2013 here, so yep I consider myself an old fart re: this game despite being 23 :P I go on hiatus a lot these days but find myself drawn back, because well... dragons <3

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2013 here, so yep I consider myself an old fart re: this game despite being 23 :P I go on hiatus a lot these days but find myself drawn back, because well... dragons <3
Joined during a registration window (remember those lol) in October 2014 after missing the previous one. I joined because a friend recommended the game and I spent hours in the scrying workshop before ever making an account ^^'
I recently celebrated 8 years of being here and I've loved how much the game's evolved and changed over the years but still keeps me engaged! My lair has changed especially, from being a tripple collector, to a coliseum power grinder, to a g1 and familiar collector.
I think the longest break I've taken from the game was around 2 weeks, I've been playing pretty consistently since I got here, and I'm happy to see all the cool and familiar faces that have been around for years or freshly joined!
I recently celebrated 8 years of being here and I've loved how much the game's evolved and changed over the years but still keeps me engaged! My lair has changed especially, from being a tripple collector, to a coliseum power grinder, to a g1 and familiar collector.
I think the longest break I've taken from the game was around 2 weeks, I've been playing pretty consistently since I got here, and I'm happy to see all the cool and familiar faces that have been around for years or freshly joined!
Joined during a registration window (remember those lol) in October 2014 after missing the previous one. I joined because a friend recommended the game and I spent hours in the scrying workshop before ever making an account ^^'
I recently celebrated 8 years of being here and I've loved how much the game's evolved and changed over the years but still keeps me engaged! My lair has changed especially, from being a tripple collector, to a coliseum power grinder, to a g1 and familiar collector.
I think the longest break I've taken from the game was around 2 weeks, I've been playing pretty consistently since I got here, and I'm happy to see all the cool and familiar faces that have been around for years or freshly joined!
I recently celebrated 8 years of being here and I've loved how much the game's evolved and changed over the years but still keeps me engaged! My lair has changed especially, from being a tripple collector, to a coliseum power grinder, to a g1 and familiar collector.
I think the longest break I've taken from the game was around 2 weeks, I've been playing pretty consistently since I got here, and I'm happy to see all the cool and familiar faces that have been around for years or freshly joined!
i joined in the june 2014 window
amazing how this site is almost 10 years old!
amazing how this site is almost 10 years old!
i joined in the june 2014 window
amazing how this site is almost 10 years old!
amazing how this site is almost 10 years old!
my colors!
my cool ids interest check
space for a new post
pretty dergs for sale v2 (open) next bargain bin next
my cool ids interest check
space for a new post
pretty dergs for sale v2 (open) next bargain bin next

[quote] Are your progens older than your children/nieces and nephews?[/quote]
This hurt me because not only do I have a 1 year old niece, but I'm pretty sure my youngest brother was born after my progens...
I joined in 2014.
I'm actively turning to dust at this point.
I'm actively turning to dust at this point.
I joined in 2014.
I'm actively turning to dust at this point.
I'm actively turning to dust at this point.
I joined in 2014 (June '14 reg window represent! \o/). I was in high school then. I am working now. :D
I think my most memorable memories are...
I think my most memorable memories are...
- IvP 2014 (or 2015?): My first time joining a conquest push! :D I remember being so salty over the standings come Saturday because the board has been flipping, but Plague came out on top.
- Color wheel expansion: The teases leading up to the expansion were so hype! I remember eagerly checking (and refreshing...) the thread where the devs were revealing the new colors.
I joined in 2014 (June '14 reg window represent! \o/). I was in high school then. I am working now. :D
I think my most memorable memories are...
I think my most memorable memories are...
- IvP 2014 (or 2015?): My first time joining a conquest push! :D I remember being so salty over the standings come Saturday because the board has been flipping, but Plague came out on top.
- Color wheel expansion: The teases leading up to the expansion were so hype! I remember eagerly checking (and refreshing...) the thread where the devs were revealing the new colors.
Hi, I'm Steffon. Saving up: 1,830/7,000 G - 11 * (530 - 250) = 3,080 G - Accent Blueprint (10) + Accent Blueprint = 3,500 G |
Projects • God-Emperor • Taran's wondrous figurines • Hestia's brood • Guild Wars 2 fandragons |
[quote name="Sunshine" date="2022-11-01 06:04:17" ]
I feel old and my bones do be creakin... I joined in 2013 but haven't been active for a while and only just recently returned.
There are a few faces I remember that don't seem to be around now, which is sad. I remember having to work really hard to breed triple Sunshines from scratch, as well as having to spend so much on 'new blood' doubles and triples in the AH as they were still pretty hard to come by. Nowadays I can pretty much buy a totally unrelated triple Sunshine for fodder price!
!! you're back! amazing!!
i've been here almost 8 years? still feel new tbh. "what do you MEAN people consider me to be an authority on things? i'm but a wee babe??"
Sunshine wrote on 2022-11-01 06:04:17:
I feel old and my bones do be creakin... I joined in 2013 but haven't been active for a while and only just recently returned.
There are a few faces I remember that don't seem to be around now, which is sad. I remember having to work really hard to breed triple Sunshines from scratch, as well as having to spend so much on 'new blood' doubles and triples in the AH as they were still pretty hard to come by. Nowadays I can pretty much buy a totally unrelated triple Sunshine for fodder price!
There are a few faces I remember that don't seem to be around now, which is sad. I remember having to work really hard to breed triple Sunshines from scratch, as well as having to spend so much on 'new blood' doubles and triples in the AH as they were still pretty hard to come by. Nowadays I can pretty much buy a totally unrelated triple Sunshine for fodder price!
i've been here almost 8 years? still feel new tbh. "what do you MEAN people consider me to be an authority on things? i'm but a wee babe??"
[quote name="Sunshine" date="2022-11-01 06:04:17" ]
I feel old and my bones do be creakin... I joined in 2013 but haven't been active for a while and only just recently returned.
There are a few faces I remember that don't seem to be around now, which is sad. I remember having to work really hard to breed triple Sunshines from scratch, as well as having to spend so much on 'new blood' doubles and triples in the AH as they were still pretty hard to come by. Nowadays I can pretty much buy a totally unrelated triple Sunshine for fodder price!
Sunshine spotted in the wild! My day has been blessed.
[quote name="Avarice" date="2022-11-03 22:40:13" ]
September 2013, and I've never had a significant hiatus. I've not played every day but I've never missed a festival since joining!
My strongest memory of the site from the time I joined is:
Months of nightmares are coming back to me. The horrors... the untold horrors.
2013 crew here, joined towards the tail-end of the first Brightshine. The lag shall not be missed. Used to be a lot more active but now I'm happy just tending to my lair. I guess I'm a true old fart XD And guess what, I FINALLY GOT MY LORE IN PLACE.
It only took 9 years.
[emoji=tundra scared size=2]
Sunshine wrote on 2022-11-01 06:04:17:
I feel old and my bones do be creakin... I joined in 2013 but haven't been active for a while and only just recently returned.
There are a few faces I remember that don't seem to be around now, which is sad. I remember having to work really hard to breed triple Sunshines from scratch, as well as having to spend so much on 'new blood' doubles and triples in the AH as they were still pretty hard to come by. Nowadays I can pretty much buy a totally unrelated triple Sunshine for fodder price!
There are a few faces I remember that don't seem to be around now, which is sad. I remember having to work really hard to breed triple Sunshines from scratch, as well as having to spend so much on 'new blood' doubles and triples in the AH as they were still pretty hard to come by. Nowadays I can pretty much buy a totally unrelated triple Sunshine for fodder price!
Sunshine spotted in the wild! My day has been blessed.
Avarice wrote on 2022-11-03 22:40:13:
September 2013, and I've never had a significant hiatus. I've not played every day but I've never missed a festival since joining!
My strongest memory of the site from the time I joined is:

My strongest memory of the site from the time I joined is:

Months of nightmares are coming back to me. The horrors... the untold horrors.
2013 crew here, joined towards the tail-end of the first Brightshine. The lag shall not be missed. Used to be a lot more active but now I'm happy just tending to my lair. I guess I'm a true old fart XD And guess what, I FINALLY GOT MY LORE IN PLACE.
It only took 9 years.

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