

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Option to turn off effects in Coliseum
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Support! Would love the option to turn off animations if it makes things run more smoothly. So much lag and freezing from magical attacks and movement.
Support! Would love the option to turn off animations if it makes things run more smoothly. So much lag and freezing from magical attacks and movement.
I hope it's ok that I'm dredging this one up a little to support it - I just recently got to the Boreal Wood and the snow gives me the worst kind of headache for some inexplicable reason. I'd love to have the option to toggle it, and other non-necessary Coli animations, to ease my eyes during grinding.
I hope it's ok that I'm dredging this one up a little to support it - I just recently got to the Boreal Wood and the snow gives me the worst kind of headache for some inexplicable reason. I'd love to have the option to toggle it, and other non-necessary Coli animations, to ease my eyes during grinding.
they/them • 27 • FR+0

did Atropos even know you had a name?
or when she'd cut the line, that it would leave half my tale untold?

how could you leave half a tale untold?
This would be a great thing to have, and would help keep lag minimal too (hopefully, at least) :D Has my support!
This would be a great thing to have, and would help keep lag minimal too (hopefully, at least) :D Has my support!
Supporting yet again. Trying to coli on the junker I had to use for several months for pure torture, and even worse in boreal woods or scorched forest.
Supporting yet again. Trying to coli on the junker I had to use for several months for pure torture, and even worse in boreal woods or scorched forest.
I can't even remember if I posted here before, but I'm with Skaia - the snow in the Boreal Wood made me go cross-eyed and I had to stop levelling there altogether. :( Even if effects can't be toggled, that snowfall needs to be reduced A LOT.
I can't even remember if I posted here before, but I'm with Skaia - the snow in the Boreal Wood made me go cross-eyed and I had to stop levelling there altogether. :( Even if effects can't be toggled, that snowfall needs to be reduced A LOT.
Infinite amount of support for this! Casting spells and buffs can be such a drag because of how long it takes and it seems like the battle will come to a halt if there is a large number of moving parts on the screen. Being able to turn off animations seems like it'd be really helpful.
Infinite amount of support for this! Casting spells and buffs can be such a drag because of how long it takes and it seems like the battle will come to a halt if there is a large number of moving parts on the screen. Being able to turn off animations seems like it'd be really helpful.
Half a year later...

*chirp chirp chirp*

Did we at least get a mod answer by now if it's gonna be implemented?

@Alphaeon ?
Half a year later...

*chirp chirp chirp*

Did we at least get a mod answer by now if it's gonna be implemented?

@Alphaeon ?
Not sure, but another Support from me!
Not sure, but another Support from me!
I'm on board with this. I've had to stop and refresh due to lag plenty of times.

We still need to know the attack used, so maybe we could do something similar to what happens with Aid (the + sign appears) and make that the image of the battle stone in question being used. We then see the damage taken (we still see the 'explosion' for critical attacks).

Edit: Eh...I'm drawing a blank on how to show elemental effectiveness. Maybe we keep the shaking simply for that?
I'm on board with this. I've had to stop and refresh due to lag plenty of times.

We still need to know the attack used, so maybe we could do something similar to what happens with Aid (the + sign appears) and make that the image of the battle stone in question being used. We then see the damage taken (we still see the 'explosion' for critical attacks).

Edit: Eh...I'm drawing a blank on how to show elemental effectiveness. Maybe we keep the shaking simply for that?
eP6ZvqL.png Flight Journey Lightning|Wind|Arcane|Nature|Shadow|Fire|Ice
Flight Project|Gen2 Imps
@warriorjames: I was thinking of the enemy shaking when super effective, not moving when normal effectiveness and somehow... how do I say that. As if it gets a grey overlay. You know, like stone and stuff.

(God, my english sucks)
@warriorjames: I was thinking of the enemy shaking when super effective, not moving when normal effectiveness and somehow... how do I say that. As if it gets a grey overlay. You know, like stone and stuff.

(God, my english sucks)
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