metal for something.
- I actually need some art ideas. Is there a particular dragon, event, thing, etc. you want to see from this story? I already have one idea, which I still need to finish, but beyond that I'm stuck.
- NOW do you see why I'm annoyed that Miles' brother with Metals primary didn't survive?