Eliminate the Breed!

Strangeflesh's Clan
give your mutuals a neolithic burial
Clan Info
The bizarre, derelict town of Corrosionius sits near Seedscar, basking in the bloody glow of a dusty red sky. The houses are built from the rusting carcasses of defunct trains and automobiles. It is surrounded by a vast desert of oxidized bones decaying cobwebs. The buildings are rubble-strewn and scattered in an unpredictable pattern. The sun only penetrates the dust-filled skies during brief and mysterious moments. But this is not a place of death and doom, this is a place of growth and redemption. New life and new beginnings. Life can grow even in the darkest paces, and strength can come from even the greatest weakness. Many here have had terrible pasts, filled with anger and gloom, but they found there place, amongst the burning stars.
Obmorozheniye Labs
Paragons of science, creators of machines that change lives for the better, Obmorozheniye Labs are the greatest scientific company in the whole of the Scarred Wasteland. Their name is known far and wide, feared and revered across the lands. Obmorozheniye and H.O.B.B.I.T-press, the founders, keep a watchful eye on the plagued progress.
Outside where most people pend their whole lives, a swamp of gasoline, liquor, pus, rotting meat and filth sits as it always has, a constant source of sustenance for flies and mosquitoes, a breeding ground for leeches and a home for snakes, turtles and innumerable other forms of rot and maggots. Flames and embers shoot up from time to time, but the swamp itself is never burned completely. Its waters are a strange pinkish bile-brown, its surface opaque and impenetrable, like a glassy and ancient jade.
Deeper inwards, a forest of congealed fat, water-soaked wood and black mud grows, its gnarled and root-bound trees heavy with rot. Swollen and blackening waterways snake like arteries, metal pipes and discarded equipment litter the area, gasoline and oil still pooling.
Note to devs: I play on my phone and computer, don't ban me please. my roommate who lives with me also has a flight rising account
I'm Strange and welcome to my lair! I'm just an goofball who likes writing silly stories and collecting pixel dragons. That is all. I love making friends and lore connections so my inbox is always open! I have an awful memory so if I don't respond on something, just give me a poke!
Please don't send me a friend request without talking at least once first!
Exalting lair, if you don't want me exalting a dreg, just tell me, and I'll sell them to ya!
I'm Strange and welcome to my lair! I'm just an goofball who likes writing silly stories and collecting pixel dragons. That is all. I love making friends and lore connections so my inbox is always open! I have an awful memory so if I don't respond on something, just give me a poke!
Please don't send me a friend request without talking at least once first!
Exalting lair, if you don't want me exalting a dreg, just tell me, and I'll sell them to ya!
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runes? It's so cool!
your lair is very nice~