hello everyone i would like some genes for my dragons but as you all know those can get pretty expensive
i will draw you stuff. i don't know what prices are like around here but i will trust your pitches. mostly i'd like treasure. i will also accept gems and scrolls but other forms of payment can be proposed and negotiated. this is a very loose operation we'll see how it goes. paypal works also but that's not why i'm here.
if you'd like a look at my wishlist here it is
what i do:
- whatever you want
- no nsfw or bigoted stuff tho
- people, dragons, animals, whatever
what i won't do (probably):
- complex scenes
i am not good at pixels but i can do my darndest if you really want one i just had to do pixels for a project for work so this one is a go, too
i don't have many fr-relevant examples currently but uhh i'll post some examples in the next comment because this is getting long
hello everyone i would like some genes for my dragons but as you all know those can get pretty expensive
i will draw you stuff. i don't know what prices are like around here but i will trust your pitches. mostly i'd like treasure. i will also accept gems and scrolls but other forms of payment can be proposed and negotiated. this is a very loose operation we'll see how it goes. paypal works also but that's not why i'm here.
if you'd like a look at my wishlist here it is
what i do:
- whatever you want
- no nsfw or bigoted stuff tho
- people, dragons, animals, whatever
what i won't do (probably):
- complex scenes
i am not good at pixels but i can do my darndest if you really want one i just had to do pixels for a project for work so this one is a go, too
i don't have many fr-relevant examples currently but uhh i'll post some examples in the next comment because this is getting long
ok here are some examples. sorry they're all people but i promise i can do other stuff
[quote][img height=200]https://66.media.tumblr.com/8e8ce0e71e81c25b50f38cd3b020e49a/tumblr_pj6kpoZqzp1xm37vco1_1280.png[/img]
[img height=200]https://66.media.tumblr.com/475a6fae334956e28b3d1b5fadd7fdd9/tumblr_inline_pj4zt4ljMo1qcyouy_1280.png[/img][/quote]
bw sketches
[quote][img height=200]https://66.media.tumblr.com/95da65cda3084993acaef55afa41c0ac/tumblr_inline_pi1ykrKWlb1qcyouy_1280.png[/img]
[img height=200]https://66.media.tumblr.com/6cfdb7724c42b5ba3eb731b77b6459e5/tumblr_inline_pt07a0qORc1qcyouy_1280.png[/img][/quote]
sketch with colors, lined sketch with colors
[quote][img height=200]https://66.media.tumblr.com/6da1993b320dcb77d35d480ec2fc7d53/tumblr_pvu302VYuX1qd1mw4o2_640.png[/img]
[img height=200]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/454300354457239553/608764537331777549/unknown.png[/img][/quote]
[quote][img height=200]https://66.media.tumblr.com/d3ac81588e2d0c53f49f73f106b9e8bb/tumblr_pjx1wfT8dh1qd1mw4o1_1280.png[/img]
[img height=200]https://66.media.tumblr.com/1a4467be36e3cc63842c211cb1ae0d62/tumblr_pj6zgdPMDl1qd1mw4o1_1280.png[/img][/quote]
portraits like these would have to be a lot though not gonna front it takes a while
vector icons
[quote][img height=200]https://66.media.tumblr.com/2e969d770305dbc7ce9f4b355621aefc/tumblr_prxpmdJ3Jn1qd1mw4o1_540.png[/img]
ok here are some examples. sorry they're all people but i promise i can do other stuff
bw sketches
sketch with colors, lined sketch with colors
portraits like these would have to be a lot though not gonna front it takes a while
vector icons
here i suppose is where the slot list will go
1. inthesoupbowl - full body colored
2. kyat - vector icon/full body
3. VIRG0 - bust sketch w/ colors[/quote]
and here is the pinglist
@/Visceryl @/Meii @/Mazurkas @/inthesoupbowl @/angsty @/Oceanas @/kyat @/cvthedral @/Tipsylover @/macaroni33 @/Negative @/theoncomingstorm @/fiShCUstArD @/SinGambino @/Arazamatazza
and here are completed commissions for easy access and perusal
[quote][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/2733332/3#post_41228784]1. first batch[/url][/quote]
thank u all for reading please help me achieve my dreams of pretty dragons
here i suppose is where the slot list will go
1. inthesoupbowl - full body colored
2. kyat - vector icon/full body
3. VIRG0 - bust sketch w/ colors
and here is the pinglist
@/Visceryl @/Meii @/Mazurkas @/inthesoupbowl @/angsty @/Oceanas @/kyat @/cvthedral @/Tipsylover @/macaroni33 @/Negative @/theoncomingstorm @/fiShCUstArD @/SinGambino @/Arazamatazza
and here are completed commissions for easy access and perusal
thank u all for reading please help me achieve my dreams of pretty dragons
I'll take a slot
Can vectors be only heads or can they be full bodies?
I'll take a slot
Can vectors be only heads or can they be full bodies?
Enoch they can be full bodies! just shoot me a dm and let me know what you'd like
Enoch they can be full bodies! just shoot me a dm and let me know what you'd like
I'm interested in getting a fullbody vector of this
guy please
Going to offer up a Thundercrack Cogspanner
I'm interested in getting a fullbody vector of this
guy please
Going to offer up a Thundercrack Cogspanner
Enoch sounds good! i'll get to work
Enoch sounds good! i'll get to work
Thanks! I sent payment over already~~!
Thanks! I sent payment over already~~!
curricle hello! I was wondering how much treasure you would want for a small with color of a ridgeback?
curricle hello! I was wondering how much treasure you would want for a small with color of a ridgeback?
Would it be possible to get a black & white sketch of
this guy? :D
And out of curiosity, what genes do you need for your dragons? I don't have any gem genes casually on me but I do have quite a few treasure genes - I'd be happy to add one or two as a tip!
also can i just say that i love your jotaro sketches lol
Would it be possible to get a black & white sketch of
this guy? :D
And out of curiosity, what genes do you need for your dragons? I don't have any gem genes casually on me but I do have quite a few treasure genes - I'd be happy to add one or two as a tip!
also can i just say that i love your jotaro sketches lol