

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Coliseum Accessibility: 40* threads
I have carpal tunnel syndrome like many people. I have three different wrist braces I wear depending on the situation (soft, firm, etc.) I've spent almost my entire life on computers, gaming, drawing and writing, not to mention I have broken this hand...twice. I couldn't even play a full length game of Shock Switch without my right wrist (mouse hand) becoming stiff, uncomfortable and even painful. I'm very goal-oriented and good at grind heavy games and the Coliseum suits that description perfectly. It's also an essential feature to the site for users to make treasure and feed their clan. But because of this condition, I have to take frequent breaks. Keyboard bindings for Coliseum control would be an amazing feature that would save us all a lot of future pain.

As for the animations I didn't know that many players had such severe reactions and that most DEFINITELY needs to be addressed. I know the artists are proud of their work, and the art and animations are beautiful, but we're talking about another human's health and well-being here. Some of these testimonies I've read show that players are actually quitting because they physically can't play Coliseum. Keep animations on by default, especially so that new players will get immersed in the full Coliseum experience, but offer a toggle option somewhere so that players with serious health conditions don't have to choose between endangering themselves or feeding their dragons.
I have carpal tunnel syndrome like many people. I have three different wrist braces I wear depending on the situation (soft, firm, etc.) I've spent almost my entire life on computers, gaming, drawing and writing, not to mention I have broken this hand...twice. I couldn't even play a full length game of Shock Switch without my right wrist (mouse hand) becoming stiff, uncomfortable and even painful. I'm very goal-oriented and good at grind heavy games and the Coliseum suits that description perfectly. It's also an essential feature to the site for users to make treasure and feed their clan. But because of this condition, I have to take frequent breaks. Keyboard bindings for Coliseum control would be an amazing feature that would save us all a lot of future pain.

As for the animations I didn't know that many players had such severe reactions and that most DEFINITELY needs to be addressed. I know the artists are proud of their work, and the art and animations are beautiful, but we're talking about another human's health and well-being here. Some of these testimonies I've read show that players are actually quitting because they physically can't play Coliseum. Keep animations on by default, especially so that new players will get immersed in the full Coliseum experience, but offer a toggle option somewhere so that players with serious health conditions don't have to choose between endangering themselves or feeding their dragons.
Luckily I have no problems using the Coli - but I know many people have - so BUMPING AND SUPPORTING ALL THE WAY!
Luckily I have no problems using the Coli - but I know many people have - so BUMPING AND SUPPORTING ALL THE WAY!
[ Yoshi ]
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I support this! *bump*
I support this! *bump*
All the support for a text-only version that's accessible to screen-readers!

Here for the keyboard controls too, yes please!
All the support for a text-only version that's accessible to screen-readers!

Here for the keyboard controls too, yes please!
So much support for this!

I end up with a lot of eyestrain and sometimes headaches from levelling in the coliseum (especially the Kelp Beds with the bubble that makes everything so difficult to see). The animations just waste my time and when they make the screen shake it sometimes causes discomfort or brief bouts of feeling disoriented because I'm photosensitive and whenever there's a flash involved it makes the effect feel so much worse. Plus it's just plain annoying, to be honest. I'd love to be able to nix all animations, or at least all the magical animations and world-shaking ones.

I'm not fond of the idea of text being larger, though, as large text actually makes things harder for me to read. I'd greatly prefer that be an accessibility option toggle, where you can choose to use large text or not.

My wrists are already weak and I'm a console gamer, so I'm vaguely used to the pain caused from that sort of thing, but I do still greatly support keyboard shortcuts - customizable ones, if possible. I find myself stopping to move to mobile or rest my wrists often while coli grinding because it gets very painful with all the mouse movements and clicking.

And really, as it stands, there are not better options to make money or get food for dragons on this site. Gathering and fairgrounds games (which are also mouse-intensive and some include flashing that could trigger seizures so aren't options for everyone) both are very limited, and exalting only is worth it if you have levelled fodder. Using the coliseum is basically required to get anywhere, so making it more accessible and more customizable to each user's needs should be a huge priority.
So much support for this!

I end up with a lot of eyestrain and sometimes headaches from levelling in the coliseum (especially the Kelp Beds with the bubble that makes everything so difficult to see). The animations just waste my time and when they make the screen shake it sometimes causes discomfort or brief bouts of feeling disoriented because I'm photosensitive and whenever there's a flash involved it makes the effect feel so much worse. Plus it's just plain annoying, to be honest. I'd love to be able to nix all animations, or at least all the magical animations and world-shaking ones.

I'm not fond of the idea of text being larger, though, as large text actually makes things harder for me to read. I'd greatly prefer that be an accessibility option toggle, where you can choose to use large text or not.

My wrists are already weak and I'm a console gamer, so I'm vaguely used to the pain caused from that sort of thing, but I do still greatly support keyboard shortcuts - customizable ones, if possible. I find myself stopping to move to mobile or rest my wrists often while coli grinding because it gets very painful with all the mouse movements and clicking.

And really, as it stands, there are not better options to make money or get food for dragons on this site. Gathering and fairgrounds games (which are also mouse-intensive and some include flashing that could trigger seizures so aren't options for everyone) both are very limited, and exalting only is worth it if you have levelled fodder. Using the coliseum is basically required to get anywhere, so making it more accessible and more customizable to each user's needs should be a huge priority.

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You always have a choice.
You can either roll over and die, or you can keep fightin' no matter what.
SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT-- i don't have any serious medical issues that this could exacerbate like seizures, etc., but the constant animations bother me so much, they're really distracting. once or twice it didn't load properly, so some of the animations, like the bobbing, were gone and it was a much better experience for the few battles that it happened in.

something that is troubling to me is that the animations seem to be getting worse-- i feel like in most of the original venues, the enemies had only minor movements, but with rainsong jungle and crystal pools, they're major things like wings blurring/flapping and other things (i can't use specific examples because i haven't been in the coli for a little while).
SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT-- i don't have any serious medical issues that this could exacerbate like seizures, etc., but the constant animations bother me so much, they're really distracting. once or twice it didn't load properly, so some of the animations, like the bobbing, were gone and it was a much better experience for the few battles that it happened in.

something that is troubling to me is that the animations seem to be getting worse-- i feel like in most of the original venues, the enemies had only minor movements, but with rainsong jungle and crystal pools, they're major things like wings blurring/flapping and other things (i can't use specific examples because i haven't been in the coli for a little while).
Bump for support!
Bump for support!
Support 100% - we don't need no fancy coliseum!
Support 100% - we don't need no fancy coliseum!
151.png Dont do drugs kids

Accent shop!
Coming by to bump this.
Coming by to bump this.