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TOPIC | Stud?
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Th ability to stud a dragon, to be able to breed with other users dragons!
At the moment you have to temporarily trade a dragon, which is somewhat long winded. There could be an interface similar to the auction house, where male and female dragons are available to breed for a price set by the owner, resulting in a shared nest or the mother having to incubate the nest.
Th ability to stud a dragon, to be able to breed with other users dragons!
At the moment you have to temporarily trade a dragon, which is somewhat long winded. There could be an interface similar to the auction house, where male and female dragons are available to breed for a price set by the owner, resulting in a shared nest or the mother having to incubate the nest.
~ I am eight hours ahead of FR time ~
What happens if there is a uneven number of eggs. which is more likely than not?

Which eye color is considered, for the hatchling's eyes?
What happens if there is a uneven number of eggs. which is more likely than not?

Which eye color is considered, for the hatchling's eyes?
I think part of my problem with the whole 'studding' concept is that dragons are supposed to be sentient and I have a hard time thinking about 'studding' them out like they were horses....

Anyways just a bit of a problem for me with the term 'stud'.

However, while I don't really support the OP's suggestion, I would support a safer way to 'rent' nests.

IE, someone buys an item from the market place that gives the ability to place a nest up for rental. They can then place one of their dragons in said nest and someone else can place one of their dragons in the nest and the two act like a regular nest, except that the *sigh* 'studded' dragon is still in the original lair, but it cannot be used for anything else as it is still incubating a nest. OR the person can place their nest up for rental and one person places two dragons or even two different people place a dragon each. (for a fee of course)

All hatchlings are either split up evenly between the parent dragons (if it can be, other wise RNG rolls to see which dragon gets the 'odd' hatchling) (and yes this would mean that if the person who rented the nest put a dragon in, they would get some of the hatchlings, and if a person puts both dragons in, they get all the hatchlings) OR all hatchlings go to the rental nest owner's lair, and get split up according to a pre nest agreement.

The only problem with that is it would probably be a nightmare to code.

I think part of my problem with the whole 'studding' concept is that dragons are supposed to be sentient and I have a hard time thinking about 'studding' them out like they were horses....

Anyways just a bit of a problem for me with the term 'stud'.

However, while I don't really support the OP's suggestion, I would support a safer way to 'rent' nests.

IE, someone buys an item from the market place that gives the ability to place a nest up for rental. They can then place one of their dragons in said nest and someone else can place one of their dragons in the nest and the two act like a regular nest, except that the *sigh* 'studded' dragon is still in the original lair, but it cannot be used for anything else as it is still incubating a nest. OR the person can place their nest up for rental and one person places two dragons or even two different people place a dragon each. (for a fee of course)

All hatchlings are either split up evenly between the parent dragons (if it can be, other wise RNG rolls to see which dragon gets the 'odd' hatchling) (and yes this would mean that if the person who rented the nest put a dragon in, they would get some of the hatchlings, and if a person puts both dragons in, they get all the hatchlings) OR all hatchlings go to the rental nest owner's lair, and get split up according to a pre nest agreement.

The only problem with that is it would probably be a nightmare to code.

Let them Fight
Let them Serve the Deities
Let them Exist in peace!
Dragons needed --->
Breed Characteristic Apparel!

Cuckoo Breed and Mutations!

Change Unnamed in YOUR dragon's profile!
There are some coding issues to consider with a two player breeding system--namely both dragons tend the nest and hatchlings aren't rolled until the nest is hatched, nests must be manually incubated and must be manually hatched so its quite possible to keep a pair in limbo--inable to be rebred, exalted, breed changed, regened, sold, etc ((I have one pair that has been on a 5 egg nest for two months--I'm waiting for the color wheel expansion to hatch them, and I have a second pair that has been on a 4 egg nest for a month for the same reason)), so if there aren't things put into place to prevent issues, a player could end up with a dragon they cannot breed, exalt, regene or change breed because the other player disappeared.

If a two player breeding option is added I'd like to see these restrictions
  • Both sexes can be put up as available for breeding.
  • The player who sends the breeding request gets the nest in their lair and is the one who gets the eggs. They are also the only player who can incubate or hatch the nest.
  • Both dragons go on the breeding cooldown ((lore wise, the studded dragon is still helping tend the nest, game wise its to keep the current requirement consistent))
  • If the nest isn't hatched in X days ((probably 15 days max as that corresponds with the length of a plentiful's cooldown)) then the clutch is discarded to prevent dragons from being stuck in limbo

I do agree with jemadar about the term studding
There are some coding issues to consider with a two player breeding system--namely both dragons tend the nest and hatchlings aren't rolled until the nest is hatched, nests must be manually incubated and must be manually hatched so its quite possible to keep a pair in limbo--inable to be rebred, exalted, breed changed, regened, sold, etc ((I have one pair that has been on a 5 egg nest for two months--I'm waiting for the color wheel expansion to hatch them, and I have a second pair that has been on a 4 egg nest for a month for the same reason)), so if there aren't things put into place to prevent issues, a player could end up with a dragon they cannot breed, exalt, regene or change breed because the other player disappeared.

If a two player breeding option is added I'd like to see these restrictions
  • Both sexes can be put up as available for breeding.
  • The player who sends the breeding request gets the nest in their lair and is the one who gets the eggs. They are also the only player who can incubate or hatch the nest.
  • Both dragons go on the breeding cooldown ((lore wise, the studded dragon is still helping tend the nest, game wise its to keep the current requirement consistent))
  • If the nest isn't hatched in X days ((probably 15 days max as that corresponds with the length of a plentiful's cooldown)) then the clutch is discarded to prevent dragons from being stuck in limbo

I do agree with jemadar about the term studding
3DS Friend Code: 5300-9941-4980
#UnnamedIsValid .:. Nature Sales Thread .:. Strider Subspecies
I always support a safe 2p breeding system. After several threads and discussions, the best mechanics I can think of would work like this: both players would need a ready to breed, unrelated dragon of the opposite gender. Both pay a small fee to have the dragons meet in either the land of lair A or lair B. There's always an even number of eggs (2, 4 or 6) split evenly between both users. Each users' eggs go into their own rented neutral nest where they (and their aforementioned dragons) are responsible for incubating the eggs. As a result of being in one of the user's lands, the hatchlings all wind up with that eye color. Or, as someone else suggested, the two users have their dragons go on vacation to any of the 11 lands where they lay their eggs, and hatchlings have the eye color of that land.
I always support a safe 2p breeding system. After several threads and discussions, the best mechanics I can think of would work like this: both players would need a ready to breed, unrelated dragon of the opposite gender. Both pay a small fee to have the dragons meet in either the land of lair A or lair B. There's always an even number of eggs (2, 4 or 6) split evenly between both users. Each users' eggs go into their own rented neutral nest where they (and their aforementioned dragons) are responsible for incubating the eggs. As a result of being in one of the user's lands, the hatchlings all wind up with that eye color. Or, as someone else suggested, the two users have their dragons go on vacation to any of the 11 lands where they lay their eggs, and hatchlings have the eye color of that land.
Pings are disabled.

If writers are supposed to "show not tell," why are we called "storytellers" and not "storyshow-ers"?
I'm not certain if I support or not, but I'd say that rather than manual incubation, it's automatic. This way if one player goes AWOL, the other doesn't suffer for it.
I'm not certain if I support or not, but I'd say that rather than manual incubation, it's automatic. This way if one player goes AWOL, the other doesn't suffer for it.
To make this idea a little cleaner, what about a "renting" service? A dragon can be rented out instead of sold. Say, you could choose to loan someone a dragon for a 7-day max, for an agreed upon price. This dragon couldn't be sold or exalted, but could be returned early. It could then be bred in someone else's nest during this time - but if you try to breed too late, the dragon couldn't be selected for breeding, and if you don't finish incubating, the nest could either suffer egg rot or survive without the rented dragon. Besides studding, this could be useful for renting level 25 dragons to newbies or something. (in that case, if it isn't 25, maybe its stats and battlestones could be frozen somehow so the new player couldn't change it in any way)
To make this idea a little cleaner, what about a "renting" service? A dragon can be rented out instead of sold. Say, you could choose to loan someone a dragon for a 7-day max, for an agreed upon price. This dragon couldn't be sold or exalted, but could be returned early. It could then be bred in someone else's nest during this time - but if you try to breed too late, the dragon couldn't be selected for breeding, and if you don't finish incubating, the nest could either suffer egg rot or survive without the rented dragon. Besides studding, this could be useful for renting level 25 dragons to newbies or something. (in that case, if it isn't 25, maybe its stats and battlestones could be frozen somehow so the new player couldn't change it in any way)
I have large concerns over this causing disagreements about who will take which hatchlings. I also have concerns over how the nest would hatch if one player did not have lair space- what would happen if the nest was due to hatch but one player does not access the site to make room for their share of the hatchlings?
I have large concerns over this causing disagreements about who will take which hatchlings. I also have concerns over how the nest would hatch if one player did not have lair space- what would happen if the nest was due to hatch but one player does not access the site to make room for their share of the hatchlings?
I agree the word 'stud' is definitely wrong, but its the only one I could think of to explain the concept. Perhaps it could be called something like 'clan alliance'? 'inter-clan marraige?'
As for hatchlings, perhaps sets of twins, and I agree, clutches of even numbers would be best. So say, twin clutches of two, four or six.
It could be incubated by either- and in case of a AWOL player- perhaps one player could take 'their' eggs away from the shared nest regardless if the other player?
I agree the word 'stud' is definitely wrong, but its the only one I could think of to explain the concept. Perhaps it could be called something like 'clan alliance'? 'inter-clan marraige?'
As for hatchlings, perhaps sets of twins, and I agree, clutches of even numbers would be best. So say, twin clutches of two, four or six.
It could be incubated by either- and in case of a AWOL player- perhaps one player could take 'their' eggs away from the shared nest regardless if the other player?
~ I am eight hours ahead of FR time ~
I'm going to support this forever.

I think two player breeding system is something that Flight Rising is lacking.

It would take some thought, especially since on some other sites, the studding feature only allows you to pay the owner of the male to have him mate with your females, leaving no grey area as to who the babies belong to, but I'm sure that could be dealt with.

It would probably need to be a request and payment system.

  • Player A sets a studding price up (per dragon, or lair-wide, whichever)
  • Player B goes to Player A's lair
  • Player B selects whichever of Player A's dragon they wish to breed with from the dragon's page
  • Player B selects one of their own compatible dragons to breed with it from a drop-down and presses confirm, agreeing to the price set by Player A.
  • Player A accepts or declines the studding.

Of course, Player B should be able to cancel the transaction whenever they want up until Player A has confirmed it, just as they can with the Crossroads right now, thus eliminating any issues of time.

Player B would also hold all of the responsibility for incubating the nest. Player A provided a service (their dragon) for payment, the upkeep of their nest is not their problem, it would be the requester's.

I think it would be good if the studded offspring list (the offspring list of Player A) is separate from their main one, that way, there would be no arguments regarding offspring's names, either.

The payment system, which would be set by the user, would certainly go a long way to squashing any arguments or squabbling over ownership of the hatchlings. The babies belong to the requester, since they are the one putting forth the treasure or gems to breed with the male or female of their choice.

The price would cover the service, the cost of the cooldown for Player A's dragon and, as mentioned, stop any ownership disputes.

Of course, owners of dragons will be able to select whether their dragons are available for studding at all, should they not want to be bothered by pings about stud requests and the option to request would obviously not be present while the dragon is on cooldown.

Edited: I also want to add that the 'stud' dragon (the dragon belong to Player A) should not, in this situation, be subjected to the same limitations as a regular nesting dragon. There should probably be a picture of Player A's dragon visible in Player B's lair for the duration of the nesting, but Player A should still be able to freely sell or exalt the dragon during the incubation period.

It wouldn't be fair if Player A's dragon was stuck in limbo forever and a day just because Player B lost interest in the game halfway through the incubation counter.

I'm going to support this forever.

I think two player breeding system is something that Flight Rising is lacking.

It would take some thought, especially since on some other sites, the studding feature only allows you to pay the owner of the male to have him mate with your females, leaving no grey area as to who the babies belong to, but I'm sure that could be dealt with.

It would probably need to be a request and payment system.

  • Player A sets a studding price up (per dragon, or lair-wide, whichever)
  • Player B goes to Player A's lair
  • Player B selects whichever of Player A's dragon they wish to breed with from the dragon's page
  • Player B selects one of their own compatible dragons to breed with it from a drop-down and presses confirm, agreeing to the price set by Player A.
  • Player A accepts or declines the studding.

Of course, Player B should be able to cancel the transaction whenever they want up until Player A has confirmed it, just as they can with the Crossroads right now, thus eliminating any issues of time.

Player B would also hold all of the responsibility for incubating the nest. Player A provided a service (their dragon) for payment, the upkeep of their nest is not their problem, it would be the requester's.

I think it would be good if the studded offspring list (the offspring list of Player A) is separate from their main one, that way, there would be no arguments regarding offspring's names, either.

The payment system, which would be set by the user, would certainly go a long way to squashing any arguments or squabbling over ownership of the hatchlings. The babies belong to the requester, since they are the one putting forth the treasure or gems to breed with the male or female of their choice.

The price would cover the service, the cost of the cooldown for Player A's dragon and, as mentioned, stop any ownership disputes.

Of course, owners of dragons will be able to select whether their dragons are available for studding at all, should they not want to be bothered by pings about stud requests and the option to request would obviously not be present while the dragon is on cooldown.

Edited: I also want to add that the 'stud' dragon (the dragon belong to Player A) should not, in this situation, be subjected to the same limitations as a regular nesting dragon. There should probably be a picture of Player A's dragon visible in Player B's lair for the duration of the nesting, but Player A should still be able to freely sell or exalt the dragon during the incubation period.

It wouldn't be fair if Player A's dragon was stuck in limbo forever and a day just because Player B lost interest in the game halfway through the incubation counter.

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UK time. Sorry for timezone-related delays in responses. They/Them.
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