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TOPIC | LGBTQ+ Community
I'm aroace. When I came out to my parents, it was more like me just casually mentioning it in a conversation. I don't know if I meant to do it, but my parents supported me, nonetheless. Pretty much my entire friend group is LGBTQ+ except for one, and she's an ally. I have a few cousins who are LGBTQ+ too.

Any other aroaces here on FR?
I'm aroace. When I came out to my parents, it was more like me just casually mentioning it in a conversation. I don't know if I meant to do it, but my parents supported me, nonetheless. Pretty much my entire friend group is LGBTQ+ except for one, and she's an ally. I have a few cousins who are LGBTQ+ too.

Any other aroaces here on FR?

Im allo/ace but I have multiple ace/aro friends, who unfortunately aren't on flight rising :(
That being said, there are definitely other aro/aces on flight rising. I see a lot of ace and aro flags in bios and signatures you are bound to run into another ace/aro eventually. And congrats on the coming out as well.

Also just coming here to say I have a doctors apointment next month where I can discus starting HRT and Im already exited AAAAAAAAAAAH

gonna try and get me some boy juice

Im allo/ace but I have multiple ace/aro friends, who unfortunately aren't on flight rising :(
That being said, there are definitely other aro/aces on flight rising. I see a lot of ace and aro flags in bios and signatures you are bound to run into another ace/aro eventually. And congrats on the coming out as well.

Also just coming here to say I have a doctors apointment next month where I can discus starting HRT and Im already exited AAAAAAAAAAAH

gonna try and get me some boy juice
tumblr_ospvc67HxP1v8lm95o1_r2_250.gif Nba8ElM.png

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I went to a pride parade yesterday and it was amazing! I sometimes forget how much fun these are. I’m really glad that pride season is starting again.
Did anyone else here plan to go to pride events?
I went to a pride parade yesterday and it was amazing! I sometimes forget how much fun these are. I’m really glad that pride season is starting again.
Did anyone else here plan to go to pride events?
I'm pan and ace! :D

might as well
I'm pan and ace! :D

might as well
FR +19!
Feel free to chat, I don't bite!
A fake achievement for the 2024 anniversary, awarding tide lord points. Tidelord's Favorite: You managed to understand Tidelord's speech during the 2024 anniversary event!
I'm agender, biromantic ace, and intersex. I usually just call myself queer because I find it easier than trotting out the entire list every single time.
I'm agender, biromantic ace, and intersex. I usually just call myself queer because I find it easier than trotting out the entire list every single time.

They/Them (Agender flag) Asexual (Asexual flag)
Disabled (New disabled flag) ADHD (Neurodiversity flag)
Adult Player (Arcane flight) Married
I am a transsexual butch lesbian. transsexual, as in transcends sex. lesbian as both a gender and a sexuality. butch as a label to explain away my stomach hair and middling hygiene (joking. it is actually a very important label to me, with a lot of history behind it that i cherish. i do enjoy the concept of a 3-in-1 shampoo though).

I am on hrt and dream about one day getting bottom surgery, but bottom surgery here is very expensive and i think only a single surgeon in the country is qualified to do it, so probably it will never happen for me. I doubt any surgeon could give me the results I desire anyway.

I am "out" in real life as far as my close family and friends, and visibly transgender to strangers on the street, but I tend to think that my specific gender experience and pronouns are none of their business. I prefer strangers to call me it over they, or, barring that, for them to stay confused. I get miss and sir in equal doses. What goes on in my head and my body is between me and the bathroom mirror. I do announce quite loudly my lesbianism though. It's difficult not to.
I am a transsexual butch lesbian. transsexual, as in transcends sex. lesbian as both a gender and a sexuality. butch as a label to explain away my stomach hair and middling hygiene (joking. it is actually a very important label to me, with a lot of history behind it that i cherish. i do enjoy the concept of a 3-in-1 shampoo though).

I am on hrt and dream about one day getting bottom surgery, but bottom surgery here is very expensive and i think only a single surgeon in the country is qualified to do it, so probably it will never happen for me. I doubt any surgeon could give me the results I desire anyway.

I am "out" in real life as far as my close family and friends, and visibly transgender to strangers on the street, but I tend to think that my specific gender experience and pronouns are none of their business. I prefer strangers to call me it over they, or, barring that, for them to stay confused. I get miss and sir in equal doses. What goes on in my head and my body is between me and the bathroom mirror. I do announce quite loudly my lesbianism though. It's difficult not to.
Maedae | It | ASD
maker of fine graves
I'm a trans male, Bi, and Ace! I came out to my friends and family quite a while ago. My parents don't like it and hate that my friends respect me for being me. My parents are like "Ya we love LGBTQ+ people!... As long as it's not you" But my friends accept me which is nice, and my partners parents call me by my perfered name and pronouns and it's like a little escape on how rude some people can really be about it. My step mom seems does not know, but she doesn't seem to mind if she knew I was trans. She lets me shop in the mens section and it's really nice getting to do that. [quote=@Feiix]I went to a pride parade yesterday and it was amazing! I sometimes forget how much fun these are. I’m really glad that pride season is starting again. Did anyone else here plan to go to pride events?[/quote] I've never been able to go to a pride event before, what are they like? I'm trying to go to my first one this year and it's a "Queer Prom Murder Mystery"
I'm a trans male, Bi, and Ace! I came out to my friends and family quite a while ago. My parents don't like it and hate that my friends respect me for being me. My parents are like "Ya we love LGBTQ+ people!... As long as it's not you"
But my friends accept me which is nice, and my partners parents call me by my perfered name and pronouns and it's like a little escape on how rude some people can really be about it.
My step mom seems does not know, but she doesn't seem to mind if she knew I was trans. She lets me shop in the mens section and it's really nice getting to do that.
@Feiix wrote:
I went to a pride parade yesterday and it was amazing! I sometimes forget how much fun these are. I’m really glad that pride season is starting again.
Did anyone else here plan to go to pride events?
I've never been able to go to a pride event before, what are they like? I'm trying to go to my first one this year and it's a "Queer Prom Murder Mystery"
Just a Guy from the void who cannot live without coffee
Im a lot of things (lesbian gender-fluid ace demi romantic) IV had backlash from most of them but the most annoying thing is people whenever i tell them im gender-fluid and use any pronouns they get all up in my face and are like erm actually you cant do that your actually gender (insert random term here) and im like omg i know you probably mean well but please i know what i am and they keep trying to tell me im not it just gets old yK?
Im a lot of things (lesbian gender-fluid ace demi romantic) IV had backlash from most of them but the most annoying thing is people whenever i tell them im gender-fluid and use any pronouns they get all up in my face and are like erm actually you cant do that your actually gender (insert random term here) and im like omg i know you probably mean well but please i know what i am and they keep trying to tell me im not it just gets old yK?
IMG-3533.png H0t7Ypl.png
+3 frt

that bisexual meme of "they are attracted to every woman and 5 very specific men" meme is true

that bisexual meme of "they are attracted to every woman and 5 very specific men" meme is true
Slowly coding, one [ at a time
People are talking a lot about labels so I think Ill give it a go

Im trans masc and non binary, as well as asexual and, just like, a boy liker???

ngl I don't really have a label for my romantic attraction and Ive honestly given up trying to define it. I do seem to have a preference for men/masc presenting people so like yeah Im just a boy liker I guess

Is anyone else in this scenario of just like unlabeled and given up questioning?
It is what it is energy.

My sister is completely unlabeled and that's pretty cool but we don't talk much

I guess Im just looking for someone with similar experiences to share
People are talking a lot about labels so I think Ill give it a go

Im trans masc and non binary, as well as asexual and, just like, a boy liker???

ngl I don't really have a label for my romantic attraction and Ive honestly given up trying to define it. I do seem to have a preference for men/masc presenting people so like yeah Im just a boy liker I guess

Is anyone else in this scenario of just like unlabeled and given up questioning?
It is what it is energy.

My sister is completely unlabeled and that's pretty cool but we don't talk much

I guess Im just looking for someone with similar experiences to share
tumblr_ospvc67HxP1v8lm95o1_r2_250.gif Nba8ElM.png

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