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TOPIC | Idea for introducing new breed
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I am really not that keen on @Malfunction 's additional suggestion.

From my understanding of your post, if you bred two of the new breeds together you would only have a 10% chance of getting a new breed? That really does not sit well with me at all. If you go through all the effort to get two mates of the new breed then you should have a guarantee for their eggs to be of the new breed as well.

Having the new breed be rare when crossed with an already existing breed is a good idea. Then there will still be enough challenge in breeding for the colour combination that you want and it won't be a walk in the park.

From my perspective, this idea was something to add a further level of challenge to breeding for the perfect dragon. Not a way for the lucky few among us to make bucketloads of cash from selling off the first few rounds of this new breed to those who can afford them.

Trying to artificially inflate the market for longer through harsh RNG criteria so that you can make more money off the initial hype is not the right thing to do, in my opinion at least.

It will turn the challenge of breeding your prefect dragon into a situation where the lucky few among us will make a large profit for the first few months until the market for the breed crashes. Artificially prolonging the time until the market crash will only irritate the players who are trying to breed the dragon they want. FR is a breeding game, not a breed for profit game. There is a big difference between the two.
I am really not that keen on @Malfunction 's additional suggestion.

From my understanding of your post, if you bred two of the new breeds together you would only have a 10% chance of getting a new breed? That really does not sit well with me at all. If you go through all the effort to get two mates of the new breed then you should have a guarantee for their eggs to be of the new breed as well.

Having the new breed be rare when crossed with an already existing breed is a good idea. Then there will still be enough challenge in breeding for the colour combination that you want and it won't be a walk in the park.

From my perspective, this idea was something to add a further level of challenge to breeding for the perfect dragon. Not a way for the lucky few among us to make bucketloads of cash from selling off the first few rounds of this new breed to those who can afford them.

Trying to artificially inflate the market for longer through harsh RNG criteria so that you can make more money off the initial hype is not the right thing to do, in my opinion at least.

It will turn the challenge of breeding your prefect dragon into a situation where the lucky few among us will make a large profit for the first few months until the market for the breed crashes. Artificially prolonging the time until the market crash will only irritate the players who are trying to breed the dragon they want. FR is a breeding game, not a breed for profit game. There is a big difference between the two.
Yeah, I added it because I totally blanked on RNG for breeding lmao I edited my first post about it -- maybe not as low as the 5-10% but not above a 50-50 chance if bred with a different breed. I think the 30-45% I suggested is a little better?

... Although the breed-get RNG chance decreases the more common a breed gets when bred with a rarer one so???? ?? ? ?? ??? ??
I'm not good with this ahahaha
Yeah, I added it because I totally blanked on RNG for breeding lmao I edited my first post about it -- maybe not as low as the 5-10% but not above a 50-50 chance if bred with a different breed. I think the 30-45% I suggested is a little better?

... Although the breed-get RNG chance decreases the more common a breed gets when bred with a rarer one so???? ?? ? ?? ??? ??
I'm not good with this ahahaha
N i c k
"Fear not the night."
→ he/him
@Nicolas - Rarity when bred to other types of dragon certainly is a tricky thing to decide on!

My first thought was to have this new breed on the same tier as Skydancers. Then they are quite tricky to come by if you breed them with plentiful or common dragons but if you can find a matching Imperial, Wildclaw or Coatl then they are easier to obtain.

The 25 day cooldown period will ensure that they are challenging to breed for, but not impossible if you get your pairs matched up well.
@Nicolas - Rarity when bred to other types of dragon certainly is a tricky thing to decide on!

My first thought was to have this new breed on the same tier as Skydancers. Then they are quite tricky to come by if you breed them with plentiful or common dragons but if you can find a matching Imperial, Wildclaw or Coatl then they are easier to obtain.

The 25 day cooldown period will ensure that they are challenging to breed for, but not impossible if you get your pairs matched up well.
Support. However, I have a few things to say.


At the same time, though, limiting play options is a bad thing to do to the game. I could argue that I don't want to spend real money in order to be able to get coatl or wildclaw scrolls. However, if I don't want to spend real money, I don't have too. I can still sell items and earn treasure and trade that treasure to other users for gems to buy the scrolls.

The same principal works for an unhatched egg-only breed. If I want one of these new egg-only dragons, I can buy the eggs and hatch them or buy them off the auction house with gems/treasure or from the forums in a mixture of ways.

I don't agree with the "ancient breed" idea for the eggs, as much as I like the idea of an egg-only breed of dragons. Dragon society is still relatively new in the grand scheme of the world's lore, and chances are there are probably not a whole lot of 'ancient species' type dragons.

I think a better idea would be a genetic mutation that is a combination of all the starter breeds rolled into one, except changed in multiple ways. For example, plated fins that are similar to a Mirror and Guardian's combined, with the wide and rounded skull structure of reminiscent of a Tundra, but a medium-sized, fairly long body structure and finned wings to kind of combine the Fae's spindly look and wing-type. Perhaps the fin-wings would be like some metallic dragons from D&D and extend along the entire length of their body.

I was actually working on a species that looks kind of like this.

As for breeding, I don't agree that they should have a chance to produce non-species offspring if the mated pair are both the same new species. That would just be cruel. :P

Instead, make them a new level of rarity, with a breeding cooldown of 45 days. This will make it so that even if a slew of them come out on the first day, newborns from mated pairs won't be showing up for a month and a half.

Or even just make them rare with the 35 day cooldown. But making them a higher rarity would mean even coatl and wildclaw mates would mean less than 50% chance of new-breed offspring.

It won't fix the problem, but it will prolong it--and make the breeding challenge more fun. In my opinion.
Support. However, I have a few things to say.


At the same time, though, limiting play options is a bad thing to do to the game. I could argue that I don't want to spend real money in order to be able to get coatl or wildclaw scrolls. However, if I don't want to spend real money, I don't have too. I can still sell items and earn treasure and trade that treasure to other users for gems to buy the scrolls.

The same principal works for an unhatched egg-only breed. If I want one of these new egg-only dragons, I can buy the eggs and hatch them or buy them off the auction house with gems/treasure or from the forums in a mixture of ways.

I don't agree with the "ancient breed" idea for the eggs, as much as I like the idea of an egg-only breed of dragons. Dragon society is still relatively new in the grand scheme of the world's lore, and chances are there are probably not a whole lot of 'ancient species' type dragons.

I think a better idea would be a genetic mutation that is a combination of all the starter breeds rolled into one, except changed in multiple ways. For example, plated fins that are similar to a Mirror and Guardian's combined, with the wide and rounded skull structure of reminiscent of a Tundra, but a medium-sized, fairly long body structure and finned wings to kind of combine the Fae's spindly look and wing-type. Perhaps the fin-wings would be like some metallic dragons from D&D and extend along the entire length of their body.

I was actually working on a species that looks kind of like this.

As for breeding, I don't agree that they should have a chance to produce non-species offspring if the mated pair are both the same new species. That would just be cruel. :P

Instead, make them a new level of rarity, with a breeding cooldown of 45 days. This will make it so that even if a slew of them come out on the first day, newborns from mated pairs won't be showing up for a month and a half.

Or even just make them rare with the 35 day cooldown. But making them a higher rarity would mean even coatl and wildclaw mates would mean less than 50% chance of new-breed offspring.

It won't fix the problem, but it will prolong it--and make the breeding challenge more fun. In my opinion.
Looking for a Generation One dragon of these specifications:
Female - Wind/Light/Ice - Charcoal/Stone/Beige
There are currently none. If you happen to hatch one, MESSAGE ME PLEASE!
I will pay very handsomely for this dragon.
I understand what you're saying, but I'm not really interested in the profit aspect of this (you're talking to a person who doesn't like breeding and prefers waiting and buying the right colors through AH) o3o;

But yes, I do support rarity=high value, it was fun (for me anyway), when I had to save up for days/weeks for my first few dragons. When everything was easily 300k+ on AH for even non-gened spirals, it just made me love my dragons that much more when I did get my dream dragon/gene/etc etc.
I think that portion of the game died when I can now get exactly what I want in 15 minutes of coli grinding and shuffling through the AH a bit. As most of the colors I like are pretty common and are already gened to boot.

Getting long winded here, but hope you can sorta understand my perspective?
Basically, I love it when rarity is high, as it gives users a long term goal and keeps interest up.
I understand what you're saying, but I'm not really interested in the profit aspect of this (you're talking to a person who doesn't like breeding and prefers waiting and buying the right colors through AH) o3o;

But yes, I do support rarity=high value, it was fun (for me anyway), when I had to save up for days/weeks for my first few dragons. When everything was easily 300k+ on AH for even non-gened spirals, it just made me love my dragons that much more when I did get my dream dragon/gene/etc etc.
I think that portion of the game died when I can now get exactly what I want in 15 minutes of coli grinding and shuffling through the AH a bit. As most of the colors I like are pretty common and are already gened to boot.

Getting long winded here, but hope you can sorta understand my perspective?
Basically, I love it when rarity is high, as it gives users a long term goal and keeps interest up.
@Malfunction - I do understand where you are coming from. Not everybody is like you though and many would milk this dragon breed for all the extra money they could get, especially if it was ridiculously hard to obtain. You only need to look at the forums to see people wishing that their dragons were worth more. Whenever a new breed is released people try to sell it at as high of a profit margin as they can before the market crashes. In my opinion, many people still try to see FR as a breed for profit game, not a breeding game.

There needs to be a balance between achievability and challenge, and I agree with you that this breed should be difficult to get your perfect colour combination on. However, designing the chances of getting the dragon solely around whether Lady Luck smiles upon you that day is not the best way to go about it!

In my mind, the best way to make breeding your perfect dragon with this new breed an achievement is to give it a low chance of appearing from eggs and give it a high breed rarity. Then if you want to take your chances by making it even more difficult to breed for then you can just only breed yours with the lower rarity tiers. Others who are less patient, or perhaps don't want so much of a challenge, can stick to breeding theirs with the higher rarity dragons. That way everybody wins!
@Malfunction - I do understand where you are coming from. Not everybody is like you though and many would milk this dragon breed for all the extra money they could get, especially if it was ridiculously hard to obtain. You only need to look at the forums to see people wishing that their dragons were worth more. Whenever a new breed is released people try to sell it at as high of a profit margin as they can before the market crashes. In my opinion, many people still try to see FR as a breed for profit game, not a breeding game.

There needs to be a balance between achievability and challenge, and I agree with you that this breed should be difficult to get your perfect colour combination on. However, designing the chances of getting the dragon solely around whether Lady Luck smiles upon you that day is not the best way to go about it!

In my mind, the best way to make breeding your perfect dragon with this new breed an achievement is to give it a low chance of appearing from eggs and give it a high breed rarity. Then if you want to take your chances by making it even more difficult to breed for then you can just only breed yours with the lower rarity tiers. Others who are less patient, or perhaps don't want so much of a challenge, can stick to breeding theirs with the higher rarity dragons. That way everybody wins!
I think it would add an interesting element to the game. Whether they remain rare or not, they will be difficult to breed, and so you would have some people trying to breed for them and others trying to obtain them by finding eggs.

One thing I see as a consequence to their rarity is the possibility that it could drive down the worth of other dragons. If people overbreed in an attempt to obtain more of the new breed, then the market will be flooded with the other breeds.
I think it would add an interesting element to the game. Whether they remain rare or not, they will be difficult to breed, and so you would have some people trying to breed for them and others trying to obtain them by finding eggs.

One thing I see as a consequence to their rarity is the possibility that it could drive down the worth of other dragons. If people overbreed in an attempt to obtain more of the new breed, then the market will be flooded with the other breeds.
I really like this idea. It'd be like imperials again, back before they flooded the market, haha.
I really like this idea. It'd be like imperials again, back before they flooded the market, haha.

Would definately help the economy!

Would definately help the economy!
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