
General Discussion

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TOPIC | LGBTQ+ Community
Hey! Just for starters, this forum is not meant to discriminate against ANYONE, lgbt, straight, anyone. It is merely a discussion, or a place for people to find others like them.

Anywho, welp, I'm a lesbian. It was so awkward telling my mom this....

What are your stories? :3
Hey! Just for starters, this forum is not meant to discriminate against ANYONE, lgbt, straight, anyone. It is merely a discussion, or a place for people to find others like them.

Anywho, welp, I'm a lesbian. It was so awkward telling my mom this....

What are your stories? :3
Yo! I'm a transboy and ace/aro!! Nice to meet you!!

My favourite story has got to be accidentally coming out to people because I had to make a joke??? Like for some reason I forget not everyone is LGBT friendly and someone will say "thats gay" and my first response is "SAME" ?? i have no idea anymore.

as an added bonus, my Ideal Coming Out situation would be a 'baby shower' where I come out of a 'it's a boy!' cake ????????
Yo! I'm a transboy and ace/aro!! Nice to meet you!!

My favourite story has got to be accidentally coming out to people because I had to make a joke??? Like for some reason I forget not everyone is LGBT friendly and someone will say "thats gay" and my first response is "SAME" ?? i have no idea anymore.

as an added bonus, my Ideal Coming Out situation would be a 'baby shower' where I come out of a 'it's a boy!' cake ????????
TViMpeP.png ← you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
i'm a gay male. i'm also transgender, 10-ish days on T and hoping to eventually be stealth both online and in public. i've always liked men, and i've been out as trans since 2014. my immediate family is supportive, and while it took some time for my father to accept me for who i am, he came around. my workplace has a no-discrimination policy which is fantastic, and i'm learning on how to deal with transphobes and homophobes.
i'm a gay male. i'm also transgender, 10-ish days on T and hoping to eventually be stealth both online and in public. i've always liked men, and i've been out as trans since 2014. my immediate family is supportive, and while it took some time for my father to accept me for who i am, he came around. my workplace has a no-discrimination policy which is fantastic, and i'm learning on how to deal with transphobes and homophobes.
ellis, he/him
haikyuu, kpop, ffxiv
always buying oc art
previously erichthonios!
@lnception I feel ya! Homophobes are the worst. There's a guy in my class who is against LGBT rights. Boy, I despise him...
@lnception I feel ya! Homophobes are the worst. There's a guy in my class who is against LGBT rights. Boy, I despise him...
@kingaquarian the way my friends found out was on hangouts, like this:

B: Nationwide will kill your wife
Me: I don't have a wife
Me: yet
B: what?
Me: yes
B: wow I never knew
@kingaquarian the way my friends found out was on hangouts, like this:

B: Nationwide will kill your wife
Me: I don't have a wife
Me: yet
B: what?
Me: yes
B: wow I never knew
@skelelizard24 yeah, there's a couple people in my school who are homophobic, however sometimes it's the people you think are homophobic that are actually very supportive! I made a post on facebook the first day I started testosterone and explained more about me being transgender, and a very religious mormon student told me he'd support me no matter what. it was super great to see.
@skelelizard24 yeah, there's a couple people in my school who are homophobic, however sometimes it's the people you think are homophobic that are actually very supportive! I made a post on facebook the first day I started testosterone and explained more about me being transgender, and a very religious mormon student told me he'd support me no matter what. it was super great to see.
ellis, he/him
haikyuu, kpop, ffxiv
always buying oc art
previously erichthonios!
im pan and a transboy!!! :3c
im pan and a transboy!!! :3c

omg!! thats so funny. I love hearing stories about coming out being super casual!! it kind of makes me forget about how homophobic people can be about stuff. i like the little jingle your friend made too omg

omg!! thats so funny. I love hearing stories about coming out being super casual!! it kind of makes me forget about how homophobic people can be about stuff. i like the little jingle your friend made too omg
TViMpeP.png ← you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Sup. I'm asexual/homoromantic and a trans male.(Well maybe. Still getting used to it :SSSS) I haven't really come out to anyone.(Outside of a friends about being asexual but ehhhhh)

how is everyone doing
Sup. I'm asexual/homoromantic and a trans male.(Well maybe. Still getting used to it :SSSS) I haven't really come out to anyone.(Outside of a friends about being asexual but ehhhhh)

how is everyone doing
Yo, ace panromantic transboy here! I'm out to everyone except my parents who don't know the trans part (and won't till I've moved out)
Yo, ace panromantic transboy here! I'm out to everyone except my parents who don't know the trans part (and won't till I've moved out)
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