A simple adopt of an Imperial chilling out and cuddling with it's mate/loved one. I aim to do as many combinations as possible, eventually. So far there are 4 combos to choose from. Read further to learn how to order your own!
[b]Table of Contents:[/b]
[*]Lineart Examples
[*]Order Form
[*]Item Wishlist/Bribes
A simple adopt of an Imperial chilling out and cuddling with it's mate/loved one. I aim to do as many combinations as possible, eventually. So far there are 4 combos to choose from. Read further to learn how to order your own!
Table of Contents:
- Lineart Examples
- Prices
- Order Form
- Pinglist
- Pick-Up
- Item Wishlist/Bribes
-- [b]Available Pairs[/b] --
[url=https://40.media.tumblr.com/95ff41c136698590c78fb566ae752060/tumblr_ns16e1fThh1qdvbyro5_r1_500.png]Imperial + Imperial[/url]
[url=https://41.media.tumblr.com/56f9c72394b583e2edaad38443512b8d/tumblr_ns16e1fThh1qdvbyro2_540.png]Imperial + Coatl[/url]
[url=https://41.media.tumblr.com/9a9489f847dfdeb0815b825c631a5688/tumblr_ns1pb3R6AL1qdvbyro9_r1_500.png]Imperial + Wildclaw[/url]
[url=https://40.media.tumblr.com/fec7ba71db19731107fe93c977009380/tumblr_ns16e1fThh1qdvbyro3_r1_500.png]Imperial + Nocturne[/url]
[url=https://41.media.tumblr.com/c9f024a41e755a6dd232b3a79700fc5b/tumblr_ns16e1fThh1qdvbyro1_540.png]Imperial + Pearlcatcher #1[/url]
[url=https://36.media.tumblr.com/37406c7609697a1d8f81d38c5154d8af/tumblr_nuzldx3nYt1qdvbyro6_500.png]Imperial + Pearlcatcher #2[/url]
[url=https://40.media.tumblr.com/bd06d1253755a5e2a43ccbf0f61942a9/tumblr_nuzldx3nYt1qdvbyro7_540.png]Imperial + Skydancer[/url]
I will remove the chin fur for female Imps unless requested otherwise!
I will do M/F, M/M and F/F pairs!
Funded by LilyBound! Thanks. c:
Funded by Xiroza! Thanks. c:
[center][b]Coming Soon:[/b]
Imperial + Spiral
I will remove the chin fur for female Imps unless requested otherwise!
I will do M/F, M/M and F/F pairs!

Funded by LilyBound! Thanks. c:

Funded by Xiroza! Thanks. c:
Coming Soon:
Imperial + Spiral
[b]My gem ratio is:[/b] 1:550
[b]Base[/b]: 80k
[b]Genes:[/b] All Genes are available.
[indent][b]Free: [/b]
Basic, Iridescent, Shimmer, Glimmer, Underbelly.
[b]5k Extra per:[/b]
Tiger, Clown, Speckle, Ripple, Bar, Piebald
Stripes, Eye Spots, Freckle, Seraph, Daub, Hypnotic, Paint
Okapi, Smoke, Circuit
[b]10k Extra per:[/b]
Vipera, Crystal
Current, Facet, Peregrine
Gembond, Spines, Crackle[/indent]
[b]Accents[/b]: Anywhere between 20k-50k extra. Depends on complexity.
[b]Skins[/b]: Anywhere between 20k-50k extra. Depends on complexity.
[b]Apparel[/b]: Only small, simple apparel (jewlery, flowers, bows, silks, etc.) 5k per item.
[b]Festival Currency[/b]: 1:1500
Ex. 80k order = 53 FC, 100k order = 66 FC, etc.
[b]Art Trades[/b]: Do you have any adoptables of your own? Let me know if you'd like to trade! (Especially for Imperials and Skydancers!!)
[b]How to Order[/b]:
Ping me @salsa on this thread with a fill-out form from below:
[code][b]Dragons[/b]: [A link to your dragon pair!]
[b]Payment[/b]: [Treasure, Gems, Items]
[b]Skins/Accents?[/b]: [Do you want your dragons to keep their skins/accents?]
[b]Apparel[/b]: [What apparel you'd like on your dragon.]
[b]Additional[/b]: [Any notes you'd like to add!][/code]
I will reply with your total and once you confirm everything's good, you'll be added to the list!
[b]I only take one order at a time from a person!!![/b]
On average, these will take about a day or so depending on complexity. I will let you know if it takes longer due to irl things or other. If I cannot finish it for whatever reason, you may ask for a refund!
[b]I would like to receive payment up-front, or half-and-half if you wish.[/b]
My gem ratio is: 1:550
Base: 80k
Genes: All Genes are available.
Basic, Iridescent, Shimmer, Glimmer, Underbelly.
5k Extra per:
Tiger, Clown, Speckle, Ripple, Bar, Piebald
Stripes, Eye Spots, Freckle, Seraph, Daub, Hypnotic, Paint
Okapi, Smoke, Circuit
10k Extra per:
Vipera, Crystal
Current, Facet, Peregrine
Gembond, Spines, Crackle
Accents: Anywhere between 20k-50k extra. Depends on complexity.
Skins: Anywhere between 20k-50k extra. Depends on complexity.
Apparel: Only small, simple apparel (jewlery, flowers, bows, silks, etc.) 5k per item.
Festival Currency: 1:1500
Ex. 80k order = 53 FC, 100k order = 66 FC, etc.
Art Trades: Do you have any adoptables of your own? Let me know if you'd like to trade! (Especially for Imperials and Skydancers!!)
How to Order:
Ping me @
salsa on this thread with a fill-out form from below:
[b]Dragons[/b]: [A link to your dragon pair!]
[b]Payment[/b]: [Treasure, Gems, Items]
[b]Skins/Accents?[/b]: [Do you want your dragons to keep their skins/accents?]
[b]Apparel[/b]: [What apparel you'd like on your dragon.]
[b]Additional[/b]: [Any notes you'd like to add!]
I will reply with your total and once you confirm everything's good, you'll be added to the list!
I only take one order at a time from a person!!!
On average, these will take about a day or so depending on complexity. I will let you know if it takes longer due to irl things or other. If I cannot finish it for whatever reason, you may ask for a refund!
I would like to receive payment up-front, or half-and-half if you wish.
[*]WeyrLeader [PAID!]
[*]AceofSpades [PAID!]
[*]Amanda [PAID!]
[*]EonShinato [!]
[*]InternJiji [PAID!]
[b]New Lineart[/b]
[*]HollyBleurose [GEN; MIRROR]
[*]OtterQueen [SPIRAL]
[*]StarDog [MIRROR]
[*]Aztec [Tundra]
[*]DraconicDemon [FAE/TUNDRA]
[*]Anemia [GEN]
[*]Aiden [RIDGE]
[*]Panderz [SPIRAL]
[*]DeepflowManah [SPIRAL]
[*]EtherealUmbra [GEN/SD]
[*]Hennamae [GEN/RIDGE]
[*]varenyky [GEN]
[*]wordless [GEN]
[*]Steex [GEN]
[*]Amlin [GEN]
[*]SnailMuffin [GEN]
[*]JinxyZilla [GEN]
[*]SnowBirb [GEN]
[*]Pikapoochi [Tundra]
[*]Xiroza [1 left]
[*]LilyBound [1 left]
[b]Finished adopts go here!![/b]
For ZenithNadir
For Meii
For Rinibun
- WeyrLeader [PAID!]
- AceofSpades [PAID!]
- Amanda [PAID!]
- EonShinato [!]
- InternJiji [PAID!]
- Catalysta
- VErnestinez
- Thrawn
- Kriten
- Malafunfun
- AsinaElphine
- Ruuvik
- Xiroza
- tsumiki
- startleddust
- Bauble
- Lykanth
- graspurv
- Steex
- March
- paragonbroscaa
- Shakshun
- Anemia
- bluebird3
- EtherealUmbra
- ratpenatu
- bluebird3
- Chaoticoon
- Pteri
- Stryder
- Kaial
- Alxias
- ArmouredHunter
- GoodKoji
- seepratintti
- Spicerwild
- SpringSong
- RisingFlames
- decadent
- wordless
- LeFentonIII
- Phaedra
- AriaTLoak
- FatherTime
- Irarina
- Nyria
- icecreamdude26
- Startail
- Slothie
- hyxnas
- Blackcat0989
New Lineart
- HollyBleurose [GEN; MIRROR]
- OtterQueen [SPIRAL]
- StarDog [MIRROR]
- Aztec [Tundra]
- DraconicDemon [FAE/TUNDRA]
- Anemia [GEN]
- Aiden [RIDGE]
- Panderz [SPIRAL]
- DeepflowManah [SPIRAL]
- EtherealUmbra [GEN/SD]
- Hennamae [GEN/RIDGE]
- varenyky [GEN]
- wordless [GEN]
- Steex [GEN]
- Amlin [GEN]
- SnailMuffin [GEN]
- JinxyZilla [GEN]
- SnowBirb [GEN]
- Pikapoochi [Tundra]
- Xiroza [1 left]
- LilyBound [1 left]
Finished adopts go here!!

For ZenithNadir

For Meii

For Rinibun
[size=6][b]Item Wishlist[/b][/size]
Short on gems or treasure and want to pay in items? Be my guest! Here's a small list of things I'd be interested in. There are many other bits and bobbles as well, so if you think you might have something I'd like that's not on this list, feel free to offer anyways! Note I'd like the price of the items to roughly match up with the price of the order. The lowest price at the AH of current for an item is generally what I look at to determine value.
[item= Mantled Foo] [item= Anomalous Skink] [item= Maren Scout] [item= Colorburst Buttersnake]
[item= Clown Hippocampus] [item= Hippocampus] [item= Ultramel Amphithere]
[item= Conjoined Skink]
[item= Apatite Fisher] [item= Rhodochrocite Crane] [item= Hippalectryon]
[item= Seafarer's Shirt]
Any Sunsong items
Any Antlers
Any Rogue Apparel
Any color Wooly apparel (Pink, Orange, Red preferred!)
Any pieces of Alabaster Filigree Armor
Any color of Flower apparel
Morganite or Pearl Flourish Jewelry
Any color of Silks
Any color of Glowing Clawtips
Any Unhatched Eggs
Possibly some Skins or Accents*[/b]
*Please show me which you might wish to give me beforehand!!
Need that Imperial + Snapper lineart asap? Would like a different pose for a Pearlcatcher? Want me to add in twelves hatchlings crawling on the pair? Probably not going to happen anytime soon, but if you're willing to part with one of these items, I'd be happy to prioritize. Not only will the lines requested be moved to the top of my To-Do-List, you will get a side of 3 free orders (at least one being the news lines, of course)! Note, all lines I make will be offered to others for sale once completed unless specified otherwise.
[item= Primary Gene: Crystal] [item= Primary Gene: Piebald] [item= Primary Gene: Poison]
[item= Secondary Gene: Facet] [item= Secondary Gene: Shimmer] [item= Secondary Gene: Toxin]
[item= Tertiary Gene: Glimmer]
[item= Breed Change: Coatl] [item= Breed Change: Ridgeback] [item= Breed Change: Pearlcatcher]
[item= Scroll of Eternal Youth] x3
And with that, we are officially...
And with that, we are officially...
Could you put me on the new breed pinglist?
Could you put me on the new breed pinglist?
salsa Are you interested in any of the following familiars?
- Scarlet Flycatcher
- Greater Sandstrike
- Radioaactive Slime
- Noggle
- Southmarsh Podid
- Venomous Toridae
- Blackwing Croaker
- Kelp Tender
- Mammertee
- Maren Ambusher
I also have two Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Belts.
salsa Are you interested in any of the following familiars?
- Scarlet Flycatcher
- Greater Sandstrike
- Radioaactive Slime
- Noggle
- Southmarsh Podid
- Venomous Toridae
- Blackwing Croaker
- Kelp Tender
- Mammertee
- Maren Ambusher
I also have two Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Belts.
Sure thing! Are you waiting for anything specific or just general?
I'd be interested in your Maren Ambusher, though that's only going for 13k on the AH atm, so while it'd take a nice chunk off the total, I'd still like some treasure if you didn't mind.
Sure thing! Are you waiting for anything specific or just general?
I'd be interested in your Maren Ambusher, though that's only going for 13k on the AH atm, so while it'd take a nice chunk off the total, I'd still like some treasure if you didn't mind.
Oh my gosh these are so cute ;o; I might have to order one!
{x} &
Payment: Treasure
Additional: If possible I'd love it if you could do the Halfmoon Spectacles on the PC and the Accent on the Imperial :) I can pay upfront if you like.
Oh my gosh these are so cute ;o; I might have to order one!
{x} &
Payment: Treasure
Additional: If possible I'd love it if you could do the Halfmoon Spectacles on the PC and the Accent on the Imperial :) I can pay upfront if you like.