
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | One of the Roundsey dragons changed
Sigh. Yep, I specifically chose the Paisley gene for my Auras because of that darker lead color. -_- Why does everything have to be the same? There's many other genes that look different on different breeds.
Sigh. Yep, I specifically chose the Paisley gene for my Auras because of that darker lead color. -_- Why does everything have to be the same? There's many other genes that look different on different breeds.
[quote name="Squidily" date="2024-02-20 07:45:12" ] It may be hard to compare the two, so here is a side by side. No modifications were made except the background (made to match FR's colours) and the text was added. [img][/img] Honestly, while it's much more subtle on my girl, I can point out a few major differences like the belly colour being 'inverted" compared to the old one. The spirals are smaller and less purple in some places. The did add some purple in places, but the differences between the two are pretty clear when you go back and forth between the two images a few hundred times (like I did last night lol). I think she came out okay, but if I had Paisley on any of my Aura's I'd be heartbroken. I liked the "wrong" one way more. I think I even prefer the "wrong" version of Fern. They were both breed differences that I think added diversity to the breed, and really broke up the genes. Now I think both genes together make the design look much more muddled. [/quote] oh yikes that looks really bad now... I don't really understand why bother changing the primary when that wasn't even the part of the gene that was considered to be bugged. the shine that actually contoured the belly scales just looked much better and more thought out as did the additional shiny parts on the paisley patterning, the "after" here just looks incomplete and rushed
Squidily wrote on 2024-02-20 07:45:12:
It may be hard to compare the two, so here is a side by side. No modifications were made except the background (made to match FR's colours) and the text was added.

Honestly, while it's much more subtle on my girl, I can point out a few major differences like the belly colour being 'inverted" compared to the old one. The spirals are smaller and less purple in some places. The did add some purple in places, but the differences between the two are pretty clear when you go back and forth between the two images a few hundred times (like I did last night lol). I think she came out okay, but if I had Paisley on any of my Aura's I'd be heartbroken. I liked the "wrong" one way more. I think I even prefer the "wrong" version of Fern. They were both breed differences that I think added diversity to the breed, and really broke up the genes. Now I think both genes together make the design look much more muddled.

oh yikes that looks really bad now... I don't really understand why bother changing the primary when that wasn't even the part of the gene that was considered to be bugged. the shine that actually contoured the belly scales just looked much better and more thought out as did the additional shiny parts on the paisley patterning, the "after" here just looks incomplete and rushed
Wow, this is terrible. I was already iffy on fern/paisley as it is....
Wow, this is terrible. I was already iffy on fern/paisley as it is....
5x1.png10x1.pngadorable art by Deoxtri~10x1.png10x1.png10x1.png

5x1.png g4DcSLb.gif10x1.png mlHpBMC.png

It looks bad now; it flattens the wing and just looks scribbled on instead of natural. My 2c, anyway.

I don't have any Auraboas with Paisley and won't ever get one, now.
It looks bad now; it flattens the wing and just looks scribbled on instead of natural. My 2c, anyway.

I don't have any Auraboas with Paisley and won't ever get one, now.
Decided to make a comprehensive list of auraboa secondary genes and whether they conform to coatl/skydancer feather patterns (or otherwise treated as only wings) or with manes. This includes color placement because the color differences are exactly what differentiate mane and wing patterns on some genes, and do so consistently across breeds. I used metals and some other colors to see the differences with maximum clarity, though feel free to correct me if I missed something.

Secondaries treated as partially mane (6):
- Breakup
- Edged
- Hex (Color placement matches veilspun and aberration only)
- Hypnotic
- Jester (Similar to, but not matching, one aberration head's mane gradient. Obviously distinct from the lower feathers and skydancer/coatl wings, though doesn't match most manes)
- Weaver

Secondaries treated as fully wing (6):
- Constellation
- Current (Wing and mane patterns for this are very similar, though this is based on it seeming like One Thing instead of 2 separate sections on the auraboa wings)
- Myrid (While the wings are clearly being treated as one thing, neither skydancers nor coatls match the color or pattern choices for the wings. Skydancers have the darkest color on the edges of both wing layers, and coatls have mane color and texture on some of their feathers.)
- Saddle
- Striation
- Stripes

Secondaries where there is no clear distinction between coatl/skydancer wing patterns and general mane patterns (9):
- Alloy
- Basic
- Blend
- Daub (Skydancer wings match most breeds' manes and auraboa wings, but interestingly their own manes are an outlier)
- Flair (Matches gaoler manes, but could plausibly just be the regular pattern)
- Morph
- Paint
- Peregrine
- Rosette (Matches coatl hood only, no wing sections. Coatl & skydancer wings do not have the gradient, and the auraboa wings do not have the streaks seen in manes)

Secondaries exclusive to auraboas or only parallel to maneless breeds (5):
- Affection
- Diamondback
- Lacquer
- Larvae
- Woven

Paisley, of course, used to be in the mane category and is now in the wing category.

So, discounting paisley, among genes that make a distinction between layered feathers and manes, the top layer has an even split between "mane" treatment and "wing" treatment among genes.

I prefer the old version, though it could have used some touchups. There was really no reason to completely change the design. It's especially frustrating that a Roundsey dragon was changed so late into the raffle.
Decided to make a comprehensive list of auraboa secondary genes and whether they conform to coatl/skydancer feather patterns (or otherwise treated as only wings) or with manes. This includes color placement because the color differences are exactly what differentiate mane and wing patterns on some genes, and do so consistently across breeds. I used metals and some other colors to see the differences with maximum clarity, though feel free to correct me if I missed something.

Secondaries treated as partially mane (6):
- Breakup
- Edged
- Hex (Color placement matches veilspun and aberration only)
- Hypnotic
- Jester (Similar to, but not matching, one aberration head's mane gradient. Obviously distinct from the lower feathers and skydancer/coatl wings, though doesn't match most manes)
- Weaver

Secondaries treated as fully wing (6):
- Constellation
- Current (Wing and mane patterns for this are very similar, though this is based on it seeming like One Thing instead of 2 separate sections on the auraboa wings)
- Myrid (While the wings are clearly being treated as one thing, neither skydancers nor coatls match the color or pattern choices for the wings. Skydancers have the darkest color on the edges of both wing layers, and coatls have mane color and texture on some of their feathers.)
- Saddle
- Striation
- Stripes

Secondaries where there is no clear distinction between coatl/skydancer wing patterns and general mane patterns (9):
- Alloy
- Basic
- Blend
- Daub (Skydancer wings match most breeds' manes and auraboa wings, but interestingly their own manes are an outlier)
- Flair (Matches gaoler manes, but could plausibly just be the regular pattern)
- Morph
- Paint
- Peregrine
- Rosette (Matches coatl hood only, no wing sections. Coatl & skydancer wings do not have the gradient, and the auraboa wings do not have the streaks seen in manes)

Secondaries exclusive to auraboas or only parallel to maneless breeds (5):
- Affection
- Diamondback
- Lacquer
- Larvae
- Woven

Paisley, of course, used to be in the mane category and is now in the wing category.

So, discounting paisley, among genes that make a distinction between layered feathers and manes, the top layer has an even split between "mane" treatment and "wing" treatment among genes.

I prefer the old version, though it could have used some touchups. There was really no reason to completely change the design. It's especially frustrating that a Roundsey dragon was changed so late into the raffle.
Oof I think the previous version looked better ;-;
Oof I think the previous version looked better ;-;
the "fixed" version is fugly im so tired of getting ugly gene "fixes" (downgrades)
the "fixed" version is fugly im so tired of getting ugly gene "fixes" (downgrades)
It's absolutely bizarre to me that they will completely redraw genes that weren't bugged at all, but they won't slightly adjust Spines and Sailfin that don't even adhere to the actual spine of Auroboas, or make tweaks for line breaking terts to better account for Multigaze.

There are so many other things that really needed some minor adjustments to make the breed look better, but instead what happens is a gene gets ruined because someone flip flopped over a design choice.
It's absolutely bizarre to me that they will completely redraw genes that weren't bugged at all, but they won't slightly adjust Spines and Sailfin that don't even adhere to the actual spine of Auroboas, or make tweaks for line breaking terts to better account for Multigaze.

There are so many other things that really needed some minor adjustments to make the breed look better, but instead what happens is a gene gets ruined because someone flip flopped over a design choice.
What remains totally boggling to me is that the changed portions are labeled as "mane"-equivalents in the skin files, in which case they should have that darker color, lack of pattern, and intense gloss.

Not only does the change look—subjectively, but by wide opinion—worse, it also seems to be objectively inaccurate to the original design notes.
What remains totally boggling to me is that the changed portions are labeled as "mane"-equivalents in the skin files, in which case they should have that darker color, lack of pattern, and intense gloss.

Not only does the change look—subjectively, but by wide opinion—worse, it also seems to be objectively inaccurate to the original design notes.
pixel art adopt of Snowdrop the veilspun, by Ambulocetus

she/her | FR +2
previously Tuberose
[center]So, it's been brought up that breakup and hypnotic will also change, in that the top feathers will be patterned. [quote name="Undel on the Gene Error thread"] [LIST] [*]Secondary: Breakup on Auraboa should only have the stripes applied to the crest and is [b]missing patterning in the upper wings.[/b] [*]Secondary: Hypnotic on Auraboa F & H are missing some of the spots on the wing-hands. [b]The upper wings on all should have the hypnotic pattern applied to them.[/b] [/LIST][/quote] from the [url=]bug thread[/url] So anyone with dragons you love dearly with either gene (and honestly any gene that exhibits any of the "mane" variation) should save a picture of them now. Just in case. EDIT: Like, it just feels like none of the concerns have been seen at all :l There's been 0 response from any staff member, not even a little "we see you" comment. [i]We need communication. Don't leave us in the dark, and ignore us. Please.[/i]
So, it's been brought up that breakup and hypnotic will also change, in that the top feathers will be patterned.
Undel on the Gene Error thread wrote:
  • Secondary: Breakup on Auraboa should only have the stripes applied to the crest and is missing patterning in the upper wings.
  • Secondary: Hypnotic on Auraboa F & H are missing some of the spots on the wing-hands. The upper wings on all should have the hypnotic pattern applied to them.
from the bug thread

So anyone with dragons you love dearly with either gene (and honestly any gene that exhibits any of the "mane" variation) should save a picture of them now. Just in case.

Like, it just feels like none of the concerns have been seen at all :l There's been 0 response from any staff member, not even a little "we see you" comment.

We need communication. Don't leave us in the dark, and ignore us. Please.
oooooooooo YLVUOKI.pngo K H U Z D U L
- - - - - - - - - - -
oo Avatar dragon
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