
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | POV of why some users are not happy
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[quote name="Kom" date="2021-05-03 12:34:06" ] [i]And with this update the "pride" side of special eyed dragons lost value because it can be done in a easier way. It's not immediately known if that person put thousands of hours in getting scattersights, many eggs, or months of breeding the same pair to get that specific eye. And that's why some people are sad. [/i] Recognition for the effort put is a huuuge part of what makes the challenge fun. That's the part that the update affected. There's no way to differentiated between those that got the eye in one way or another [/quote] This is the ONLY thing I am sad about. I bought G1 primals and scattered them to nice colors. It was a colossal effort to get workable colors on a primal, let alone two sets. It's a colossal effort to get a primal out of breeding or scatters. I'm sad that this "devalues" my efforts. However, I was never planning on selling them in the first place. So getting my money back somehow is a moot point. I have scrolled permababy veils from the first week of release and I love them no less than any bred permas. It's pretty much the same idea here. Is it sad? Yes. But you know what's better? Not having to worry about how much money I'm losing every time I use a scatter vial. Not worrying how many more times I have to breed before I get my first, yes, first primal from a breeding.
Kom wrote on 2021-05-03 12:34:06:
And with this update the "pride" side of special eyed dragons lost value because it can be done in a easier way. It's not immediately known if that person put thousands of hours in getting scattersights, many eggs, or months of breeding the same pair to get that specific eye. And that's why some people are sad.

Recognition for the effort put is a huuuge part of what makes the challenge fun. That's the part that the update affected. There's no way to differentiated between those that got the eye in one way or another

This is the ONLY thing I am sad about. I bought G1 primals and scattered them to nice colors. It was a colossal effort to get workable colors on a primal, let alone two sets. It's a colossal effort to get a primal out of breeding or scatters.

I'm sad that this "devalues" my efforts.

However, I was never planning on selling them in the first place. So getting my money back somehow is a moot point. I have scrolled permababy veils from the first week of release and I love them no less than any bred permas. It's pretty much the same idea here.

Is it sad? Yes. But you know what's better? Not having to worry about how much money I'm losing every time I use a scatter vial. Not worrying how many more times I have to breed before I get my first, yes, first primal from a breeding.
This covers it. They need to have a tag on it whether a primal is from a vial or not. People pay USD for Gems to play this game, and invested real $$$ in that sense towards goals. To say they are greedy is both callous and wrong. It's feeling that the creators of FR took something they had been making a goal that often requires GEMS that cost USD $$$ to achieve, and made those results of that real time & money investment ridiculous.

Next they will allow people to start buying colors for their dragons. So, all the breeding reasons, and values will be tanked completely. There is an art to what people have been doing. And, a time and money investment in their results. It's not about how much I can sell my dragons for! That's not at all it. But, my dragon born on my birthday with xxx primo gens and primal eyes meant something it no longer means. It's that simple. The extensive breeding was a waste. I could have just bought primal for whatever favorite dragons I had hatched that day instead. They have made my approach to the game virtually worthless and devalued, on many levels with this "update" today.

They could have handled it so many ways that would have been acceptable to all parties. If they can't put a tag on that shows if the eyes are vial or not, then they are the laziest programmers out there.
This covers it. They need to have a tag on it whether a primal is from a vial or not. People pay USD for Gems to play this game, and invested real $$$ in that sense towards goals. To say they are greedy is both callous and wrong. It's feeling that the creators of FR took something they had been making a goal that often requires GEMS that cost USD $$$ to achieve, and made those results of that real time & money investment ridiculous.

Next they will allow people to start buying colors for their dragons. So, all the breeding reasons, and values will be tanked completely. There is an art to what people have been doing. And, a time and money investment in their results. It's not about how much I can sell my dragons for! That's not at all it. But, my dragon born on my birthday with xxx primo gens and primal eyes meant something it no longer means. It's that simple. The extensive breeding was a waste. I could have just bought primal for whatever favorite dragons I had hatched that day instead. They have made my approach to the game virtually worthless and devalued, on many levels with this "update" today.

They could have handled it so many ways that would have been acceptable to all parties. If they can't put a tag on that shows if the eyes are vial or not, then they are the laziest programmers out there.
Again, this isn't about monetary profits a person could make. It's that it ruined that aspect of the game and the investment in achieving those goals, in one simple "update"
Again, this isn't about monetary profits a person could make. It's that it ruined that aspect of the game and the investment in achieving those goals, in one simple "update"
I actually love this update, aside from the new eyes because they seem like the same thing (my opinion!)

I wish I had the chance to sell my scattersight at 900g. Would've been nice to have some extra gems- also, the vials are SO EXPENSIVE, jeez
I actually love this update, aside from the new eyes because they seem like the same thing (my opinion!)

I wish I had the chance to sell my scattersight at 900g. Would've been nice to have some extra gems- also, the vials are SO EXPENSIVE, jeez
rHxG0s7.pngY5ILoot.png kaz | they/he/she | gay ace
lately i’ve been forgetful and unfocused, please ping me again if i didn’t respond!
Imagine if staff decided to let players clear their own dragon's heritage. No more parents, no more offspring, basically instant Gen 1 for any dragon on the site.

Now, this would be optional. You could still obtain Gen 1s from hatching Unhatched eggs if you wanted to, and you didn't have to clear your dragon's lists.

You know your dragon is a real Gen 1. You know you spent a ton of time and effort, making Gems to make it a Gem-Gened Wildclaw. That's where the true value is, right? It doesn't matter that other people can just buy any old Gem-Gened Wildclaw off the AH and clear its heritage. You earned yours, so it doesn't matter how easy it is to achieve the same results.

That's basically what this eye situation feels like.
Imagine if staff decided to let players clear their own dragon's heritage. No more parents, no more offspring, basically instant Gen 1 for any dragon on the site.

Now, this would be optional. You could still obtain Gen 1s from hatching Unhatched eggs if you wanted to, and you didn't have to clear your dragon's lists.

You know your dragon is a real Gen 1. You know you spent a ton of time and effort, making Gems to make it a Gem-Gened Wildclaw. That's where the true value is, right? It doesn't matter that other people can just buy any old Gem-Gened Wildclaw off the AH and clear its heritage. You earned yours, so it doesn't matter how easy it is to achieve the same results.

That's basically what this eye situation feels like.
I can definitely see where this is coming from. I had three primals pre-update and they were all super special to me. I had gotten two through just breeding and random luck, and one I bought. I do think this update it going to devalue primals somewhat.

I think they'll still stay somewhat valuable, especially those with nice colors. Primals still aren't something that can be passed down, so I don't think we have to worry about demand going away. I don't think I have to worry about getting some treasure if one of my breeding pairs produces a primal, but some of the scarcity is gone now.

I think you can still challenge yourself like some have suggested, you can still do breeding challenges to get primals, its just not a requirement anymore.

For me, I personally see more posotives for my playstyle then negatives. I've never really been one for long breeding projects, so both of the primals I got from breeding were entirely coincidence. I think this'll be something to get me to work harder saving up. I had never really worked on getting primals (other then my shadow primal), because ones with matching colors always cost so much and weren't always exactly the dragons I wanted.
I can definitely see where this is coming from. I had three primals pre-update and they were all super special to me. I had gotten two through just breeding and random luck, and one I bought. I do think this update it going to devalue primals somewhat.

I think they'll still stay somewhat valuable, especially those with nice colors. Primals still aren't something that can be passed down, so I don't think we have to worry about demand going away. I don't think I have to worry about getting some treasure if one of my breeding pairs produces a primal, but some of the scarcity is gone now.

I think you can still challenge yourself like some have suggested, you can still do breeding challenges to get primals, its just not a requirement anymore.

For me, I personally see more posotives for my playstyle then negatives. I've never really been one for long breeding projects, so both of the primals I got from breeding were entirely coincidence. I think this'll be something to get me to work harder saving up. I had never really worked on getting primals (other then my shadow primal), because ones with matching colors always cost so much and weren't always exactly the dragons I wanted.
__________________________ Azure
+2 FR time
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Yeah, I feel the need of a tag too. Like there is one for Roundsey's G1s to differentiate them from player-hatched G1s

But then we would want to tag everything (or that the dragon genetics system includes a "originally born as:" tab in the dragon description).

It feels SO GOOD if a project or unhatched egg or challenge borns with the correct gender, breed, colors, genes and then eyes. Breed and gene change scrolls have always been a thing, then there was the big difference between a G1 and a non G1 with good colors, then the matching eyes, the good pose, the ID, the born date, and then the special eyes.

So many things can make a dragon Unique and perfect to each person, and that's the fun part of FR, and I feel a bit of that fun was erased of the site today. Is like getting the correct rare genes and breed vs scrolling them in a breeding project.

The difference is that in a breeding project one can adjust the odds of colors and genes by getting the correct parents, while special eyes were 100% unpredictable, with that unpredictability gone it makes it as thrilling as knowing I will hatch a Wildclaw dragon from a Wildclaw-Wildclaw pair.

Anyway, I'm not crazy mad about the update, instead just a tad bit sad, but in the end I will forget about rare eyes ever being a fancy thing just as we forget gem genes being a fancy thing after a few weeks after their release xD
Yeah, I feel the need of a tag too. Like there is one for Roundsey's G1s to differentiate them from player-hatched G1s

But then we would want to tag everything (or that the dragon genetics system includes a "originally born as:" tab in the dragon description).

It feels SO GOOD if a project or unhatched egg or challenge borns with the correct gender, breed, colors, genes and then eyes. Breed and gene change scrolls have always been a thing, then there was the big difference between a G1 and a non G1 with good colors, then the matching eyes, the good pose, the ID, the born date, and then the special eyes.

So many things can make a dragon Unique and perfect to each person, and that's the fun part of FR, and I feel a bit of that fun was erased of the site today. Is like getting the correct rare genes and breed vs scrolling them in a breeding project.

The difference is that in a breeding project one can adjust the odds of colors and genes by getting the correct parents, while special eyes were 100% unpredictable, with that unpredictability gone it makes it as thrilling as knowing I will hatch a Wildclaw dragon from a Wildclaw-Wildclaw pair.

Anyway, I'm not crazy mad about the update, instead just a tad bit sad, but in the end I will forget about rare eyes ever being a fancy thing just as we forget gem genes being a fancy thing after a few weeks after their release xD
Do what comes natural~
_________________ swbLJbi.png


As someone with a current primal breeding project that's been going on for... *checks dragons* dang, a year and a half. That's longer than I expected XD

Anyway, I have some thoughts I'd like to share.

I think this update is neat. I never thought we'd see vials for rare natural eye types like this, and I know how upset a lot of people were/are over the initial eye type update. It's cool to see that now anyone can get that perfect dragon without having to put in a year or more in breeding to get it.

This opens up the potential for all kinds of neat things. Heck, I've always wished eye types WERE genetic so I could say a certain lineage has a gift of whatever eye type. With the vials I can achieve this lore artificially by using them to give all offspring of certain dragons eye types to match their parents. Yay lore opportunities!

At the same time though, I do find myself feeling a little differently over my primal breeding project. I've been in the MP since I saw this update a little bit ago in search of a primal vial I can use to finally end this quest. I'm excited that I can finally have the girl I've been trying so long to get without having to keep hoping for primals only to get more multi-gazes, or hope that I get the primal on the right color/gender combination. But it does feel a little anti-climactic.

Now I have managed to get one primal out of this project already. She was two colors off from what I was looking for I think, but she was such an accomplishment. I can at least say that I did successfully get a primal out of all that effort, even though it wasn't ultimately the one I wanted. But thinking of her in regards to the girl I'll be vial-ing, they do feel different to me.

I'm still going to buy that vial because oh my god primal projects are the worst. But yeah. It does change the feeling I have toward her.

Just some thoughts I wanted to add.
As someone with a current primal breeding project that's been going on for... *checks dragons* dang, a year and a half. That's longer than I expected XD

Anyway, I have some thoughts I'd like to share.

I think this update is neat. I never thought we'd see vials for rare natural eye types like this, and I know how upset a lot of people were/are over the initial eye type update. It's cool to see that now anyone can get that perfect dragon without having to put in a year or more in breeding to get it.

This opens up the potential for all kinds of neat things. Heck, I've always wished eye types WERE genetic so I could say a certain lineage has a gift of whatever eye type. With the vials I can achieve this lore artificially by using them to give all offspring of certain dragons eye types to match their parents. Yay lore opportunities!

At the same time though, I do find myself feeling a little differently over my primal breeding project. I've been in the MP since I saw this update a little bit ago in search of a primal vial I can use to finally end this quest. I'm excited that I can finally have the girl I've been trying so long to get without having to keep hoping for primals only to get more multi-gazes, or hope that I get the primal on the right color/gender combination. But it does feel a little anti-climactic.

Now I have managed to get one primal out of this project already. She was two colors off from what I was looking for I think, but she was such an accomplishment. I can at least say that I did successfully get a primal out of all that effort, even though it wasn't ultimately the one I wanted. But thinking of her in regards to the girl I'll be vial-ing, they do feel different to me.

I'm still going to buy that vial because oh my god primal projects are the worst. But yeah. It does change the feeling I have toward her.

Just some thoughts I wanted to add.
The challenge is exactly why I stick around FR at this point. I've been here for over 7 years. It's literally the only thing that keeps me engaged here. I'm happy for people who really wanted an easier way to get the eyes they want, but it leaves a bitter taste behind for me.
The challenge is exactly why I stick around FR at this point. I've been here for over 7 years. It's literally the only thing that keeps me engaged here. I'm happy for people who really wanted an easier way to get the eyes they want, but it leaves a bitter taste behind for me.
i just, i don't see the issue. what way was there of ever proving you've done a nuzlocke properly without recording the whole thing?

there's nothing preventing people doing primal eye challenges. nothing at all. there's nothing stopping you happily bragging about how long it took you to breed that dragon and why you love it so much because of that. the only 'value' your dragons have lost is a 'value' you have put on them.

the way i see it, people now just have a way to get primals without being forced to go through the challenge, as well as there being options for me to put uncommon and rare on my dragons without spending thousands on scatters. and i don't see it as a bad thing.
i just, i don't see the issue. what way was there of ever proving you've done a nuzlocke properly without recording the whole thing?

there's nothing preventing people doing primal eye challenges. nothing at all. there's nothing stopping you happily bragging about how long it took you to breed that dragon and why you love it so much because of that. the only 'value' your dragons have lost is a 'value' you have put on them.

the way i see it, people now just have a way to get primals without being forced to go through the challenge, as well as there being options for me to put uncommon and rare on my dragons without spending thousands on scatters. and i don't see it as a bad thing.
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