(Fan)dragons with a gimmick!

Ender080's Clan
Time will die. The Chain will end.
Clan Info
Ender / they, them

Dragons aviable for giveaway: -//-

If your dragon is located in the fodder tab chances are they're going to Plaguemother. If they're especially old or have art I will try to find a perma home for them, but otherwise they're just here to catch refreshments on the way. PM me if you want them back.
If you're looking to buy a fodder dragon for a project the price equals their exalt payout (~12kt on average)
If you're looking to buy a fodder dragon for a project the price equals their exalt payout (~12kt on average)

The Underpass
Dragons aviable for giveaway: -//-
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thank you hehe, right back at you!