

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
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Thank you @Lya!

@AuranaFireheart They use only one image because it is less work. If they used both, they'd have to have colours and genes for it too!

I will try to update, but I'll likely wait until the lag is... not.
Thank you @Lya!

@AuranaFireheart They use only one image because it is less work. If they used both, they'd have to have colours and genes for it too!

I will try to update, but I'll likely wait until the lag is... not.
Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway
@Rhea I suppose..
@Rhea I suppose..
we_rode_on_the_winds_of_the_rising_storm_by_c_yang-d68stu4.gif raelprance_zpsa72ab131_by_endlesshunter-dazyjdr.gif we_rode_on_the_winds_of_the_rising_storm_by_c_yang-d68stu4.gif
uhm Im sorry if that has already been suggested, I just didnt see it on the first page with the "already suggested"-list :)

how about a breeding stations where you can pay for studdings and such? (hope this is even said properly now....baaaad bad english*cough*)

and something else: it´d be nice to see who bought a dragon/item you sold, I think. so the username is mentioned in the "you sold this and that and got this much treasures, click here to pick it up"-mail :)

btw: I luuuv this game *-* awesome work!

uhm Im sorry if that has already been suggested, I just didnt see it on the first page with the "already suggested"-list :)

how about a breeding stations where you can pay for studdings and such? (hope this is even said properly now....baaaad bad english*cough*)

and something else: it´d be nice to see who bought a dragon/item you sold, I think. so the username is mentioned in the "you sold this and that and got this much treasures, click here to pick it up"-mail :)

btw: I luuuv this game *-* awesome work!

I didn't see it, so how about an option to search by "adult" when searching for dragons on auction?

I'm sure I'm not the only person that wanted an already adult dragon and I had to sift through at least 20 pages of mostly hatchlings to find one that breeds tommorow. If I had just been able to refine the search to adult, this would have been much quicker. We're talking done in 2 pages.
I didn't see it, so how about an option to search by "adult" when searching for dragons on auction?

I'm sure I'm not the only person that wanted an already adult dragon and I had to sift through at least 20 pages of mostly hatchlings to find one that breeds tommorow. If I had just been able to refine the search to adult, this would have been much quicker. We're talking done in 2 pages.

My update, it's gone... I dun wanna work on it againnnn.


Anyways, if you have a suggestion, please make a thread for it!

My update, it's gone... I dun wanna work on it againnnn.


Anyways, if you have a suggestion, please make a thread for it!
Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway
I've seen a lot of people ask for a "Freeze account" on here ALL THE TIME. Can you add those? :)
I've seen a lot of people ask for a "Freeze account" on here ALL THE TIME. Can you add those? :)
@rhea Has anyone suggested for the coliseum: Turn off motion graphics, for those who don't want to wait for the bouncing and special effects to load.... it could still be there for the pretties, and people who grind the lower levels for hours don't go crazy waiting for the graphics to load up. Win win?
@rhea Has anyone suggested for the coliseum: Turn off motion graphics, for those who don't want to wait for the bouncing and special effects to load.... it could still be there for the pretties, and people who grind the lower levels for hours don't go crazy waiting for the graphics to load up. Win win?
I have a thread for a suggested new species!
I have a thread for a suggested new species!
I am 100% behind the color change scroll. To keep it from getting out of hand it could go within 5 shades of your current color. If it was a free for all then those nicely colored dragons wouldn't be worth as much and it would damage the market.

Also, a breeding cooldown scroll. Perhaps it would take half of your cooldown off. Charge as much as you want for it. 5000 gems in the marketplace. I'm sure people would buy it ;)
I am 100% behind the color change scroll. To keep it from getting out of hand it could go within 5 shades of your current color. If it was a free for all then those nicely colored dragons wouldn't be worth as much and it would damage the market.

Also, a breeding cooldown scroll. Perhaps it would take half of your cooldown off. Charge as much as you want for it. 5000 gems in the marketplace. I'm sure people would buy it ;)
@Rhea When you purchase a dragon/when eggs hatch, the new dragons should go to the BACK OF YOUR LAIR!

I'm tired of dealing with lag and lair arrangement every day when I like the way my dragons are arranged already.
@Rhea When you purchase a dragon/when eggs hatch, the new dragons should go to the BACK OF YOUR LAIR!

I'm tired of dealing with lag and lair arrangement every day when I like the way my dragons are arranged already.
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