
TOPIC | Countdown to 9x8 AND 100mil!

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we're almost at 99993000 :D after that it will be 6999 left
we're almost at 99993000 :D after that it will be 6999 left
[quote name="Oraanu" date="2024-12-27 08:36:53" ]
[quote name="perspective" date="2024-12-27 08:33:39" ]
i can feel my dragons' judgmental gazes on me. "you sat us on these nests for days," they say. "over a week! what are you waiting for!" i can't answer them
I have a 5-egg nest that I've been saving for like a month [emoji=skull size=1]
I have like seven breeding challenge pairs waiting and I've planned to change back to ice.
An hour more or so and then I'll be free. But why is this last hour so painful T_T
Oraanu wrote on 2024-12-27 08:36:53:
perspective wrote on 2024-12-27 08:33:39:
i can feel my dragons' judgmental gazes on me. "you sat us on these nests for days," they say. "over a week! what are you waiting for!" i can't answer them
I have a 5-egg nest that I've been saving for like a month

I have like seven breeding challenge pairs waiting and I've planned to change back to ice.
An hour more or so and then I'll be free. But why is this last hour so painful T_T
I'm slightly glad that my holiday travel flight got delayed since that means I can refresh this thread. I'm not into IDs, but I am into watching the world burn.
[quote name="Qyuinx" date="2024-12-27 08:38:40" ]
The tension between me and the hatch button on my 7 nocturne eggs is actually so bad rn I have to close the tab for my hoard just so I don't do it on impulse </3
omg mood.... except it's the nests rather than the noc eggs bc I know they're kind of a better chance xD
my mind's like "imagine the number goes up super fast and you miss it you should hatch now now NOW" and I gotta ignore the voices
Qyuinx wrote on 2024-12-27 08:38:40:
The tension between me and the hatch button on my 7 nocturne eggs is actually so bad rn I have to close the tab for my hoard just so I don't do it on impulse </3
my mind's like "imagine the number goes up super fast and you miss it you should hatch now now NOW" and I gotta ignore the voices
[quote name="xGemDragonx" date="2024-12-27 08:24:14" ]
Ok real question: if you get the dragon, what will you do with it? Scry, scatter, sell?
Scatter until they have the most atrocious color combo this site has ever seen. Triple basic genes. Permababy. Name it something terrible like "Goobert." They will sit in my lair and do nothing except look stupid.
xGemDragonx wrote on 2024-12-27 08:24:14:
Ok real question: if you get the dragon, what will you do with it? Scry, scatter, sell?
Scatter until they have the most atrocious color combo this site has ever seen. Triple basic genes. Permababy. Name it something terrible like "Goobert." They will sit in my lair and do nothing except look stupid.
![]() | ..... |
![]() She/Her | +3 FR Time | Pings always okay! Coli Drop Sheet with BBCode | Flight Rising Toolkit My joints hurt. |

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