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TOPIC | fav. dragon in the lair above you, but
@BlankRSlate1217 my heart belong to spacedad so ofc i would be this one! [url=][img][/img][/url] Next: Fave. in my lair, but they have to had at least 2 offsprings!
my heart belong to spacedad so ofc i would be this one!


Fave. in my lair, but they have to had at least 2 offsprings!
Denmark, FR +9
@Skovged I really like Glimmer, such a cutie :> [url=][img][/img][/url] Next person: Favorite dragon, but it mustn't have any apparel equipped :v

I really like Glimmer, such a cutie :>


Next person: Favorite dragon, but it mustn't have any apparel equipped :v
BtqrfPP.png Tachycardia (tak-ih-KAHR-dee-uh) Rapid heartbeat, usually defined as greater than 100 beats per minute.
@Tachycardia [url=][img][/img][/url] So pretty! Next: Favorite Dragon, but must be in the “Main” tab
So pretty!
Next: Favorite Dragon, but must be in the “Main” tab
@ElimearFoster [url=][img][/img][/url] I'm a sucker for male Dusthides with Display, especially when the accent color on Display matches the other gene colors like it does here. Antlers is a fun gene too and it looks awesome here! Very beautiful dragon. [rule] NP: Favorite dragon in my lair (or hibden), but it must be in one of my fandragon tabs (you don't have to recognize the inspirations but feel free to tell me if you do). Quick access to fandragon tabs in my signature.


I'm a sucker for male Dusthides with Display, especially when the accent color on Display matches the other gene colors like it does here. Antlers is a fun gene too and it looks awesome here! Very beautiful dragon.

NP: Favorite dragon in my lair (or hibden), but it must be in one of my fandragon tabs (you don't have to recognize the inspirations but feel free to tell me if you do).

Quick access to fandragon tabs in my signature.
@Zanni PLEASE tell me Cicero is a skyrim reference. I absolutely ADORE that mad fool!!! I just had to choose your Cicero due to that! Update: just looked at the bio. losing my mind with joy! [img][/img] NP: Pick your favorite unbred dragon in my lair :)!!!

PLEASE tell me Cicero is a skyrim reference. I absolutely ADORE that mad fool!!! I just had to choose your Cicero due to that! Update: just looked at the bio. losing my mind with joy!


NP: Pick your favorite unbred dragon in my lair :)!!!
@devilstarot I looove this color scheme. So warm and woodsy :) [url=][img][/img][/url] Next: Pick a dragon on the second page of any tab.
@devilstarot I looove this color scheme. So warm and woodsy :)


Next: Pick a dragon on the second page of any tab.
@Svecounia72 [url=][img][/img][/url] Quite the fabulous dragon! They accent they're wearing matches their colors quite well and their blossoms add a nice touch of color! ----- Np: fav dragon, but they must be your least favorite breed


Quite the fabulous dragon! They accent they're wearing matches their colors quite well and their blossoms add a nice touch of color!
Np: fav dragon, but they must be your least favorite breed
@MilkshakeTrex [url=][img][/img][/url] Hate bogsneaks, love radioactive. I love the bright colors contrasted with the black. I actually have a very similar pair. Favorite dragon BUT....Not one of my invis cloak ones.


Hate bogsneaks, love radioactive. I love the bright colors contrasted with the black. I actually have a very similar pair.

Favorite dragon BUT....Not one of my invis cloak ones.
Everlux dragons come very close to hitting my phobia.

Ping me to an Everlux = block
Everlux heavy lair in forum games = blocked
@BlueDragon819 cool gen one dude. very good mold vibes, I like his lore [emoji=sunglasses size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] almost forgot: fave dragon in my lair but it has to have special eyes.
cool gen one dude. very good mold vibes, I like his lore

almost forgot: fave dragon in my lair but it has to have special eyes.
>friendly/open to chat! I love pings and messages
>About me
@Strangeflesh Whoa… [url=][img][/img][/url] Next: Favourite dragon from my lair but must be a nude modern breed.

Next: Favourite dragon from my lair but must be a nude modern breed.