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TOPIC | Festival Coliseum Guide (Nature)
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Forgotten Cave:

Undrowned Chest from ??? (sorry, it was between two Swiftfoot Slayers and I didn't pay attention, and I didn't get drops from that enemy to identify it in the loot box either. Could have been one of the Snails?)

Deep-Seer Chest from Deepmine Aardvark

Forgotten Cave:

Undrowned Chest from ??? (sorry, it was between two Swiftfoot Slayers and I didn't pay attention, and I didn't get drops from that enemy to identify it in the loot box either. Could have been one of the Snails?)

Deep-Seer Chest from Deepmine Aardvark
Got a Cherrybrook Chest from an Oceansurf Mage
Got a Cherrybrook Chest from an Oceansurf Mage
TinyCrystal_Wind.png Lime.pngTinyCrystal_Wind.png
Free Pixels | Art Shop | Hatchery
@Maki @NorthSong
Yes, the Mirage Puffer is the one that drops Throatarium chests; I got one from a battle with only them in it.
@Maki @NorthSong
Yes, the Mirage Puffer is the one that drops Throatarium chests; I got one from a battle with only them in it.
+2 FR
one million tundra dragons
bleh2 bleh3 StjSAn9.png
b PUBaf.gif
Got an Undrowned chest from a noxious coralclimber
Got an Undrowned chest from a noxious coralclimber

G1 sales


art shop banner
old wc adopt gif

Lewis link and G1 sales

ghost hatchlings
TwEcIUG.png[/url] Ae0MsB2.png



Pixel Pearls


SCP hatchery
Click for Don't Starve/FR commissions! [TEMP CLOSED] (Casual collector of 6 digit dergs!)

[quote name="Winterdreary" date=2017-04-23 06:48:49] Out of curiosity, has FR confirmed somewhere that only neutral or [festival element] beasts make these chest drops?[/quote] @Winterdreary Yes, see [url=]this post[/url] from Undel: [quote]Every elemental monster can drop two specific chests. Every neutral monster can drop one specific chest.[/quote]
Winterdreary wrote on 2017-04-23:
Out of curiosity, has FR confirmed somewhere that only neutral or [festival element] beasts make these chest drops?

@Winterdreary Yes, see this post from Undel:
Every elemental monster can drop two specific chests.
Every neutral monster can drop one specific chest.
I got Throatarium from something in the Training Fields.. I was spacing out too much to figure out what it was exactly, though.
I got Throatarium from something in the Training Fields.. I was spacing out too much to figure out what it was exactly, though.
@Maki Got a Pearl Arowana chest from either a Blueband Duelist or Venomblade Assassin- it was a mixed group, and I accidentally clicked Fight On before screenshotting it, OTL
@Maki Got a Pearl Arowana chest from either a Blueband Duelist or Venomblade Assassin- it was a mixed group, and I accidentally clicked Fight On before screenshotting it, OTL
Got undrowned chest from Octoflyer in kelp beds
Got undrowned chest from Octoflyer in kelp beds

Chests should drop only from Water or Neutral monsters, it seems the bug was fixed.

Chests should drop only from Water or Neutral monsters, it seems the bug was fixed.
Thank you everyone, updated to here!
Thank you everyone, updated to here!
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