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[quote name="@xTarotDollx" date="2024-05-21 10:01:34" ] People are talking a lot about labels so I think Ill give it a go Im trans masc and non binary, as well as asexual and, just like, a boy liker??? ngl I don't really have a label for my romantic attraction and Ive honestly given up trying to define it. I do seem to have a preference for men/masc presenting people so like yeah Im just a boy liker I guess Is anyone else in this scenario of just like unlabeled and given up questioning? It is what it is energy. My sister is completely unlabeled and that's pretty cool but we don't talk much I guess Im just looking for someone with similar experiences to share [/quote] i just use arospec/acespec/aroacespec. idrk what it is but i'm not fully alloromantic/allosexual. i know i'm a gay transman, but aroace attraction is something idk how to explain.
@xTarotDollx wrote on 2024-05-21 10:01:34:
People are talking a lot about labels so I think Ill give it a go

Im trans masc and non binary, as well as asexual and, just like, a boy liker???

ngl I don't really have a label for my romantic attraction and Ive honestly given up trying to define it. I do seem to have a preference for men/masc presenting people so like yeah Im just a boy liker I guess

Is anyone else in this scenario of just like unlabeled and given up questioning?
It is what it is energy.

My sister is completely unlabeled and that's pretty cool but we don't talk much

I guess Im just looking for someone with similar experiences to share

i just use arospec/acespec/aroacespec. idrk what it is but i'm not fully alloromantic/allosexual. i know i'm a gay transman, but aroace attraction is something idk how to explain.


you should listen to them... NOW!!! Coatl Swirls! semi-verbal
bird dad
please ping!!!
Nothing Fancy Hatchery Raffle!

Nah I get that, tertiary attraction is wild and while I am solidly ace, I experience a lot of other forms of attraction that make things infinity more confusing. Ive stopped caring about labels for myself but they are really useful for talking to and meeting other people. My friends get it, but a lot of other people don't and I kinda wish I had a solid answer for them sometimes

Nah I get that, tertiary attraction is wild and while I am solidly ace, I experience a lot of other forms of attraction that make things infinity more confusing. Ive stopped caring about labels for myself but they are really useful for talking to and meeting other people. My friends get it, but a lot of other people don't and I kinda wish I had a solid answer for them sometimes
tumblr_ospvc67HxP1v8lm95o1_r2_250.gif Nba8ElM.png

Need Hib Den Items?
@xTarotDollx i totally get it. i'm unsure if i like someone in a romantic way or querrplatonic way so yeah tertiary attraction is something for sure
@xTarotDollx i totally get it. i'm unsure if i like someone in a romantic way or querrplatonic way so yeah tertiary attraction is something for sure


you should listen to them... NOW!!! Coatl Swirls! semi-verbal
bird dad
please ping!!!
Nothing Fancy Hatchery Raffle!

I'm forever stuck in the loop of sensual attraction so strong I question my ace-ness only to realize, no nope very ace never mind, to okay but wait what if??

I'm forever stuck in the loop of sensual attraction so strong I question my ace-ness only to realize, no nope very ace never mind, to okay but wait what if??
tumblr_ospvc67HxP1v8lm95o1_r2_250.gif Nba8ElM.png

Need Hib Den Items?
@xTarotDollx sorry if i'm butting in but yeah it can be weird attraction is such a weird thing its hard to pin down when you are and aren't experiencing it. for me this is actually kind of why i decided to settle on aroaceflux as my main label so that when my attraction does fluxuate or i find myself really wanting romance i don't have to sweat my identity and just have to sweat about the actual feeling because attraction is weird.
@xTarotDollx sorry if i'm butting in but yeah it can be weird attraction is such a weird thing its hard to pin down when you are and aren't experiencing it. for me this is actually kind of why i decided to settle on aroaceflux as my main label so that when my attraction does fluxuate or i find myself really wanting romance i don't have to sweat my identity and just have to sweat about the actual feeling because attraction is weird.
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I'm aro-ace and I want more aro-ace friends but it's really hard to find them, especially irl. I feel like I find a lot of asexual people but rarely any that are also aro and those that are tend to be more flux/demi than hard aro like me. Nothing against them or their experiences, it's just nice to have the solidarity of feeling fully bleh about that kind of thing.
I'm aro-ace and I want more aro-ace friends but it's really hard to find them, especially irl. I feel like I find a lot of asexual people but rarely any that are also aro and those that are tend to be more flux/demi than hard aro like me. Nothing against them or their experiences, it's just nice to have the solidarity of feeling fully bleh about that kind of thing.
like a guy that isn't straight challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!!! 99.99% FAIL!!!!!!)
like a guy that isn't straight challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!!! 99.99% FAIL!!!!!!)


you should listen to them... NOW!!! Coatl Swirls! semi-verbal
bird dad
please ping!!!
Nothing Fancy Hatchery Raffle!
I came out as non-binary/transmasc on my socials yesterday (because having that conversation with each family member sounded worse than death), and I was prepared for some big reactions. My family is lowkey transphobic, so I was anticipating my comment sections to be flooded with their opinions.

And instead there's been... nothing? Which is kind of a relief, but also worse in a way because it's the exact opposite of what I prepared for? I dunno, but my anxiety is going nuts rn lol
I came out as non-binary/transmasc on my socials yesterday (because having that conversation with each family member sounded worse than death), and I was prepared for some big reactions. My family is lowkey transphobic, so I was anticipating my comment sections to be flooded with their opinions.

And instead there's been... nothing? Which is kind of a relief, but also worse in a way because it's the exact opposite of what I prepared for? I dunno, but my anxiety is going nuts rn lol


No idea what i am, didn't bother to research (i've been meaning to but well, got distracted every. time.) But definitely not straight
-girl who likes beidou a bit too much

and it doesn't help coming from a horribly christian family :') at least i can justify liking beidou as "admiration"
No idea what i am, didn't bother to research (i've been meaning to but well, got distracted every. time.) But definitely not straight
-girl who likes beidou a bit too much

and it doesn't help coming from a horribly christian family :') at least i can justify liking beidou as "admiration"
cfFrvOr.png never gonna give you up
She/Her | FR +15
»PWYW Art Shop
never gonna let you down
Happy Pride Eve everybody! I'm clueless
Happy Pride Eve everybody! I'm clueless