[center][font=century gothic][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/252240733791059979/334481742692089860/pixel_banner.png[/img]
Hi there!!! I'm raptor! i just came back to FR after a while and I wanted to reopen my art shop!
My shop is currently [b]Closed[/b]!
If you want to find out when I open up again, ping me to get on the ping list!
- I don't think I have to say this, but no NSFW stuff; most of this stuff is just bust shots after all.
- I draw ferals, anthros, and humans.
- 1 image per slot, so i don't get overwhelmed ;v;
- if the price isn't for you, i can be bribed with things like genes, rare familiars, and rare apparel (definitely seeking an archivist's spellscroll; i can dream HAHA)
- method of payment: pay me after the sketch is confirmed through a cr :)
1 g = 1000 t
[b]At this time, I prefer gems.[/b]
[size=6]SLOTS [0/3 open][/size]
1. FlavioTheFlavor
2. squidkids
3. Katzen
Track progress on your commissions [url=https://trello.com/b/Uglcr1aP/fr-commissions]here[/url]!
[size=6]PING LIST[/size]
My Ping List is on a [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1po1aSyUEHpa-IUvjcONicPT_Xv7LAo35TzOLO-cH0u4/edit?usp=sharing]google docs[/url]! [s][/s]

Hi there!!! I'm raptor! i just came back to FR after a while and I wanted to reopen my art shop!
My shop is currently Closed!
If you want to find out when I open up again, ping me to get on the ping list!
- I don't think I have to say this, but no NSFW stuff; most of this stuff is just bust shots after all.
- I draw ferals, anthros, and humans.
- 1 image per slot, so i don't get overwhelmed ;v;
- if the price isn't for you, i can be bribed with things like genes, rare familiars, and rare apparel (definitely seeking an archivist's spellscroll; i can dream HAHA)
- method of payment: pay me after the sketch is confirmed through a cr :)
1 g = 1000 t
At this time, I prefer gems.
SLOTS [0/3 open]
1. FlavioTheFlavor
2. squidkids
3. Katzen
Track progress on your commissions
My Ping List is on a
google docs!
[center][font=century gothic][size=7]PIXELS[/size]
- 500kt
- +50kt for every piece of complex apparel you want added
- +25kt for any props

- 500kt
- +50kt for every piece of complex apparel you want added
- +25kt for any props
[center][font=century gothic][size=7]AFFILIATES[/size]
opening ping:
azurenight @
glittering @
targaryens @
roses @
melladian @
i think thats everyone! but if i pinged you accidentally feel free to ask me to remove you <3
absolutely! :D
i'll do a sketch, and and send you a wip. once it's done, i'll have you pay !!
absolutely! :D
i'll do a sketch, and and send you a wip. once it's done, i'll have you pay !!
velociraptor Ooh!! I would love a simple fullbody of my 'sona
Anna wearing black boots and a scarf like
this. Would that be okay, and what price would that come to?
velociraptor Ooh!! I would love a simple fullbody of my 'sona
Anna wearing black boots and a scarf like
this. Would that be okay, and what price would that come to?
price would just be base price, since it's so simple! added you to the list.
price would just be base price, since it's so simple! added you to the list.
velociraptor Hi there! Could I get a complex fullbody of my character, Ragnar?
Here's a reference of him!
If it's okay if his outfit is a little complicated, so how much would it cost? ^^
that's totally fine. I'd price quote this at 215k! ;v;
that's totally fine. I'd price quote this at 215k! ;v;