
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | || Bold Lines: Reprints and New!
[center][size=7][b]Bold Lines[/b] Accents[/size][size=5]*[/size] [size=2][i]*and skins, occasionally[/i][/size][/center] [quote]1. [url=]Table of Contents[/url] 2. [url=]In Stock & Reprints[/url] 3. [url=]First Runs[/url] 4. [url=]Policies[/url] 5. [url=]Order Lists, Pinglists, and Previous Orders[/url] 6. [url=]WIPs and Plans[/url] 7. [url=]Customs, Contest Entries, Speedpaints, and Limited Accents[/url][/quote]
Bold Lines Accents*
*and skins, occasionally

I'm on FR time! Pronouns: she/her
Accents | Tumblr | Commissions
Excerpts from a Longneck Journal - beastclans-POV illustrated fic, finished
tumblr_inline_n6kduh3u891qlye38.gif tumblr_inline_n6kdumWg7l1qlye38.gif tumblr_inline_n6kduh3u891qlye38.gif
[center][size=6][b]In Stock[/b][/size] [quote](I try to keep this up-to-date but I'm not on 24/7 so check the AH!) Regular accents are [b]500g [/b]in the AH or [b]550kt[/b] via ping/PM! [skin=12169] [skin=11174] [skin=8522] [skin=8523] [skin=8210] [skin=8281] [skin=8211] [skin=8280] [skin=30916] [skin=30972] [skin=11264] [skin=11265] [skin=7681] [url=]Spire's Gift accents[/url] are limited (no further prints) and are [b]550g[/b] / [b]600kt[/b]. [skin=11684] [skin=11685] [skin=11748] [skin=11749] [skin=11750] [skin=11759] [skin=11788] [skin=11790] [skin=11793] [skin=11794] [skin=11798] [skin=11800] [skin=11845] [skin=11797] [skin=11846] [skin=11874] [skin=11875] [skin=11925] [skin=11926] [skin=11990] [skin=12037] [skin=12038] [skin=12147] [skin=12148] [skin=12149] [skin=12150] [/quote] [size=6][b]Reprints[/b][/size] [quote]All are [b]450g[/b] preorder, [b]500g[/b] in the AH or [b]550kt[/b] via ping/PM! [skin=4728] [skin=4745] [skin=6686] [skin=6838] [skin=7149] [skin=7150] [skin=7248] [skin=7635] [skin=7681] [skin=7619] [skin=7841] [skin=7927] [skin=7956] [skin=7957] [skin=7966] [skin=8210] [skin=8211] [skin=8280] [skin=8281] [skin=8520] [skin=8521] [skin=8522] [skin=8523] [skin=8589] [skin=9014] [skin=9041] [skin=9062] [skin=9100] [skin=9453] [skin=9542] [skin=9543] [skin=9762] [skin=9763] [skin=9788] [skin=9824] [skin=9826] [skin=9828] [skin=9830] [skin=9832] [skin=9834] [skin=10025] [skin=10026] [skin=10069] [skin=10070] [skin=10074] [skin=10132] [skin=11173] [skin=11174] [skin=11264] [skin=11265] [skin=11266] [skin=11267] [skin=11436] [skin=11437] [skin=11603] [skin=11604] [skin=11613] [skin=11614] [skin=12167] [skin=12168] [skin=12169] [skin=30707] [skin=30800] [skin=30916] [skin=30972] [/quote]
In Stock

(I try to keep this up-to-date but I'm not on 24/7 so check the AH!)
Regular accents are 500g in the AH or 550kt via ping/PM!

Spire's Gift accents are limited (no further prints) and are 550g / 600kt.


All are 450g preorder, 500g in the AH or 550kt via ping/PM!

I'm on FR time! Pronouns: she/her
Accents | Tumblr | Commissions
Excerpts from a Longneck Journal - beastclans-POV illustrated fic, finished
tumblr_inline_n6kduh3u891qlye38.gif tumblr_inline_n6kdumWg7l1qlye38.gif tumblr_inline_n6kduh3u891qlye38.gif
[center][b][size=6]First Runs[/size][/b] I do previews--just ping me! [img][/img] Sandswept Overlook for female Guardians, [b]450g[/b] [img][/img] Obscura for female Pearlcatchers, [b]450g[/b] [img][/img] Previews: [url=]x[/url] [url=]x[/url] [url=]x[/url] Golden Mask for female Guardians, [b]450g[/b] [url=][Tumblr post][/url] [img][/img] Previews: [url=]x[/url] [url=]x[/url] [url=]x[/url] Golden Mask for female Spirals, [b]450g[/b] [url=][Tumblr post][/url] [img][/img] Starwood Nightfall for male Imperials, [b]850g[/b] [i](700g for 10 slots)[/i] [color=magenta]*Starfall Celebration 2014 Honorable Mention*[/color] [i]Please note that this is a skin and not an accent, and as such costs a fair bit more![/i] [img][/img] Previews: [url=]x[/url] [url=]x[/url] [url=]x[/url] Filigree for female Pearlcatchers, [b]450g[/b] [/center]
First Runs

I do previews--just ping me!

Sandswept Overlook for female Guardians, 450g

Obscura for female Pearlcatchers, 450g

Previews: x x x
Golden Mask for female Guardians, 450g
[Tumblr post]

Previews: x x x
Golden Mask for female Spirals, 450g
[Tumblr post]

Starwood Nightfall for male Imperials, 850g (700g for 10 slots)
*Starfall Celebration 2014 Honorable Mention*
Please note that this is a skin and not an accent, and as such costs a fair bit more!

Previews: x x x
Filigree for female Pearlcatchers, 450g
I'm on FR time! Pronouns: she/her
Accents | Tumblr | Commissions
Excerpts from a Longneck Journal - beastclans-POV illustrated fic, finished
tumblr_inline_n6kduh3u891qlye38.gif tumblr_inline_n6kdumWg7l1qlye38.gif tumblr_inline_n6kduh3u891qlye38.gif
  • I do previews--just ask!
  • I will only ask for payment when I'm ready to order, but feel free to pay ahead of time.
  • If you like the style of an accent here but it's not for the breed/gender you want, give me a holler and I'll see what I can do!
  • I will do commissions; I'll need the blueprint and an additional charge depending on the complexity. PM me if you're interested.
  • Please do not buy my accents solely to resell them! If, after buying them, you don't want them anymore, I would be happy to buy them back for however much you bought them for. Aside from that, I very rarely do limited accents, so you can usually get them cheapest from me.
  • I do previews--just ask!
  • I will only ask for payment when I'm ready to order, but feel free to pay ahead of time.
  • If you like the style of an accent here but it's not for the breed/gender you want, give me a holler and I'll see what I can do!
  • I will do commissions; I'll need the blueprint and an additional charge depending on the complexity. PM me if you're interested.
  • Please do not buy my accents solely to resell them! If, after buying them, you don't want them anymore, I would be happy to buy them back for however much you bought them for. Aside from that, I very rarely do limited accents, so you can usually get them cheapest from me.
I'm on FR time! Pronouns: she/her
Accents | Tumblr | Commissions
Excerpts from a Longneck Journal - beastclans-POV illustrated fic, finished
tumblr_inline_n6kduh3u891qlye38.gif tumblr_inline_n6kdumWg7l1qlye38.gif tumblr_inline_n6kduh3u891qlye38.gif
Order Lists, Pinglists, and Previous Orders

~The Spreadsheet~

You can:
  • Add/remove yourself from pinglists (general or specific)
  • See previews of all the accents
  • See previous/current runs of accents
Order Lists, Pinglists, and Previous Orders

~The Spreadsheet~

You can:
  • Add/remove yourself from pinglists (general or specific)
  • See previews of all the accents
  • See previous/current runs of accents
I'm on FR time! Pronouns: she/her
Accents | Tumblr | Commissions
Excerpts from a Longneck Journal - beastclans-POV illustrated fic, finished
tumblr_inline_n6kduh3u891qlye38.gif tumblr_inline_n6kdumWg7l1qlye38.gif tumblr_inline_n6kduh3u891qlye38.gif
[center][size=6][b]WIPs[/b][/size][/center] [url=]Ley Lines for F Spiral[/url] [url=]Gold circle swirl thingy for F Coatl[/url] [url=]"Shadetouched" for F PC[/url] [url=]Female SD Ley Lines[/url] [url=][img]Female Ridgeback "Tempestua" (TCC 2015)[/img][/url] [center][size=6][b]Plans[/b][/size][/center] Eventually I plan to do filigree/ley line style accents for all breeds/genders. Your input will help me prioritize, so what are you interested in? [LIST][*]Ley Lines for F Imperial [*]Ley Lines for F Wildclaw [*]Filigree for M Coatl[/LIST] Filigree in copper/opal/darksteel/iron to match the apparel Robotic stuff for F Imperial

Ley Lines for F Spiral
Gold circle swirl thingy for F Coatl
"Shadetouched" for F PC
Female SD Ley Lines
[img]Female Ridgeback "Tempestua" (TCC 2015)[/img]


Eventually I plan to do filigree/ley line style accents for all breeds/genders. Your input will help me prioritize, so what are you interested in?
  • Ley Lines for F Imperial
  • Ley Lines for F Wildclaw
  • Filigree for M Coatl
Filigree in copper/opal/darksteel/iron to match the apparel
Robotic stuff for F Imperial
I'm on FR time! Pronouns: she/her
Accents | Tumblr | Commissions
Excerpts from a Longneck Journal - beastclans-POV illustrated fic, finished
tumblr_inline_n6kduh3u891qlye38.gif tumblr_inline_n6kdumWg7l1qlye38.gif tumblr_inline_n6kduh3u891qlye38.gif
[center][size=6][b]Customs[/b][/size] [skin=6602][/center] Nileclaw skin for female Wildclaws, currently on [url=]Sere's dragon[/url]. A custom skin prize from NeraAljon's Arcanist Art Raffle; will not be reprinted. [center][skin=10021][/center] Glitter Sparkle Trash accent for female Guardians, currently on [url=]Audacia[/url]. A custom for Sakurablossom. [center][skin=10578][/center] Seared Wings accent for male Imperials, currently on [url=]Yusei[/url]. A custom for Rosie115. [center][skin=11156][/center] Searchlight Sigil accent for female Wildclaws, example on [url=]Annibelle[/url]. A custom 20-run for Snaptrap. [center][skin=11904][/center] Ornate Midnight for male Imperials, currently on [url=]Seil[/url]. A custom for Kadian. [center][skin=12012][/center] Spire's Curse for male Ridgebacks, currently on [url=]Martu[/url]. A custom for Nequam. [center][skin=12069][/center] Staticbound Spellcaster accent for female Mirrors, example on [url=]Lyrium[/url]. A custom 10-run for Snaptrap. [center][size=6][b]Contest Entries[/b][/size][/center] Thundercrack Carnivale 2014: Electrostatic Shock (will not be released) Flameforger's Festival 2014: Heatblock Runeguards Starfall Celebration 2014: Rune Traces and Starwood Nightfall (honorable mention!) Rockbreaker's Ceremony 2014: Embittered Shore and Geode Wing Trickmurk Circus 2015: Obscura Wavecrest Saturnalia 2015: Abyssal Tide and Beach Babe Thundercrack Carnivale 2015: Tempestua [center][size=6][b]Speedpaints[/b][/size][/center] [LIST] [*][url=]Ornate Dawn/Dusk[/url] [/LIST] [center][size=6][b]Limited Accents[/b][/size][/center] [quote]Spire's Gift, printed July 2015 only. [b]500g [/b]preorder, [b]550g [/b]in the AH / [b]600kt [/b]via ping or PM. Once they're gone, they're gone! [center][skin=11684] [skin=11685] [skin=11748] [skin=11749] [skin=11750] [skin=11759] [skin=11788] [skin=11790] [skin=11793] [skin=11794] [skin=11797] [skin=11798] [skin=11800] [skin=11845] [skin=11846] [skin=11874] [skin=11875] [skin=11925] [skin=11926] [skin=11990] [skin=12037] [skin=12038] [skin=12147] [skin=12148] [skin=12149] [skin=12150][/center] [/quote]
Nileclaw skin for female Wildclaws, currently on Sere's dragon. A custom skin prize from NeraAljon's Arcanist Art Raffle; will not be reprinted.

Glitter Sparkle Trash accent for female Guardians, currently on Audacia. A custom for Sakurablossom.

Seared Wings accent for male Imperials, currently on Yusei. A custom for Rosie115.

Searchlight Sigil accent for female Wildclaws, example on Annibelle. A custom 20-run for Snaptrap.

Ornate Midnight for male Imperials, currently on Seil. A custom for Kadian.

Spire's Curse for male Ridgebacks, currently on Martu. A custom for Nequam.

Staticbound Spellcaster accent for female Mirrors, example on Lyrium. A custom 10-run for Snaptrap.

Contest Entries

Thundercrack Carnivale 2014: Electrostatic Shock (will not be released)
Flameforger's Festival 2014: Heatblock Runeguards
Starfall Celebration 2014: Rune Traces and Starwood Nightfall (honorable mention!)
Rockbreaker's Ceremony 2014: Embittered Shore and Geode Wing
Trickmurk Circus 2015: Obscura
Wavecrest Saturnalia 2015: Abyssal Tide and Beach Babe
Thundercrack Carnivale 2015: Tempestua


Limited Accents
Spire's Gift, printed July 2015 only. 500g preorder, 550g in the AH / 600kt via ping or PM. Once they're gone, they're gone!
I'm on FR time! Pronouns: she/her
Accents | Tumblr | Commissions
Excerpts from a Longneck Journal - beastclans-POV illustrated fic, finished
tumblr_inline_n6kduh3u891qlye38.gif tumblr_inline_n6kdumWg7l1qlye38.gif tumblr_inline_n6kduh3u891qlye38.gif
@Mags I have the gems right here, is the accent ready to go?

EDIT: Oh, sorry, didn't see that. Well I'll pop over the gems ahead of time, anyway.
@Mags I have the gems right here, is the accent ready to go?

EDIT: Oh, sorry, didn't see that. Well I'll pop over the gems ahead of time, anyway.

Payment accepted and recorded. We are good to go!

Payment accepted and recorded. We are good to go!
I'm on FR time! Pronouns: she/her
Accents | Tumblr | Commissions
Excerpts from a Longneck Journal - beastclans-POV illustrated fic, finished
tumblr_inline_n6kduh3u891qlye38.gif tumblr_inline_n6kdumWg7l1qlye38.gif tumblr_inline_n6kduh3u891qlye38.gif
These are all beautiful! I love the gold filgree ones, but unfortunately I only have a little over 200 gems right now, and no way to buy more. :( good luck though!
These are all beautiful! I love the gold filgree ones, but unfortunately I only have a little over 200 gems right now, and no way to buy more. :( good luck though!
~celestial bodies don't care if you screw up~