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TOPIC | LGBTQ+ Community

I can relate to that! If it helps, I have some suggestions as someone who's dealt with that in fandom for a while:

-in my experience, tumblr is easier to filter/easier to find aromantic (and/or asexual) fic and art, and just fandom discussion
-getting a fandom circle with like views can sometimes be helped by finding fic you like, and checking to see if the author (or commenters) link to their fandom socials, and following them there! then you know you have at least one interest in common
-checking tags like "aromantic [character]" "queerplatonic relationships", etc, can help you find fic that isn't ship! same with the "gen" tag instead of ship tags

I hope you can find fandom spaces you enjoy! It's not always easy (or quick) but it can be done! I've got a very enjoyable little corner of my fandom I engage with on two different fandom sites and barely ever come across content I'm uninterested in because of how I've curated it. :)

(And of course, if you weren't looking for advice, just ignore all of that! and please accept just my commiseration instead.)

I can relate to that! If it helps, I have some suggestions as someone who's dealt with that in fandom for a while:

-in my experience, tumblr is easier to filter/easier to find aromantic (and/or asexual) fic and art, and just fandom discussion
-getting a fandom circle with like views can sometimes be helped by finding fic you like, and checking to see if the author (or commenters) link to their fandom socials, and following them there! then you know you have at least one interest in common
-checking tags like "aromantic [character]" "queerplatonic relationships", etc, can help you find fic that isn't ship! same with the "gen" tag instead of ship tags

I hope you can find fandom spaces you enjoy! It's not always easy (or quick) but it can be done! I've got a very enjoyable little corner of my fandom I engage with on two different fandom sites and barely ever come across content I'm uninterested in because of how I've curated it. :)

(And of course, if you weren't looking for advice, just ignore all of that! and please accept just my commiseration instead.)
hey trans guys does anyone get peak gender euphoria when you paint your nails black? because that's what's going on with me. i feel like i'm able to not be hypermasc while still "passing," and it's awesome. maybe i'll start wearing eyeliner again...
hey trans guys does anyone get peak gender euphoria when you paint your nails black? because that's what's going on with me. i feel like i'm able to not be hypermasc while still "passing," and it's awesome. maybe i'll start wearing eyeliner again...


you should listen to them... NOW!!! Coatl Swirls! semi-verbal
bird dad
please ping!!!
Nothing Fancy Hatchery Raffle!
@TransDisaster, i'm not a trans guy but HELL YEA black nails are metal as hell!!! they make you ooze with confidence regardless of gender or presentation and i think other people can appreciate that too!! when i see masculine-looking people with their nails done i think YEAAAA YOU ROCKKKKK [quote name="TransDisaster" date="2024-05-08 19:53:35" ] [snip] maybe i'll start wearing eyeliner again... [/quote] (sitting on your shoulder as a tiny angel and/or demon) do it. do it
@TransDisaster, i'm not a trans guy but
HELL YEA black nails are metal as hell!!! they make you ooze with confidence regardless of gender or presentation and i think other people can appreciate that too!! when i see masculine-looking people with their nails done i think YEAAAA YOU ROCKKKKK
TransDisaster wrote on 2024-05-08 19:53:35:
[snip] maybe i'll start wearing eyeliner again...
(sitting on your shoulder as a tiny angel and/or demon) do it. do it
Candy Stars lorem ipsum Stardust Sap Lamp
[quote name="3141592653589793" date="2024-05-09 02:34:03" ] [snip] [quote name="TransDisaster" date="2024-05-08 19:53:35" ] [snip] maybe i'll start wearing eyeliner again... [/quote] (sitting on your shoulder as a tiny angel and/or demon) do it. do it [/quote] agh i was going to for the thespian awards banquet but i didn't have time! i will for something eventually, though... may go mostly punk next school year (can't do much for punk boy summer lol)
3141592653589793 wrote on 2024-05-09 02:34:03:
TransDisaster wrote on 2024-05-08 19:53:35:
[snip] maybe i'll start wearing eyeliner again...
(sitting on your shoulder as a tiny angel and/or demon) do it. do it

agh i was going to for the thespian awards banquet but i didn't have time! i will for something eventually, though... may go mostly punk next school year (can't do much for punk boy summer lol)


you should listen to them... NOW!!! Coatl Swirls! semi-verbal
bird dad
please ping!!!
Nothing Fancy Hatchery Raffle!
[quote name="TransDisaster" date="2024-05-08 19:53:35" ] hey trans guys does anyone get peak gender euphoria when you paint your nails black? because that's what's going on with me. i feel like i'm able to not be hypermasc while still "passing," and it's awesome. maybe i'll start wearing eyeliner again... [/quote] I’m not a guy, but god do I love painting my nails black :D I feel so friggin powerful >:D Also I recently came out to my parents :D it was so awkward, but my parents are supportive and honestly they don’t really care? I mean when I came out to my mom that I like girls she immediately assumed that I meant I was a lesbian and then was like “OH” when I said I was BI and I don’t think she takes it that seriously that I’m Bi? Maybe she thinks im just experimenting? Anyway I was very chill coming out to my mom because I already know how she would react and everything, the whole thing was over in like a minute she didn’t ask questions or anything, I kind of feel ungrateful that I expected more? ANYWAY I broke down coming out to my dad lol, I love him so much but we just don’t communicate very well and I care what he thinks so the pressure got to me and I just went ifjbkgjbsocbsImBisexualAsInILikeGirlsJrjkfak and walked out of the room. Of course he didn’t understand what was going on why I was acting so stressed and that I wanted to Buy something?? Anyway. I explained to him that I was Bisexual and by that time my voice was going all weird and squeaky. And then the pressure probably got to him because he said something like “Oh sO YoUll be HaViNg LoTs of THreEsoMes TheN” Then I died. (He was joking I think, the stress got to him ‘cause he just blurted it out) So that was it. Later my dad came up to me and hugged me and said something like “I don’t want you to think I don’t care it’s just …” and I knew what he meant, it was not a big deal for him but he could see it meant something to me and he was just really great about it :) Oh and shout out to my Twin who just stood there the whole time being supportive <3
TransDisaster wrote on 2024-05-08 19:53:35:
hey trans guys does anyone get peak gender euphoria when you paint your nails black? because that's what's going on with me. i feel like i'm able to not be hypermasc while still "passing," and it's awesome. maybe i'll start wearing eyeliner again...
I’m not a guy, but god do I love painting my nails black :D I feel so friggin powerful >:D

Also I recently came out to my parents :D it was so awkward, but my parents are supportive and honestly they don’t really care? I mean when I came out to my mom that I like girls she immediately assumed that I meant I was a lesbian and then was like “OH” when I said I was BI and I don’t think she takes it that seriously that I’m Bi? Maybe she thinks im just experimenting? Anyway I was very chill coming out to my mom because I already know how she would react and everything, the whole thing was over in like a minute she didn’t ask questions or anything, I kind of feel ungrateful that I expected more? ANYWAY I broke down coming out to my dad lol, I love him so much but we just don’t communicate very well and I care what he thinks so the pressure got to me and I just went ifjbkgjbsocbsImBisexualAsInILikeGirlsJrjkfak and walked out of the room. Of course he didn’t understand what was going on why I was acting so stressed and that I wanted to Buy something?? Anyway. I explained to him that I was Bisexual and by that time my voice was going all weird and squeaky. And then the pressure probably got to him because he said something like “Oh sO YoUll be HaViNg LoTs of THreEsoMes TheN” Then I died. (He was joking I think, the stress got to him ‘cause he just blurted it out)

So that was it. Later my dad came up to me and hugged me and said something like “I don’t want you to think I don’t care it’s just …” and I knew what he meant, it was not a big deal for him but he could see it meant something to me and he was just really great about it :)

Oh and shout out to my Twin who just stood there the whole time being supportive <3
I’m a hoarder (shiny things appreciated)

>>Art Dump
@Zoyki i'm glad that things went well! jeez, it's been so long since i came out, and generally people can just kind of tell when they look at me, so it's been quite some time since i've had to "come out" come out.
i mean, i'm like pretty much cis passing, but i look and act in a way where you can tell i'm not straight.
@Zoyki i'm glad that things went well! jeez, it's been so long since i came out, and generally people can just kind of tell when they look at me, so it's been quite some time since i've had to "come out" come out.
i mean, i'm like pretty much cis passing, but i look and act in a way where you can tell i'm not straight.


you should listen to them... NOW!!! Coatl Swirls! semi-verbal
bird dad
please ping!!!
Nothing Fancy Hatchery Raffle!
I would love to look gay at first sight :D
Haha yeah, that would be my ideal way to come out to my parents. Be gayTM. Bring home a girlfriend. And then there would be no doubt about it :)

I mean it was pretty obvious to my twin that I’m gay :I Anyway I guess I just woke up and decided to hell with waiting lol.
There is also a probability that I’m on the ace spectrum but I seriously don’t know, and don’t have the energy to deal with another questioning and all the thoughts that come with it. I’m just gonna figure things out on the run.
I would love to look gay at first sight :D
Haha yeah, that would be my ideal way to come out to my parents. Be gayTM. Bring home a girlfriend. And then there would be no doubt about it :)

I mean it was pretty obvious to my twin that I’m gay :I Anyway I guess I just woke up and decided to hell with waiting lol.
There is also a probability that I’m on the ace spectrum but I seriously don’t know, and don’t have the energy to deal with another questioning and all the thoughts that come with it. I’m just gonna figure things out on the run.
I’m a hoarder (shiny things appreciated)

>>Art Dump
Can we talk about how Game Freak is literally so so scared to acknowledge that feminine-looking Pokemon can be male and how much that causes my GNC Trans Man soul to rot on the inside The Primarina in this Tera Raid event is hard coded to be female, yet Primarina have an 87.5% chance of being male due to being a starter Pokemon I swear it feels like they don't wanna make Pokemon like that have the chance to be male anymore after the whole Brionne/Primarina fiasco [emoji=aether deadpan size=1]
Can we talk about how Game Freak is literally so so scared to acknowledge that feminine-looking Pokemon can be male and how much that causes my GNC Trans Man soul to rot on the inside

The Primarina in this Tera Raid event is hard coded to be female, yet Primarina have an 87.5% chance of being male due to being a starter Pokemon

I swear it feels like they don't wanna make Pokemon like that have the chance to be male anymore after the whole Brionne/Primarina fiasco
9s8wmF5.png z6OgJbN.png
Funny that my son and I are both transgender. lol
I wouldn't have had the guts to ever admit that part of myself if not for being inspired by my kid. Sometimes they teach you more in a second than you could ever hope to teach them their whole lives.
Funny that my son and I are both transgender. lol
I wouldn't have had the guts to ever admit that part of myself if not for being inspired by my kid. Sometimes they teach you more in a second than you could ever hope to teach them their whole lives.
[quote name="Maushold" date="2024-05-17 15:56:13" ] Can we talk about how Game Freak is literally so so scared to acknowledge that feminine-looking Pokemon can be male and how much that causes my GNC Trans Man soul to rot on the inside The Primarina in this Tera Raid event is hard coded to be female, yet Primarina have an 87.5% chance of being male due to being a starter Pokemon I swear it feels like they don't wanna make Pokemon like that have the chance to be male anymore after the whole Brionne/Primarina fiasco [emoji=aether deadpan size=1] [/quote] I THOUGHT it was weird how my Primarina was female . . . Interesting.
Maushold wrote on 2024-05-17 15:56:13:
Can we talk about how Game Freak is literally so so scared to acknowledge that feminine-looking Pokemon can be male and how much that causes my GNC Trans Man soul to rot on the inside

The Primarina in this Tera Raid event is hard coded to be female, yet Primarina have an 87.5% chance of being male due to being a starter Pokemon

I swear it feels like they don't wanna make Pokemon like that have the chance to be male anymore after the whole Brionne/Primarina fiasco

I THOUGHT it was weird how my Primarina was female . . . Interesting.

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