
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | [drawing] sunset's 3rd family reunion!
[url=][img][/img][/url] Petal is Sunset's Great-great-great-great-great grand daughter. She has 7 children of her own. Six of which have risen to the challenge of defending in the war. She has a single son that chose not to fight. He did leave the lair to join another and Laharin is doing amazingly. Below you'll see him <3 [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Citrine is Sunset's Great-great-great grandchild. Citrine is still an avid baker and loves helping out training the young children in the art of defense as well. Citrine has a few children that have also gone to help the war efforts.

Petal is Sunset's Great-great-great-great-great grand daughter. She has 7 children of her own. Six of which have risen to the challenge of defending in the war. She has a single son that chose not to fight. He did leave the lair to join another and Laharin is doing amazingly. Below you'll see him <3



Citrine is Sunset's Great-great-great grandchild. Citrine is still an avid baker and loves helping out training the young children in the art of defense as well. Citrine has a few children that have also gone to help the war efforts.
Bastion reads over the note and gives a small sigh before wandering out of the den mumbling about his hatchlings always being late, he decides he might as well seek out his daughter Tecumbo and see how she’s been as he’s been so busy he hasn’t had time to even see anyone maybe he’ll greet his mother and wish her a happy birthday as well.

Tychi looks delighted to be in her mothers presence, “indeed mother it has been long I’m sure my children would enjoy seeing everything they inherited theirs fathers curiousity and I’m sure they will love traveling as much as he does, I’d enjoy catching up. Tychi follows her mother out of the den 3 rambunctious hatchlings in tow.

(I’m including this because of the similarity of names and I’m just spreading out what I’m doing)
Sunblaze has once again gotten ahead of himself in the excitement of the fortune telling and runs straight into Sunshower he ends up rudely staring at him seeming to be in awe of his bright coloration and outfit and the sun like patterns in his wings, he squeaks out a apology for running into him , having at least learned a bit of manners from Bastion
Bastion reads over the note and gives a small sigh before wandering out of the den mumbling about his hatchlings always being late, he decides he might as well seek out his daughter Tecumbo and see how she’s been as he’s been so busy he hasn’t had time to even see anyone maybe he’ll greet his mother and wish her a happy birthday as well.

Tychi looks delighted to be in her mothers presence, “indeed mother it has been long I’m sure my children would enjoy seeing everything they inherited theirs fathers curiousity and I’m sure they will love traveling as much as he does, I’d enjoy catching up. Tychi follows her mother out of the den 3 rambunctious hatchlings in tow.

(I’m including this because of the similarity of names and I’m just spreading out what I’m doing)
Sunblaze has once again gotten ahead of himself in the excitement of the fortune telling and runs straight into Sunshower he ends up rudely staring at him seeming to be in awe of his bright coloration and outfit and the sun like patterns in his wings, he squeaks out a apology for running into him , having at least learned a bit of manners from Bastion
65423668.png 71821764.png 64806404.png Msd7ypN.png
[url=][img][/img][/url] Arriving on the doc, with his mate, Aukai, Bonfire took a breath of fresh air, excited to meet all of his family, and introduce his mate to the linage. They have some exciting news to share with his kin. "Lets go darling, maybe we will run into some of my relatives!" Bonfire said to his mate sweetly, dragging her along, looking for anyone to say hello to.

Arriving on the doc, with his mate, Aukai, Bonfire took a breath of fresh air, excited to meet all of his family, and introduce his mate to the linage. They have some exciting news to share with his kin. "Lets go darling, maybe we will run into some of my relatives!" Bonfire said to his mate sweetly, dragging her along, looking for anyone to say hello to.
H6hl5e1.png XgoSE5I.png
[center][img][/img][/center] A dark cloud appears in the sky above the sea and makes its way over to the direction of the shore where the festivities are held. Upon closer observation, the cloud seems to be moving unusually fast and its shape happens to be quite odd for a cloud. Then the rhythmic beating of wings can be heard in the distance and it is clear that this is no cloud but a huge group of dragons making its way over! Shining golden scales can be spotted in a sea of blue wings and the group flies closer and slows down in preparation for landing. [columns] [size=4] A shout "[u]Kozhu[/u]!" rings out and suddenly an Imperial nosedives into the sea, splashing water everywhere! Thankfully the splashed water doesn’t quite reach the shore and seconds pass before the dragon emerges with laughter and spread wings, flinging water droplets skywards before effortlessly taking to the skies again. [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] After the small surprise that disrupted the orderly formation of the group, they land on the shore, trying to keep their distance from the drenched dragon who proceeds to shake water out of their scales and mane in the direction of the younger dragons who scurry to safety with squeals, hiding behind the adult dragons. [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][size=4] [u]Durian[/u] lets out a big sigh. "Kozhu.. Not a day passes by without your antics." Despite the words his gaze is affectionate and he goes to help fix up her flowers. [/columns] The other dragons shake out the strain in their wings after the long flight across the central sea. The younger dragons untangle themselves from the heap they had fallen into when trying to escape the water attack and shyly continue to hide from sight, only now aware of the attention their group might have garnered. [columns] [size=4][u]Vittery[/u] rumbles gently and the ridgeback extends a wing to offer a hiding place and the young dragons take her up on the offer. [nextcol] [url=][img][/img] [/columns] [columns][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][size=4]A soft chuckle escapes [u]Ayenia[/u] as she steps closer to the small group huddled together beneath the wing. "I know it's your first time this far away from home, so it can be unnerving. So take your time! But don't spend all of your time here in hiding, alright?" She grins as she speaks the last sentence, knowing it won't take too long before their curiosity to explore will take over, but offers her body as cover as well. [/columns] [u]Bensis[/u] and [u]Chroma[/u] stand in front of the group, the grace and regal demeanor of imperials is especially strong in those two. They are silent as they watch the events unfold in their group and wait for Durian and Kozhukattai to rejoin them. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][color=transparent]_____________[/color][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] After making sure none of the flowers on his mate’s body suffered any harm, Durian takes in the sights and smells around him. The bustling crowd that eyes their group falls to the back of his awareness. Instead he focuses on the familiar buildings and structures, the smell of the coast that is so familiar to him. It smells like home, like childhood. Durian is unprepared for the onslaught of nostalgia that gets him and his eyes turn misty. He feels a comforting touch and smiles back at his mate. He blinks a few times to get his sight back and flaps his wings once in a show of determination. “Let’s get this group settled!” Durian returns to the front of the group and leads on, making his way through the crowd with a clear goal - trying to find his grandmother Sunset and looking out for signs of his father. [center][img][/img][/center] As they step past a variety of dragons, four smaller heads could be seen peeking past Vittery’s wing. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Their eyes all twinkle with wonder at the busy crowd and stalls. “Come on! Let’s go explore!” Three pairs of eyes turn to [u]Azalea[/u]. “We can’t just.. follow them all day, can we? Let’s go, let’s go!” Before anyone could respond, Azalea quickly moves past the dragons surrounding them, her nimble body making it look easy. With a “Hey, wait up!”, [u]Asterales[/u] follows suit and drags along [u]Soraya[/u] who, in her indecisiveness, just decided to grab onto his tail. [u]Akitai[/u] clearly wants to join as well, but stays behind. Before any of the adult dragons could react, the three young dragons are already gone from sight. Ayenia walks away with the words “I’ll follow them and make sure they stay out of trouble. You go on ahead!” and hurries after them. The remaining dragons find their way over and Durian can see Sunset in the distance. He turns and exchanges an excited glance with the rest of his companion. “Everyone ready?” [center][img][/img][/center] [size=1]@perfectoranges[/size] At the next opportunity when Sunset is free, Durian leads the group over. “Grandmother! It is so great to see you again, it has been too long since we’ve last seen each other! Exchanging letters can never replace this.” He can’t contain his smile and beams at her, his excitement building by the second and he rushes in for a hug, suddenly feeling like a young hatchling again. After they separate, he opens his mouth to let out more words in a rush of excitement but gets stopped when the bushy end of a tail gets shoved in his face. He sputters and levels an unimpressed stare at the culprit - his mate who only returns a knowing smile, her eyes twinkling with mirth. The second sigh since his arrival escapes Durian and he pushes away the offending tail with a smile. “You’re right. I think introductions might be in order?” His companions so far have been silently standing behind him, gazing at Sunset and her family with awe. They each step closer and offer words of greeting as they are introduced, hoping to exchange more words with Sunset and the rest of the family at a later point in time. “This is my mate Kozhu, she tends to the wild flowers near our village, and-” Deciding this was enough of an introduction, the Imperial adorned in flowers steps forward. “What a delight it is to finally make your acquaintance! It is good to finally be able to put a face to Durian’s grandmother.” At that her eyes spark with amusement and she chuckles before she turns to the group of dragons behind her. “Aki! Come over here.” At her call, the young Skydancer emerges from beneath Vittery’s wings. He anxiously clutches a radiant bouquet of flowers to himself as he makes his way over, his eyes flicking to Sunset before averting his gaze to the ground, nervously shuffling around as he comes to stand next to Kozhu. She gently nudges him forward. “Elder [url=]Risan[/url] wishes to extend his thanks and congratulations. Together with this little one’s [url=]grandmother[/url], we have prepared a special present.” [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][size=4]Taking this as his cue, Akitai steps closer to Sunset and hands over the shimmering, golden flowers. They radiate warmth and a faint glow, the petal’s colors are saturated and strong and shaped unlike any other flower seen before. The scent is pleasantly sweet and soothing. [/columns] Akitai beams at Sunset with proud smile as he meets her warm gaze before making his way back to Vittery. “The flowers in this bouquet are from the Sunlit Grove and are infused with the essence of light. They will never wilt or fade and can only be destroyed with intention. Elder [url=]Risan[/url] thought this a fitting gift for the joy your descendants have brought him and our clan. If you later wish to fashion the flowers into accessories, I would be honored to offer my skills to you.” She steps back and Durian continues the introduction, including many, many details in his excitement: Chroma is the caretaker and owner of a vineyard, Bensis oversees the cliffs and teaches other dragons about air currents and gliding, Vittery works as a guide in treacherous areas and Akitai is a promising apprentice, learning from his [url=]grandmother[/url]. “... and I would introduce you to my daughter, but she’s currently occupied with finding three impatient runaways. They will probably find their way over sooner or later.” Then Durian stops talking for a moment and his tail coils in anticipation. “There is someone else waiting to be introduced.” [center][img][/img][/center] He turns and looks at the group. Bensis and Chroma nod to each other and step aside with grace and Vittery lifts her wing and folds it back to her side. And there, emerging from the group is a teenage Imperial. Her limbs are lanky and her youth is apparent but the grace inherent to Imperials is already present. She steps forward, trying to be calm but the slight swishing of her tail betrays her nervousness. She balks at the attention she draws upon herself but with a quick glance at her [url=]father[/url] who smiles at her encouragingly, she takes a deep breath and steps outside of the small group and walks towards Sunset. [center][url=][img],2561,15691,15721,30054,15740,15699,15732,15724&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] [/center] Now, in full sight, it’s as if a small version of Sunset emerged before the matriarch herself. Everything matches her, from the color of her mane, the hues of her wings and body, down to the soft blue of her belly. Durian had wanted to surprise his grandmother in a special way and proposed an idea, so the young Imperial had even left behind her usual dress and instead elected to dress up with silk, just like Sunset. While hers were blue, just like her usual dress, she hoped it would work out. The young Imperial’s flanks heave with her nervous breath and she looks up at the grand Imperial before her. Admiration and awe are apparent in her bright and golden eyes. This is the dragon she has heard about since the moment she was born! Excitement courses through her and yet she is unable to speak up first. Everyone around her watches on with bated breath. [/size] [center][img][/img][/center]

A dark cloud appears in the sky above the sea and makes its way over to the direction of the shore where the festivities are held.
Upon closer observation, the cloud seems to be moving unusually fast and its shape happens to be quite odd for a cloud.
Then the rhythmic beating of wings can be heard in the distance and it is clear that this is no cloud but a huge group of dragons making its way over!

Shining golden scales can be spotted in a sea of blue wings and the group flies closer and slows down in preparation for landing.

A shout "Kozhu!" rings out and suddenly an Imperial nosedives into the sea, splashing water everywhere! Thankfully the splashed water doesn’t quite reach the shore and seconds pass before the dragon emerges with laughter and spread wings, flinging water droplets skywards before effortlessly taking to the skies again.


After the small surprise that disrupted the orderly formation of the group, they land on the shore, trying to keep their distance from the drenched dragon who proceeds to shake water out of their scales and mane in the direction of the younger dragons who scurry to safety with squeals, hiding behind the adult dragons.


Durian lets out a big sigh. "Kozhu.. Not a day passes by without your antics." Despite the words his gaze is affectionate and he goes to help fix up her flowers.

The other dragons shake out the strain in their wings after the long flight across the central sea. The younger dragons untangle themselves from the heap they had fallen into when trying to escape the water attack and shyly continue to hide from sight, only now aware of the attention their group might have garnered.
Vittery rumbles gently and the ridgeback extends a wing to offer a hiding place and the young dragons take her up on the offer.
86043040.png A soft chuckle escapes Ayenia as she steps closer to the small group huddled together beneath the wing.
"I know it's your first time this far away from home, so it can be unnerving. So take your time! But don't spend all of your time here in hiding, alright?"
She grins as she speaks the last sentence, knowing it won't take too long before their curiosity to explore will take over, but offers her body as cover as well.

Bensis and Chroma stand in front of the group, the grace and regal demeanor of imperials is especially strong in those two. They are silent as they watch the events unfold in their group and wait for Durian and Kozhukattai to rejoin them.

After making sure none of the flowers on his mate’s body suffered any harm, Durian takes in the sights and smells around him.
The bustling crowd that eyes their group falls to the back of his awareness. Instead he focuses on the familiar buildings and structures, the smell of the coast that is so familiar to him. It smells like home, like childhood.
Durian is unprepared for the onslaught of nostalgia that gets him and his eyes turn misty. He feels a comforting touch and smiles back at his mate. He blinks a few times to get his sight back and flaps his wings once in a show of determination. “Let’s get this group settled!”

Durian returns to the front of the group and leads on, making his way through the crowd with a clear goal - trying to find his grandmother Sunset and looking out for signs of his father.


As they step past a variety of dragons, four smaller heads could be seen peeking past Vittery’s wing.


Their eyes all twinkle with wonder at the busy crowd and stalls.
“Come on! Let’s go explore!”
Three pairs of eyes turn to Azalea. “We can’t just.. follow them all day, can we? Let’s go, let’s go!” Before anyone could respond, Azalea quickly moves past the dragons surrounding them, her nimble body making it look easy. With a “Hey, wait up!”, Asterales follows suit and drags along Soraya who, in her indecisiveness, just decided to grab onto his tail. Akitai clearly wants to join as well, but stays behind.
Before any of the adult dragons could react, the three young dragons are already gone from sight.
Ayenia walks away with the words “I’ll follow them and make sure they stay out of trouble. You go on ahead!” and hurries after them.

The remaining dragons find their way over and Durian can see Sunset in the distance. He turns and exchanges an excited glance with the rest of his companion.
“Everyone ready?”



At the next opportunity when Sunset is free, Durian leads the group over.

“Grandmother! It is so great to see you again, it has been too long since we’ve last seen each other! Exchanging letters can never replace this.” He can’t contain his smile and beams at her, his excitement building by the second and he rushes in for a hug, suddenly feeling like a young hatchling again.

After they separate, he opens his mouth to let out more words in a rush of excitement but gets stopped when the bushy end of a tail gets shoved in his face. He sputters and levels an unimpressed stare at the culprit - his mate who only returns a knowing smile, her eyes twinkling with mirth.
The second sigh since his arrival escapes Durian and he pushes away the offending tail with a smile.

“You’re right. I think introductions might be in order?”

His companions so far have been silently standing behind him, gazing at Sunset and her family with awe. They each step closer and offer words of greeting as they are introduced, hoping to exchange more words with Sunset and the rest of the family at a later point in time.

“This is my mate Kozhu, she tends to the wild flowers near our village, and-” Deciding this was enough of an introduction, the Imperial adorned in flowers steps forward. “What a delight it is to finally make your acquaintance! It is good to finally be able to put a face to Durian’s grandmother.”

At that her eyes spark with amusement and she chuckles before she turns to the group of dragons behind her. “Aki! Come over here.” At her call, the young Skydancer emerges from beneath Vittery’s wings. He anxiously clutches a radiant bouquet of flowers to himself as he makes his way over, his eyes flicking to Sunset before averting his gaze to the ground, nervously shuffling around as he comes to stand next to Kozhu. She gently nudges him forward.

“Elder Risan wishes to extend his thanks and congratulations. Together with this little one’s grandmother, we have prepared a special present.”

49003.png Taking this as his cue, Akitai steps closer to Sunset and hands over the shimmering, golden flowers. They radiate warmth and a faint glow, the petal’s colors are saturated and strong and shaped unlike any other flower seen before. The scent is pleasantly sweet and soothing.

Akitai beams at Sunset with proud smile as he meets her warm gaze before making his way back to Vittery.

“The flowers in this bouquet are from the Sunlit Grove and are infused with the essence of light. They will never wilt or fade and can only be destroyed with intention. Elder Risan thought this a fitting gift for the joy your descendants have brought him and our clan. If you later wish to fashion the flowers into accessories, I would be honored to offer my skills to you.”

She steps back and Durian continues the introduction, including many, many details in his excitement: Chroma is the caretaker and owner of a vineyard, Bensis oversees the cliffs and teaches other dragons about air currents and gliding, Vittery works as a guide in treacherous areas and Akitai is a promising apprentice, learning from his grandmother.
“... and I would introduce you to my daughter, but she’s currently occupied with finding three impatient runaways. They will probably find their way over sooner or later.”

Then Durian stops talking for a moment and his tail coils in anticipation.
“There is someone else waiting to be introduced.”

He turns and looks at the group. Bensis and Chroma nod to each other and step aside with grace and Vittery lifts her wing and folds it back to her side.
And there, emerging from the group is a teenage Imperial. Her limbs are lanky and her youth is apparent but the grace inherent to Imperials is already present. She steps forward, trying to be calm but the slight swishing of her tail betrays her nervousness.

She balks at the attention she draws upon herself but with a quick glance at her father who smiles at her encouragingly, she takes a deep breath and steps outside of the small group and walks towards Sunset.

Now, in full sight, it’s as if a small version of Sunset emerged before the matriarch herself. Everything matches her, from the color of her mane, the hues of her wings and body, down to the soft blue of her belly.
Durian had wanted to surprise his grandmother in a special way and proposed an idea, so the young Imperial had even left behind her usual dress and instead elected to dress up with silk, just like Sunset. While hers were blue, just like her usual dress, she hoped it would work out.

The young Imperial’s flanks heave with her nervous breath and she looks up at the grand Imperial before her. Admiration and awe are apparent in her bright and golden eyes. This is the dragon she has heard about since the moment she was born! Excitement courses through her and yet she is unable to speak up first.
Everyone around her watches on with bated breath.

A small cluster of varied dragons nervously makes their way into the crowded grotto. They look at each other and whisper softly, all of them shuffling awkwardly. A pale imperial leans close against his much smaller, but slightly more confident tundra companion. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] The other imperial, long mane strewn with lily pads stood as boldly as she could alongside a nocturne and another tundra. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] The first tundra looks up at her mate, "Robyn dear, which one is your... great grandmother?" He swings his head side to side, scanning the crowd. "I dunno, Plum. I think..." He trails off with a frown. There were so many dragons! Then his gaze landed on the magnificent dragon perched atop her stone, surrounded by a bounty. "That must be her, over there!" All four dragons followed his gaze to take in their first sight of the matriarch. The other imperial, Jaden, gasped, "Dad, she's incredible!" Her grin turned to an anxious frown and she bounced a little on her toes, "Are we going to go talk to her?" She looked down at Rime, her mate, and Ciara, his other mate and her distant cousin. They looked back up and shrugged, both at a loss. Robyn sighed and looked at his little group, "I suppose we could..." He once again trailed off and looked over at Plum. She gave him a sympathetic smile, "Why don't we go browse the shops and mingle with anyone we come across? You two," she nodded to Ciara, "might have some closer family here you might be more comfortable with?" Both dragons gave small nods. Plum stepped out into the lead and began towards the shops with her little squad. @perfectoranges The small group makes their way down to the western side of the grotto. The herbal smell wafting from the stand was almost familiar, comforting. Plum smiles at the server, "Hello, we just arrived and we're so excited to be here." Her statement was poorly punctuated by nervous smiles from her four companions. She glanced back at them and gave a little sigh, "Well come on, do any of you want anything?" Jaden steps up, "Hi, uh, cousin? I'm Jaden, and I'd love to have some tea. I uh, don't know if you take custom orders, but there's this great tea recipe one of my [url=]clanmates[/url] made. It's just tea and spruce and honey. Can you do that?" Meanwhile Robyn murmurs to his mate and she clears her throat, "We'll also take a cup of mint tea, if you have it. And I'll have... Whatever you have that's special or unique." Then she looks to the other two, "You want anything?" They booth shake their heads and step back to make room for other customers. (I'll skim the other intros when I have time and might initiate some direct interacting ^-^ in the meantime, ping me if you wanna interact with any of my group! They're a little nervous but should warm up)
A small cluster of varied dragons nervously makes their way into the crowded grotto. They look at each other and whisper softly, all of them shuffling awkwardly. A pale imperial leans close against his much smaller, but slightly more confident tundra companion.
The other imperial, long mane strewn with lily pads stood as boldly as she could alongside a nocturne and another tundra.
The first tundra looks up at her mate, "Robyn dear, which one is your... great grandmother?"
He swings his head side to side, scanning the crowd. "I dunno, Plum. I think..." He trails off with a frown. There were so many dragons! Then his gaze landed on the magnificent dragon perched atop her stone, surrounded by a bounty. "That must be her, over there!"
All four dragons followed his gaze to take in their first sight of the matriarch. The other imperial, Jaden, gasped, "Dad, she's incredible!" Her grin turned to an anxious frown and she bounced a little on her toes, "Are we going to go talk to her?" She looked down at Rime, her mate, and Ciara, his other mate and her distant cousin. They looked back up and shrugged, both at a loss.
Robyn sighed and looked at his little group, "I suppose we could..." He once again trailed off and looked over at Plum.
She gave him a sympathetic smile, "Why don't we go browse the shops and mingle with anyone we come across? You two," she nodded to Ciara, "might have some closer family here you might be more comfortable with?"
Both dragons gave small nods. Plum stepped out into the lead and began towards the shops with her little squad.

@perfectoranges The small group makes their way down to the western side of the grotto. The herbal smell wafting from the stand was almost familiar, comforting.
Plum smiles at the server, "Hello, we just arrived and we're so excited to be here." Her statement was poorly punctuated by nervous smiles from her four companions. She glanced back at them and gave a little sigh, "Well come on, do any of you want anything?"
Jaden steps up, "Hi, uh, cousin? I'm Jaden, and I'd love to have some tea. I uh, don't know if you take custom orders, but there's this great tea recipe one of my clanmates made. It's just tea and spruce and honey. Can you do that?"
Meanwhile Robyn murmurs to his mate and she clears her throat, "We'll also take a cup of mint tea, if you have it. And I'll have... Whatever you have that's special or unique." Then she looks to the other two, "You want anything?" They booth shake their heads and step back to make room for other customers.

(I'll skim the other intros when I have time and might initiate some direct interacting ^-^ in the meantime, ping me if you wanna interact with any of my group! They're a little nervous but should warm up)
Looking for some dragons!futYkXZ.pngw8o0xW1.png
Bonfire and Aukai made their way to the crowd of dragons, enjoying the festivities. Bonfire looked around for anyone he knew, starting to become nervous that he wasn't in the right place.

(would anyone like to interact? :) )
Bonfire and Aukai made their way to the crowd of dragons, enjoying the festivities. Bonfire looked around for anyone he knew, starting to become nervous that he wasn't in the right place.

(would anyone like to interact? :) )
H6hl5e1.png XgoSE5I.png
[columns]@2Blue2BTrue "'Scuse me, but do you need some help? The family reunion is back that way!" a Nocturne rolling an empty wooden cart towards the forest calls out as he passes by where Deimos and Montoli are talking. Then, his eyes catch on the pile of tools and material at their feet. "Oh - sorry, I didn't mean to assume. Did someone ask you to set up out here? I can help once I drop this off, if you need!" [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [center]~[/center] @hannahbbug3 Just after arriving, Roland leads Devoir and Delude to the food carts as planned. He allows his younger cousins to marvel at their surroundings - so many dragons in one place, and all a part of their family tree? it's hard to wrap your mind around! - and orders a spread of food to nourish the three of them after their journey. There are a lot of familiar items on the menu he remembers trying last year, but one thing he can't seem to find... "Excuse me," he stretches up as high as he can to peer into the window on the side of the food cart. "Do you have any honeyed ant clusters?" "You'll have to wait 'til the feast for that!" [url=]Coriander [/url]chuckles from inside.
@2Blue2BTrue "'Scuse me, but do you need some help? The family reunion is back that way!" a Nocturne rolling an empty wooden cart towards the forest calls out as he passes by where Deimos and Montoli are talking. Then, his eyes catch on the pile of tools and material at their feet. "Oh - sorry, I didn't mean to assume. Did someone ask you to set up out here? I can help once I drop this off, if you need!" 78169668.png

@hannahbbug3 Just after arriving, Roland leads Devoir and Delude to the food carts as planned. He allows his younger cousins to marvel at their surroundings - so many dragons in one place, and all a part of their family tree? it's hard to wrap your mind around! - and orders a spread of food to nourish the three of them after their journey. There are a lot of familiar items on the menu he remembers trying last year, but one thing he can't seem to find...

"Excuse me," he stretches up as high as he can to peer into the window on the side of the food cart. "Do you have any honeyed ant clusters?"

"You'll have to wait 'til the feast for that!" Coriander chuckles from inside.

@pelagianClover i stumbled across Jakov the other day while building the pinglist! it appears he was never registered, but he's Sunset's great-great-grandchild through Kieran! ^__^ [url=][img][/img][/url]
@pelagianClover i stumbled across Jakov the other day while building the pinglist! it appears he was never registered, but he's Sunset's great-great-grandchild through Kieran! ^__^
Oh nice, I've unknowingly been helping a lineage spread lol Anyway, Comus says hi! [url=][img][/img][/url]
Oh nice, I've unknowingly been helping a lineage spread lol

Anyway, Comus says hi!

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er0mmVQ.png I am looking for:
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@SilentWanderer Fortunately, Cobalt is able to grab a volunteer to look after his stand for a couple hours while he catches up with his kids. They walk along the beach, letting the surf wash over their paws. "And then, while the Roc was distracted, I swiped the [gamedb item=723] out of its nest and replaced it with a [gamedb item=576]! I didn't stick around to find out if it noticed the difference..." All three feel like hatchlings again, holding on to their father's every word of his daring-adventures-turned-bedtime-stories. Xenia is the first to find her voice again. "What was in the chest?" Cobalt stops in his tracks and turns around swiftly, spraying seafoam over the sand in front of him. "You want to know what was in the chest?" All three nod. "Well, I wanted to know as soon as I found myself a safe distance away, I hid under the shade of a tall tree...I reached out to open the lid, and..." "A [gamedb item=919]!" "No, a [gamedb item=2577]!" "It had to be a [gamedb item=19267]!" "How would a fish live in a chest?" [columns]"No gold scales, no gold fur - no gold coins, no gold of any kind." Cobalt shakes his head, his mane bobbing with the motion. "...It was empty." Three triplet expressions of shock and awe stare back at him. [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [center]~[/center] (i love the mental image of Cobalt's three now-grown children dog piling him at the coli challenge stand...the sheer amount of fluff and fur...!)
@SilentWanderer Fortunately, Cobalt is able to grab a volunteer to look after his stand for a couple hours while he catches up with his kids. They walk along the beach, letting the surf wash over their paws.

"And then, while the Roc was distracted, I swiped the Gilded Treasure Chest out of its nest and replaced it with a Gilded Decorative Chest! I didn't stick around to find out if it noticed the difference..."

All three feel like hatchlings again, holding on to their father's every word of his daring-adventures-turned-bedtime-stories. Xenia is the first to find her voice again.

"What was in the chest?"

Cobalt stops in his tracks and turns around swiftly, spraying seafoam over the sand in front of him. "You want to know what was in the chest?"

All three nod.

"Well, I wanted to know as soon as I found myself a safe distance away, I hid under the shade of a tall tree...I reached out to open the lid, and..."

"A Golden Idol!"

"No, a Golden Bantam Fangar!"

"It had to be a Golden Featherfin!"

"How would a fish live in a chest?"
"No gold scales, no gold fur - no gold coins, no gold of any kind." Cobalt shakes his head, his mane bobbing with the motion. "...It was empty."

Three triplet expressions of shock and awe stare back at him.

(i love the mental image of Cobalt's three now-grown children dog piling him at the coli challenge stand...the sheer amount of fluff and fur...!)