
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | POV of why some users are not happy
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There are some pretty key differences in the previous crashes that set them apart from this one though. I too was here for the gene previewing thing and if the staff had introduced an item before they introduced the scrying workshop that was one time use that let you preview and then said it was permanently retired then that situation would mimic this one. But they didn't and so it doesn't.

The dragon prices thing was similar but again no "permanently' Retired item was rendered moot point my a technicality.

If they do release an item that changes nest element temporarily and breaks the nest rental market it will be because they set a precedent with this recent update that let the populous know they could demand it.

There are some pretty key differences in the previous crashes that set them apart from this one though. I too was here for the gene previewing thing and if the staff had introduced an item before they introduced the scrying workshop that was one time use that let you preview and then said it was permanently retired then that situation would mimic this one. But they didn't and so it doesn't.

The dragon prices thing was similar but again no "permanently' Retired item was rendered moot point my a technicality.

If they do release an item that changes nest element temporarily and breaks the nest rental market it will be because they set a precedent with this recent update that let the populous know they could demand it.
[quote name="GuidanceOfficer" date="2021-05-05 19:44:46" ] I think the thing that I don't see in this argument is that, like, you can want to play the game a certain way because you're an older player and that's fine. But things that make the game more challenging for YOU make it more restrictive for new players. I'm sorry but just because you've put time into this game, doesn't mean you're the majority of its playerbase, and even if you are, that doesn't mean the devs have to pander to you. Something I noticed when this update came out is that it's another update that people have been asking for for ages, that for YEARS if you BOTHERED to suggest in the suggestions forum, people would shout you down and condescendingly tell you that's not how the game works. And people do that for almost any update. Remember when pose-changing scrolls were unthinkable? I got yelled at for suggesting to add a "return to nesting grounds" button to the page where you're shown your new hatchlings! People on this website resist literally any update that makes the game experience smoother and it's one of the reasons I'm no longer as active on Flight Rising. Maybe having the game be extra challenging keeps you coming back. But it makes other players not want to return to the site when anything they want to do to their dragons is ridiculously expensive or time-consuming. I understand that that's a part of the game's design, but updates that balance that and make it more viable for less dedicated players are important. You aren't more deserving of your dream flight rising experience than other players for any reason. [/quote] @GuidanceOfficer I was one of those people who used to never support ideas that i thought might give the user base a serious entitlement problem if they were ever implemented. I was always worried capitulating to the user bases complaints would make it so even game breaking ideas would gain traction if enough people threw a fit. I've been a part of MMOs where the devs listened to much to the user base and the games balance was destroyed because of it. I cannot apologies for anyone else who shouted down ideas for being to "out there" but I can apologies to you. I'm sorry. It's pretty clear now that the user base has no idea what the devs of this game will and will not do and their timelines for doing said things.
GuidanceOfficer wrote on 2021-05-05 19:44:46:
I think the thing that I don't see in this argument is that, like, you can want to play the game a certain way because you're an older player and that's fine. But things that make the game more challenging for YOU make it more restrictive for new players. I'm sorry but just because you've put time into this game, doesn't mean you're the majority of its playerbase, and even if you are, that doesn't mean the devs have to pander to you.

Something I noticed when this update came out is that it's another update that people have been asking for for ages, that for YEARS if you BOTHERED to suggest in the suggestions forum, people would shout you down and condescendingly tell you that's not how the game works. And people do that for almost any update. Remember when pose-changing scrolls were unthinkable? I got yelled at for suggesting to add a "return to nesting grounds" button to the page where you're shown your new hatchlings!

People on this website resist literally any update that makes the game experience smoother and it's one of the reasons I'm no longer as active on Flight Rising. Maybe having the game be extra challenging keeps you coming back. But it makes other players not want to return to the site when anything they want to do to their dragons is ridiculously expensive or time-consuming. I understand that that's a part of the game's design, but updates that balance that and make it more viable for less dedicated players are important.

You aren't more deserving of your dream flight rising experience than other players for any reason.


I was one of those people who used to never support ideas that i thought might give the user base a serious entitlement problem if they were ever implemented. I was always worried capitulating to the user bases complaints would make it so even game breaking ideas would gain traction if enough people threw a fit. I've been a part of MMOs where the devs listened to much to the user base and the games balance was destroyed because of it.

I cannot apologies for anyone else who shouted down ideas for being to "out there" but I can apologies to you. I'm sorry. It's pretty clear now that the user base has no idea what the devs of this game will and will not do and their timelines for doing said things.
As a person whos used a lot of gems and time on primal eyes I am not at all surprised by this update but it's poor of them to take THIS long to change it. Issues were brought up on the first day...

FR isn't about challenge and it's about people making their own fun. I stopped playing site a while ago as this isn't really for me but I understand why it's appealing to others.

Don't trust staffs words and expect anything to become easier to get at any time.
As a person whos used a lot of gems and time on primal eyes I am not at all surprised by this update but it's poor of them to take THIS long to change it. Issues were brought up on the first day...

FR isn't about challenge and it's about people making their own fun. I stopped playing site a while ago as this isn't really for me but I understand why it's appealing to others.

Don't trust staffs words and expect anything to become easier to get at any time.
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I have a full set of naturally born primal g1s. I've spent an obscene amount of gems purchasing them, scattering them, geneing and dressing them. I have every reason to be upset over this update,

but I'm not.

Honestly, the eye update should have been done like this in the first place. Rare and exclusive items are fine, but attainable. For many players, a primal g1 was not attainable, much less many, and there was no other way to change an already existing dragon aside from an item that was becoming more and more expensive as time passed. While I may have been able to afford the ones I purchased, many others I knew were not. Even long-time players that only played casually.

Instead of creating a new way to customize a dragon and make it unique, it created an environment of "haves" and "have-nots". In a game centered around collecting and hoarding, it felt wrong. With how staff has been handling new items that are traditionally retired and retired items in general with Joxar and Roundsey, it seems they're trying to get away from creating more and more instances of the stated environment above. And I'm all for it.

Gatekeeping aspects of dragon customization shouldn't be a thing. WC scrolls are expensive, but they still cycle and there's an unlimited quantity of them when they are around. Other gem genes are also constantly available. These new eye vials are also getting sniped and resold at a higher price, and that's fine. Expensive, but attainable. I personally despise that Imp scrolls are locked behind obscenely expensive price tags and rarity and I do hope at some point staff brings them back somehow, but that's not really what this thread is for.

The point is, this was a step forward in creating a more balanced playing field for those that have just started their dragon journey and those that have been here and have many assets to liquidate at their leisure. This was a good update, even if it came three years too late.
I have a full set of naturally born primal g1s. I've spent an obscene amount of gems purchasing them, scattering them, geneing and dressing them. I have every reason to be upset over this update,

but I'm not.

Honestly, the eye update should have been done like this in the first place. Rare and exclusive items are fine, but attainable. For many players, a primal g1 was not attainable, much less many, and there was no other way to change an already existing dragon aside from an item that was becoming more and more expensive as time passed. While I may have been able to afford the ones I purchased, many others I knew were not. Even long-time players that only played casually.

Instead of creating a new way to customize a dragon and make it unique, it created an environment of "haves" and "have-nots". In a game centered around collecting and hoarding, it felt wrong. With how staff has been handling new items that are traditionally retired and retired items in general with Joxar and Roundsey, it seems they're trying to get away from creating more and more instances of the stated environment above. And I'm all for it.

Gatekeeping aspects of dragon customization shouldn't be a thing. WC scrolls are expensive, but they still cycle and there's an unlimited quantity of them when they are around. Other gem genes are also constantly available. These new eye vials are also getting sniped and resold at a higher price, and that's fine. Expensive, but attainable. I personally despise that Imp scrolls are locked behind obscenely expensive price tags and rarity and I do hope at some point staff brings them back somehow, but that's not really what this thread is for.

The point is, this was a step forward in creating a more balanced playing field for those that have just started their dragon journey and those that have been here and have many assets to liquidate at their leisure. This was a good update, even if it came three years too late.
url=]UM/ Festival Accents for Sale Here![/url]
Coming back to add: if it was suuuuch a big problem - there wouldn't be just stacks and stacks of most of the eye vials (excluding primal, fine, yes, fine) in just what? 3 days? after they changed this in the market. Most of them aren't so expensive that you can't get the more basic ones if you want them.
From how this was put out, it sounds like it was a huge debilitating issue site wide, everyone just lacked accessibility, or they would use them. I'm not seeing them really used? I slapped one vial on one dreg that I wanted and called it a day - looks to me that most people did the same, just correcting derpy eyes or modifying their profile dregs, minus the whole primal thing...

Edit: yes, I do realize they are probably stocking more of them right now than they will later... but.... that still just proves my point. Maybe it mattered you know, 3 years ago, before everyone just bred/hatched whatever they wanted already.....

Edit 2: also you know... if I'm going to buy fun eyes, it will be for a g1 but... they are also devalued left and right. My tiny back-pocket savings (and I do mean, tiny, I wasn't a scatter-hoarder) is gone, and so there goes my ability/will to do more g1 projects...... so why would I when I can just... buy a bred thing, slap the eyes on and call it a day? Idk, I'm getting saltier with this update over time tbh....
Coming back to add: if it was suuuuch a big problem - there wouldn't be just stacks and stacks of most of the eye vials (excluding primal, fine, yes, fine) in just what? 3 days? after they changed this in the market. Most of them aren't so expensive that you can't get the more basic ones if you want them.
From how this was put out, it sounds like it was a huge debilitating issue site wide, everyone just lacked accessibility, or they would use them. I'm not seeing them really used? I slapped one vial on one dreg that I wanted and called it a day - looks to me that most people did the same, just correcting derpy eyes or modifying their profile dregs, minus the whole primal thing...

Edit: yes, I do realize they are probably stocking more of them right now than they will later... but.... that still just proves my point. Maybe it mattered you know, 3 years ago, before everyone just bred/hatched whatever they wanted already.....

Edit 2: also you know... if I'm going to buy fun eyes, it will be for a g1 but... they are also devalued left and right. My tiny back-pocket savings (and I do mean, tiny, I wasn't a scatter-hoarder) is gone, and so there goes my ability/will to do more g1 projects...... so why would I when I can just... buy a bred thing, slap the eyes on and call it a day? Idk, I'm getting saltier with this update over time tbh....
Photobucket broke my store but here D:
@Anayalation I mean, I would buy more, but I completely cleared out my treasure hoard on them already. I'm sure I'm not the only person who's either run out of treasure or who's saving up. [emoji=imperial tongue size=1]
@Anayalation I mean, I would buy more, but I completely cleared out my treasure hoard on them already. I'm sure I'm not the only person who's either run out of treasure or who's saving up.
i believe that you believe there is a heaven
where you belong.
No, no, I'm aware/sure that's part of it - but also how many would most people have/be doing realistically? and re, my second edit: people will still probably mostly use it on g1s?
No, no, I'm aware/sure that's part of it - but also how many would most people have/be doing realistically? and re, my second edit: people will still probably mostly use it on g1s?
Photobucket broke my store but here D:
[quote name="Silverishness" date="2021-05-06 08:54:56" ] I have a full set of naturally born primal g1s. I've spent an obscene amount of gems purchasing them, scattering them, geneing and dressing them. I have every reason to be upset over this update, but I'm not. Honestly, the eye update should have been done like this in the first place. Rare and exclusive items are fine, but attainable. For many players, a primal g1 was not attainable, much less many, and there was no other way to change an already existing dragon aside from an item that was becoming more and more expensive as time passed. While I may have been able to afford the ones I purchased, many others I knew were not. Even long-time players that only played casually. Instead of creating a new way to customize a dragon and make it unique, it created an environment of "haves" and "have-nots". In a game centered around collecting and hoarding, it felt wrong. With how staff has been handling new items that are traditionally retired and retired items in general with Joxar and Roundsey, it seems they're trying to get away from creating more and more instances of the stated environment above. And I'm all for it. Gatekeeping aspects of dragon customization shouldn't be a thing. WC scrolls are expensive, but they still cycle and there's an unlimited quantity of them when they are around. Other gem genes are also constantly available. These new eye vials are also getting sniped and resold at a higher price, and that's fine. Expensive, but attainable. I personally despise that Imp scrolls are locked behind obscenely expensive price tags and rarity and I do hope at some point staff brings them back somehow, but that's not really what this thread is for. The point is, this was a step forward in creating a more balanced playing field for those that have just started their dragon journey and those that have been here and have many assets to liquidate at their leisure. This was a good update, even if it came three years too late. [/quote] Everyone keeps saying the eye's created an atmosphere of elitism but are people not aware that low ID dragons and G1 were already the realm of the rich and older players? Even with the 'loss' of primals as a status symbol Gen1s and low ID (and gen1 imps) still exist and still show the haves and the have nots. Same with things like the first festival items and anniversary gifts. The only way to 'level the playing field' for newbs is to make every single item on the site available at all times to all players at a really low price. Sure roundsey adds back items every now and again but the rare stuff she gives out is limited. what happens when she runs out of donated items to give? Just one more thing to separate the classes i guess...
Silverishness wrote on 2021-05-06 08:54:56:
I have a full set of naturally born primal g1s. I've spent an obscene amount of gems purchasing them, scattering them, geneing and dressing them. I have every reason to be upset over this update,

but I'm not.

Honestly, the eye update should have been done like this in the first place. Rare and exclusive items are fine, but attainable. For many players, a primal g1 was not attainable, much less many, and there was no other way to change an already existing dragon aside from an item that was becoming more and more expensive as time passed. While I may have been able to afford the ones I purchased, many others I knew were not. Even long-time players that only played casually.

Instead of creating a new way to customize a dragon and make it unique, it created an environment of "haves" and "have-nots". In a game centered around collecting and hoarding, it felt wrong. With how staff has been handling new items that are traditionally retired and retired items in general with Joxar and Roundsey, it seems they're trying to get away from creating more and more instances of the stated environment above. And I'm all for it.

Gatekeeping aspects of dragon customization shouldn't be a thing. WC scrolls are expensive, but they still cycle and there's an unlimited quantity of them when they are around. Other gem genes are also constantly available. These new eye vials are also getting sniped and resold at a higher price, and that's fine. Expensive, but attainable. I personally despise that Imp scrolls are locked behind obscenely expensive price tags and rarity and I do hope at some point staff brings them back somehow, but that's not really what this thread is for.

The point is, this was a step forward in creating a more balanced playing field for those that have just started their dragon journey and those that have been here and have many assets to liquidate at their leisure. This was a good update, even if it came three years too late.

Everyone keeps saying the eye's created an atmosphere of elitism but are people not aware that low ID dragons and G1 were already the realm of the rich and older players? Even with the 'loss' of primals as a status symbol Gen1s and low ID (and gen1 imps) still exist and still show the haves and the have nots. Same with things like the first festival items and anniversary gifts.

The only way to 'level the playing field' for newbs is to make every single item on the site available at all times to all players at a really low price. Sure roundsey adds back items every now and again but the rare stuff she gives out is limited. what happens when she runs out of donated items to give? Just one more thing to separate the classes i guess...
tbh i completely agree with the OP
i haven't even had eye types be a goal of mine personally but even i am kind of dissappointed
i mean if fr started this way it'd be fine but since people have spent good money getting stuff... it just seems unfair for them
tbh i completely agree with the OP
i haven't even had eye types be a goal of mine personally but even i am kind of dissappointed
i mean if fr started this way it'd be fine but since people have spent good money getting stuff... it just seems unfair for them
welcome home theseus
@Anayalation I feel like the only way to really know the answer to that question would be to do surveys, but that wouldn't count people who aren't on the forums to see said surveys in the first place. Only staff (I assume?) knows how much of what gets bought from the Marketplace at any given time.

But IDK, personally I'm planning to alter probably half of my dragons over time (or I'm going to get new dragons so that I can have certain specific eye types), and only about a quarter? of them are G1s. I'm also starting some new projects based specifically on having certain eye tints (once I find the dragons to apply scrolls to). Having easy access to the less expensive natural eye types means it's realistic for me. Like, I enjoy breeding dragons and that's also how I make a lot of my dragon cash, but I usually didn't put too much money into my breeding dragons because I'm not going to get anything back for that? But with the less expensive eye types, it doesn't feel like a big thing to spend a little money to make my breeding pairs a little nicer. Unfortunately, those add up too. (I only bought a few rare vials, actually, I think I spent half of my money on tints.)

(Sorry, I didn't see either edit before I posted.)
@Anayalation I feel like the only way to really know the answer to that question would be to do surveys, but that wouldn't count people who aren't on the forums to see said surveys in the first place. Only staff (I assume?) knows how much of what gets bought from the Marketplace at any given time.

But IDK, personally I'm planning to alter probably half of my dragons over time (or I'm going to get new dragons so that I can have certain specific eye types), and only about a quarter? of them are G1s. I'm also starting some new projects based specifically on having certain eye tints (once I find the dragons to apply scrolls to). Having easy access to the less expensive natural eye types means it's realistic for me. Like, I enjoy breeding dragons and that's also how I make a lot of my dragon cash, but I usually didn't put too much money into my breeding dragons because I'm not going to get anything back for that? But with the less expensive eye types, it doesn't feel like a big thing to spend a little money to make my breeding pairs a little nicer. Unfortunately, those add up too. (I only bought a few rare vials, actually, I think I spent half of my money on tints.)

(Sorry, I didn't see either edit before I posted.)
i believe that you believe there is a heaven
where you belong.
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