
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | wip | dnp
the item of the week section genuinely brought a huge smile to my face, but all of this is very well done! delightful fanart/interview, and tidelord is especially well hidden this week
the item of the week section genuinely brought a huge smile to my face, but all of this is very well done! delightful fanart/interview, and tidelord is especially well hidden this week
Woooow, this newsletter is... Awesome!!! Good job!
Woooow, this newsletter is... Awesome!!! Good job!
[emoji=guardian laughing size=2]The transparent moodboard actually made me laugh out loud
The transparent moodboard actually made me laugh out loud
This is hilarious, thank you
This is hilarious, thank you
Link to art shopLink to skin shopImage depicting a large blue crab carrying produce on their back, its purpose being a background element for the signatureLink to a personal log thread containing various different links, information and sources
[b]What would your dragons wish for from a genie (five whoppers, and five MORE whoppers)[/b] Whopper, Whopper, Whopper, Whopper Junior, Double, Triple Whopper Flame-grilled taste with perfect toppers [left][url=][img][/img][/url][/left] [b]Which of your dragons would be turned into a meme?[/b] yes. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [b]..-. .. ...- . / .-- .... --- .--. .--. . .-. ... , / .- -. -.. / ..-. .. ...- . / -- --- .-. . / .-- .... --- .--. .--. . .-. ...?[/b] .-- .... --- .--. .--. . .-. / .-- .... --- .--. .--. . .-. / .-- .... --- .--. .--. . .-. / .-- .... --- .--. .--. . .-. [right][url=][img][/img][/url][/right] [b][url=]Which one of your dragons would this best apply to?[/url][/b] . . . [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- EDIT: i had a lot of fun rotating my dragon. yes. AND the newsletter was very fun :3
What would your dragons wish for from a genie (five whoppers, and five MORE whoppers)

Whopper, Whopper, Whopper, Whopper
Junior, Double, Triple Whopper
Flame-grilled taste with perfect toppers

Which of your dragons would be turned into a meme?


..-. .. ...- . / .-- .... --- .--. .--. . .-. ... , / .- -. -.. / ..-. .. ...- . / -- --- .-. . / .-- .... --- .--. .--. . .-. ...?

.-- .... --- .--. .--. . .-. / .-- .... --- .--. .--. . .-. / .-- .... --- .--. .--. . .-. / .-- .... --- .--. .--. . .-.

Which one of your dragons would this best apply to?

. . .

EDIT: i had a lot of fun rotating my dragon. yes. AND the newsletter was very fun :3
muah Ny2nyyg.png x xenonyn
pings are welcomed!
fr +3 | est/edt
isfp | capricorn
i love the color green
xxxxxxx J0iUWhB.png
x mneBrSJ.png hello, ur
a cutie
thank you thank you, best edition yet
thank you thank you, best edition yet
Not sure what you mean by where's tidelord this week of the newspaper. I don't believe he's in the image provided this time.
Not sure what you mean by where's tidelord this week of the newspaper. I don't believe he's in the image provided this time.
2COzMGY.gif filler text
Avatar Dragon
FR +3
[center][size=2][url=]Main Page[/url] | [url=]This Week's Page & Edition Archive[/url] [url=]Rules & Qualifications[/url] | [url=]Applications for Topics[/url] | [url=]Staff Applications[/url] | [url=]Front Page Badge[/url][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][quote][b]Hi everyone![/b] It is the freakin' weekend!! Yay! We hope you all had a great week!! [/quote][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ----- ----- [quote=from liteweaver]Hello! A note! So, we've had our newsletter for 2 months, soon-to be going on to three months. Wow, you guys weren't joking when you said "it's difficult to keep up with" when I first posted the interest topic. But I have been pleasantly and consistently surprised at how lovely the staff team is behind the scenes, and how kind and engaging you, our readers, are! We'll keep at it as long as we can. Thank you so so so much for all of your funny PMs, comments, and feedback. You are all very much appreciated. I do want to touch base on a few things! [list] [*]Applications are permanently open. It's not really even an application, you just need to: [b]send me (@liteweaver) a PM with what you like to do, like are you a numbers person, an artist, coding, proofreading, staff emotional support, etc, and I'll send you a link to the server. [/b] I really enjoy having a larger staff because it is quite easy to get burned out + real life just has a funky way of popping up and taking people away from Flight Rising. Which is 1000% why our newsletter isn't posted at a specific time. Shout out to work, school, pets, kids, the need to sleep, and eat.....! [*]Sections will be moving around, disappearing, and re-appearing over the next few weeks! There will also be some new sections that will be tested for feasibility. Never be afraid to make suggestions or provide feedback. All I ask if that you're not rude about it. Heavy on the feel free to make suggestions! This is a community based newsletter, so whatever you want to see, is important to us. [*]I have a little request! If I post topics, and you end up engaging with one of them, could you do me a favor, and post here on this topic that you popped into a suggested topic? I'd like to keep track (somehow) of what y'all are actually enjoying and engaging with, haha. [*]The giveaway winners will be kept to people that engage with the newsletter in someway. This also includes sending over your answers for the crossword. This isn't to say we don't appreciate our lurkers, we do! But I definitely want to make sure prizes are being sent over to users that are active on site + even remember that they're subscribed to this topic. [*]Our artists all volunteer their work, so sometimes we won't have badges. I never ever want any of the staff to feel as if they are required to do art for this. [/list] I think that is everything I can think of for now. I'm sure I'll bolt up off my couch in a few hours, run back to my desktop, and have to fix something, but until's the newest edition!![/quote] [center][img][/img][/center] ----- -----
Hi everyone! It is the freakin' weekend!! Yay! We hope you all had a great week!!

from liteweaver wrote:
Hello! A note! So, we've had our newsletter for 2 months, soon-to be going on to three months. Wow, you guys weren't joking when you said "it's difficult to keep up with" when I first posted the interest topic. But I have been pleasantly and consistently surprised at how lovely the staff team is behind the scenes, and how kind and engaging you, our readers, are! We'll keep at it as long as we can. Thank you so so so much for all of your funny PMs, comments, and feedback. You are all very much appreciated.

I do want to touch base on a few things!
  • Applications are permanently open. It's not really even an application, you just need to: send me (@liteweaver) a PM with what you like to do, like are you a numbers person, an artist, coding, proofreading, staff emotional support, etc, and I'll send you a link to the server.

    I really enjoy having a larger staff because it is quite easy to get burned out + real life just has a funky way of popping up and taking people away from Flight Rising. Which is 1000% why our newsletter isn't posted at a specific time. Shout out to work, school, pets, kids, the need to sleep, and eat.....!
  • Sections will be moving around, disappearing, and re-appearing over the next few weeks! There will also be some new sections that will be tested for feasibility.

    Never be afraid to make suggestions or provide feedback. All I ask if that you're not rude about it. Heavy on the feel free to make suggestions! This is a community based newsletter, so whatever you want to see, is important to us.
  • I have a little request! If I post topics, and you end up engaging with one of them, could you do me a favor, and post here on this topic that you popped into a suggested topic? I'd like to keep track (somehow) of what y'all are actually enjoying and engaging with, haha.
  • The giveaway winners will be kept to people that engage with the newsletter in someway. This also includes sending over your answers for the crossword. This isn't to say we don't appreciate our lurkers, we do! But I definitely want to make sure prizes are being sent over to users that are active on site + even remember that they're subscribed to this topic.
  • Our artists all volunteer their work, so sometimes we won't have badges. I never ever want any of the staff to feel as if they are required to do art for this.

I think that is everything I can think of for now. I'm sure I'll bolt up off my couch in a few hours, run back to my desktop, and have to fix something, but until's the newest edition!!

[center][img][/img] [i]a small sample of some topics that i found while clicking around the forums and sort of lurking.[/i][/center] [quote=some topics you may enjoy] The thing about FRD is that you have probably already seen a lot of the topics that I would normally post here, but it doesn't hurt to have a quick refresher in case you missed something. ....[b]Flight Rising Discussion[/b]... One of my questions has been posed again, [b][i][url=]if you had to switch flights, which flight would you move to?[/url][/i][/b] I think I'd move to Earth, and I'd end up being one of those classic Earth flight players that has one of the most aesthetic earth toned lairs ever. I know we celebrate birthdays (sort of) in our newsletter, but here's a [url=][b][i]birthday master-list[/b][/i][/url] for every player on Flight Rising that would like to join [emoji=birthday cake size=1]. It has been updated very recently, too!! That's pretty much all that caught my eye for FRD since a lot of topics are casual conversational/observation topics and ones about Marva which has passed. [emoji=special eyes size=1] [center][emoji=cloud size=1][/center] [b]....Suggestions Forum...[/b] Let's take a journey over to, and I think this is a first, the suggestions forum! Everyone deserves to have their opinions and suggestions heard, maybe these are really good ideas to you, or you have some concerns, if you want, you can chime in? This is a unique suggestion, that I haven't seen before - [url=][b][i]should players be able to cancel a nest if they accidentally breed two dragons they didn't mean to?[/b][/i][/url] Idunno. Breeding is one aspect of the site I rarely utilize, but I am interested to follow the topic. Admittedly, the longer I read through a lot of the topics, they're the same suggestions we've been making for a long time - no shade - just it is what it is. However, while this topic is REALLY old (3 years), it may be worth taking a look at. [url=][i][b]It's about adding a new NPC to the game for the coliseum![/b][/i][/url] The topic includes mock-ups, too. It is pretty neat. [center][emoji=cloud size=1][/center] [b]....Dragon Share...[/b] I am so very picky about the genes I give my handful of dragons, and it feels like distress tolerance when I venture into topics dedicated to genes I don't like very much at all! Soap is one of those genes, but I admit that this [url=][i][b]Soap show off topic makes some compelling arguments.[/i][/b][/url] Really compelling! I might go hang out in the AH, and consider some new dragons...haha jk...unless. Anyway, if you want a little pick me up in the way of some likes on some of your dragons, [url=][i][b]you can like OP's dragons in exchange for them liking some of yours.[/b][/i][/url] Everyone's dragons deserve some love. [emoji=familiar heart size=1] Yooo, I ADORE when old topics are still around. This one is from 2019. [url=][i][b]Did you find or buy an interesting dragon from the AH?[/i][/b][/url] You can collect a badge for it. Speaking of badges! The creativity of this community is never ending. [url=][b][i]There's a new cult? Wait, no, a Colony you can join + collect a badge if you like nature.[/i][/b][/url] It's very fun! I don't think my spoiled Aethers would not have a good time in the dirt and mud, haha. [center][emoji=cloud size=1][/center] [b]....General Discussion...[/b] This subforum does lack a lot of dragons, but there are a lot of fun topics to find in here. This next one isn't fun, but it's so very real. [url=][i][b]Do you have any sad song suggestions?[/i][/b].[/url] I do, but I don't want to cry right now. The last topic I have for y'all is a really easy one for those of us that love to read. So, [url=][i][b]what're you reading?[/i][/b][/url] [center] --- [/center] That is what we have for topics this week! This formatting is waaaay easier than the other one. I might still play around with it, but I do like the laid back conversational style.[/quote] ----- ----- [center][img][/img] [i]A nice refresher for navigating around Flight Rising![/i] [b]By:[/b] CrumbledCandy[/center] [quote][center][emoji=subscription update size=1][i]Does the dragon match the eyes, or do the eyes match the dragon? Here's a really thorough guide to eye color and gene colors![/i] [center][b][url=]>>> here it is <<<[/url][/b][/center][/quote] [quote][center][emoji=subscription update size=1][i]There is a method to the flash sales in the marketplace! [/i] [center][b][url=]>>> here it is <<<[/url][/b][/center][/quote] [quote][center][emoji=subscription update size=1][i]Here's a guide for organizing your hoard if you need it. Looks like you may need some understanding of spreadsheets though.[/i] [center][b][url=]>>> here it is <<<[/url][/b][/center][/quote] ----- ----- [center][img][/img] [i]How is the egg market? Here's a look at Nocturne and Plague egg prices throughout the week! Stonks![/i] [b]By:[/b] gumiho & banner by Caelight[/center] [quote=April 1, 2024 - April 6, 2024 @ 6pm][columns][item=unhatched nocturne egg][nextcol][size=2] [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]238g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]237g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]235g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]239g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]238g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]235g[/i][/columns] [columns][item=unhatched plague egg][nextcol][size=2] [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]250g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]245g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]280g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]279g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]270g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]270g[/i][/columns][/quote] ----- ----- [center][img][/img][/center]
a small sample of some topics that i found while clicking around the forums and sort of lurking.
some topics you may enjoy wrote:
The thing about FRD is that you have probably already seen a lot of the topics that I would normally post here, but it doesn't hurt to have a quick refresher in case you missed something.

....Flight Rising Discussion...
One of my questions has been posed again, if you had to switch flights, which flight would you move to? I think I'd move to Earth, and I'd end up being one of those classic Earth flight players that has one of the most aesthetic earth toned lairs ever. I know we celebrate birthdays (sort of) in our newsletter, but here's a birthday master-list for every player on Flight Rising that would like to join . It has been updated very recently, too!! That's pretty much all that caught my eye for FRD since a lot of topics are casual conversational/observation topics and ones about Marva which has passed.

....Suggestions Forum...
Let's take a journey over to, and I think this is a first, the suggestions forum! Everyone deserves to have their opinions and suggestions heard, maybe these are really good ideas to you, or you have some concerns, if you want, you can chime in?

This is a unique suggestion, that I haven't seen before - should players be able to cancel a nest if they accidentally breed two dragons they didn't mean to? Idunno. Breeding is one aspect of the site I rarely utilize, but I am interested to follow the topic.

Admittedly, the longer I read through a lot of the topics, they're the same suggestions we've been making for a long time - no shade - just it is what it is. However, while this topic is REALLY old (3 years), it may be worth taking a look at. It's about adding a new NPC to the game for the coliseum! The topic includes mock-ups, too. It is pretty neat.

....Dragon Share...
I am so very picky about the genes I give my handful of dragons, and it feels like distress tolerance when I venture into topics dedicated to genes I don't like very much at all! Soap is one of those genes, but I admit that this Soap show off topic makes some compelling arguments. Really compelling! I might go hang out in the AH, and consider some new dragons...haha jk...unless. Anyway, if you want a little pick me up in the way of some likes on some of your dragons, you can like OP's dragons in exchange for them liking some of yours. Everyone's dragons deserve some love.

Yooo, I ADORE when old topics are still around. This one is from 2019. Did you find or buy an interesting dragon from the AH? You can collect a badge for it. Speaking of badges! The creativity of this community is never ending. There's a new cult? Wait, no, a Colony you can join + collect a badge if you like nature. It's very fun! I don't think my spoiled Aethers would not have a good time in the dirt and mud, haha.

....General Discussion...
This subforum does lack a lot of dragons, but there are a lot of fun topics to find in here. This next one isn't fun, but it's so very real. Do you have any sad song suggestions?. I do, but I don't want to cry right now. The last topic I have for y'all is a really easy one for those of us that love to read. So, what're you reading?

That is what we have for topics this week! This formatting is waaaay easier than the other one. I might still play around with it, but I do like the laid back conversational style.

A nice refresher for navigating around Flight Rising!
By: CrumbledCandy
Does the dragon match the eyes, or do the eyes match the dragon? Here's a really thorough guide to eye color and gene colors!
There is a method to the flash sales in the marketplace!
Here's a guide for organizing your hoard if you need it. Looks like you may need some understanding of spreadsheets though.


How is the egg market? Here's a look at Nocturne and Plague egg prices throughout the week! Stonks!
By: gumiho & banner by Caelight
April 1, 2024 - April 6, 2024 @ 6pm wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg 238g 237g 235g 239g 238g 235g
Unhatched Plague Egg 250g 245g 280g 279g 270g 270g

[columns] [quote=PRIMARY] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center] @Ebrietas' [url=][b]Ophir[/b][/url] [/center] [/quote] [quote=SECONDARY] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center] @SillyFilly's [url=][b]Jared[/b][/url] [/center] [/quote] [quote=TERTIARY] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center] @Caitiff's [url=][b]Corundum[/b][/url] [/center] [/quote] [center] [b]FAMILIAR PAIRING:[/b] [item=Bogsneak Puppet] [gamedb item=20812] [/center] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center] [b]XXX[/b]: @shanara's [url=][b]Bryant[/b][/url] [/center] [quote= Bisons] [b]This week's Colour of The Week is [size=4]TARNISH![/size][/b] It's the [b]143rd[/b] colour in the colour wheel, and was added as a part of the [b]colour wheel expansion[/b] in June 8th, 2016. It's hex code is [b]#855B33[/b]! [center][b]Do you have any dragons that are tarnish? Share them with us![/b][/center] [/quote] [center][size=4][b]Tarnish Moodboard[/b][/size][/center] [item=Daddy Longlegs][item=Fir Logs][item=Florid Ring][item=Good Eater Award] [gamedb item=5705][gamedb item=260][gamedb item=34173][gamedb item=5709] [/columns] ----- [center] [size=7][color=#855B33]♥Write in TARNISH ink!♥[/color][/size] [code][color=#855B33]♥I love TARNISH!♥[/color][/code][/center] [center] [size=7][color=#855B33]♥Get your FREE colour card!♥[/color][/size] [quote=tarnish] [img][/img][/quote] [code][/code][/center] ----- ----- [center][img][/img] [size=2]Thank you Caelight for the banner![/size] [i]Let's show off the artists of the community![/i] [b]By:[/b] SillyFilly[/center] [columns][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Click on the artwork for a full-size image! [nextcol][quote=DragonJade][user=DragonJade] [size=2]Dragon featured is [url=]Lumen[/url], a 6 year old dragon I bought already pre-levelled to 25![/size] [/quote] For this week of [i]Fanart of the Week[/i], the talented @ DragonJade was chosen! [LIST] [*] Starting off strong, I absolutely [i]adore[/i] the usage of colors. The piece gives off a very underwater/sunrise-y vibe to me and I'm here for it! [*] The way Lumen is posed is very dynamic, almost as if he had come to life. [*] The cell shading is simply spectacular, giving an ethereal appearance to the dragon. The light source was also a good choice! [/list] Congratulations to them for the feature and keep up the good work! [/columns] [center]Want your Flight Rising fanart to be featured on [i]The Front Page[/i]? Click the link below and fill out the form for a chance to get featured and earn 50 gems. [b][url=]>>> FotW Form <<<[/url][/b][/center] ----- ----- [center][img][/img] [i]It's always a good time to work on it![/i][/center] [quote=LORE LORE LORE] [emoji=question mark size=1][i]Do you have any superstitious dragons? [emoji=question mark size=1]Do you have a dragon that is truly best friends with their familiar? [emoji=question mark size=1]Who would be the absolute worst hatchling sitter? [emoji=question mark size=1]Does your lair have anyone that really love inventing things even if said things don't work that well?[/i][/quote] ----- ----- [center][img][/img] [i]I'm curious! Here's a poll![/i] [b]By:[/b] liteweaver[/center] [quote=Question of the Week] [emoji=ping size=1]Would you rather have hatch-able (?) familiars, or user designed apparel? [center][b][url=]>> link to poll <<[/url][/b][/center][/quote] [center][i]Here are the results from last-ish week!![/i] [img][/img][/center] ----- ----- [columns][b]Fun fact![/b] At the time of this posting, there are only three dragons in the auction house with the button eye type. [emoji=special eyes size=1][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [center][size=2]meet candle! thank you, @/sillyfilly![/center][/size] ----- ----- [center][img][/img] By: The Front Page Staff Team[/center] Giveaway prizes are given to a random person that engages with the newsletter! [center] [quote=previous giveaway][item=mistral bow][item=daffodil of mistral][item=Tertiary Banescale Gene: Mistral][item=Tertiary Undertide Gene: Mistral] @IchiHanabi is the winner of the last giveaway.[/quote] [quote=new giveaway] [item=unhatched plague egg][item=plague runestone][item=plague aura][/quote][/center] ----- [center][img][/img]
PRIMARY wrote:
Bogsneak Puppet
Bogsneak Puppet

XXX: @shanara's Bryant
Bisons wrote:
This week's Colour of The Week is TARNISH! It's the 143rd colour in the colour wheel, and was added as a part of the colour wheel expansion in June 8th, 2016. It's hex code is #855B33!
Do you have any dragons that are tarnish? Share them with us!
Tarnish Moodboard
Daddy Longlegs Fir Logs Florid Ring Good Eater Award
Daddy LonglegsFir LogsFlorid RingGood Eater Award

♥Write in TARNISH ink!♥
[color=#855B33]♥I love TARNISH!♥[/color]
♥Get your FREE colour card!♥
tarnish wrote:

Thank you Caelight for the banner!
Let's show off the artists of the community!
By: SillyFilly
Click on the artwork for a full-size image!
DragonJade wrote:
Dragon featured is Lumen, a 6 year old dragon I bought already pre-levelled to 25!

For this week of Fanart of the Week, the talented @ DragonJade was chosen!
  • Starting off strong, I absolutely adore the usage of colors. The piece gives off a very underwater/sunrise-y vibe to me and I'm here for it!
  • The way Lumen is posed is very dynamic, almost as if he had come to life.
  • The cell shading is simply spectacular, giving an ethereal appearance to the dragon. The light source was also a good choice!
Congratulations to them for the feature and keep up the good work!
Want your Flight Rising fanart to be featured on The Front Page? Click the link below and fill out the form for a chance to get featured and earn 50 gems.

>>> FotW Form <<<

It's always a good time to work on it!
Do you have any superstitious dragons?

Do you have a dragon that is truly best friends with their familiar?

Who would be the absolute worst hatchling sitter?

Does your lair have anyone that really love inventing things even if said things don't work that well?

I'm curious! Here's a poll!
By: liteweaver
Question of the Week wrote:
Would you rather have hatch-able (?) familiars, or user designed apparel?
Here are the results from last-ish week!!

Fun fact! At the time of this posting, there are only three dragons in the auction house with the button eye type. Untitled7699-20240204203042.png
meet candle! thank you, @/sillyfilly!

By: The Front Page Staff Team

Giveaway prizes are given to a random person that engages with the newsletter!
previous giveaway wrote:
Mistral Bow Daffodil of Mistral Tertiary Banescale Gene: Mistral Tertiary Undertide Gene: Mistral

@IchiHanabi is the winner of the last giveaway.
new giveaway wrote:
Unhatched Plague Egg Plague Runestone Plague Aura
