
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | Tell me about your clan lore!
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Posted this in the Ice forums to no response - so I'm opening it to general discussion!

I just switched to Ice after many years of feeling vaguely detached to Arcane, and what better time to start adding lore to my clan than after a flight change? I settled on Ice because I personally am from a frigid climate and found myself especially drawn to the lore about the Icewarden, Gaolers, and their fight / containment of the shade.

BUT. I'm super new to lore building for FR, and find myself totally stumped- especially considering a lot of my dragons aren't very 'ice' in aesthetic- a lot of pinks, purples, leopard print, ect. Some even look more tropical in nature.

All I DO know about my lair lore so far is at its most basic there will actually be two factions/clans. one made up of those who oppose the Shade and it's terror, and one made up of cultists who actually worship the Shade. they live separately but VERY close to one another, and have had a rivalry that goes back generations.

I'd love to hear about the lore around your lairs for inspiration! Especially would love any info on how you justify including dragons who don't exactly fit the 'vibe' of a flight.
Posted this in the Ice forums to no response - so I'm opening it to general discussion!

I just switched to Ice after many years of feeling vaguely detached to Arcane, and what better time to start adding lore to my clan than after a flight change? I settled on Ice because I personally am from a frigid climate and found myself especially drawn to the lore about the Icewarden, Gaolers, and their fight / containment of the shade.

BUT. I'm super new to lore building for FR, and find myself totally stumped- especially considering a lot of my dragons aren't very 'ice' in aesthetic- a lot of pinks, purples, leopard print, ect. Some even look more tropical in nature.

All I DO know about my lair lore so far is at its most basic there will actually be two factions/clans. one made up of those who oppose the Shade and it's terror, and one made up of cultists who actually worship the Shade. they live separately but VERY close to one another, and have had a rivalry that goes back generations.

I'd love to hear about the lore around your lairs for inspiration! Especially would love any info on how you justify including dragons who don't exactly fit the 'vibe' of a flight.
Oh, I definitely know what you mean about vibe. Back when Gaolers were first introduced, I had a few that were important to me and wanted to use them in lore. Problem is, my lair was situated on the Tsunami Flats; specifically I created a sandy beach. That seems like an odd place for fluffy or furry dragons to spend their lives.

I eventually solved this problem in 2 ways: by changing the location entirely when that was available to me, and by breedchanging these 2 Gaolers. But before all this; I focused on creating a safe haven for dragons who didn't quite like the sea. Having a few Ridgebacks also helped to settle this part of my lair, so dragons who didn't quite want to swim can still live somewhere nice in the Water territory I had laid out.

Now, I am situated alongside the Churnscar Wharf and quite like the vibes. I would love to go floating along Flotsam Town someday; but until then, I'm slowly building up a little coastal town of my own. And this time, I wanted to encorperate more underwater segments too. So now there's a prophecy library hidden under the town! I don't know what I want the main story to be yet; but I'm slowly developing dragon bios and redesigning the main features.

Before this; I had a magical travelling mirage island, and after that it was a sci-fi take using diving robot dragons to chart the ocean and search for Tidelord.
Oh, I definitely know what you mean about vibe. Back when Gaolers were first introduced, I had a few that were important to me and wanted to use them in lore. Problem is, my lair was situated on the Tsunami Flats; specifically I created a sandy beach. That seems like an odd place for fluffy or furry dragons to spend their lives.

I eventually solved this problem in 2 ways: by changing the location entirely when that was available to me, and by breedchanging these 2 Gaolers. But before all this; I focused on creating a safe haven for dragons who didn't quite like the sea. Having a few Ridgebacks also helped to settle this part of my lair, so dragons who didn't quite want to swim can still live somewhere nice in the Water territory I had laid out.

Now, I am situated alongside the Churnscar Wharf and quite like the vibes. I would love to go floating along Flotsam Town someday; but until then, I'm slowly building up a little coastal town of my own. And this time, I wanted to encorperate more underwater segments too. So now there's a prophecy library hidden under the town! I don't know what I want the main story to be yet; but I'm slowly developing dragon bios and redesigning the main features.

Before this; I had a magical travelling mirage island, and after that it was a sci-fi take using diving robot dragons to chart the ocean and search for Tidelord.
Fishes __ she/her | +3 FR time
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My lair has gone through quite a few changes in my short amount of time here! I started in light where I said my lair was a nomadic group searching for false enlightenment from the clan leaders so they never truly settled, just floating from place to place in the Light Area.
Then after the Usurpation (my switch from light to plague) they moved to a large cave system to hide from the harsh conditions of the Scarred Wasteland. This is where they chill out with all the different tabs representing different cave sections full of different dragons. I try to stick towards a more plague-y theme, but certain dragons don’t fit with it. I have my lore-ish tab that has dragons related to personal things and just general sillies. My main tab is certainly plague filled and so are a lot of my breeding pairs.
To be completely honest when it comes to my lore it is a lot of found family and dragons who are still seeking a sort of enlightenment, just now from Plaguebringer. I chose to focus less on where they are and why and focus on the dragons themselves. My clan lore is here if you want to take a read!
My lair has gone through quite a few changes in my short amount of time here! I started in light where I said my lair was a nomadic group searching for false enlightenment from the clan leaders so they never truly settled, just floating from place to place in the Light Area.
Then after the Usurpation (my switch from light to plague) they moved to a large cave system to hide from the harsh conditions of the Scarred Wasteland. This is where they chill out with all the different tabs representing different cave sections full of different dragons. I try to stick towards a more plague-y theme, but certain dragons don’t fit with it. I have my lore-ish tab that has dragons related to personal things and just general sillies. My main tab is certainly plague filled and so are a lot of my breeding pairs.
To be completely honest when it comes to my lore it is a lot of found family and dragons who are still seeking a sort of enlightenment, just now from Plaguebringer. I chose to focus less on where they are and why and focus on the dragons themselves. My clan lore is here if you want to take a read!
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Lair lore is always kinda tricky to be fair! I think knowing where the clan is will help out a lot more for how the clan might have specific roles or problems innate to the lair's physical location. living in such a cold place will directly affect food especially plant/insect eaters. those things may also not help or guide you personally which is also fine! You can just focus on dragon personalities and wait to see if ideas spark from there. you have to factions planned but the attitude of each one can be drawn from early faction members yknow.

my lore is going at a snails pace but i live in the cloudsong so its all logistics rn. being in the sky makes lots of things inconvenient and you gotta plan around that! and you only have so much space. that said the lairs suppose to mimic the twisting cresendo so im working from a center out. if you want including past lair location is also fun! i plan to directly mention the clans time outside the cloudsong which can bve fun to show off dragon personaltiies or old lore. I will say Arcane dragons working with ice dragons to contain the shade makes sense and could be quite fun to explore that kinda dynamic.
Lair lore is always kinda tricky to be fair! I think knowing where the clan is will help out a lot more for how the clan might have specific roles or problems innate to the lair's physical location. living in such a cold place will directly affect food especially plant/insect eaters. those things may also not help or guide you personally which is also fine! You can just focus on dragon personalities and wait to see if ideas spark from there. you have to factions planned but the attitude of each one can be drawn from early faction members yknow.

my lore is going at a snails pace but i live in the cloudsong so its all logistics rn. being in the sky makes lots of things inconvenient and you gotta plan around that! and you only have so much space. that said the lairs suppose to mimic the twisting cresendo so im working from a center out. if you want including past lair location is also fun! i plan to directly mention the clans time outside the cloudsong which can bve fun to show off dragon personaltiies or old lore. I will say Arcane dragons working with ice dragons to contain the shade makes sense and could be quite fun to explore that kinda dynamic.
When I joined FR, I was struck with the inspiration to make my lair cafe themed (alongside a line of special Mirrors that take inspiration from Tokyo Banana sweets), so my lair to this day is dedicated to showing hospitality and serving food / tea / coffee to visitors.

Maybe eventually there will be some shenanigans / story points, but for now it's just tea.
When I joined FR, I was struck with the inspiration to make my lair cafe themed (alongside a line of special Mirrors that take inspiration from Tokyo Banana sweets), so my lair to this day is dedicated to showing hospitality and serving food / tea / coffee to visitors.

Maybe eventually there will be some shenanigans / story points, but for now it's just tea.
I started out in Plague with a found family vibe, so that's one route to take. I know I had some really non-plague vibes in my lair at the time (some were even very nature-y), so I made it a sort of moving clan that took in those struggling to survive (if you can't on your own, adapt your ways and survive together). Lots of outsiders flocking to the group for help with that one.

When I moved to Arcane, I made a bit of a change. Still lots of found family vibes, but they've stopped moving around and are just separated into little spots around the flight (Starwood Strand, Tourmaline Archives, and a spot along the river between both main locations shown below). A faction of drakes in lore who were once ancients (aka very curious outsiders compared to the rest of their lots in the past) settled in the Starwood to rebuild their home. Some of the more light-aligned dragons in my lair are in the Tourmaline Archives, seeing as they're scholars in their own right. Some smaller groups exist (my plague leftovers from Necromancers, Kitsune subspecies, and Barghests to name a few) and are scattered about the three locations. For example, the Necromancers are (mostly) far in the Starwood Strand, right on the border with the Wandering Contagion. I've even drawn inspiration from Hoverview Vale, bringing down chunks of the vale itself to tether to the bank/river to give the city more room to work with. To cover any other loose ends (stray dragons just based on hobbies or meant to be goofballs), I made the city (Sailuma) a sort of college town with a multitude of shops for drakes based on hobbies (baking, gardening, etc) and a school (The Divided Spire) with classes for all ages (hatchling courses for basics in magic to advanced elemental studies). That way there's room for professors and, in the case of really out there drakes I can't place at all, students (I literally have four entire siblings/cousins dedicated to being class clowns).

There are some creative ways to handle dragons that don't quite fit the flight's vibe, simple and complicated alike. Mine became complex over time, but honestly just go with what you like most!

I started out in Plague with a found family vibe, so that's one route to take. I know I had some really non-plague vibes in my lair at the time (some were even very nature-y), so I made it a sort of moving clan that took in those struggling to survive (if you can't on your own, adapt your ways and survive together). Lots of outsiders flocking to the group for help with that one.

When I moved to Arcane, I made a bit of a change. Still lots of found family vibes, but they've stopped moving around and are just separated into little spots around the flight (Starwood Strand, Tourmaline Archives, and a spot along the river between both main locations shown below). A faction of drakes in lore who were once ancients (aka very curious outsiders compared to the rest of their lots in the past) settled in the Starwood to rebuild their home. Some of the more light-aligned dragons in my lair are in the Tourmaline Archives, seeing as they're scholars in their own right. Some smaller groups exist (my plague leftovers from Necromancers, Kitsune subspecies, and Barghests to name a few) and are scattered about the three locations. For example, the Necromancers are (mostly) far in the Starwood Strand, right on the border with the Wandering Contagion. I've even drawn inspiration from Hoverview Vale, bringing down chunks of the vale itself to tether to the bank/river to give the city more room to work with. To cover any other loose ends (stray dragons just based on hobbies or meant to be goofballs), I made the city (Sailuma) a sort of college town with a multitude of shops for drakes based on hobbies (baking, gardening, etc) and a school (The Divided Spire) with classes for all ages (hatchling courses for basics in magic to advanced elemental studies). That way there's room for professors and, in the case of really out there drakes I can't place at all, students (I literally have four entire siblings/cousins dedicated to being class clowns).

There are some creative ways to handle dragons that don't quite fit the flight's vibe, simple and complicated alike. Mine became complex over time, but honestly just go with what you like most!


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Former First Column Spacer ^^^^^^^^^
[quote name="eeep" date="2024-06-05 19:04:44" ] When I joined FR, I was struck with the inspiration to make my lair cafe themed (alongside a line of special Mirrors that take inspiration from Tokyo Banana sweets), so my lair to this day is dedicated to showing hospitality and serving food / tea / coffee to visitors. Maybe eventually there will be some shenanigans / story points, but for now it's just tea. [/quote] CREMEBRULEE .... IM OBSESSED. THANK YOU FOR SHARING!!!
eeep wrote on 2024-06-05 19:04:44:
When I joined FR, I was struck with the inspiration to make my lair cafe themed (alongside a line of special Mirrors that take inspiration from Tokyo Banana sweets), so my lair to this day is dedicated to showing hospitality and serving food / tea / coffee to visitors.

Maybe eventually there will be some shenanigans / story points, but for now it's just tea.
[quote name="Buio" date="2024-06-05 18:30:27" ] My lair has gone through quite a few changes in my short amount of time here! I started in light where I said my lair was a nomadic group searching for false enlightenment from the clan leaders so they never truly settled, just floating from place to place in the Light Area. Then after the Usurpation (my switch from light to plague) they moved to a large cave system to hide from the harsh conditions of the Scarred Wasteland. This is where they chill out with all the different tabs representing different cave sections full of different dragons. I try to stick towards a more plague-y theme, but certain dragons don’t fit with it. I have my lore-ish tab that has dragons related to personal things and just general sillies. My main tab is certainly plague filled and so are a lot of my breeding pairs. To be completely honest when it comes to my lore it is a lot of found family and dragons who are still seeking a sort of enlightenment, just now from Plaguebringer. I chose to focus less on where they are and why and focus on the dragons themselves. My clan lore is here if you want to take a read! [/quote] Seeing how you lay out your lore and the way that game mechanics (changing flights) affected it is sooo cool, thank you!!
Buio wrote on 2024-06-05 18:30:27:
My lair has gone through quite a few changes in my short amount of time here! I started in light where I said my lair was a nomadic group searching for false enlightenment from the clan leaders so they never truly settled, just floating from place to place in the Light Area.
Then after the Usurpation (my switch from light to plague) they moved to a large cave system to hide from the harsh conditions of the Scarred Wasteland. This is where they chill out with all the different tabs representing different cave sections full of different dragons. I try to stick towards a more plague-y theme, but certain dragons don’t fit with it. I have my lore-ish tab that has dragons related to personal things and just general sillies. My main tab is certainly plague filled and so are a lot of my breeding pairs.
To be completely honest when it comes to my lore it is a lot of found family and dragons who are still seeking a sort of enlightenment, just now from Plaguebringer. I chose to focus less on where they are and why and focus on the dragons themselves. My clan lore is here if you want to take a read!
Seeing how you lay out your lore and the way that game mechanics (changing flights) affected it is sooo cool, thank you!!
Thank you to everyone who has shared so far- its all very thought provoking and interesting! Please keep 'em coming!
Thank you to everyone who has shared so far- its all very thought provoking and interesting! Please keep 'em coming!
My lair is almost six years old, and to this day I have absolutely no clan lore o.o

I absolutely plan on it, but I have no clue when.
My lair is almost six years old, and to this day I have absolutely no clan lore o.o

I absolutely plan on it, but I have no clue when.
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