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TOPIC | [New Breed] Shadowalker
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Ahhh I'm glad you guys like em *v*

There be more silly faces where that comes from
Ahhh I'm glad you guys like em *v*

There be more silly faces where that comes from
I'm gonna be the one that sounds mean, but I honestly don't like the design, at least the current topmost one. It looks too derpy to me. The older sketches you had I like much more because they look feral, gargoyle-like and could easily be children of the Shadowmom.
I'm gonna be the one that sounds mean, but I honestly don't like the design, at least the current topmost one. It looks too derpy to me. The older sketches you had I like much more because they look feral, gargoyle-like and could easily be children of the Shadowmom.
I don't think that's mean at all! I appreciate the feedback!
I'll keep that in mind when I make more sketches for the dragon, another person thought it could also look more keen.
I don't think that's mean at all! I appreciate the feedback!
I'll keep that in mind when I make more sketches for the dragon, another person thought it could also look more keen.
@TeaDino. Yay! That's good. I normally don't like being negative unless necessary, especially on this forum where people will dislike things right off the bat I've noticed for all sorts of reasons.

Anyway, yeah. Less derpy more serious dragon is how I see a design like this. The Shadow Momma is not a derpy lady. Or so I think...?
@TeaDino. Yay! That's good. I normally don't like being negative unless necessary, especially on this forum where people will dislike things right off the bat I've noticed for all sorts of reasons.

Anyway, yeah. Less derpy more serious dragon is how I see a design like this. The Shadow Momma is not a derpy lady. Or so I think...?

Not sure if you still want some crits but I might as well give some anyway C:

I guess I must be in the minority but think having a silly shadow dragon would be really cool, I guess because the stereotypical shadow dragon would be ~dark and brooding~ and that doesn't seem really interesting to me to be honest

That said, the legs of the shadowwalker kind of remind me of a combination of gecko and bird feet- if this what you based them on? I think it works well.

As for the wings- you could change them to look more like a gliding lizard's, but I like what you have currently. (kind of looks to be based on owl wings?)

I actually prefer the alt pose, because how the wings connect to the body on the lower back of the current one makes the anatomy look a bit odd to me.

Maybe the horns and spines can be changed to look more tree like? Sort of like camouflage, and maybe more like branches? (not a huge fan of the hooktail, either)

I think making the eyes more snake-like would also help with giving the impression that it is nocturnal

the dragon's head has got to be my favorite part of the design, and the hatchling is honestly my favorite dragon hatchling of all. It's just so cute I want 20 ;^;

Still- I like the design and think is has real potential to be fantastic after some revisions C:

Not sure if you still want some crits but I might as well give some anyway C:

I guess I must be in the minority but think having a silly shadow dragon would be really cool, I guess because the stereotypical shadow dragon would be ~dark and brooding~ and that doesn't seem really interesting to me to be honest

That said, the legs of the shadowwalker kind of remind me of a combination of gecko and bird feet- if this what you based them on? I think it works well.

As for the wings- you could change them to look more like a gliding lizard's, but I like what you have currently. (kind of looks to be based on owl wings?)

I actually prefer the alt pose, because how the wings connect to the body on the lower back of the current one makes the anatomy look a bit odd to me.

Maybe the horns and spines can be changed to look more tree like? Sort of like camouflage, and maybe more like branches? (not a huge fan of the hooktail, either)

I think making the eyes more snake-like would also help with giving the impression that it is nocturnal

the dragon's head has got to be my favorite part of the design, and the hatchling is honestly my favorite dragon hatchling of all. It's just so cute I want 20 ;^;

Still- I like the design and think is has real potential to be fantastic after some revisions C:
Wooo thanks for the crit!!
Yeah, I'll try both attitudes both fun loving and brooding for the Shadowalker, it will be fun exploring!

But yes, those are some good feedback and suggestions. The gliding lizard's wings are also interesting and something i also considered- I might bring it back?? But yes, the wings are owl-like, i'M glad you noticed that!
I wanted them to be owl like because owls are the masters of silent flying!

I've got a couple of drawings I want to scan in later, or take a photo really. Right now I'm without a scanner in my current living situation haha...
Wooo thanks for the crit!!
Yeah, I'll try both attitudes both fun loving and brooding for the Shadowalker, it will be fun exploring!

But yes, those are some good feedback and suggestions. The gliding lizard's wings are also interesting and something i also considered- I might bring it back?? But yes, the wings are owl-like, i'M glad you noticed that!
I wanted them to be owl like because owls are the masters of silent flying!

I've got a couple of drawings I want to scan in later, or take a photo really. Right now I'm without a scanner in my current living situation haha...
Sweet! It'd be funny if the dragon at first looked very frighting but then you quickly realize its quite playful/silly? (I think this would reflect shadow flight as a whole pretty well)

The gilding lizards wing would work if Shadowwalkers prefered heavily wooded areas- where simply gilding from tree to tree would be more effective and easier than trying to fly.

And go owls! (They are actually my favorite animal C:) If you go with owl wings though maybe you could make the rest of it's design look a bit more owl like? Since I think this dragon having owl characteristics would definitely make it look like more of a silent predator. Maybe you could do something with the eyes, eyebrows, or markings around the eyes (or even a bit more with the feet)?

I'd love to see what you come up with!
Sweet! It'd be funny if the dragon at first looked very frighting but then you quickly realize its quite playful/silly? (I think this would reflect shadow flight as a whole pretty well)

The gilding lizards wing would work if Shadowwalkers prefered heavily wooded areas- where simply gilding from tree to tree would be more effective and easier than trying to fly.

And go owls! (They are actually my favorite animal C:) If you go with owl wings though maybe you could make the rest of it's design look a bit more owl like? Since I think this dragon having owl characteristics would definitely make it look like more of a silent predator. Maybe you could do something with the eyes, eyebrows, or markings around the eyes (or even a bit more with the feet)?

I'd love to see what you come up with!
Support! I love how expressive and clunky they are! Plus shadow needs an indigenous derg!
Support! I love how expressive and clunky they are! Plus shadow needs an indigenous derg!
totally need this dragon, they look awesome *.* support !
totally need this dragon, they look awesome *.* support !
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