
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Tell me about your clan lore!
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I've focused much more on individual dragons and their stories than the story behind the clan itself; pretty much all of my lore is about the individuals, with details about the setting let slip where it's convenient. As for dragons that don't fit in with the vibe, it hasn't been an issue because to paraphrase the Cheshire Cat, "We're all weird here." Or rather, a dragon has to be pretty whackadoodle to not fit in; Baron Twogogglehat makes quite an effort to not fit in and has largely succeeded.

The underlying philosophy of the clan is that there's plenty of room and plenty of resources (magic, gotta love magic) and so long as nobody's getting hurt, dragons can just be themselves. It doesn't make everything sunshine and lollipops--for one thing, that'd be a boring read--but for the most part folks can work things out, or at least get out of one another's space enough to coexist.

I really enjoy writing about characters that are a little off the beaten path in one manner or another. Thus far we have a Ridgeback breedchanged from a Guardian who gets highly protective of his adopted clan and certain dragons, an ex-assassin who suffered a crisis of either conscience or deity and now raises a breed of highly dangerous sheep, a researcher who is currently working on a book about the cultures and language of the Mire familiars, a Snapper miner stuck with the role of Earth Eldest because nobody in their right mind wants Baron Twogogglehat in that role (including Baron Twogogglehat), a Snapper who patrols the forests outside the lair system at night looking for trouble, a prankster who likes to hide in dark places in the caves and scare passers-by, an Obelisk who likes to enstone in random places ("to meditate", he says) and likewise startle the heck out of others, a desert wanderer, a weaver, a gardener who also has pet chickens, a medium, a healer and his quirky assistants, and an Obelisk that turns into a giant plushie instead of a stone statue. With more on the sidelines, poking their noses into storylines as needed and waiting for their turn to get their own story.
I've focused much more on individual dragons and their stories than the story behind the clan itself; pretty much all of my lore is about the individuals, with details about the setting let slip where it's convenient. As for dragons that don't fit in with the vibe, it hasn't been an issue because to paraphrase the Cheshire Cat, "We're all weird here." Or rather, a dragon has to be pretty whackadoodle to not fit in; Baron Twogogglehat makes quite an effort to not fit in and has largely succeeded.

The underlying philosophy of the clan is that there's plenty of room and plenty of resources (magic, gotta love magic) and so long as nobody's getting hurt, dragons can just be themselves. It doesn't make everything sunshine and lollipops--for one thing, that'd be a boring read--but for the most part folks can work things out, or at least get out of one another's space enough to coexist.

I really enjoy writing about characters that are a little off the beaten path in one manner or another. Thus far we have a Ridgeback breedchanged from a Guardian who gets highly protective of his adopted clan and certain dragons, an ex-assassin who suffered a crisis of either conscience or deity and now raises a breed of highly dangerous sheep, a researcher who is currently working on a book about the cultures and language of the Mire familiars, a Snapper miner stuck with the role of Earth Eldest because nobody in their right mind wants Baron Twogogglehat in that role (including Baron Twogogglehat), a Snapper who patrols the forests outside the lair system at night looking for trouble, a prankster who likes to hide in dark places in the caves and scare passers-by, an Obelisk who likes to enstone in random places ("to meditate", he says) and likewise startle the heck out of others, a desert wanderer, a weaver, a gardener who also has pet chickens, a medium, a healer and his quirky assistants, and an Obelisk that turns into a giant plushie instead of a stone statue. With more on the sidelines, poking their noses into storylines as needed and waiting for their turn to get their own story.
Its still very much in the works, but it’s about how my clans’ semi-deities discover a patch of flame within the Gladekeeper’s land which was caused by an eternal eclipse and, after quelling the flame by leaving the eclipse in permanent totality, which cools the area down enough to allow for your everyday mortal dragons to actually survive, and, with the gladekeeper’s permission, are blessed by the flamecaller and allowed to form their clan there under the flamecaller’s jurisdiction.
the previous lore had to do with an incredibly cool species of tree that basically makes naturally occurring fireworks in the leaves and blossoms and how the trees almost went extinct because of an odd blight which decimated the population, and how the clan semi-deities(the same ones for the eclipse lore, i dont feel like spending another 500-1kg finding more dragons for their places) managed to save the forest and its beautiful fireworks-type-displays from going out forever.
Its still very much in the works, but it’s about how my clans’ semi-deities discover a patch of flame within the Gladekeeper’s land which was caused by an eternal eclipse and, after quelling the flame by leaving the eclipse in permanent totality, which cools the area down enough to allow for your everyday mortal dragons to actually survive, and, with the gladekeeper’s permission, are blessed by the flamecaller and allowed to form their clan there under the flamecaller’s jurisdiction.
the previous lore had to do with an incredibly cool species of tree that basically makes naturally occurring fireworks in the leaves and blossoms and how the trees almost went extinct because of an odd blight which decimated the population, and how the clan semi-deities(the same ones for the eclipse lore, i dont feel like spending another 500-1kg finding more dragons for their places) managed to save the forest and its beautiful fireworks-type-displays from going out forever.
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Windexx | They/he/xe/it/dragos
Add me on genshin! my uid is 641815069 :D

Check out my Dragon Cave profile!
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My lore has consistently been one thing for the past 7 years or so (I don't remember when I actually started writing it) - extremely normal.

Okay, two things - extremely normal and extremely gay.

In case you're curious and want to see some of my ramblings, go here. It is not going to look like that by the time I'm done, instead it's going to contain scribbles and painted art made by Neper, with the occasional insert of "real-life photos" (my paintings and whatnot).

My lore is supposed to be a creative, spec-evo "xenobiology" project which is inspired by the real history of Ancient Egyptian, other North African and south Mediterranean cultures, and you, the players, are having this book relayed to you in a meta narrative. It's a fine blend between real xenobiology (the really wacky stuff) and the sciences of Earth, which makes it all very familiar. If I went for a full spec-evo project, there wouldn't be as much familiarity.

Now if only I could sit the frick down and actually work on it.
My lore has consistently been one thing for the past 7 years or so (I don't remember when I actually started writing it) - extremely normal.

Okay, two things - extremely normal and extremely gay.

In case you're curious and want to see some of my ramblings, go here. It is not going to look like that by the time I'm done, instead it's going to contain scribbles and painted art made by Neper, with the occasional insert of "real-life photos" (my paintings and whatnot).

My lore is supposed to be a creative, spec-evo "xenobiology" project which is inspired by the real history of Ancient Egyptian, other North African and south Mediterranean cultures, and you, the players, are having this book relayed to you in a meta narrative. It's a fine blend between real xenobiology (the really wacky stuff) and the sciences of Earth, which makes it all very familiar. If I went for a full spec-evo project, there wouldn't be as much familiarity.

Now if only I could sit the frick down and actually work on it.
Link to art shopLink to skin shopImage depicting a large blue crab carrying produce on their back, its purpose being a background element for the signatureLink to a personal log thread containing various different links, information and sources
My lore centres on history unearthing and a lot of themes about magic and death. And also trauma because hey you gotta write what you know-

I don’t want to spoil anything but there is something very large, very dangerous and VERY hungry beast that exists in this world. Where it is and what it will do next.. is all speculation for now.

I haven’t finished my lore of the location, but basically before my clan there was an ancient ‘Kingdom’ one of the first multi-breed gathering of dragons in ancient times. This kingdom was run by earth ancients but had ties to water. Basically a neutral place for water and earth to interact. But like many big cities in the early days it was targeted by the shade and other armies, but it never toppled the kingdom.. until the hunger came.

Now the new residents work in tandem with the remaining survivors (though by survivors i mean zombies) to rebuild the kingdom and find the lost stories of the kingdom, and what happened to the beast that destroyed the prior clan.
My lore centres on history unearthing and a lot of themes about magic and death. And also trauma because hey you gotta write what you know-

I don’t want to spoil anything but there is something very large, very dangerous and VERY hungry beast that exists in this world. Where it is and what it will do next.. is all speculation for now.

I haven’t finished my lore of the location, but basically before my clan there was an ancient ‘Kingdom’ one of the first multi-breed gathering of dragons in ancient times. This kingdom was run by earth ancients but had ties to water. Basically a neutral place for water and earth to interact. But like many big cities in the early days it was targeted by the shade and other armies, but it never toppled the kingdom.. until the hunger came.

Now the new residents work in tandem with the remaining survivors (though by survivors i mean zombies) to rebuild the kingdom and find the lost stories of the kingdom, and what happened to the beast that destroyed the prior clan.
Suffer more :) Tn4TEAZ.png
Well, the thing is that i don't make my flight a big deal. I'm in the windflight just bc of eye color lol, and windsinger is kinda cool.

My lore covers all the flights, though there are 3 main timelines - wind, plague and nature.
I don't have clans as most people do, it's the whole fr lore revamped. Some flights are states with big polises as the capital cities (wind, light, arcane, lightning, earth); some flights just a conglomerate of small villages (water, nature); and some are wastelands where only loners or groups survive (plague, fire, shadow). Different tabs are different flights (only 3 for now, im poor).

Idk like why must i limit myself with border of my flight and a community not bigger than a clan? Lol no, the whole sornieth is my lore now. It's like coatls not even fire dragons anymore but nature, and veilspuns are one of the biggest breeds and beastclans doesn't exist and game mechanics is dragon society now and many more, im not talking about the plot now.
(And if we're talking about plots, there is /i just realized/ one single thread running through all my plots - its all about different dragons trying to stop the plague from destroying the worl, everyone with their own unique methods: arcanist's machine, radiation, gladekeeper's secret or just slaying the b with a sword (not plaguebringer btw))

And just anyone can do it. You can come up with anything you like, don't limit yourself with canon lore and your flight! (if you wan it, of course)
Well, the thing is that i don't make my flight a big deal. I'm in the windflight just bc of eye color lol, and windsinger is kinda cool.

My lore covers all the flights, though there are 3 main timelines - wind, plague and nature.
I don't have clans as most people do, it's the whole fr lore revamped. Some flights are states with big polises as the capital cities (wind, light, arcane, lightning, earth); some flights just a conglomerate of small villages (water, nature); and some are wastelands where only loners or groups survive (plague, fire, shadow). Different tabs are different flights (only 3 for now, im poor).

Idk like why must i limit myself with border of my flight and a community not bigger than a clan? Lol no, the whole sornieth is my lore now. It's like coatls not even fire dragons anymore but nature, and veilspuns are one of the biggest breeds and beastclans doesn't exist and game mechanics is dragon society now and many more, im not talking about the plot now.
(And if we're talking about plots, there is /i just realized/ one single thread running through all my plots - its all about different dragons trying to stop the plague from destroying the worl, everyone with their own unique methods: arcanist's machine, radiation, gladekeeper's secret or just slaying the b with a sword (not plaguebringer btw))

And just anyone can do it. You can come up with anything you like, don't limit yourself with canon lore and your flight! (if you wan it, of course)
still working out the kinks in google docs, but the TLDR of it is that if someone tells you that your son is just a little too eager to fight people, maybe you should listen and choose someone else as your successor.
still working out the kinks in google docs, but the TLDR of it is that if someone tells you that your son is just a little too eager to fight people, maybe you should listen and choose someone else as your successor.
czvyLcs.png I can't believe it.. I'm on a forum signature!!!!
I started out in the plague flight, then transferred to the Arcane, and after a few years transferred again to light, so there have been a few rewrites to my lore [emoji=mirror tongue size=1] Currently, my lair's lore is centered around a city in Sunbeam Ruins, dubbed "Alliance" due to its multiple clans of different flights living together. There are occasionally fights between some of the opposing clans, such as Lighthearth and Shadeveil, but ultimately, they are loyal to one another and are equally opposed to the Shade (and also the hostile beastclans). Currently, I only have 8 of the 11 flights in my lair, but each flight is represented in Alliance, and even some beastclan representatives have taken residence within the walls of the city. It is a very diverse set of communities that draws in dragons from all over Sornieth. Alliance's arching marble towers and golden gates can be seen from almost anywhere in Sunbeam Ruins. I haven't exactly pinpointed the precise location, but it is close enough to other points of interest while also being far away enough to be its own territory. [map x=3904 y=2304 view=land width=480 height=240]Check it out![/map]
I started out in the plague flight, then transferred to the Arcane, and after a few years transferred again to light, so there have been a few rewrites to my lore

Currently, my lair's lore is centered around a city in Sunbeam Ruins, dubbed "Alliance" due to its multiple clans of different flights living together. There are occasionally fights between some of the opposing clans, such as Lighthearth and Shadeveil, but ultimately, they are loyal to one another and are equally opposed to the Shade (and also the hostile beastclans).

Currently, I only have 8 of the 11 flights in my lair, but each flight is represented in Alliance, and even some beastclan representatives have taken residence within the walls of the city. It is a very diverse set of communities that draws in dragons from all over Sornieth.

Alliance's arching marble towers and golden gates can be seen from almost anywhere in Sunbeam Ruins. I haven't exactly pinpointed the precise location, but it is close enough to other points of interest while also being far away enough to be its own territory.
I have a vague idea of clan lore. My dragons live and tend to an ancient garden, where their clanmates mysteriously disappear into the depths of the greenhouse. Once I finish my dragon lore, I will resume my little habit of posting updates on my dragons' stories.
I have a vague idea of clan lore. My dragons live and tend to an ancient garden, where their clanmates mysteriously disappear into the depths of the greenhouse. Once I finish my dragon lore, I will resume my little habit of posting updates on my dragons' stories.
If I had a nickel for every lair I've seen that has a cult who worships the Shade, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.

On a more serious note, my lair is also divided into two halves, one dedicated to researching Sornieth and pooling vast amounts of knowledge and the other is a cult dedicated to my progen who is a prophet of the Shade lol. I am probably going to be reworking my lore because right now I'm not a fan of my writing but I'll get there someday. I think I want shorter lore blurbs instead of the long form writing that I currently have. Also a third faction is slowly forming, one that is obsessed with the cycle of life and death
If I had a nickel for every lair I've seen that has a cult who worships the Shade, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.

On a more serious note, my lair is also divided into two halves, one dedicated to researching Sornieth and pooling vast amounts of knowledge and the other is a cult dedicated to my progen who is a prophet of the Shade lol. I am probably going to be reworking my lore because right now I'm not a fan of my writing but I'll get there someday. I think I want shorter lore blurbs instead of the long form writing that I currently have. Also a third faction is slowly forming, one that is obsessed with the cycle of life and death
FR +2
[font=Georgia]I went off on a whole tangent with mine, taking place on a planet away from Sornieth, mostly so I could stray from canon lore and have my initial idea of a planetary collapse make sense. Haven't really got a 'plotline' per-se, more developing individuals' own stories and tying them into my overarching themes and ideas. There's a bunch of gods, kings and queens with a load of beef with each other, so yeah that's that. Each god leads their own faction, and the factions don't really get along most of the time. I love stars and "divine" themes so I've been focusing mainly on those for my most important dragons if it wasn't obvious [emoji=new friend size=1] [size=2]Edit: if you want a brief summary on my lore context, I have a condensed version on my clan page, but for a more in-depth version: check out [url=]Briares[/url]' profile! I probably need to redo my lore because I have so many dragons it probably doesn't make sense anymore[/size]
I went off on a whole tangent with mine, taking place on a planet away from Sornieth, mostly so I could stray from canon lore and have my initial idea of a planetary collapse make sense.

Haven't really got a 'plotline' per-se, more developing individuals' own stories and tying them into my overarching themes and ideas. There's a bunch of gods, kings and queens with a load of beef with each other, so yeah that's that. Each god leads their own faction, and the factions don't really get along most of the time. I love stars and "divine" themes so I've been focusing mainly on those for my most important dragons if it wasn't obvious

Edit: if you want a brief summary on my lore context, I have a condensed version on my clan page, but for a more in-depth version: check out Briares' profile!

I probably need to redo my lore because I have so many dragons it probably doesn't make sense anymore
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