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TOPIC | Killers in the Clan (waitlist open!)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=book antiqua][size=5] [b][color=#ff9752]D[/color][color=#ffac56]o[/color][color=#ffc05a]v[/color][color=#fed55e]e[/color][color=#fee962] [/color][/b] [emoji=phoenix feather size=1] [b][color=#ff9752]s[/color][color=#ffa555]h[/color][color=#ffb257]e[/color][color=#ffc05a]/[/color][color=#fece5d]h[/color][color=#fedb5f]e[/color][color=#fee962]r[/color][/b][/size] [size=4]interacting with: none, open (with tea party room)[/center] ----- [font=book antiqua][size=4]It didn't take long for the dangerous sharp objects to be disposed, carefully stashed away in bags to be dumped far away from the inn at a later date. It hardly took any effort - Dove supposed that it was one benefit of being in this form, never having to worry about stamina. Instinctively, she drifted back into the tea room, looking over the very large number of guests that had now made their way inside the not very large space. Lady Sundae was there - with the Skydancer that had dropped the cup, the Snapper accompanying him into the inn, and a Bogsneak she hadn't noticed prior to this. And - oh dear lords, an Imperial, almost taking up the entire room himself. He was large, larger than even the already perceived giant image of Imperials in the Fae's brain. Fortunately, the situation was... under control. The messes on the floor were gone, and no one was looking murderous or skittish - not anymore, at least. Still, she wasn't entirely used to this - sure, handling the inn during busy hours was not new, but there's never been such an influx of guests checking in without the same amount checking out, and the fact that so many of them were in one place at once. Still, she was Lady Sundae's assistant, so there was no backing out now. Dove made her way to one of the armchairs near where the innkeeper was, perching on its back and letting her watchful, invisible gaze scan the room. At least the kind old Snapper's presence made her feel a little more grounded and safe. And the armchair was comfortable, even if she wasn't sitting on it, nor had even a quarter of her sense of touch remaining after death (the sliver that remained appreciated the soft perch though).

Dove she/her
interacting with: none, open (with tea party room)

It didn't take long for the dangerous sharp objects to be disposed, carefully stashed away in bags to be dumped far away from the inn at a later date. It hardly took any effort - Dove supposed that it was one benefit of being in this form, never having to worry about stamina.

Instinctively, she drifted back into the tea room, looking over the very large number of guests that had now made their way inside the not very large space. Lady Sundae was there - with the Skydancer that had dropped the cup, the Snapper accompanying him into the inn, and a Bogsneak she hadn't noticed prior to this. And - oh dear lords, an Imperial, almost taking up the entire room himself. He was large, larger than even the already perceived giant image of Imperials in the Fae's brain.

Fortunately, the situation was... under control. The messes on the floor were gone, and no one was looking murderous or skittish - not anymore, at least. Still, she wasn't entirely used to this - sure, handling the inn during busy hours was not new, but there's never been such an influx of guests checking in without the same amount checking out, and the fact that so many of them were in one place at once. Still, she was Lady Sundae's assistant, so there was no backing out now.

Dove made her way to one of the armchairs near where the innkeeper was, perching on its back and letting her watchful, invisible gaze scan the room. At least the kind old Snapper's presence made her feel a little more grounded and safe. And the armchair was comfortable, even if she wasn't sitting on it, nor had even a quarter of her sense of touch remaining after death (the sliver that remained appreciated the soft perch though).
my name is essence, your local gay unicorn!
[Center] [Url=][img][/img][/url] [u]The Journalist ~ He / him[/u] [b]Interacting:[/b] Odd stranger (@TrueTerror) [img][/img][Columns][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxx[/color][Nextcol][center][I] I nod along to his story, slowly growing more and more worried. If this dragon was right, then they had to alert the entire continent, make sure every dragon and beastclanner was aware and protected. The oddness of this stranger didn't deter me - I had interviewed many a strange character in my time who have turned out to be trustworthy yet we're ignored due to their strangeness. Such as Miss Dove, the ghost from earlier. [b]"I've listened to every word you have said, sir, and my assistant has written down every word. Could you provide more information? What is it called? Who were your crew? Does anyone else know about this? Is anyone working to battle it"[/b] [nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxx[/color][/columns][/i][img][/img]
The Journalist ~ He / him
Interacting: Odd stranger (@TrueTerror)


I nod along to his story, slowly growing more and more worried.

If this dragon was right, then they had to alert the entire continent, make sure every dragon and beastclanner was aware and protected.

The oddness of this stranger didn't deter me - I had interviewed many a strange character in my time who have turned out to be trustworthy yet we're ignored due to their strangeness. Such as Miss Dove, the ghost from earlier.

"I've listened to every word you have said, sir, and my assistant has written down every word. Could you provide more information? What is it called? Who were your crew? Does anyone else know about this? Is anyone working to battle it"

[center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b][color=blue]Lady Sundae[/color][/b][/center] Interacting with: Rosina (@BoatBud), Hemimi (@SunSprite), + the rest of the tearoom party --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lady Sundae looked startled for a moment, watching the skydancer's hands casually tear themselves apart around one of her own teacups (that must have been painful, but he didn't react...) before she shook her head with an exhale. "Of course. A moment, please." She replied to Rosina's welcome inquiry, reaching back into the cabinet to grab some spare cups. She was treating the fellow's... [i]unusual[/i] behavior as if completely normal, annoying, even, so if it truly were of no concern, she wouldn't pry. But that didn't mean she would be at ease... the skydancer worried her, to put it plainly. [i]And it would not be the first time a guest had tried to play off someone's suffering as normal.[/i] The Lady gravely thought to herself as she poured the tea. She doubted that was what was happening here, but having seen all manner of customers over the many, many years she's worked at this Inn, the fear remained. [i]I'll ignore it for now, but if things get any more concerning, I may have Marmalade do some spying... [/i] She stopped herself with a shake of the head, taking the tray and offering Rosina and the skydancer a fresh cup each. [i]Heavens, I've gotten paranoid. Spying? On my own guests? Ridiculous! What a foolish and terrible thought![/i] "You may keep that cup, it's no trouble. I've got plenty of spares." She said kindly to the kid, even as he stared off into space. "Though I must ask, is there anything I can get you to make your stay more comfortable? You seem so stiff, my dear."
Lady Sundae
Interacting with: Rosina (@BoatBud), Hemimi (@SunSprite), + the rest of the tearoom party

Lady Sundae looked startled for a moment, watching the skydancer's hands casually tear themselves apart around one of her own teacups (that must have been painful, but he didn't react...) before she shook her head with an exhale.

"Of course. A moment, please." She replied to Rosina's welcome inquiry, reaching back into the cabinet to grab some spare cups. She was treating the fellow's... unusual behavior as if completely normal, annoying, even, so if it truly were of no concern, she wouldn't pry. But that didn't mean she would be at ease... the skydancer worried her, to put it plainly.

And it would not be the first time a guest had tried to play off someone's suffering as normal. The Lady gravely thought to herself as she poured the tea. She doubted that was what was happening here, but having seen all manner of customers over the many, many years she's worked at this Inn, the fear remained. I'll ignore it for now, but if things get any more concerning, I may have Marmalade do some spying...

She stopped herself with a shake of the head, taking the tray and offering Rosina and the skydancer a fresh cup each. Heavens, I've gotten paranoid. Spying? On my own guests? Ridiculous! What a foolish and terrible thought!

"You may keep that cup, it's no trouble. I've got plenty of spares." She said kindly to the kid, even as he stared off into space. "Though I must ask, is there anything I can get you to make your stay more comfortable? You seem so stiff, my dear."
[url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Undine[/b] [i]She/Her[/i] Interacting: Holly (@Jellyraven) ----- “He’s yours? Like a pet or something?” Undine starts to crane her neck to look back at the necromantic Skydancer, but immediately reconsiders. She [i]did not[/i] need to see that again. At least everything was going well with this Nocturne. She got the feeling she was being slightly belittled, but at least they were nice about it. She’d met worse in her travels. This, at least, she could handle. And then the Nocturne mentions her name, and worse, [i]her title.[/i] [i]Warlock. Warlock of the Plaugebringer.[/i] Undine freezes mid-handshake. She was an idiot. No wonder the air felt so charged and sickly all of a sudden: she was dealing with someone who perverted the natural order for sport. …the hood should have tipped her off. Or the sanguine color scheme. But was it really her fault if someone looked so cute that she hadn’t spared them a second glance? No matter. The dark arts weren’t [i]always[/i] evil, and she knew better than most how to keep her secrets hidden. It was just like back home, with that annoying fairy or the vampire that was always invading everyone’s space, or the ten thousand and one seers hiding behind every door. So long as she was careful, no one would find out anything. She lets the Nocturne’s hand drop and takes a couple steps back towards the wall. “I’m sorry. We have superstitions about warlocks and death. I’m sure you’re a good person, but I don’t want to… invoke them. I-I know it’s stupid, but… humor me?” Undine curls in on herself, nervously holding the back of her neck with one talon. Her eyes never leave the Nocturne, but she does her best to keep her bashful smile intact, even as it awkwardly skews up into something more genuinely apologetic. “S-so, um… Forgive me, but isn’t it considered bad practice to let thralls walk around so freely? I’d just always assumed you were supposed to keep them more out of the way? It’s kind of… uhhh…” [i]Weird? Creepy? Unnerving?[/i] No. She had to be delicate. She couldn’t afford to offend someone who could expose her so easily, even if they were being flagrantly rude, bringing their zombie to tea like that. “W-well, I can’t be the only one who was unnerved by him earlier. He’s kind of… [i]noticable.[/i]”
Undine She/Her

Interacting: Holly (@Jellyraven)

“He’s yours? Like a pet or something?”
Undine starts to crane her neck to look back at the necromantic Skydancer, but immediately reconsiders. She did not need to see that again.
At least everything was going well with this Nocturne. She got the feeling she was being slightly belittled, but at least they were nice about it. She’d met worse in her travels. This, at least, she could handle.
And then the Nocturne mentions her name, and worse, her title.
Warlock. Warlock of the Plaugebringer.
Undine freezes mid-handshake. She was an idiot. No wonder the air felt so charged and sickly all of a sudden: she was dealing with someone who perverted the natural order for sport.
…the hood should have tipped her off. Or the sanguine color scheme. But was it really her fault if someone looked so cute that she hadn’t spared them a second glance?
No matter. The dark arts weren’t always evil, and she knew better than most how to keep her secrets hidden. It was just like back home, with that annoying fairy or the vampire that was always invading everyone’s space, or the ten thousand and one seers hiding behind every door. So long as she was careful, no one would find out anything.
She lets the Nocturne’s hand drop and takes a couple steps back towards the wall.
“I’m sorry. We have superstitions about warlocks and death. I’m sure you’re a good person, but I don’t want to… invoke them. I-I know it’s stupid, but… humor me?”
Undine curls in on herself, nervously holding the back of her neck with one talon. Her eyes never leave the Nocturne, but she does her best to keep her bashful smile intact, even as it awkwardly skews up into something more genuinely apologetic.
“S-so, um… Forgive me, but isn’t it considered bad practice to let thralls walk around so freely? I’d just always assumed you were supposed to keep them more out of the way? It’s kind of… uhhh…”
Weird? Creepy? Unnerving?
No. She had to be delicate. She couldn’t afford to offend someone who could expose her so easily, even if they were being flagrantly rude, bringing their zombie to tea like that.
“W-well, I can’t be the only one who was unnerved by him earlier. He’s kind of… noticable.
Rosie gently scratched at her eye as Lady Sundae poured her a cup, the heat from the fireplace warming up her face quite a bit. Hemimi also seemed affected by the heat, with their eyes moving from dragon to dragon in the room and their nose crinkling in interest. They seemed much more present - and Scratch seemed to think so too, as he finally settled around their feet, feeling completely calm.

Their eyes met Rosie's, and she gently raised their hands, showing Hemimi the state of his fingers. Understanding dawned on his eyes as he moved them slowly, watching as the meat stitched itself back. "You worried me for a second there, kiddo." she said softly, affectionately bumping her head into his shoulder. "Good to have you back - and this nice lady said that you could keep the cup for your troubles."

She didn't understand Hemimi's fascination with utensils or other knick knacks, not really - but he cared for them, and that was enough to make her care for collecting those kinds of things too, especially when they came for free. Which she accounted to Hemimi's little display, combined with her own persuasiveness - a perfect example of teamwork, if you asked her. "If you need me, just send Scratch over - I'm getting away from the fireplace though." she said before grabbing her cup and walking towards the only dragon in the room that didn't seem super interested in a conversation they were having - the big imperial that just sat in a corner and watched everyone.

Now, she wasn't the most social person in their group - Sure, she often made the arrangements with the locals, but that was mostly because Hemimi didn't like talking, Holly had a non-zero chance of confessing her deepest, darkest desires to a random person, and it was better for everyone involved for Drathyn to keep his mouth shut. Still, something about the way the imperial quietly kept an eye on the commotion made her want to talk to him.

He just seemed like an interesting guy - a fellow adventurer perhaps - and she figured more connections with other adventurers couldn't hurt! There was no underlying reason other than that in her approaching him.

So, she sat on a cushion across from him, taking a sip of her tea - oooh, it was very pleasantly warm - before asking.
"So... You come here often?"

Rosie gently scratched at her eye as Lady Sundae poured her a cup, the heat from the fireplace warming up her face quite a bit. Hemimi also seemed affected by the heat, with their eyes moving from dragon to dragon in the room and their nose crinkling in interest. They seemed much more present - and Scratch seemed to think so too, as he finally settled around their feet, feeling completely calm.

Their eyes met Rosie's, and she gently raised their hands, showing Hemimi the state of his fingers. Understanding dawned on his eyes as he moved them slowly, watching as the meat stitched itself back. "You worried me for a second there, kiddo." she said softly, affectionately bumping her head into his shoulder. "Good to have you back - and this nice lady said that you could keep the cup for your troubles."

She didn't understand Hemimi's fascination with utensils or other knick knacks, not really - but he cared for them, and that was enough to make her care for collecting those kinds of things too, especially when they came for free. Which she accounted to Hemimi's little display, combined with her own persuasiveness - a perfect example of teamwork, if you asked her. "If you need me, just send Scratch over - I'm getting away from the fireplace though." she said before grabbing her cup and walking towards the only dragon in the room that didn't seem super interested in a conversation they were having - the big imperial that just sat in a corner and watched everyone.

Now, she wasn't the most social person in their group - Sure, she often made the arrangements with the locals, but that was mostly because Hemimi didn't like talking, Holly had a non-zero chance of confessing her deepest, darkest desires to a random person, and it was better for everyone involved for Drathyn to keep his mouth shut. Still, something about the way the imperial quietly kept an eye on the commotion made her want to talk to him.

He just seemed like an interesting guy - a fellow adventurer perhaps - and she figured more connections with other adventurers couldn't hurt! There was no underlying reason other than that in her approaching him.

So, she sat on a cushion across from him, taking a sip of her tea - oooh, it was very pleasantly warm - before asking.
"So... You come here often?"

Light Dom Shop
My Challenges
Dragons for Sale
er0mmVQ.png I am looking for:
Dragons/Breeding Pairs
Art (frc only)

er0mmVQ.png I support:
LDFA (Light only)
Nest Network
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][size=3][color=D82903][b]-{ [u]BELTRAN[/u] }-[/b][/size][/color] [color=D82903][u]He/They/It[/u][/color][/center] [center][sub][i][color=D82903]Interacting w/: Rosina (@/BoatBud). Mention of: N/A.[/color][/i][/sub][/center] [center][img alt="A thin divider that fades at the edges showcasing a wheat field bathed in golden sunlight."][/img][/center] ------ [i]Mm, a caring companion indeed.[/i] And- [i]Oh![/i] She's coming over here. Beltran shifts a little where he sits, uncertain. It's not that he's opposed to conversation. Simply that he's surprised to find himself invited into it, and by a dragon who'd seemed thoroughly preoccupied moments ago, no less. He watches as the snapper settles across from him, just the right size for the cushion she settles on, unlike his own form that swallows up the pillow beneath it. That tea still smells lovely, and by the look of it she seems pleased with the taste. Maybe he'll have to try it. Not now though. No, [i]she's talking to him[/i] and it'd be awfully rude not to respond. A chuckle leaves him at her question, more air than tone to it and the rumble of his chest indicative of a reaction better than anything else. He merely shakes his head. [i]It's a silly question, really, but he supposes that [u]is[/u] why he laughed.[/i] Gesturing forward with his snout, he chuffs softly. Which.. really isn't very clear when you're so large, but if one had to guess it would seem he's inquiring about the tea she's drinking. Wondering if it's truly to her liking or not. ------ [center][img alt="A thin divider that fades at the edges showcasing a wheat field bathed in golden sunlight."][/img][/center]
Interacting w/: Rosina (@/BoatBud). Mention of: N/A.
A thin divider that fades at the edges showcasing a wheat field bathed in golden sunlight.

Mm, a caring companion indeed.

And- Oh! She's coming over here.

Beltran shifts a little where he sits, uncertain. It's not that he's opposed to conversation. Simply that he's surprised to find himself invited into it, and by a dragon who'd seemed thoroughly preoccupied moments ago, no less.

He watches as the snapper settles across from him, just the right size for the cushion she settles on, unlike his own form that swallows up the pillow beneath it. That tea still smells lovely, and by the look of it she seems pleased with the taste. Maybe he'll have to try it. Not now though. No, she's talking to him and it'd be awfully rude not to respond.

A chuckle leaves him at her question, more air than tone to it and the rumble of his chest indicative of a reaction better than anything else. He merely shakes his head. It's a silly question, really, but he supposes that is why he laughed.

Gesturing forward with his snout, he chuffs softly. Which.. really isn't very clear when you're so large, but if one had to guess it would seem he's inquiring about the tea she's drinking. Wondering if it's truly to her liking or not.
A thin divider that fades at the edges showcasing a wheat field bathed in golden sunlight.

Arlo's Ancient Artifacts Research Notes Giveaway!
Nisha shivered as she trudged through the snow. Poor Kip was looking positively forlorn, leaving muddy little puddles in the snow as she walked. A snowy taiga was a far cry from the swamps they were from. Rocky seemed to be enjoying himself though. He was running circles around Nisha and Kip, digging in the snow, and pouncing gently falling flakes. Nisha wished she had that energy. Or his fluffy coat. She definitely had not properly packed for this little adventure. And she'd lost her map several hours ago, and Nisha had a sneaking suspicion that she'd wandered off course. Should've brought a compass. And a fur coat.

Nisha was pulled out of her thoughts by the sight of a building. Shelter! And even better, an inn! Perhaps they would allow her to stay until the weather cleared some. She had very little interest in battling the storm rolling in. Her membranes were already frosty enough as it was! Scooping Rocky up in her arms, Nisha pushed the doors open Perhaps a little more vigorously than was proper, hurrying into the blessed warmth of a roaring fire.

"Glades bless whoever owns this establishment! I'm positively freezing! I'll be letting a room for a couple days, I really don't want to go back out in the snow. Now, where do I sign in?" Nisha set her bulging bag off to a side as she picked up Kip, massaging his cold little hooves and setting the kelpie on her back to keep the damp off the floor. Ah...perhaps she should have made sure somebody was listening before rattling that off.
Nisha shivered as she trudged through the snow. Poor Kip was looking positively forlorn, leaving muddy little puddles in the snow as she walked. A snowy taiga was a far cry from the swamps they were from. Rocky seemed to be enjoying himself though. He was running circles around Nisha and Kip, digging in the snow, and pouncing gently falling flakes. Nisha wished she had that energy. Or his fluffy coat. She definitely had not properly packed for this little adventure. And she'd lost her map several hours ago, and Nisha had a sneaking suspicion that she'd wandered off course. Should've brought a compass. And a fur coat.

Nisha was pulled out of her thoughts by the sight of a building. Shelter! And even better, an inn! Perhaps they would allow her to stay until the weather cleared some. She had very little interest in battling the storm rolling in. Her membranes were already frosty enough as it was! Scooping Rocky up in her arms, Nisha pushed the doors open Perhaps a little more vigorously than was proper, hurrying into the blessed warmth of a roaring fire.

"Glades bless whoever owns this establishment! I'm positively freezing! I'll be letting a room for a couple days, I really don't want to go back out in the snow. Now, where do I sign in?" Nisha set her bulging bag off to a side as she picked up Kip, massaging his cold little hooves and setting the kelpie on her back to keep the damp off the floor. Ah...perhaps she should have made sure somebody was listening before rattling that off.
[columns=2][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol] Holly She/Her Interacting: Undine ( @nameofuser ) Beltran ( @SpiritsoftheSun ) Rosina (Boatbud)[/columns] Holly grinned with a fake-friendly smile when she felt Undine freeze up, but continued the handshake, pretending to not notice it, before pulling her hand back. [i]I'm sure you're a good person[/i] Holly internally scoffs at that, she is so far from a good person it wells up so much guilt inside her, but she stifles her emotions and plays the part of the charismatic party member. "No offense at all Undine! You see, Hemimi is not a pet or thrall! But his own self! Isn't that amazing? A sentient undead that is just as much a dragon as you or I." Holly said with a show of hands before continuing. "as long as you ignore the smell and his quirks, he is perfectly harmless! Loves collecting silverware like an old grandparent." Holly faked a perfectly friendly tone. "Plus, I am not of the necromantic sort." Holly adds. "Now I hope that puts your worries to rest?" Holly gave her a lopsided smile, waiting for her reply before moving off. "Now if you will excuse me I need to go speak to someone." Holly wandered back into the tea room, happy to see it had mostly been cleaned up now, without fearing her urge would come back out to play. She slunk by other guests, making her way to where Rosina was talking to a large imperial. "Hey Rosina, Drathyn and I are back." She said softly next to her favorite snapper. Before looking up and realizing just how large the imperial she was talking to actually was "Woah, what's up, big guy?" she raises an eyebrow at the golden imperial as she cranes her neck upwards. Looking back at the way Rosina was looking at him, and then back at the imperial made her chuckle. [i]Was she... trying to flirt?!?!? That's hilarious. She would have to give her a lesson on flirting sometime.[/i]
E4qlLPv.png Holly
Interacting: Undine ( @nameofuser ) Beltran ( @SpiritsoftheSun ) Rosina (Boatbud)

Holly grinned with a fake-friendly smile when she felt Undine freeze up, but continued the handshake, pretending to not notice it, before pulling her hand back.

I'm sure you're a good person

Holly internally scoffs at that, she is so far from a good person it wells up so much guilt inside her, but she stifles her emotions and plays the part of the charismatic party member.

"No offense at all Undine! You see, Hemimi is not a pet or thrall! But his own self! Isn't that amazing? A sentient undead that is just as much a dragon as you or I." Holly said with a show of hands before continuing. "as long as you ignore the smell and his quirks, he is perfectly harmless! Loves collecting silverware like an old grandparent." Holly faked a perfectly friendly tone.

"Plus, I am not of the necromantic sort." Holly adds.

"Now I hope that puts your worries to rest?" Holly gave her a lopsided smile, waiting for her reply before moving off.

"Now if you will excuse me I need to go speak to someone."

Holly wandered back into the tea room, happy to see it had mostly been cleaned up now, without fearing her urge would come back out to play. She slunk by other guests, making her way to where Rosina was talking to a large imperial.

"Hey Rosina, Drathyn and I are back." She said softly next to her favorite snapper. Before looking up and realizing just how large the imperial she was talking to actually was "Woah, what's up, big guy?" she raises an eyebrow at the golden imperial as she cranes her neck upwards.

Looking back at the way Rosina was looking at him, and then back at the imperial made her chuckle. Was she... trying to flirt?!?!? That's hilarious. She would have to give her a lesson on flirting sometime.


[url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Undine[/b] [i]She/Her[/i] Interacting: Holly (@Jellyraven), Nisha (@Ketchalin) ----- Everything instantly turns awkward. This Nocturne is, thankfully, trying to spare her feelings just as much as Undine herself, but her smile is sharper — familiarly false. She takes Undine’s offered topic with a certain flustered desperation, rambling about her pet corpse in the way only someone desperate for a change of scenery can. She should probably get away, for both their sakes. She had to finish this conversation first, though. The warlock seemed to be under some sort of delusion that the corpse was just as aware as they were. Probably she’d spent too many years alone as a hatchling. She [i]did[/i] give off that vibe: small and desperate, like one of those posters of the floracat clinging to a tree branch. It was, admittedly, very disarming. But, as she’d just said, she was not a necromancer. So either she was lying — unlikely — or she’d simply stumbled across this creature… [i]somewhere.[/i] Which begged for more details, but now didn’t seem the time. “Now I hope that puts your worries to rest?” The Nocturne asks, with a face that screamed [i]please help me I’m stuck talking to a fledgling and I think I might stab someone if I don’t get away right. Now.[/i] Undine had been on the other side of that expression so often that seeing it on another felt bizarre. It was like she was looking at a tiny version of herself. “Yes, thank you. I’m much better now,” she says. Her smile isn’t exactly genuine, but it [i]is[/i] understanding. This Nocturne might be delusional, there’s [i]still[/i] a zombie in the other room, apparently autonomous as well as brain-dead, and she was not eased [i]in the slightest.[/i] But she knew how to play a part, and poor Holly probably needed a win right about now. She silently thanks the Dieties as the main doors crash open and a half-frozen Fathom bursts in. This was as good of an excuse as she was going to get. She turns to explain herself to Holly, only to find that the Nocturne is already gone, leaving only the faint scent of guilt in her wake. Well. Good for her. [i]Right. Normal. Helpful. Perfectly fine.[/i] Undine untangles herself from the wall, calm demeanor restored, and approaches their new visitor. “Welcome. I’m glad you got here before the storm rolled in. That would’ve been… well, hairy. I’m Undine — one of the other guests. And the register is over here.”
Undine She/Her

Interacting: Holly (@Jellyraven), Nisha (@Ketchalin)

Everything instantly turns awkward. This Nocturne is, thankfully, trying to spare her feelings just as much as Undine herself, but her smile is sharper — familiarly false. She takes Undine’s offered topic with a certain flustered desperation, rambling about her pet corpse in the way only someone desperate for a change of scenery can.
She should probably get away, for both their sakes.
She had to finish this conversation first, though. The warlock seemed to be under some sort of delusion that the corpse was just as aware as they were. Probably she’d spent too many years alone as a hatchling. She did give off that vibe: small and desperate, like one of those posters of the floracat clinging to a tree branch. It was, admittedly, very disarming.
But, as she’d just said, she was not a necromancer. So either she was lying — unlikely — or she’d simply stumbled across this creature… somewhere. Which begged for more details, but now didn’t seem the time.
“Now I hope that puts your worries to rest?” The Nocturne asks, with a face that screamed please help me I’m stuck talking to a fledgling and I think I might stab someone if I don’t get away right. Now.
Undine had been on the other side of that expression so often that seeing it on another felt bizarre. It was like she was looking at a tiny version of herself.
“Yes, thank you. I’m much better now,” she says.
Her smile isn’t exactly genuine, but it is understanding. This Nocturne might be delusional, there’s still a zombie in the other room, apparently autonomous as well as brain-dead, and she was not eased in the slightest. But she knew how to play a part, and poor Holly probably needed a win right about now.
She silently thanks the Dieties as the main doors crash open and a half-frozen Fathom bursts in. This was as good of an excuse as she was going to get. She turns to explain herself to Holly, only to find that the Nocturne is already gone, leaving only the faint scent of guilt in her wake.
Well. Good for her.
Right. Normal. Helpful. Perfectly fine.
Undine untangles herself from the wall, calm demeanor restored, and approaches their new visitor.
“Welcome. I’m glad you got here before the storm rolled in. That would’ve been… well, hairy. I’m Undine — one of the other guests. And the register is over here.”
Well. He did not come here often. No offence to the Lady of the place, but Rosina imagined that was the case for most dragons. The place was nice, sure, but she doubted that anyone would willingly subject themselves to the tundra outside just to get there.

The imperial asked a silent question about her tea - or her entire head, it was kind of hard to tell - and she made a show of taking a long sniff before drinking again. "Its good, especially for old bones in need of warmth." What was she even saying. Well, more than what he'd said so far, she figured, but she wasn't sure if his silence meant he enjoyed the company or not. Hemimi was content to just arrange his array of Things while Rosie talked their ear off for the most part, and well, the imperial was yet to huff in annoyance before leaving - so it could only be a good sign, she presumed.

Before she could dwell on it any longer, Holly walked into the room with a spring in her step, looking much more relaxed - perhaps a tad bit annoyed, but definitely not murderous - and announced that she and Drathyn were back, safe and sound. She grumbled back, content that no one seemed to be any more injured than when they left.

A spark of playful mischief was behind Holly's gaze as she looked at the imperial - Rosie hoped it wouldn't mean she'd challenge him to a fight or something - she couldn't discern the reason why Holly found him so amusing, but she figured the younger dragon would let her know, sooner or later. "Perfect timing," she said, gesturing towards the other old lady snapper in the room. "the innkeeper made some tea, you should get some while its still warm - and before Hemimi steals the rest of the cups."

Well. He did not come here often. No offence to the Lady of the place, but Rosina imagined that was the case for most dragons. The place was nice, sure, but she doubted that anyone would willingly subject themselves to the tundra outside just to get there.

The imperial asked a silent question about her tea - or her entire head, it was kind of hard to tell - and she made a show of taking a long sniff before drinking again. "Its good, especially for old bones in need of warmth." What was she even saying. Well, more than what he'd said so far, she figured, but she wasn't sure if his silence meant he enjoyed the company or not. Hemimi was content to just arrange his array of Things while Rosie talked their ear off for the most part, and well, the imperial was yet to huff in annoyance before leaving - so it could only be a good sign, she presumed.

Before she could dwell on it any longer, Holly walked into the room with a spring in her step, looking much more relaxed - perhaps a tad bit annoyed, but definitely not murderous - and announced that she and Drathyn were back, safe and sound. She grumbled back, content that no one seemed to be any more injured than when they left.

A spark of playful mischief was behind Holly's gaze as she looked at the imperial - Rosie hoped it wouldn't mean she'd challenge him to a fight or something - she couldn't discern the reason why Holly found him so amusing, but she figured the younger dragon would let her know, sooner or later. "Perfect timing," she said, gesturing towards the other old lady snapper in the room. "the innkeeper made some tea, you should get some while its still warm - and before Hemimi steals the rest of the cups."

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