I could also split cost with @micahjaguar for crystal (then it wouldn't be so much for each of us and you'd have crystal done.)
TOPIC | Pidgeot SDs- Closed indefinitely
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I could also split cost with @micahjaguar for crystal (then it wouldn't be so much for each of us and you'd have crystal done.)
@crateshya I have [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=dragon&id=252099&did=36195608]this girl[/url] I would like to get an adopt for.
This is her planned outfit.
I was thinking about maybe having the rose thorn crown, the necklace and the wing silks added. I was wondering how much it would be. (And if the gene sponsoring slots are already filled)
[b]Username:[/b] Iridaceae
[b]Dragon:[/b] [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=751168]
[b]Complete Genes:[/b] Ripple, Peregrine
[b]Sponsoring Gene?:[/b] N/A
[b]Festival Apparel:[/b] N/A
[b]Complete Apparel:[/b] Butterfly's Kiss
[b]Complete Accent/Skin:[/b] [item=accent: mistral sing along]
[b]Sponsoring Apparel?:[/b] N/A
[b]Sponsoring Recolor Apparel?:[/b] N/A
[b]Sponsoring Accent/Skin?:[/b] N/A
[b]Pidgeot Crest Change?:[/b] N/A
[b]Pidgeot Eye Marking:[/b] N/A
[b]Shadow Layer Color:[/b] N/A
[b]Line Layer Color:[/b] N/A
[b]Additional notes:[/b] :D
[b]Total Level Cost:[/b] 125 scrolls (base) + 3 scrolls (butterfly's kiss) + 13 scrolls (mistral sing along) = 141 scrolls
If you're accepting fest currency. If you'd rather have treasure, I believe the price would be 100kt + 2kt + 10kt = 112kt, which I could also do!
Username: Iridaceae
Complete Genes: Ripple, Peregrine
Sponsoring Gene?: N/A
Festival Apparel: N/A
Complete Apparel: Butterfly's Kiss
Complete Accent/Skin:
Sponsoring Apparel?: N/A
Sponsoring Recolor Apparel?: N/A
Sponsoring Accent/Skin?: N/A
Pidgeot Crest Change?: N/A
Pidgeot Eye Marking: N/A
Shadow Layer Color: N/A
Line Layer Color: N/A
Additional notes: :D
Total Level Cost: 125 scrolls (base) + 3 scrolls (butterfly's kiss) + 13 scrolls (mistral sing along) = 141 scrolls
If you're accepting fest currency. If you'd rather have treasure, I believe the price would be 100kt + 2kt + 10kt = 112kt, which I could also do!
i'd love a pretty adoptable of this skydancer of mine please!
[b]Username:[/b] Moons
[b]Complete Genes:[/b] Trail, Glimmer
[b]Sponsoring Gene?:[/b] Tapir
[b]Festival Apparel:[/b] N/A
[b]Complete Apparel:[/b] Mage's Midnight Overcoat
[b]Complete Accent/Skin:[/b] N/A
[b]Sponsoring Apparel?:[/b] N/A
[b]Sponsoring Recolor Apparel?:[/b] N/A
[b]Sponsoring Accent/Skin?:[/b] N/A
[b]Pidgeot Crest Change?:[/b] Glimmer Feathers: Eggplant (inside), Goldenrod (outside)
[b]Pidgeot Eye Marking:[/b] N/A
[b]Shadow Layer Color:[/b] N/A
[b]Line Layer Color:[/b] N/A
[b]Additional notes:[/b] N/A
[b]Total Level Cost:[/b] [u][b]290g[/b][/u]
[indent]Base 120g + Tapir ~153g + Crest Change 15g + Apparel 2g[/indent]
i hope i worked out everything correctly, please let me know if not! ^^
i'd love a pretty adoptable of this skydancer of mine please!
Username: Moons
Complete Genes: Trail, Glimmer
Sponsoring Gene?: Tapir
Festival Apparel: N/A
Complete Apparel: Mage's Midnight Overcoat
Complete Accent/Skin: N/A
Sponsoring Apparel?: N/A
Sponsoring Recolor Apparel?: N/A
Sponsoring Accent/Skin?: N/A
Pidgeot Crest Change?: Glimmer Feathers: Eggplant (inside), Goldenrod (outside)
Pidgeot Eye Marking: N/A
Shadow Layer Color: N/A
Line Layer Color: N/A
Additional notes: N/A
Total Level Cost: 290g
i hope i worked out everything correctly, please let me know if not! ^^
i'd love a pretty adoptable of this skydancer of mine please!
Username: Moons
Complete Genes: Trail, Glimmer
Sponsoring Gene?: Tapir
Festival Apparel: N/A
Complete Apparel: Mage's Midnight Overcoat
Complete Accent/Skin: N/A
Sponsoring Apparel?: N/A
Sponsoring Recolor Apparel?: N/A
Sponsoring Accent/Skin?: N/A
Pidgeot Crest Change?: Glimmer Feathers: Eggplant (inside), Goldenrod (outside)
Pidgeot Eye Marking: N/A
Shadow Layer Color: N/A
Line Layer Color: N/A
Additional notes: N/A
Total Level Cost: 290g
Base 120g + Tapir ~153g + Crest Change 15g + Apparel 2g
i hope i worked out everything correctly, please let me know if not! ^^
Goodness I go to do some laundry and another whole page is filled ok. ok lemme break it down. Please bear with me! ;;
As of now ALL SLOTS FOR GENE SPONSORING ARE FILLED and are under negotiation- I've gone ahead and marked it as such for now on my front page while I get this settled
@Emberglo @micahjaguar (MANY APOLOGIES TO THE LATTER, I KNOW YOU'VE BEEN PINGED A GAZILLION TIMES) I would allow you two to split the cost of sponsoring Crystal if you would like- each of you would get 5 apparel sponsor slots instead of just one having 10, and it would be up to you two for who gets the accent sponsorship slot. So long as I get the 1 mil from it I won't complain, so it'd be up to you two to come to terms with what you would like to do! Just let me know on what you decide and I'll give you the final ok.
@Icystorm MANY APOLOGIES my brain did a weird and I thought for some reason I had put facet at 1.4t, but it's actually 1.25mt, so the proper updated USD cost is $14.70. Brain mind elsewhere today apparently ;-;
Anyways, if you would wish to wait the time it takes to get crystal done and pull back priority on your slot to get Crystal on a dragon of choice, I will not object to such! Do keep in mind you will get a free accent sponsorship and 10 apparel pieces of choice along with this sponsorship as well. If you wanted to do something different (such as get another dragon with Facet and split up the apparel pieces) too I will allow for it. Feel free to post the actual order form!
@StarlitFire The staff has not yet been sponsored! However I will give you two options for sponsoring the staff as follows. one option is a lil more costly but would likely look more interesting!
Normal sling staff- the staff is slung over the wing as it is in the normal apparel image. 40kt
Holding staff- I would rework the hands of the skydancer to actually hold the staff, which comes with specific fixes for the adoptable that require gene reworking. (You can see an example of this idea with the Traditional Broadsword.) This would take a little more reworking so 125kt, but the dragon would be holding it much like a typical staff instead of it flying away on the right wing.
Either option is up to you! And you have claimed Savannah! As a note Savannah is 120kt to sponsor though so your base purchase is 220kt, not 200k (I may have made a booboo on the order form and not updated the adopt price my b). Let me know what you would like to do!
@Danizaurs As I stated with the order above I have accidentally not updated my order form so it's 100kt for the base now, and not 80kt! Many apologies ;; So Companion Comet is 2kt to add on so 3 gems but I noticed you had many more apparel there that are recolorable or already fully done- did you want to add those on as well? If not, your total is 123g!
@Cethosia Sadly all slots have been claimed for sponsoring genes! Here are your sponsorship totals for the adopt:
Rose Thorn Crown: 30kt
Simple Gold Necklace: 35kt
Gossamer Wing Silks have already been completed and so are 2kt to add on.
If you would also like, you could sponsor a recolor of the White Sylvan Dress (proper name is escaping me atm) for 10kt- it does not count towards the sponsoring of two new items!
Let me know what you would like to do!
@Iridaceae Ooooo pretty foresty windy boy! Looks solid to me and I am accepting messenger scrolls- so feel free to send and I'll get you marked down!
Please hold while I update the front post ;;
As of now ALL SLOTS FOR GENE SPONSORING ARE FILLED and are under negotiation- I've gone ahead and marked it as such for now on my front page while I get this settled
@Emberglo @micahjaguar (MANY APOLOGIES TO THE LATTER, I KNOW YOU'VE BEEN PINGED A GAZILLION TIMES) I would allow you two to split the cost of sponsoring Crystal if you would like- each of you would get 5 apparel sponsor slots instead of just one having 10, and it would be up to you two for who gets the accent sponsorship slot. So long as I get the 1 mil from it I won't complain, so it'd be up to you two to come to terms with what you would like to do! Just let me know on what you decide and I'll give you the final ok.
@Icystorm MANY APOLOGIES my brain did a weird and I thought for some reason I had put facet at 1.4t, but it's actually 1.25mt, so the proper updated USD cost is $14.70. Brain mind elsewhere today apparently ;-;
Anyways, if you would wish to wait the time it takes to get crystal done and pull back priority on your slot to get Crystal on a dragon of choice, I will not object to such! Do keep in mind you will get a free accent sponsorship and 10 apparel pieces of choice along with this sponsorship as well. If you wanted to do something different (such as get another dragon with Facet and split up the apparel pieces) too I will allow for it. Feel free to post the actual order form!
@StarlitFire The staff has not yet been sponsored! However I will give you two options for sponsoring the staff as follows. one option is a lil more costly but would likely look more interesting!
Normal sling staff- the staff is slung over the wing as it is in the normal apparel image. 40kt
Holding staff- I would rework the hands of the skydancer to actually hold the staff, which comes with specific fixes for the adoptable that require gene reworking. (You can see an example of this idea with the Traditional Broadsword.) This would take a little more reworking so 125kt, but the dragon would be holding it much like a typical staff instead of it flying away on the right wing.
Either option is up to you! And you have claimed Savannah! As a note Savannah is 120kt to sponsor though so your base purchase is 220kt, not 200k (I may have made a booboo on the order form and not updated the adopt price my b). Let me know what you would like to do!
@Danizaurs As I stated with the order above I have accidentally not updated my order form so it's 100kt for the base now, and not 80kt! Many apologies ;; So Companion Comet is 2kt to add on so 3 gems but I noticed you had many more apparel there that are recolorable or already fully done- did you want to add those on as well? If not, your total is 123g!
@Cethosia Sadly all slots have been claimed for sponsoring genes! Here are your sponsorship totals for the adopt:
Rose Thorn Crown: 30kt
Simple Gold Necklace: 35kt
Gossamer Wing Silks have already been completed and so are 2kt to add on.
If you would also like, you could sponsor a recolor of the White Sylvan Dress (proper name is escaping me atm) for 10kt- it does not count towards the sponsoring of two new items!
Let me know what you would like to do!
@Iridaceae Ooooo pretty foresty windy boy! Looks solid to me and I am accepting messenger scrolls- so feel free to send and I'll get you marked down!
Please hold while I update the front post ;;
Goodness I go to do some laundry and another whole page is filled ok. ok lemme break it down. Please bear with me! ;;
As of now ALL SLOTS FOR GENE SPONSORING ARE FILLED and are under negotiation- I've gone ahead and marked it as such for now on my front page while I get this settled
@Emberglo @micahjaguar (MANY APOLOGIES TO THE LATTER, I KNOW YOU'VE BEEN PINGED A GAZILLION TIMES) I would allow you two to split the cost of sponsoring Crystal if you would like- each of you would get 5 apparel sponsor slots instead of just one having 10, and it would be up to you two for who gets the accent sponsorship slot. So long as I get the 1 mil from it I won't complain, so it'd be up to you two to come to terms with what you would like to do! Just let me know on what you decide and I'll give you the final ok.
@Icystorm MANY APOLOGIES my brain did a weird and I thought for some reason I had put facet at 1.4t, but it's actually 1.25mt, so the proper updated USD cost is $14.70. Brain mind elsewhere today apparently ;-;
Anyways, if you would wish to wait the time it takes to get crystal done and pull back priority on your slot to get Crystal on a dragon of choice, I will not object to such! Do keep in mind you will get a free accent sponsorship and 10 apparel pieces of choice along with this sponsorship as well. If you wanted to do something different (such as get another dragon with Facet and split up the apparel pieces) too I will allow for it. Feel free to post the actual order form!
@StarlitFire The staff has not yet been sponsored! However I will give you two options for sponsoring the staff as follows. one option is a lil more costly but would likely look more interesting!
Normal sling staff- the staff is slung over the wing as it is in the normal apparel image. 40kt
Holding staff- I would rework the hands of the skydancer to actually hold the staff, which comes with specific fixes for the adoptable that require gene reworking. (You can see an example of this idea with the Traditional Broadsword.) This would take a little more reworking so 125kt, but the dragon would be holding it much like a typical staff instead of it flying away on the right wing.
Either option is up to you! And you have claimed Savannah! As a note Savannah is 120kt to sponsor though so your base purchase is 220kt, not 200k (I may have made a booboo on the order form and not updated the adopt price my b). Let me know what you would like to do!
@Danizaurs As I stated with the order above I have accidentally not updated my order form so it's 100kt for the base now, and not 80kt! Many apologies ;; So Companion Comet is 2kt to add on so 3 gems but I noticed you had many more apparel there that are recolorable or already fully done- did you want to add those on as well? If not, your total is 123g!
@Cethosia Sadly all slots have been claimed for sponsoring genes! Here are your sponsorship totals for the adopt:
Rose Thorn Crown: 30kt
Simple Gold Necklace: 35kt
Gossamer Wing Silks have already been completed and so are 2kt to add on.
If you would also like, you could sponsor a recolor of the White Sylvan Dress (proper name is escaping me atm) for 10kt- it does not count towards the sponsoring of two new items!
Let me know what you would like to do!
@Iridaceae Ooooo pretty foresty windy boy! Looks solid to me and I am accepting messenger scrolls- so feel free to send and I'll get you marked down!
Please hold while I update the front post ;;
As of now ALL SLOTS FOR GENE SPONSORING ARE FILLED and are under negotiation- I've gone ahead and marked it as such for now on my front page while I get this settled
@Emberglo @micahjaguar (MANY APOLOGIES TO THE LATTER, I KNOW YOU'VE BEEN PINGED A GAZILLION TIMES) I would allow you two to split the cost of sponsoring Crystal if you would like- each of you would get 5 apparel sponsor slots instead of just one having 10, and it would be up to you two for who gets the accent sponsorship slot. So long as I get the 1 mil from it I won't complain, so it'd be up to you two to come to terms with what you would like to do! Just let me know on what you decide and I'll give you the final ok.
@Icystorm MANY APOLOGIES my brain did a weird and I thought for some reason I had put facet at 1.4t, but it's actually 1.25mt, so the proper updated USD cost is $14.70. Brain mind elsewhere today apparently ;-;
Anyways, if you would wish to wait the time it takes to get crystal done and pull back priority on your slot to get Crystal on a dragon of choice, I will not object to such! Do keep in mind you will get a free accent sponsorship and 10 apparel pieces of choice along with this sponsorship as well. If you wanted to do something different (such as get another dragon with Facet and split up the apparel pieces) too I will allow for it. Feel free to post the actual order form!
@StarlitFire The staff has not yet been sponsored! However I will give you two options for sponsoring the staff as follows. one option is a lil more costly but would likely look more interesting!
Normal sling staff- the staff is slung over the wing as it is in the normal apparel image. 40kt
Holding staff- I would rework the hands of the skydancer to actually hold the staff, which comes with specific fixes for the adoptable that require gene reworking. (You can see an example of this idea with the Traditional Broadsword.) This would take a little more reworking so 125kt, but the dragon would be holding it much like a typical staff instead of it flying away on the right wing.
Either option is up to you! And you have claimed Savannah! As a note Savannah is 120kt to sponsor though so your base purchase is 220kt, not 200k (I may have made a booboo on the order form and not updated the adopt price my b). Let me know what you would like to do!
@Danizaurs As I stated with the order above I have accidentally not updated my order form so it's 100kt for the base now, and not 80kt! Many apologies ;; So Companion Comet is 2kt to add on so 3 gems but I noticed you had many more apparel there that are recolorable or already fully done- did you want to add those on as well? If not, your total is 123g!
@Cethosia Sadly all slots have been claimed for sponsoring genes! Here are your sponsorship totals for the adopt:
Rose Thorn Crown: 30kt
Simple Gold Necklace: 35kt
Gossamer Wing Silks have already been completed and so are 2kt to add on.
If you would also like, you could sponsor a recolor of the White Sylvan Dress (proper name is escaping me atm) for 10kt- it does not count towards the sponsoring of two new items!
Let me know what you would like to do!
@Iridaceae Ooooo pretty foresty windy boy! Looks solid to me and I am accepting messenger scrolls- so feel free to send and I'll get you marked down!
Please hold while I update the front post ;;
@crateshya Ah, they went fast. It took me too long to figure out the form. >.<
I will come back next time.
I will come back next time.
@crateshya Ah, they went fast. It took me too long to figure out the form. >.<
I will come back next time.
I will come back next time.
Ahh okay that's fine! And how much would it be to add her Night Sky Silk Scarf
And recolors to add on Prismatic Fillet, Prismatic Wing Silks? (I may just be getting really confused, I'm really terrible at reading things)
And recolors to add on Prismatic Fillet, Prismatic Wing Silks? (I may just be getting really confused, I'm really terrible at reading things)
@crateshya @emberglo Okay, lol, I've totally lost track of what's going on here.
I am paying lots of treasure for something, check! What's my total without the sponsorship before I go making promises?
I am paying lots of treasure for something, check! What's my total without the sponsorship before I go making promises?
@crateshya @emberglo Okay, lol, I've totally lost track of what's going on here.
I am paying lots of treasure for something, check! What's my total without the sponsorship before I go making promises?
I am paying lots of treasure for something, check! What's my total without the sponsorship before I go making promises?
Traveling Wind Clan! We have toured every Flight in Sornieth!
We completed our round-the-world tour on July 6th, 2020 and are once again home in Wind!
Previous Visits: Wind, Earth, Light, Shadow, Nature, Arcane, Ice, Fire, Water, Lightning, Plague
We completed our round-the-world tour on July 6th, 2020 and are once again home in Wind!
Previous Visits: Wind, Earth, Light, Shadow, Nature, Arcane, Ice, Fire, Water, Lightning, Plague
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