

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Upgraded Membership? Poll!
1. Are you in support of Upgrading Accounts?
-b. Yes

2. Which form would you like an Upgrade?
-a. Single-Option Bundle (all perks in one package)

3. How much would you pay for a Bundle Upgrade *per Month*?
-a. $5-10 (500-1000 Gems)

4. How much would you pay for a Single Perk *per Month*? UPDATED!
-a. $3 or Less

5. What COSMETIC Perks would you like/use most? Choose any that apply.
If you like all just say ALL
-a. Forum Vista
-c. Bond All Familiars

Definitely a "luck boost" when opening stuff -just to make the upgrade kinda worth it?
Also, maybe additional jigsaw puzzle pictures and other silly fun stuffs?

6. How should Upgrade(s) be bought?
-c. Cash or Gems

7. Should Upgrade(s) be direct to the Account or a Trade/Sell/Use-able item?
-a. Direct Usage to Account

1. Are you in support of Upgrading Accounts?
-b. Yes

2. Which form would you like an Upgrade?
-a. Single-Option Bundle (all perks in one package)

3. How much would you pay for a Bundle Upgrade *per Month*?
-a. $5-10 (500-1000 Gems)

4. How much would you pay for a Single Perk *per Month*? UPDATED!
-a. $3 or Less

5. What COSMETIC Perks would you like/use most? Choose any that apply.
If you like all just say ALL
-a. Forum Vista
-c. Bond All Familiars

Definitely a "luck boost" when opening stuff -just to make the upgrade kinda worth it?
Also, maybe additional jigsaw puzzle pictures and other silly fun stuffs?

6. How should Upgrade(s) be bought?
-c. Cash or Gems

7. Should Upgrade(s) be direct to the Account or a Trade/Sell/Use-able item?
-a. Direct Usage to Account

Paid subscription and pay to win is a great way for pet sites to sell out or beg for cash imo. It doesn't dangle rewards for spending money as much as penalize those who don't shell out. Will probably leave if this happens.
Paid subscription and pay to win is a great way for pet sites to sell out or beg for cash imo. It doesn't dangle rewards for spending money as much as penalize those who don't shell out. Will probably leave if this happens.
[quote name="Snek" date="2014-04-26 20:09:01"]I'm just going to skip the whole survey and say 'no'. If I'm not in support of membership accounts and all that - and I'm not - then there's no point in answering the other questions. I like that Flight Rising allows you to pay for your little bonuses when [b]you[/b] want to get them, and not as part of any kind of ongoing-billing-upgrade stuff. The other way lies "oh but [i]we[/i] pay every month so we should have all the say about what happens" and "I'm a [i]true[/i] player because I pay monthly" and other nonsense like that. Not to mention that putting the 'bond all familiars' button in under a membership only is kinda rude to the players who can't afford constant payments but have busted their butt acquiring 80 dragons and have familiars for each. They've put in just as much work for their stuffed lairs but they'll have to put in an exponential amount more time just to bond with all the creatures earned from said hard work. As it stands, you can pay Flight Rising real life currency for things at [b]your[/b] convenience, be it at the start of when they come out, when you need them on a deadline, or when you just feel like giving the site your money for a job well done and picking up something cool to play with. Those things are then able to spread out to the free players at large with time and effort - genes and such more than gem apparel and all, but eventually even gem apparel can come a free player's way. You can trade treasure for gems themselves with other players! That's the most considerate and accessible system I've seen in a while. There's a reason I'm already so in love with the way this place operates. Monthly upgrade fees and membershippy bonuses are not it. Not even for cosmetic forum stuff.[/quote]
Snek wrote on 2014-04-26 20:09:01:
I'm just going to skip the whole survey and say 'no'. If I'm not in support of membership accounts and all that - and I'm not - then there's no point in answering the other questions.

I like that Flight Rising allows you to pay for your little bonuses when you want to get them, and not as part of any kind of ongoing-billing-upgrade stuff. The other way lies "oh but we pay every month so we should have all the say about what happens" and "I'm a true player because I pay monthly" and other nonsense like that.

Not to mention that putting the 'bond all familiars' button in under a membership only is kinda rude to the players who can't afford constant payments but have busted their butt acquiring 80 dragons and have familiars for each. They've put in just as much work for their stuffed lairs but they'll have to put in an exponential amount more time just to bond with all the creatures earned from said hard work.

As it stands, you can pay Flight Rising real life currency for things at your convenience, be it at the start of when they come out, when you need them on a deadline, or when you just feel like giving the site your money for a job well done and picking up something cool to play with. Those things are then able to spread out to the free players at large with time and effort - genes and such more than gem apparel and all, but eventually even gem apparel can come a free player's way. You can trade treasure for gems themselves with other players!

That's the most considerate and accessible system I've seen in a while.

There's a reason I'm already so in love with the way this place operates. Monthly upgrade fees and membershippy bonuses are not it. Not even for cosmetic forum stuff.

water dom org
dom stats '23
Eh, too lazy to answer the poll so I'll just drop my two cents right here:

NO Support. I hate premium pay-to-win model, which premium almost always is. This includes things like extra gathering turns/shortening cooldowns/re-rolling nests/etc. Thing like this only calls for more elitism and takes value off from actually working towards things.

I love FR because it s one of the only sites I know where you can quite easily work to get everything that you want. We don't have a stupidly rich (as in real world currency rich) elite who dictate all the prices, just because they can afford things and rather buy their way through than actually spend time on site.

Most games that I play which have some kind of more pay-to-win premium have awful communities in which all the 'premium' members have way too much advantage over others and they are not afraid to gloat in it at all possible times.

If FR was to become that, I'd quit. Seriously. If you want to buy your way to happiness, go play 90% of all the virtual pet sites and "free to play" MMO's in existance. They love money more than users. I'd still like to think that FR has it the other way around.

Edit: After some thinking I decided that I wouldn't want the cosmetic features either. Mostly because of what has been said above me very well. We do not need any kind of elitism on this site.
Eh, too lazy to answer the poll so I'll just drop my two cents right here:

NO Support. I hate premium pay-to-win model, which premium almost always is. This includes things like extra gathering turns/shortening cooldowns/re-rolling nests/etc. Thing like this only calls for more elitism and takes value off from actually working towards things.

I love FR because it s one of the only sites I know where you can quite easily work to get everything that you want. We don't have a stupidly rich (as in real world currency rich) elite who dictate all the prices, just because they can afford things and rather buy their way through than actually spend time on site.

Most games that I play which have some kind of more pay-to-win premium have awful communities in which all the 'premium' members have way too much advantage over others and they are not afraid to gloat in it at all possible times.

If FR was to become that, I'd quit. Seriously. If you want to buy your way to happiness, go play 90% of all the virtual pet sites and "free to play" MMO's in existance. They love money more than users. I'd still like to think that FR has it the other way around.

Edit: After some thinking I decided that I wouldn't want the cosmetic features either. Mostly because of what has been said above me very well. We do not need any kind of elitism on this site.
Same opinion with Snek, Kaj and Pseudoscience.

Pure no.
Same opinion with Snek, Kaj and Pseudoscience.

Pure no.
Time flies when you're having rum me boys,
Time flies when you're having rum,
When you're sailing under the black flag
And you're firing all your guns
- Pirates for Sale

Similarly to all those that have spoken about this before me, I have 0 support for this.

FR allows all members to be (more-or-less) on an even playing field. That's what's great about this sight and I'd like it to remain that way.


I've (against my better judgment) scrolled through some of the comments and I would like to address a few things.

YES the KS and Boolean, along with retired stuff, does separate a group of people. But here's the thing; it does not majorly retract from the experience for most people. Sure, I'm slightly disappointed I'll never get them but I have over 200 other familiars to get.

Besides, the people who received KS stuff deserve it-- either they paid for it with real money, or had to save up a whole lot to buy them.

Everyone on FR can get a lot of things through saving up and selling stuff. By implementing a premium type of account, you're taking anyway from that. You're dividing the community by making other people have things that should be available for everyone.
Similarly to all those that have spoken about this before me, I have 0 support for this.

FR allows all members to be (more-or-less) on an even playing field. That's what's great about this sight and I'd like it to remain that way.


I've (against my better judgment) scrolled through some of the comments and I would like to address a few things.

YES the KS and Boolean, along with retired stuff, does separate a group of people. But here's the thing; it does not majorly retract from the experience for most people. Sure, I'm slightly disappointed I'll never get them but I have over 200 other familiars to get.

Besides, the people who received KS stuff deserve it-- either they paid for it with real money, or had to save up a whole lot to buy them.

Everyone on FR can get a lot of things through saving up and selling stuff. By implementing a premium type of account, you're taking anyway from that. You're dividing the community by making other people have things that should be available for everyone.
No support. This is something I feel would detract from gameplay -- I do NOT want another "us versus them" mentality created among players, and like others here I feel like there's a reason a lot of us enjoy this site. I left the monthly pay thing behind (gladly!) when I left WoW years ago, and I don't miss it.

And to be perfectly honest, while I can afford the minor purchase of gems now and then, my financial situation doesn't allow me to do any kind of monthly thing with any sort of regularity .. so seeing around the forum people that have that ability would just kind of depress me, if that makes sense. As it is, I can look at someone's lair and think, wow, they must have done really well on the AH, or assume that they got some really good clutches.
No support. This is something I feel would detract from gameplay -- I do NOT want another "us versus them" mentality created among players, and like others here I feel like there's a reason a lot of us enjoy this site. I left the monthly pay thing behind (gladly!) when I left WoW years ago, and I don't miss it.

And to be perfectly honest, while I can afford the minor purchase of gems now and then, my financial situation doesn't allow me to do any kind of monthly thing with any sort of regularity .. so seeing around the forum people that have that ability would just kind of depress me, if that makes sense. As it is, I can look at someone's lair and think, wow, they must have done really well on the AH, or assume that they got some really good clutches.
xxx. THRICE AS NICE .xxx
triple color tg hatchery - several colors available!
There are many features designed to provide ad revenue while wasting our time so let us pay you directly for no ads and less wasted time cow-clicking.
There are many features designed to provide ad revenue while wasting our time so let us pay you directly for no ads and less wasted time cow-clicking.
ppp-badge_solostore.gif m6asBGp.pngnD713ZL.gif
Absolutely not. If it's not equal on a free basis, there's no common ground within the community, and if you can pay to get gameplay features removed for convenience, it's more worth checking how much fun those features are in the first place.
Being able to pay for some things voluntarily one-at-a-time, like it is now, is alright if it keeps the site going, but if there was upgraded membership, I'd quit.
Absolutely not. If it's not equal on a free basis, there's no common ground within the community, and if you can pay to get gameplay features removed for convenience, it's more worth checking how much fun those features are in the first place.
Being able to pay for some things voluntarily one-at-a-time, like it is now, is alright if it keeps the site going, but if there was upgraded membership, I'd quit.
I would only support a way to pay to have the ads removed. Ads are here to generate revenue for the site, so paying to remove them is a fair way to support the site and get what you want. It should only be done though direct cash transfer though, not though gems because using already bough or site generated gems would cause FR to lose money and I don't want that to happen.

If there was a premium option, I would be okay with it being bough with cash or gems for either a monthly or yearly subscription fee which would make it available to anyone who can save up the gems at least. I'd only support things that were there for cosmetic or convenience sake like the bond all familiars thing and a forum vista, but I hate pay to win so there really isn't much more that I think could be worth someone's time for buying premium, so the getting rid of adds choice is probably the best.
I would only support a way to pay to have the ads removed. Ads are here to generate revenue for the site, so paying to remove them is a fair way to support the site and get what you want. It should only be done though direct cash transfer though, not though gems because using already bough or site generated gems would cause FR to lose money and I don't want that to happen.

If there was a premium option, I would be okay with it being bough with cash or gems for either a monthly or yearly subscription fee which would make it available to anyone who can save up the gems at least. I'd only support things that were there for cosmetic or convenience sake like the bond all familiars thing and a forum vista, but I hate pay to win so there really isn't much more that I think could be worth someone's time for buying premium, so the getting rid of adds choice is probably the best.