Kestrel's Arcane Dom Shop [open]

fireflii's Clan
Clan Info
Leveling, Grinding, Coliseum:USEFUL THREADS
▸ How to Train Your Dragon, By Duke [old]
▸ Updated Dragon Leveling Guide by EeveeDream
▸ Battle Stones and Coliseum Builds
▸ Coliseum Element Odds
▸ Festival Coliseum Guide
Swipp Swapp, Baldwin:
▸ Swipp/Baldwin/Den: Items to Keep
▸ New Swipp Swapp Pinglist thread
▸ Swipp/Brew/Den Item Locations Masterlist
▸ Baldwin's Bubbling Brew Visual Guide 3.0
Food, Apparel, Skins, Accents, Familiars:
▸ Familiar Tracker
▸ Familiars Guide!
▸ Skins & Accents Database
▸ Shiny New Food Guide!!
▸ Full Apparel Guide
▸ Eclipse's Apparel Catalog
▸ [OPAL] Breeding Rarity Comparisons
▸ Dragon Bio Resources v5
▸ Delamire's Bio Hoard
▸ [Answers] Tomo's Trivia Tablet
▸ Glimmer & Gloom Guide
▸ DogiCrimson's Free Pixel Sprites
▸ FR Color Schemer
▸ Deity Colors: Fast Reference
▸ art
Sunguard ChestNOTES TO SELF
Illuminated Sash
Daisy Flowerfall
illuminated Emblem
Grasslands Trunker
Recent Comments

Windsinger (#75038538) was front page ^^

Windsinger was on the front page! Beautiful drag <3

chrysocolla was on the front page!

Yeah, sorry for the late reply, but 30 sounds great! Let me just put some dragons in hibernation, you wanna set up the CR?

hey there! i've got a breeding project coming along and was wondering if i could buy this girl off you by any chance? she's very pretty, and would be super useful to me!

heyy !! i only just started playing again heh : ) it's been years but, helloo ! it's wind song from CS <3 really cool to see an old familiar 'face' heh

Navara was on the front page!

twas a pleasure doing business with you!

sorry for the delay, but yes that'd be great!

your sales thread seems a bit dead so i figured i'd ask here. is the obs/obs/white wildclaw still for sale?

We all love a green front page boy

Tourmaline was on the front page!
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