

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Bonding Ranks & Familliars
Heyho Sweetiepies.

Much more of new Familliars i would wish for something very very crucial because of so many:
- See what state they are (Bonding-Rank)

Currently you have to:

- Click on your dragon
- See the current familliar with its rank
- Click on Change Fam
- Search for a Fam that is or is not at max rank and click on it
- Click on the Dragon once more
- Look at the new fam and be disappointed if its max rank (because you have to look for a new fam in your list)

The current average time i spent on my fam changing is around 15 - 20 seconds, depending on how fast the browser loads the content. And yes, i kept my eyes on that since my fam's where more than my dragons.

Looking up 10 fam's would be an average of 100 - 150 seconds wasted time that could be easily avoided (Doing things that are not fun can be disappointing for many, right?)

Possible Solution?
A simple state, when you hover over a fam, like 0/5 for no ranks at all, or 3/5 for 3 of its 5 ranks to maximum would be very helpful managing so many fams.

Currently i own 93 Fam's and i have lots of dupes - Now: Very interesting if i want to sell them on auction house. How should i know its rank before selling?

This suggestion should be really discussed and kept in the minds of people. And before anyone comes up with "Why, dont you track your fam's with a excel sheet or something like that" - Ask you this question: Would you like to have fun with Flight Rising, or Work in Flight Rising?

If its answer 2: Fine, you can work - if thats fun for you. Not for me. I dont want to kill spare time clicking through lots of menus just to figure out which fam should be ranked up (next).

Stay crunchy.
Heyho Sweetiepies.

Much more of new Familliars i would wish for something very very crucial because of so many:
- See what state they are (Bonding-Rank)

Currently you have to:

- Click on your dragon
- See the current familliar with its rank
- Click on Change Fam
- Search for a Fam that is or is not at max rank and click on it
- Click on the Dragon once more
- Look at the new fam and be disappointed if its max rank (because you have to look for a new fam in your list)

The current average time i spent on my fam changing is around 15 - 20 seconds, depending on how fast the browser loads the content. And yes, i kept my eyes on that since my fam's where more than my dragons.

Looking up 10 fam's would be an average of 100 - 150 seconds wasted time that could be easily avoided (Doing things that are not fun can be disappointing for many, right?)

Possible Solution?
A simple state, when you hover over a fam, like 0/5 for no ranks at all, or 3/5 for 3 of its 5 ranks to maximum would be very helpful managing so many fams.

Currently i own 93 Fam's and i have lots of dupes - Now: Very interesting if i want to sell them on auction house. How should i know its rank before selling?

This suggestion should be really discussed and kept in the minds of people. And before anyone comes up with "Why, dont you track your fam's with a excel sheet or something like that" - Ask you this question: Would you like to have fun with Flight Rising, or Work in Flight Rising?

If its answer 2: Fine, you can work - if thats fun for you. Not for me. I dont want to kill spare time clicking through lots of menus just to figure out which fam should be ranked up (next).

Stay crunchy. /
Yeah, this would be nice - I can guarantee I'd still use my lovely spreadsheet cause I can just look in one place and see how many I've got to go etc, but I've only recently started working my way through getting them all fully bonded.

The loss of time - an extra couple of minutes or so every few days - isn't something I'd consider significant, but it's a little QoL thing that would be appreciated.
Yeah, this would be nice - I can guarantee I'd still use my lovely spreadsheet cause I can just look in one place and see how many I've got to go etc, but I've only recently started working my way through getting them all fully bonded.

The loss of time - an extra couple of minutes or so every few days - isn't something I'd consider significant, but it's a little QoL thing that would be appreciated.
When I max a familiar, if it's not one that I want to keep with that dragon (some of mine have set familiars), it and all its duplicates go into the vault.


I really *would* like to see the familiar rank display on the familiars somehow. It would be so much easier to keep track of what I have.
When I max a familiar, if it's not one that I want to keep with that dragon (some of mine have set familiars), it and all its duplicates go into the vault.


I really *would* like to see the familiar rank display on the familiars somehow. It would be so much easier to keep track of what I have.
(Please don't ping me in the Suggestions Forum).
I have no objection to familiars' hearts' colors representing their bonding level--you know, the little heart in the upper left corner of the thumbnail image? It might take a bit to code as that image is static now, but it would be a nice quality of life thing.
I have no objection to familiars' hearts' colors representing their bonding level--you know, the little heart in the upper left corner of the thumbnail image? It might take a bit to code as that image is static now, but it would be a nice quality of life thing.
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If writers are supposed to "show not tell," why are we called "storytellers" and not "storyshow-ers"?
I would love this. Such a simple thing, but something that would improve my desire to even interact with my familiars tenfold.
I would love this. Such a simple thing, but something that would improve my desire to even interact with my familiars tenfold.


Yeah, it would be neat - and yah, the heart could represent the state of the fam's bonding :)

Yeah, it would be neat - and yah, the heart could represent the state of the fam's bonding :) /
Yes please. Heart color idea is awesome! Going from black to gold?
Yes please. Heart color idea is awesome! Going from black to gold?
MUYNhfy.png 7UXlQKU.gif Hawketh3.png 0PhYgPv.png kwDfn0K.png
Well, or the heart can be filled from, empty, to full - that would be okay too. I mean, that would be a good solution and to use the heart even more.
Well, or the heart can be filled from, empty, to full - that would be okay too. I mean, that would be a good solution and to use the heart even more. /
I like the idea of the heart being used to represent bonding level. Make it so much easier
I like the idea of the heart being used to represent bonding level. Make it so much easier
Or even if an awakened familiar has a border around its icon, or is lighter colored...I generally don't care so much whether a familiar is loyal or tolerant, but I too get tired seeing that max bonding signal.
Or even if an awakened familiar has a border around its icon, or is lighter colored...I generally don't care so much whether a familiar is loyal or tolerant, but I too get tired seeing that max bonding signal.