Nothing special, but great for patching up rucksacks or lair awnings.
A colorful trading town located at the edge of a steep cliff. The heat of the desert sun scorches anyone who is so unwise as to wander the streets at the height of day, and a thin layer of dust covers the roads and sandstone buildings. The rich reside in their chipped marble homes, relics of ancient times, while the poor desperately try to sell their wares in the busy marketplaces all around the city.
This dragon cannot breed until Feb 28, 2025 (5 days).
Energy: 49 out of 50
Energy: 49 out of 50
Energy: 49 out of 50
Energy: 49 out of 50
Guardian Female
Lvl 25
ID#: 56194296
Age: 5 years
Parents: Clay, Hephzibah
Primary Gene: Latte Falcon
Secondary Gene: Coal Safari
Tertiary Gene: Oilslick Thylacine
Eye Type: Earth Unusual
Diet: Meat, Seafood, Plants, Insects
Everything turns to dust in the end.
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Ridgeback Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 62158271
Age: 4 years
Parents: Kalahari, Gobi
Primary Gene: Dirt Falcon
Secondary Gene: Taupe Striation
Tertiary Gene: Maize Ghost
Eye Type: Wind Common
Diet: Seafood
So, my friend, have you come to make a deal?
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Tundra Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 77281024
Age: 2 years
Parents: Espresso, Tiramisu
Primary Gene: Slate Wasp
Secondary Gene: Dirt Bee
Tertiary Gene: Taupe Opal
Eye Type: Ice Unusual
Diet: Plants
For glory and honor we shall give our lives!
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Guardian Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 79999289
Age: 2 years
Parents: Destai, Metis
Primary Gene: Tan Falcon
Secondary Gene: Oilslick Safari
Tertiary Gene: Oilslick Thylacine
Eye Type: Earth Primal
Diet: Meat, Seafood, Plants, Insects
Power is the only thing that truly matters in this city.
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Nocturne Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 91559728
Age: 1 year
Parents:First Generation
Primary Gene: Ginger Cinder
Secondary Gene: Eggplant Paisley
Tertiary Gene: Sand Flecks
Eye Type: Ice Uncommon
Diet: Meat, Insects
Have you heard? Those poor Everdusks, what a disgrace!
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Imperial Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 93458536
Age: 11 months
Parents: DangGui, ZhuLi
Primary Gene: Tomato Fern
Secondary Gene: Copper Butterfly
Tertiary Gene: Rust Koi
Eye Type: Nature Uncommon
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
Oi, are you asking to get stabbed? Leave my ship alone!
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Obelisk Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 94077761
Age: 10 months
Parents: Strider, Lemon
Primary Gene: Brown Tide
Secondary Gene: Slate Weaver
Tertiary Gene: Tan Flecks
Eye Type: Arcane Faded
Diet: Seafood, Insects
Come now, at least pretend to have some dignity!
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Obelisk Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 96063340
Age: 7 months
Parents: Logan, Mariko
Primary Gene: Coal Ground
Secondary Gene: Charcoal Myrid
Tertiary Gene: Robin Opal
Eye Type: Shadow Swirl
Diet: Seafood, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
This dragon is currently enjoying the company of a familiar.
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
This dragon is currently listed in a Crossroads Trade.
This dragon is benefiting from the effects of eternal youth.
This dragon is an ancient breed.
This dragon is currently nesting.
This dragon is under the permanent effect of a Silhouette Scroll. A toggle in the dragon's customization options allows the owner to swap between the artwork poses available for their breed.
This dragon is under the permanent effect of a Reflection Scroll. A toggle in the dragon's customization options allows the owner to flip which direction they are facing.